• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

[11] * Kyoki shifty eyes... then gives Nova a light peck on the cheek before hiding under a pillow >////< She made me do it!!
[11] * Doshii claps loudly, whistling.
[11] * PlaidMage takes pictures.
[11] <DragonNova> The negotiations were worth it.
First in #StarArmy

<Cy83r-9> join #Robotech
<Yoroko> #robotech
<Yoroko> err
<Yoroko> i need to /join
<Yoroko> lol
<a_bear> Hahaha
<Fian> ./join #Macross
* a_bear shakes roko. Why did you make me get out those books last night? :(
<Fian> You know where I stand on this matter.
<a_bear> Go ahead, join #Macross see how many people are in there.

And then in #Macross
* Fian has joined #Macross
* Exhack has joined #Macross
<Fian> wtf
* a_bear changes topic to 'ROBOTECH RULES!'
<Cy83r-9> HAH
<a_bear> Bwa ha ha!
* Fian has left #Macross
forgot to post this earlier, so I'm quoting rev quoting me quoting Wes.

[13] <a_bear> <Kai> [22] <Wes> My feelings are that Vesper and Uso have basically already proven this setting wouldn't work in reality. But hey, STL-only universes are boring. So let's not sweat the details of tech and concentrate on A) what you can do with the tech (rather than how), and B) what it looks like.
[13] <a_bear> <Kai> Yesssssssss
[22] <Wes> Night all
[22] <Wes> Wes loves you
[22] <Wes> <3
[22] <Wes> Vote for us once a day: http://xrl.us/bkmzz Follow us: http://twitter.com/StarArmy Fan us: http://facebook.com/StarArmy Donate: http://tinyurl.com/sarpdonation - Want to get Star Army news sent directly to your cellphone? Text "follow stararmy" to 40404 to start receiving updates!
[22] <Revolver> Night Wes
[22] <Revolver> Revolver loves you
[22] <Revolver> (in the butt)
[22] <Wes> nuuu
[22] <Kai> I thought we had something special, Rev?
[22] |<-- Wes has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715094852])
[22] <Revolver> Hahahahahahhahaha
[22] <Soresu> QQ IT, QQ IT NOW.
[22] -->| Tyler ([email protected]) has joined #stararmy
[22] * Revolver refuses to QQ any hilarity that he himself took part in.
A late night/early morning in IRC...A dramatic courtroom scene! said:
[00] <Cy83rInfinity> I'LL SUE!
[00] <MissingNo> On what?
[00] * Cy83rInfinity points dramatically
[00] <MissingNo> OBJECTION!
[00] <Cy83rInfinity> OVERRULED
[00] * MissingNo laser-points dramatically.
[00] * Demonblooded fires at designated points.
[00] =-= Cy83rInfinity is now known as Cy83r-Judge
[00] =-= YOU are now known as MissingJury
[00] <MissingJury> Dang it.
[00] <Demonblooded> Heh.
The FULL Version of Events said:
03[02] * MissingNo ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[02] <MoonMan> Hay Missing.
[02] <MissingNo> Wow, it's full in here tonight.
[02] <MissingNo> Hay Moon.
[02] <Vesper> And their is actual chatting occuring.
[02] <MissingNo> Or "Hey, Moon"...if you happen to be speaking of missing grain stalks...
[02] <MissingNo> Vesper: Wow. That IS impressive.
[02] <MissingNo> I wonder how long it's been since I was last in here.
[02] <MissingNo> Almost everyone I know is here, too...I only notice AoK isn't here.
[02] <Fred> You don't know me.
06[02] * Fred demonstrates.
02[02] * Fred ([email protected]) Quit
[02] <MissingNo> o_e
[02] <MoonMan> He was here earlier.
[02] <MissingNo> I rarely use definitive statements. Thus the word "ALMOST". And it's late so whatever Fred hoped to do just confused me.
[02] <MissingNo> Ah.
[02] <MissingNo> AoK?
[02] <Kyoki> hi Missing!
[02] <MissingNo> Well, I guess that kinda qualifies...Hi Kyoki!
[02] <Kyoki> G'night people. Nearly conking!
02[02] * Kyoki ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: CONK)
[02] <MissingNo> G'night, Kyoki!
[02] <MissingNo> I had to backspace to correct one letter...and that is the only reason why I missed saying goodbye on time.
[02] <MissingNo> e_e
02[02] * CadetNewb ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715094852])
06[02] * MissingNo sits back and watches the conversation and write two posts.
[02] <Alia_Jyotsna> http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5248524/ Damnit I loled.
[02] <MoonMan> I gave you a post, Missing. :P
[02] <MissingNo> The reactions are laugh-worthy : )
[02] <MissingNo> Thank you, Moon ^_^ That is one of the posts I'm writing right now. And I seem to have written myself into a minor corner...a 275-degree angle, I suppose.
[02] <MissingNo> Not impossible to get out of, but when you ram into it head-first it's difficult to avoid.
