Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

LBD> mmmm... Yaoi nightmare
<Vaake> Please do not mention That. At all
* LBD kisses Vaake
<LBD> depends how horny you are

Oh dear...
AoK on YIM said:
Most of my ideas come in the form of "BOOM HERE IS ALL THE INFORMATION FLYING BY IN FAST FORWARD" and then I sit there going, "Can I replay that in slow motion?" And the ideas say "UM...NO."
IRC said:
<OsakanOne> I remember shaking hands with my first employer and thinking to myself "I masturbated with that hand when I got out of the shower... Did I remember to wash it?"
Kinda long.. but totally funny.

[19] *** Kampfer [[email protected]] has joined #StarArmy
[19] *** Kampfer is now known as Nickless-812129
[19] *** Nickless-812129 is now known as DasKampfer
[19] <Doshii> Hello Kampfer.
[19] *** Paracelcus [[email protected]] has joined #StarArmy
[19] * Mizu molests Kampfer.
[19] <Paracelcus> Hi there.
[19] <DasKampfer> ...
[19] * Kai throws pinapples at kampher
[19] <DasKampfer> Who is Mizu.
[19] * DasKampfer throws pineapples back.
[19] *** Paracelcus is now known as Nonick-81212A
[19] <Kai> ow... That was a grenade....
[19] <Doshii> Someone's molesting Kampfer? Jesus.
[19] <Doshii> The world has gone to hell.
[19] <DasKampfer> And so, gas prices cost a first child per fill-up.
[19] <Nonick-81212A> Jinkies.
[19] <Kai> never thought it could happen, but i guess everyone has to have someone want them...
[19] *** Nonick-81212A left #StarArmy []
[19] *** Nonick-81212A [[email protected]] has joined #StarArmy
[19] *** Nonick-81212A [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]
[19] <Doshii> That's quite true.
[19] *** Nonick-81212A [[email protected]] has joined #StarArmy
[19] *** Nonick-81212A is now known as Paracelcus
[19] <Kai> ... welcome back?
[19] <Paracelcus> Thankee.
[19] <Paracelcus> I just finished reading the cirrus station update, and I have not stopped laughing.
[19] * Mizu hangs off of Kampfer's arm.
[19] <DasKampfer> Who is Mizu.
[19] <Doshii> NOT SURE.
[19] <Doshii> Not sure, that is.
[19] <Paracelcus> Vehemently unsure!
[19] * Mizu giggles innocently, like those scary little girls.
[19] * DasKampfer looks at it hanging off his arm.
[19] * DasKampfer dips it in acid.
[19] * Kai slaps kampfer
[19] * Mizu flee's before he can immerse her in the liquid, giggling as she hops wround him.
[19] * DasKampfer looks at it.
[19] * Mizu around*
[19] <DasKampfer> Who the hell is Mizu.
[19] * Mizu whispers in Kampfer's ear.
[19] <Mizu> Why. Don't. You. Find. Out?
[19] * Mizu giggles some more.
[19] <Paracelcus> Judging by the periods after each word, a primitive cyborg.
[19] <DasKampfer> Kampfer rule # 1 Dictates that if it's a girl and is being nice to me, it's a guy.
[19] <Christopher> Wait, Nekos?
[19] * Mizu glares evily in Paracelcus direction.
[19] <DasKampfer> So I'm going to go ahead and guess that Mizu, by her flirty nature, is LBD.
[19] * Paracelcus utilizes his newly refurbished optically-mounted micro-grasers to return the glance.
[19] * Mizu glances back to Kampfer, pulling down the flesh under her eyes and sticking out her tongue.
[19] <Krieg> ...
[19] <Mizu> Bleh.
[19] <Kai> hhmm... Mizu is from the netherlands according to irc's Whois function
[19] *** Itkatsu [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: I'll sleep before I die, so I'll wake up in the morning...]
[19] <Krieg> No, the server is in the netherlands.
