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Quotes Quarantine

MoonMan: top-notch assassins do all of my labor.

MoonMan: Laundry? Top-notch assassins.

MissingNo: Lol.

Lamb: What about assasination?

Kokuten: Bus boys.

Kokuten: Top-notch bus boys.
06[17] * Lam throws down Aendri and drives out the window in a sports car.
06[17] * Kokuten throws a cheeky grin at Aendri as he pulls out a flechette, "Is that so, Aendri?"
06[17] * Arieg stares at chat O.o
06[17] * Lam hits I-65 and keeps on driving
[17] <@Aendri> What kind of flechette are we talking about here? The knife, or the bullet?
[17] <Kokuten> What are you talking about?
[17] <@Aendri> Absolutely nothing, obviously
[17] <Kokuten> It's obvious that the dirtiest, and filthiest member on the site is obviously the one who plays the most innocent.
[17] <@Aendri> Kyoki?
[17] <Kokuten> Kyoki.
06[17] * Lam slams on the brakes
06[17] * Arieg QQs
[17] <Lam> Kyoki?!

Not sure if it should be in the 18+ or not, so I'll just put it in both and see what happens...it's a SARP history lesson!

I've won, you've all lost
Oh dear god. This was posted on: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:16 pm

It WAS carrying ponies all those years ago, and it just needed a single spark to turn into an unstoppable fiery blaze of Brony. AHAHAHAHA. THAT'S UNBELIEVEABLE. THE HINDSIGHT IS 40/40. OH EM EFFING GEE. MFW:

Kampfer: One time Friend3 punched me in the face for waking him up by simulating a vampire biting his neck.
Kampfer: Granted, it was like 4 o clock.
Jimmy: ...
ShotJon: ...
Kampfer: With my fingers.
Jimmy: Oh!

He was in full swing last night, as you can tell.
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