[02] <MoonMan> Tweak's such a heartbreaker.
[02] <MoonMan> SHE'S A COLD WOMAN.
[02] <MissingNo> Not intentionally... : (
[02] <MissingNo> And she's paranoid by default, which she keeps reverting to every day, so you see her problem? ^_^;
[02] <MoonMan> A COLD WOMAN.
[02] <MoonMan> Although, that's a part of why I enjoy the character. So non-boring.
[02] <MoonMan> I MUST SAY, THOUGH
[02] <MoonMan> I'm surprised at the sheer amount of Pity-Party attention Keziah was getting.
[02] <MoonMan> Like, almost laughable amounts.
[02] <MissingNo> I call metagaming on both Claire and Kez, lol.
[02] <MissingNo> Well, the REACTIONS to C&K.
[02] <Alia_Jyotsna> :\
[02] <Alia_Jyotsna> I never really understood how those three became such easy access lesbians though.
[02] <Revolver> "Easy access lesbians?"
[02] <MoonMan> Probably because they knew it would bother the HECK OUTTA ME.
[02] <MissingNo> No one knows...specifically...
[02] <Revolver> Step 1: Spread legs.
[02] <MissingNo> What do you mean by that, anyway?
[02] <MoonMan> I like to think it was my own doing.
[02] <MissingNo> The Easy Access part.
[02] <MoonMan> I joked about it, and then BOOM.
[02] <MissingNo> Btw, has the Cirrus always been Mature-rated? 'Cause if not, it should be now.
[02] <Revolver> :o
[02] <MissingNo> Unless there is yet more detail needed before it gets that bad.
[02] <MoonMan> They...they haven't done...anything yet....
06[02] * MoonMan weeps.
[02] <MissingNo> e-e
06[02] * MissingNo pats Moon's back in a consoling manner. Or pats it with a console in a manner. Or is trying to burp him.
[02] <MissingNo> There there. They have talked the talk but they haven't done anything specific.
[02] <MoonMan> Yeah yeah...
[02] <MissingNo> Unless you call Claire's pants loosing their hold on her hips "anything specific".
[02] <MoonMan> Nova has said she isn't going to play the OOPS 18+ game.
[02] <Revolver> OOPS 18+?
[02] <MissingNo> "Oops, now we have to rate this 18+"
[02] <MoonMan> Boobs and boinking.
[02] <MissingNo> That game.
[02] <MoonMan> Not that I don't want it, it can be good character development, but it would have to be hidden.
[02] <MissingNo> Um. Yeah, fade-to-black.
[02] <Revolver> Ah, I gotcha.
[02] <MoonMan> Or else my PLOT will get hidden. And that's no good at all!
[02] <Revolver> Or do it in tiny text, or link to the hottub continuation.
[02] <MoonMan> Good SARPcast, by the way, Rev.
[02] <MoonMan> Would have been a taaaaaad better with Ex wasn't VOMITTING WORDS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
[02] <Vesper> I find that rather humurous, considering the level of lewdness she employs in here.
[02] <Revolver> There's plenty of ways to have 18+ stuff in-- Thanks, Moonie. I think it was a little weaker than the first one, but that's how we learn.
[02] <MissingNo> Character development happens before and after boinking, NOT DURING. Unless we're talking about a "developing character"...i.e. a character newly developing, specifically HE GETS HER PREGNENT.
[02] <Revolver> Hahaha.
[02] <MoonMan> YEAH
[02] <Revolver> :P
[02] <MissingNo> What?
01[02] <Cy83r> PANTIES NAO!!!
[02] <MissingNo> *needs to catch up on the SARPcasts.*
[02] <MoonMan> There's only two, you need to listen to them.
06[02] * Cy83r raeges
01[02] <Cy83r> dood, set aside one hour
01[02] <Cy83r> listen to both
[02] <MoonMan> Who's your next guest, Rev?
[02] <Revolver> So, I talked to AoK today over skype. He has a voice that'll be good for the SARPcast.
01[02] <Cy83r> ME!
[02] <Revolver> Check the wiki page, Moonie.
[02] <MissingNo> I got through most of the first before my phone nearly quit on me.
[02] <MoonMan> Orly?
01[02] <Cy83r> wait, damnit, I don't have voice chat
[02] <Revolver> Yah.
[02] <Revolver> As long as you have a mic, download skype, it's free to use for skype to skype calls.
06[02] * Cy83r needs voice chat
01[02] <Cy83r> but I'll probably make an idiot of myself
[02] <MoonMan> Oh lawdy, Raz?
01[02] <Cy83r> I have a tiny mic imbeded in my comp screen
[02] <Revolver> Raz was actually supposed to be this week, but he forgot about ComicCon
[02] <MissingNo> Oh, and my earphones are worthless for listening to podcasts in public, even with them burrowed half in my ear canal and the volume turned all the way up. Funny that it has no problem playing MUSIC at normal volumes. I only have that problem with podcasts, the only thing I actually want to listen to while walking or biking around.