[19] <Krieg> +N
[19] <DasKampfer> ...
[19] <Kai> ah.
[19] <`5tar> . . .
[19] <DasKampfer> And I know it's not one of 5tar's bots.
[20] <Mizu> Oniichan!
[20] <`5tar> <.<
[20] <DasKampfer> WHO IS MIZU.
[20] <`5tar> >.>
[20] * Doshii walks up to Mizu, smiles, and then looks at Kampfer. "It's probably a girl that enjoys fucking with dopes like Kampfer."
[20] * Mizu hugs 5tar.
[20] <DasKampfer> OMEGA_SHADOW
[20] <DasKampfer> SOMEONE LOOK IT UP.
[20] <Kai> is it Kestral?
[20] * `5tar pats Mizu and protects Mizu from silly Kampfer.
[20] <DasKampfer> WHO IS IT.
[20] <DasKampfer> GOD DAMN.
[20] <Kai> whoever it is, it was molesting Kampher XD
[20] <Mizu> Be-da!
[20] <Krieg> Whoever Kestral is, it is them, I believe.
[20] <DasKampfer> NO WOMAN IS EVER NICE TO ME.
[20] <`5tar> Ding.
[20] * Mizu sticks tongue out at Kampfer.
[20] * `5tar takes off Mizu's mask.
[20] <Christopher> It's LBD.
[20] <Kai> molesting you is being nice to you?
[20] <`5tar> Mizu > Kestral > Rob
[20] <Kai> HA! I was right!
[20] <DasKampfer> ITS A GUY.
[20] <DasKampfer> I KNEW IT.
[20] * Kai gives himself a point
[20] <Christopher> Only LBD would wontonly hug people.
[20] <`5tar> Haha, yep.
[20] <Mizu> Ne! Ne! Kampy!
[20] <`5tar> Kai, you can have a gold 5tar! *Nod*
[20] <DasKampfer> KAMPFER RULE 1 STAYS TRUE.
[20] <Kai> yay!
[20] <Doshii> Apparently.
[20] <Krieg> I just got a death threat for playing the caramelldansen song...
[20] <Krieg> �_�
[20] *** Vaake [[email protected]] has joined #StarArmy
[20] <Kai> caramelldansen?
[20] <Christopher> ...
[20] <Vaake> CarmellDansen?
[20] <`5tar> Thing is, Mizu is a female, a female CHARACTER. xD
[20] <DasKampfer> Except it's a guy.
[20] <DasKampfer> Who...molested me.
[20] * DasKampfer sits down.
[20] <`5tar> A guy player, yes.
[20] <Kai> YOU'RE A GUY!
[20] <Vaake> ...
[20] <Vaake> So wait
[20] <Vaake> What happened?
[20] <Krieg> Kampfer got touched, homosexually.
[20] <Vaake> ...
[20] <Vaake> Like Lemon Flavored Lolipops?
[20] * Mizu can't believe what everyone is saying.
[20] <`5tar> Which might be the only way Kampfer is gonna get a relationship, since all girls don't like him, period.
FluidJin: osakanone: Where'd you find out about what I like?
FluidJin: Simple, you went on about Reiko.
osakanone: lol
osakanone: Reiko?
FluidJin: ... naba_reiko My char, Reiko.
osakanone: Oh, you remember me going on about...?
osakanone: Oh my.
FluidJin: Lol.
FluidJin: Tai has Reiko's curves, minus the chest.
FluidJin: I tried for a more, 'cute' approach with Tai, but maintain the curves.
osakanone: Look.
osakanone: I'm a trap.
osakanone: I've been naked in bed for the last 3 hours.
osakanone: And now this.
FluidJin: Lol
osakanone: I was all "Fuck yeah! Platonic thinking!"
osakanone: And now this.
FluidJin: Can I commence the evil laugh now?
osakanone: Can I commence the fap now?
FluidJin: Make it so?
