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Quotes Quarantine


Couldn't have put it better.

Also, My belated response:

[03] Kai Luca. Can I have your babies? that was brilliant.
[16] -->| YOU (Luca) have joined ?????
[16] Kai LUUUUU
[16] Kai CAAAAAA
[16] |<-- Exhack has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[16] Kai holy shit
[16] Kai it Killed Exhack!
[16] Luca POW!
Some posts were deleted due to mature content. Remember, those type of quotes go in the Mature QQ thread.
Osaka's and Cipher's posts now look out-of-place. May as well delete those too, they have nothing to do with the precedeing SSharp quote.
Wes would it possibel for you to just move them to "that place" next time? It is sort of shame for them to be deleted.
The only answer.
I have to Agree. My little Pony is probably the best thing I've seen on TV since Mythbusters.
kai said:
I have to Agree. My little Pony is probably the best thing I've seen on TV since Mythbusters.

People keep trying to convince me to watch it; one person even tried to convince me my personality parallels the unicorn one... Twilight whatever...

I don't see it.
Wes said:
Some posts were deleted due to mature content. Remember, those type of quotes go in the Mature QQ thread.

There's is a mature QQ thread? O,o

Why do I feel so out of the loop?
Yeah, there's a (really not all that) top-secret 18+ out of character forum where all of the dirty bits SARP encounters ends up.
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