And Thus it Starts said:
01[02] <Cy83r> Moonie, me an Fian are hashing out the particulars of the RFOP weapons
[02] <MissingNo> RFOP?
[02] <MoonMan> his missilegun.
[02] <MissingNo> Read For Other Purposes?
01[02] <Cy83r> Rapid Fire Ordinance Projector
01[02] <Cy83r> the 6R Gattling is now firing UMD rounds
[02] <MissingNo> *snirks*
[02] <MissingNo> Firing PSP data mediums?
06[02] * MoonMan snerks at FOP.
01[02] <Cy83r> on the plus side it's payload went up to 500
[02] <MoonMan> Such a funny word. FOP.
01[02] <Cy83r> FAP
[02] <MissingNo> Dang it, Moon, you've activated my dictionary routine.
[02] <MoonMan> FOP.
01[02] <Cy83r> RFAP: Rapid Fire Aether Projector

And I lose the spotlight said:
06[02] * MoonMan screams FOP in Missing's ear.
[02] <MissingNo> Main Entry:
[02] <MissingNo> 1fop Listen to the pronunciation of 1fop
[02] <MissingNo> Pronunciation:
[02] <MissingNo> \ˈfäp\
[02] <MissingNo> Function:
[02] <MissingNo> noun
[02] <MissingNo> Etymology:
[02] <MissingNo> Middle English; akin to Middle English fobben to deceive, Middle High German voppen
[02] <MissingNo> Date:
[02] <MissingNo> 15th century
[02] <MissingNo> 1obsolete : a foolish or silly person2: a man who is devoted to or vain about his appearance or dress : coxcomb, dandy
02[02] * Sean_ODuibher ([email protected]. ... d.net.hmsk) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.12/2009070611])
06[02] * MissingNo blinks, looking at the pronunciation guide.
[02] <MissingNo> Wow.
[23] <MissingNo> Pronunciation:
[23] <MissingNo> \ˈfäp\
[02] <Revolver> You guys have never heard of a fop before?
[02] <MoonMan> Fop = dandy?
[02] <MoonMan> How awesome.
[02] <Revolver> Or someone calling somone foppish?
[02] <MissingNo> Yep.
[02] <MoonMan> I've heard it before, obviously.
[02] <Revolver> Zalright.
[02] <MissingNo> I think it'd be considered metrosexual now, wouldn't it?
[02] <MoonMan> I just haven't heard it in a while. And I love the way it sounds.
[02] <MissingNo> At least, the second definition.
[02] <MoonMan> Oh, I dunno. Metrosexual is such a loaded term where I am.
[02] <MissingNo> It is?
[02] <MissingNo> Loaded with what?
01[02] <Cy83r> EXPLOSIVES
[02] <MissingNo> Rephrase: What does it mean where you are.
06[02] * MissingNo switches the period with a question mark before anyone can notice.
[02] <MoonMan> Well, I've mostly heard it used to describe this one guy we work with.
01[02] <Cy83r> probably like ****** over here
[02] <MoonMan> He's into fashion, looks like he would be homosexual...but apparently isn't.
[02] <MoonMan> It's like...poser-gay.
01[02] <Cy83r> hah
[02] <MissingNo> I have heard it explained as the...yeah, what Moon said. The space between straight guys and homosexual guys.
01[02] <Cy83r> that's exactly what it means
[02] <MoonMan> Trouble is, I live in Texas.
[02] <Fian> Huh
[02] <Fian> What the fuck
[02] <Fian> Metrosexual isnt a sexual orientation
[02] <MissingNo> It's the missing link!
[02] <MissingNo> >_>
[02] <MissingNo> It's a style, yeah.
[02] <MoonMan> So the homosexual definition moves between "in love with other guys" to "drinking out of the same cup as another guy".
[02] <MoonMan> We're pretty gayphobic down here.
[02] <Revolver> I'm pretty gay.
[02] <MissingNo> ...
[02] <MoonMan> you are pretty gay.
[02] <MissingNo> Moon, I thought...
[02] <Revolver> I am.
[02] <MissingNo> I thought you lived on the moon?
[02] <MoonMan> Texas is Moon spelled backwards.
[02] <MoonMan> Silly goose,.
01[02] <Cy83r> Noom?
06[02] * MissingNo 's world shatters, leaving the moon as the third rock from the sun.