IRC PM said:
<DragonNova> Well, thanks for giving me the idea. I'll tell you the reception when I find out. (If I remember. >.>)
<Doshii> Woot. I'll ask anyway. And REGISTER! Jeez.
<DragonNova> :P
<DragonNova> No! We'll elope. >.>
<Doshii> That would save you the need for the blessing of the housekeeper.
<Doshii> Eloping does sound fun, doesn't it? K was tempted several times.
* DragonNova giggles slightly.
<DragonNova> Sort of. But I like the 'meeting place' idea better.
<Doshii> Much.
* DragonNova still needs to find where her undergarments went that one night up there. XD
<Doshii> K and I are not so brave. She likes beds, and I like forests.
<DragonNova> *Pastor is speaking and suddenly stops, noticing that he stepped on something* "What on earth?" "Oh! Sorry, that's mine..."
Lin[Aoiko]> Suddenly, the door crashed open. Outside, purple prose rained down like a bad metaphor. There, framed in the door way, was a man whose face had a look that said something about pre-hegelian philosophy that you couldn't understand. This was a man who had been to the ninja prom and scored. This was a man who had fought robo-monkeys on a zeppelin with the zombie Queen Elizabeth. This was a man who ate Froot Loops for breakfast.
<Lin[Aoiko]> Then I killed his punk ass and took his GPs. Cos I am the Platypus of Death!
<Soresu> LOL!
<DasKampfer> I love this blanket.
<Kai> What the freak!
<Kai> Why is I in Blanket?
<DasKampfer> WAT
<DasKampfer> ITS COMFY
* DasKampfer gets so mad he makes love to Kai in the blanket
<Kai> AHHHHHH!!!!!
* Kai was saving himself for marriag!
<Kai> *marrieage
<Christopher> ...
<Christopher> I think It's still misspelled.
<Kai> dangit
* DasKampfer has taken away Kai's flower
* Kai takes it back
* Kai kicks Kampfer's nuts off
* Kai shoots him for great justice, and leaves.
* Kai ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: YAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
FluidJin: ?
FluidJin: >.>;
Jo Midori: I got some asian hooker singing in the background of my computer!
FluidJin: ...reboot
[18] <Krieg> In high school, they were the flat ones with the metal net-like things... ah..
[18] <Krieg> ...I sat in the back...
[18] <Kyoki> i would NEVER do it at school <_<
[18] <DocTomoe> Krieg gets a gold star in the Tomoe school.
[18] <TheKampfer> ...
[18] <Kyoki> i wouldn't even do it in the bathroom, let alone in the classroom x_x
[18] <DocTomoe> Kyoki... DETENTION!
[18] <TheKampfer> The bathroom is safe
[18] <Krieg> English was my best subject, I could afford to slack off.
[18] <Kyoki> I DON'T CARE
[18] <Krieg> ...or, y'know, schlick off.
[18] * Kyoki headdesks
[18] <Krieg> it were..*cough*
[18] <Kyoki> BOOOOO
[18] <TheKampfer> All you got to do is just go at it and stop when the door opened.
[18] <Kyoki> bad joke ><
Luca gets his tophat, monocle and cane, and gives a set to Jake
<Luca> Tally ho and pip pip.
<Doshii> ... *appreciates the set, but he's a Western U.S. citizen — he really isn't cut for this madness* I say, chap, limeys need better beer.
<Luca> I concur, for their beer is similar to a shag in a boat.
<Luca> (That is, F'ing close to water)
<Doshii> (I was curious about that. I like it!)
<Doshii> Some not dissimilar to the Aussies or the Yanks. Good lord, they can brew a fine pot of poison, wot wot?
<Luca> Yes yes. A fine pot of joy both countries brew.
<Luca> Now let us sally forth and get plastered!
<Osaka[Server]> Haha
<Doshii> Quite! *takes Luca's arm and skips away happily down the cobblestone road to the nearest pub, don't'cha'nooo*
<Luca> We really have to lay off the boredom
<Doshii> Christ yes.