• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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Quotes Quarantine

[11] * Kyoki shifty eyes... then gives Nova a light peck on the cheek before hiding under a pillow >////< She made me do it!!
[11] * Doshii claps loudly, whistling.
[11] * PlaidMage takes pictures.
[11] <DragonNova> The negotiations were worth it.
First in #StarArmy

And then in #Macross
* Fian has joined #Macross
* Exhack has joined #Macross
<Fian> wtf
* a_bear changes topic to 'ROBOTECH RULES!'
<Cy83r-9> HAH
<a_bear> Bwa ha ha!
* Fian has left #Macross
forgot to post this earlier, so I'm quoting rev quoting me quoting Wes.


And that's the story of the joke you will never hear because I got my balls busted for making a blackmail joke about Wes and things he would ban me for if he ever heard them.

You win this round, N. *Raito flees*
D-D-D-DOUBLE POST, because I'm cool.


Suuure, Exhack.

Not creepy at all, bros.
[18] * DragonNova doesn't post pictures (of herself) because she doesn't effing care.
[18] <Cy83r-7> DN, you never care
[18] <Cy83r-7> just like my mother
[18] <DragonNova> Banish that image, thank you.
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