[02] <Revolver> Saxet.
[02] <Revolver> Great, there goes venus.
[02] <MoonMan> The very fact you two spelled them out worries me greatly.
[02] <MissingNo> Wha?
[02] <Revolver> Your world.
[02] <Revolver> Men are from Mars--
[02] <MissingNo> ...
[02] <MissingNo> ?
[02] <MoonMan> ...
[02] <Revolver> >:3c
06[02] * MoonMan GUFFAWS.
06[02] * MissingNo blinks.
[02] <MoonMan> I AM IN LAUGHTER.
[02] <MissingNo> You've never read my wiki article, have you?
[02] <MoonMan> Missing's a bro, bro!
[02] <MissingNo> It's the one place you can find a clue as to my gender.
[02] <MissingNo> Well, my sex, at least.
[02] <Revolver> Nicole.
[02] <MissingNo> Usually spelled "Nikki" when used as a nickname, Rev.
[02] <MissingNo> Or Nicky.
[02] <MissingNo> I've yet to see a girl nicknamed "Nick".
[02] <MissingNo> Wow.
[02] <Revolver> I'm just saying, there's a lack of gender pronouns on your user page.
[02] <MissingNo> Do I act that much like a girl?
[02] <Revolver> Nicole.
[02] <MissingNo> I avoid pronouns on purpose.
[02] <MissingNo> I like confusing people ^_^
[02] <Revolver> Do you like amateur ones better?

Where we last left off... said:
01[02] <Cy83r> I assume everyone I meet is male until proven otherwise, boobs come in handy IRL
[02] <MissingNo> And seeing what they think and how they act before finding out what I am.
[02] <MissingNo> Cyber, that's my motto.
01[02] <Cy83r> but you can never tell on the interneps
[02] <MoonMan> I assume everyone is a girl.
[02] <Revolver> I assume everyone who uses no gender specific pronouns to be a girl.
[02] <MissingNo> Well, "Male until proven Female", at least.
[02] <MoonMan> Makes things *MUCH* funner.
[02] <MissingNo> Seeing as there are no girls on the internet. Unless they are G.I.R.L.s.
[02] <Revolver> Guy in Real Life?
01[02] <Cy83r> makes cybering much more awkwards
[02] <MissingNo> Yeah.
[02] <Revolver> :3
[02] <MissingNo> Heh.
[02] <MissingNo>
[23] <Revolver> I assume everyone who uses no gender specific pronouns to be a girl.
[02] <MissingNo> Why?
[02] <Revolver> I'd like to think a G.I.R.L. is a Government Issue Rocket Launcher.
[02] <Revolver> See, there are GIRLs on Nepleslia!
[02] <MissingNo> Um...that's got some seriously mixed-up symbolism, Rev.
01[02] <Cy83r> HAH
[02] <MissingNo> A...rocket launcher...called a G.I.R.L?
01[02] <Cy83r> I am ROFLing over here
[02] <MissingNo> This is going to be QQ'd, isn't it?
[02] <Revolver> Maybe "BAD GIRL" written on the side of it.
[03] <Revolver> Ballistic Armor Destroyer
[03] <MoonMan> I LIKE IT.
[03] <MissingNo> "Not a G.I.R.L.!" written on the side of it. See if that fools anyone.
[03] <MoonMan> QUOTE, BUY, PRINT.
[03] <MissingNo> "Oh, that's not a Government Issued Rocket Launcher? Okay, you can pass!"
[03] <Revolver> Ha!
[03] <Revolver> This is a GIRL-- made for a man!
[03] <MissingNo> *watches the person go by, then whispers to another officer* "I must say, that's a startlingly real replica, though!"
[03] <MissingNo> The only GIRL a guy can actually get to do what he wants for once?
[03] <Revolver> The only girl that only fires once before needing to reload. :V
[03] <MissingNo> Well, provided he wants to blow THAT tank up and not THOSE friendlies over there.
[03] <DragonNova> GIRL: Can destroy both friend and foe when the safety is off.
[03] <MissingNo> This GIRL can kill a guy. Well, no change there.
[03] <Revolver> And now DN joins in the discussion.
[03] <MissingNo> OH NO.
[03] <Fian> Did someone say Nikki?
[03] <Revolver> GIRL: Even the gay soldiers love them.

