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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Seems Miyoko coined a new measuring unit for this forum roleplay setting; the Sanjuro-meter.

Star and I are gonna try to wrap up or scene soonish, depending on when I can coax my connection to work again.
As I've been posting all over the site, I won't be here for this weekend. Up until about Monday night at the earliest. I don't mind Sumaru being auto'd if the ship is leaving, but just to the extend of getting him on board, I just suggest keeping him silently in Sora's shadow.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
Wes said:
Nyton and the others could hear an explosion in the distance, somewhere out in the night.

It's not night yet there, Wes. We haven't moved that quick. Can I repost this later, or maybe you want to change the time?

What's it referring to, anyway?

EDIT: Oh, Cabbagepatch Kids. Nyton, I think I might have killed a post of yours by accident when I was removing a post of Wes'. Which seems impossible, but now I'm just not sure. Blergh. Sorry.
It's a rainy night in Kyoto...

We know both ships were there on the same day and that Eucharis landed after dinner. There was no indication it was daytime for the Miharu, though. Sorry for the confusion. I guess this means Miharu is earlier in the timeline than Eucharis.

What's it referring to, anyway?
A vehicular explosive was accidentally set off by a Eucharis crew member during an investigation.
It's OK. I think this is a good example of how to handle this in the future — that post you slipped into the interview thread I barely gave a second thought, and I'm not keeping up with Eucharis to know what times things are. We hadn't talked about it either.

Now we know better — any cross-posting should be discussed first, so we know what's going on and, if the players want, whether or not we want to be involved.
While I'm not really peeved by this, I more or less agree with Doshii's point... but more from a metagaming point of view.

1. Yes, Miharu is earlier. It simplifies things a lot in this instance.
2. Second, people usually don't ignore explosions and I don't want to embroil Kotori and Nyton in something while the rest of my crew stews in orbit - this end sup involving too few players.
3. that aside, I had already thought of several ways to spice the trips down Yamatai with action and violence and turned them down because I preferred having them be uneventful.
4. Let's be blunt: all this thing going on Yamatai, dressing up and visiting Kosuka is an indulgence I'm permitting myself and it's delaying the plot in regard to mission progression. Seeing this, I really don't want to get sidetracked.
5. I do pay some attention to what the Eucharis does, so I wasn't really blindsided by this. I can nod around to Doshii's suggestion about people crossing the streams (bad!) but on the other hand, I feel damage control is more effective. Besides... this is Wes' site and he's the big boss. I'd rather tell him "something doesn't fit" instead of putting roadblocks in him trying to involve people in the happenings of the setting.

...and yeah. Blas' post blew up. I'm sorry for the bother Blas - can you try to post that again? I sort of remember the gist of it when I skimmed over it this morning... but when I came back from work and sat down to make an answer... I noticed it was gone and I frankly don't remember enough of it to just recreate a Nyton/Kotori composite post.
Now I wonder what Asher means by 'two-toned'... I wish I had a supercomputer for a brain so I'd understand his slang! XD
So everyone has a heads-up here's my work schedule for the week:
Friday 11AM-8PM (Due to commute time its 10AM-9PM really)
Saturday/Sunday 12AM-9PM (Commute time makes it 11AM-8PM)
Monday/Tuesday 2PM-11PM (1PM-12PM)
Wed to Fri off.
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