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Quotes Quarantine

<Christopher> Why does Hanako need a new chrome egg?
<Christopher> aren't they rust proof?
<Soresu> She lost the last one I believe.
<Kai> pushed it in too far?
Soresu> Wow, this thing is supposed to taste like mango, but tastes like chocolate...
<Wes> That's what SHE said.
<MoonMan> OH
<MoonMan> SNAP
I imagine that being pumped full of drugs like that would be quite comfortable.

But I thought he was referring to the IRC convo I was quoting.
I'm still a guy! (And for those of you who were thinking that might change soon you're incorrect. I am and always shall be, male.)

In CONTEXT we were talking about my character Yoroko who was getting her head bashed off by a nekomachina. She likes her head right where it is thankyouverymuch
DocTomoe: We have a problem though, we're wanted targets which have a shoot-first policy.
OsakanOne: Not if we don't look like what we're supposed to be.
DocTomoe: The issue is, Maras is unique.
DocTomoe: Unique materials, power signature, and drive.
OsakanOne: Not if we can fake that.
DocTomoe: Dude, we have the fucking Batmobile of starships.
DocTomoe: No one is going to mistake the Maras for the Mach 5
OsakanOne: I take it you mean a Sakura?
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