• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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Quotes Quarantine

This is why you don't disobey the Fort Ready instructors:

neinman3: Koku
neinman3: We've decided.
neinman3: You're fired.
neinman3: From life.
kokuten_chiaki: M'kay.
kokuten_chiaki has left the conference.

neinman3: ....
neinman3: Damnit
FluidJin: LOL
That's win : D

So, AnotherTreasure, you want to get with a very ancient Treasure?

Wouldn't that be like robbing the grave?
Fay Saelus: :0
hiro_seishin: what
Fay Saelus: I just stubbed my toe. ;_;
hiro_seishin: ow
Fay Saelus: yea
Fay Saelus: stupid desk! >.<
hiro_seishin: desk: fu fu fu
Fay Saelus: me: *takes out the chainsaw*
hiro_seishin: desK: *has metal reinforcing*
Fay Saelus: me: damnit... *FAIL*
hiro_seishin: desk: *has wood*
Fay Saelus: me: So do I, but only in the morning and when I'm with my girlfriend.
hiro_seishin: desk: *rams a sliver of wood into your finger
Fay Saelus: me: OW!!! DAMN YOU!!! *chainsaws it endlessly*
hiro_seishin: lol

  • A few moments later...

I never thought we'd be able to get her to say that. said:
[21] * DragonNova uses the bandaids to blind Sub and tape his mouth shut
[21] =-= YOU are now known as SUBBONDinal
[21] <Kyoki> ...kinky
utter boredom
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