Continuing on... said:
[03] <MissingNo> I'm not saying the joke that just wormed into my brain. And I blame you guys for making me think of it at all.
[03] <Revolver> Post it.
[03] <MissingNo> No.
01[03] <Cy83r> POST IT!
[03] <MissingNo> No.
01[03] <Cy83r> YES!
[03] <MissingNo> No.
01[03] <Cy83r> DO IT!
[03] <Revolver> YES!
[03] <Revolver> DO EEEET!
[03] <Revolver> GET TO THE CHOPPA!
[03] <Revolver> TAKE MY HAND!
01[03] <Cy83r> YUSSSSSSS~
[03] <Revolver> IT'S NOT A TUMOR!
01[03] <Cy83r> SAY IT BOY!
[03] <MissingNo> set[response ("No.")]=recursive.
[03] <Revolver> Syntax error.
[03] <MissingNo> I'm not a programmer, can you tell?
[03] <Revolver> Yes.
[03] <MissingNo> I make my own language up on the spot.
01[03] <Cy83r> set[response("Yes!")]=recursive
[03] <Revolver> loop:
[03] <MoonMan> Hey, Missing?
[03] <Revolver> print "YES!"
[03] <Revolver> goto loop
[03] <MissingNo> I really shouldn't have mentioned that I had a joke. But I had to blame you guys for it...
[03] <Revolver> Blame Canada!
[03] <MissingNo> Moon: Mm?
[03] <MoonMan> SAY IT.
[03] <MissingNo> IT.
[03] <MoonMan> SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT.
[03] <MoonMan> :<
[03] <MissingNo> If I say that fast enough I end up saying "tit"...
[03] <MoonMan> :< NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE
[03] <MissingNo> Was that your joke?
[03] <MissingNo> : p
[03] <MoonMan> You guys are silly.
[03] <MissingNo> Kampfer would be dead by now e_e
[03] <MissingNo> FINE.
[03] <MissingNo> BUT.
[03] <Revolver> Hrm!
01[03] <Cy83r> TELL US!
02[03] * Doshii ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060214])
[03] <MissingNo> I will have you know that it _is_ your fault. If it weren't for the information and talk that goes on here I wouldn't be thinking this way.
[03] <MissingNo> : p
[Joke removed by author's request]

I can't believe I went and tried to blackmail for fun said:
[03] <MissingNo> There. Happy?
01[03] <Cy83r> HAH!
01[03] <Cy83r> is someone QQing this?
[03] <MissingNo> NO.
[03] <MissingNo> You do, you die.
[03] <MissingNo> Your computer dies.
[03] <MissingNo> I sic Wes on anyone who does that.
[03] <Revolver> YES!
[03] <MissingNo> e_e
[03] <Revolver> THAT IS THE BEST JOKE
06[03] * MissingNo growls.
06[03] * Cy83r is QQing
[03] <Revolver> I AM LAUGHING SO HARD
[03] <Revolver> I THINK PEE CAME OUT
[03] <MissingNo> Gao. I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.
06[03] * Cy83r is laughing hard now
01[03] <Cy83r> GREAT IDEA!
01[03] <Cy83r> it wasn't THAT funny
[03] <MissingNo> Yeah. Really.
01[03] <Cy83r> the pee thing was funnier
[03] <MoonMan> WHO'S MAKING THE QQ.
[03] <Revolver> YOUR MOM IS
01[03] <Cy83r> I shall, once I remember how
[03] <Revolver> MEGAMAN
[03] <MissingNo> I am not being known as the player who made that joke.
[03] <MoonMan> OH
[03] <MoonMan> SNAP
[03] <MoonMan> SON
[03] <Revolver> OH
[03] <Revolver> SNAP
[03] <Revolver> IS
[03] <MissingNo> You guys shall keep it between yourselves as our own little joke.
[03] <Revolver> RIGHT
01[03] <Cy83r> NO
[03] <Revolver> Okay, girlfriend.
[03] <MissingNo> Blackmail me if you have to.
01[03] <Cy83r> I WILL NOT
[03] <Revolver> Nikki.
[03] <Revolver> Hey Nikki you so fine
[03] <MissingNo> I'm stuck with that nickname now, aren't I?
[03] <Revolver> You so fine you blow my
[03] <MissingNo> e_e
[03] <Revolver> dick
01[03] <Cy83r> No, Nick, yer not
[03] <Revolver> nick
06[03] * MissingNo facefaults.
06[03] * Cy83r shall call MN Nick for ever forth
[03] <MissingNo> The name is No. MissingNo.
[03] <Revolver> Raz is Nick, though.
01[03] <Cy83r> roger, Nick
[03] <MissingNo> But you can. And will. Call me Missing.
[03] <Fian> I have a thing for girls named Nikki or any variants thereof
[03] <Revolver> So M% is Nikki, or Nicole, or Nixon.
[03] <MissingNo> At least you're not calling me Nicholae.
01[03] <Cy83r> Nikki sounds so tomboy, I lurv it
[03] <MissingNo> Nicolae^
[03] <Revolver> Nicolai
[03] <Revolver> Nico
01[03] <Cy83r> Nicolai?
[03] <Revolver> Nickless
[03] <MissingNo> Nikki is the girliest of the variants!
01[03] <Cy83r> I lurv it better than Nick
[03] <Fian> I have a friend called Nyki
[03] <Revolver> Nickle
[03] <Revolver> Niki
[03] <Revolver> Nicci
[03] <Revolver> Niccironi
[03] <Revolver> Nicene
[03] <Revolver> Neko
[03] <MissingNo> I've ruined my whole reputation tonight.
[03] <MoonMan> Oh wait.
[03] <MissingNo> Lost everything.
[03] <Revolver> Nicoconico

Wait two different people said:
[03] <MoonMan> I remember Nyki! Isn't she the one who drew Fian as a girl?
[03] <Fian> Yes....
01[03] <Cy83r> AROOO TGs
[03] <MoonMan> A girl wearing a dress with some SERIOUS LEG CUT.
06[03] * MissingNo goes to edit wiki page.
06[03] * Cy83r could kiss Nicolai if she were here
01[03] <Cy83r> best art EVAR
01[03] <Cy83r> FIAN!!!!
[03] <Fian> WHAT
01[03] <Cy83r> EXHACK APPROVED of the stuff
[03] <Revolver> Niki's Wiki?
[03] <Revolver> HE'S THE KING OF CANADA
[03] <Fian> YES THANK YOU
01[03] <Cy83r> ...RAWR
[03] <Revolver> RAR
[03] <Revolver> ZIP
01[03] <Cy83r> .rar?
[03] <Revolver> TAR
06[03] * Cy83r rofls
[03] <MissingNo> The Tar Tar Pits?
06[03] * Cy83r stops
[03] <Revolver> LZV
[03] <Revolver> PAK
[03] <Revolver> 7Z
01[03] <Cy83r> okay, BANG, it's dead
03[03] * Fian is now known as Fian[Away]
[03] <Revolver> BANG BANG I'm the six shooter of love~

And that's the story of the joke you will never hear because I got my balls busted for making a blackmail joke about Wes and things he would ban me for if he ever heard them.

You win this round, N. *Raito flees*
D-D-D-DOUBLE POST, because I'm cool.

I'm never going out to get root beer again said:
[13] * ReallyIsCipher goes to get some rootbeer
[13] * ReallyIsCipher gets back
[13] <MoonMan> Hey Cipher.
[13] <MoonMan> Abeck is hitting on Noboru.
[13] <ReallyIsCipher> If Abeck hits on Noboru for real I'll strangle him with my goggle straps.
[19] * Christopher Has a radical Idea.
[19] <Christopher> How about we all save up some money, and buy then import a K-ON school uniform for Kyoki?
[19] <Vesper> lol
[19] <Exhack> But Kyoki could only go as Azusa.
[19] <Kai> We should send her a Mail-order Husband, as well.
[19] <Exhack> ... how about you just buy me a ticket to Oregon?
[19] <Exhack> ... lololol, I didn't say that.
[19] <Exhack> Get off my computer 12 year old younger brother!

Suuure, Exhack.
kai said:
[19] * Christopher Has a radical Idea.
[19] <Christopher> How about we all save up some money, and buy then import a K-ON school uniform for Kyoki?
[19] <Vesper> lol
[19] <Exhack> But Kyoki could only go as Azusa.
[19] <Kai> We should send her a Mail-order Husband, as well.
[19] <Exhack> ... how about you just buy me a ticket to Oregon?
[19] <Exhack> ... lololol, I didn't say that.
[19] <Exhack> Get off my computer 12 year old younger brother!

Suuure, Exhack.


Not creepy at all, bros.
[18] * DragonNova doesn't post pictures (of herself) because she doesn't effing care.
[18] <Cy83r-7> DN, you never care
[18] <Cy83r-7> just like my mother
[18] <DragonNova> Banish that image, thank you.
[16] <Doshii> Let's call it the "Norris."
[16] <Kai> there's already a starship called the Norris
[16] <Wes> After the legendary ancient Nepleslian deity?
[16] <Kai> yes.
[16] <Wes> Ok.
[16] <Wes> ( Does this mean its successor will be named "The Most Interesting Man In The World?"
[16] <Wes> "I don't always fuel my tank with beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis."
[16] <Doshii> HAHAHAHA
[16] <Doshii> Good one, Wes.
[16] <Doshii> I still haven't tried Dos Equis.
[16] <Kai> He Can Speak Yamataian. In Abwerhan.
[16] <Doshii> HAHAHAHAHA.
<MoonMan> Hey Luca.
<Luca> Evenin'
<Luca> Moonmanly
<Luca> Did you look at the Norris Tank?
<MoonMan> I skimmed it.
<Luca> It's quite a good hefty of Manly there, agree?
<MoonMan> I have mixed feelings. We don't really use tanks in Nepleslia. But at the same time, it's a gift and has big wheelsaws.
<Luca> I suppose it'd work for awe effects on Ground battles, or for really unruly riots
<Kai> besides, how else is the NNN going to be able to report "Crazed man Hijacks tank, terrorizes funky city" ?
<Luca> "Crazed man converts Bulldozer into Death Tank"
<Kai> "Sane man converts Tank into helpful bulldozer!"
<Luca> "Local Hero-Guy stops Death Tank with Rusty Spoon"
<Kai> "local hero dies from freak case of Tetanus!"
<Luca> "Local Gang terrorises with rusty spoons."
<Kai> "Spoons outlawed by nepleslian government. Considered 'too deadly for daily use'"
<Luca> "Crackheads go crazy without their fix"
<Kai> "Lack of street drugs turns Nepleslians into peace-loving hippies"
<Luca> "Manliness Award goes to Yamatai"
<Luca> "Suicide rate skyrockets"
<Kai> "Universe implodes"
<Luca> "Spinning headlines make people dizzy"
<Kai> "Recent spike in household accidents, epilepsy"
<Luca> I can't be bothered thinking of headlines.
<Kai> hahaha
[00] <Wes> What do you get when you mix Nep males with pink kaserine?
[00] * Fred mwuahahas
[00] <SUBLIMEinal1> Horror?
[00] <Wes> Neplesbians.
[00] |<-- Gamerofthegame has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: You lost the Gamer!)
[00] |<-- SUBLIMEinal has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[00] <Abwehran_CMDR> Wes kills with jokes
[00] <Sixgun> That was a genuinely funny joke.