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Quotes Quarantine

<ShotJane> Well maybe Siv tries to look littel simple and dumb, but she certainly is not Tylium.
<Tylium> There is more then meets the eye on most of the TFL people. Nathaniel included.
<Lamb> TFL~
<Lamb> TFL~
<CadetNewb> XD
Ira	Yo, EVE people
	Ira	what are shuttles good for?
	Lamb	nothin'
	Lamb	hoah
		Ira has been blessed with one
	Lamb	s-s-s-say it again!
	Lamb	Shuttles! Hungh!
	Lamb	What are they good for~
	Lamb rocks his head side-to-side
	AbwehranKaiser	shuttles are good for quick travel
	AbwehranKaiser	that's about it
		AbwehranKaiser facepalms
	Lamb	Uh-huh

This would be so unfunny if it weren't for Matt's reaction.
facehugger_ira lurks in Riko's new apartment
01:44 Fianaargh pops into Riko's apartment
01:45 Fianaargh Hay guise wass goin on?
01:45 facehugger_ira leaps out from the shoe and impregnates Fianarrgh :3
01:46 *** Fianaargh is now known as Fialien
01:47 *** Arieg is now known as Arieg_ColonialMarine
01:47 Arieg_ColonialMarine holds his motion tracker in one hand and his pulse rifle in the other.
01:47 *** Sigma is now known as Sigma_ColonialMarine
01:47 facehugger_ira is just an empty husk now
01:47 *** Riko is now known as Johnny_Riko
01:48 Sigma_ColonialMarine "It's getting closer! I don't like this, man!"
<Jimmy>You remember how they had all those wars over their moons and neighbouring gas giants?
<ShotJane>When did chelti did not have some sort of war?
<Jimmy>Chelti always have wars. :p
<Lam>"I say, it's a bit boring outside." "Indeed. Fancy a war?" "Certainly." *war*
Sigma said:
I'd like to know what constituted adult content in my post.
If you quoted what happened in the channel earlier, then the adult content was probably all the ass play.
KittyJane	I see it clear as day when that West-borough lady stands before god and he says all "Oh god I preached your word on dem bad amerciand and dem fags. I served you well oh god." ANd he will be like "WHuzzat?"
		-> Ariegphone2 has joined Stararmy
		Tyler_ laughs at old podcasts
	Mog	Gart talk?
	Lamb	"You.. wat?"
	Lamb	"Who said I had a problem with them?"
	Fenix	Let the smiting begin?
		<- Ariegphone has disconnected (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
	Lamb	Westborite: "Uh, the bible." God: "The who?"
	Lamb	Wesborite: "Wait, you don't know about your own bible?" God: "Uh... No? Do you want some beer?"
		Tyler_ misses being a part of these adventures in the podcasts.
	KittyJane	"I also have some chicken wings."
		-> iw has joined Stararmy
		Lamb 's heaven is a massive pub
	iw	its ira anybody know a good mobile irc i can use
	KittyJane	Lady: "Oh I am prepared to go to hell now!" GOd:"Hell? Oh that place. I shut that eons ago. Paying bills for heating was a bitch."
		-> Osaka has joined Stararmy
	Tyler_	hey Osa
	KittyJane	I use AndChat Ira
	Lamb	God: "Yeah, Satan moved back in after the Celestial Recession a few eons back."
	iw	on your mobile device?
	KittyJane	God:"He is that dude in tuxedo over there drinking Martini."
		<- iramobile has disconnected (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
	KittyJane	Yeah IW on my HTC.
	Lamb	Satan: *Distant* "Hey, Jehovah, where's the toaster?" God: "We lent it to Shiva, remember!?" 
	iw	ty
	Mog	We've got to voiceact this.
	KittyJane	Satan: "OH blimey, that bastard never gives things back."
	Tyler_	XD
	Fenix	Thor: "I guess I could always go ask for it back. But I never know what's going on with all those arms."
	KittyJane	Zeus: "Yo guys I am here for the poker night! I got beers!"
	Lamb	God: "Uh... I'll call Zeus. He's got like... ten of them."
	Lamb	"Oh, Zeus."
	Lamb	"Hey... We need a toaster."
		<- ``Osaka has disconnected (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
	KittyJane	Zeus: "I don't have one with me right now. I can toast something with dem lightings though."
	Tyler_	nah
	Tyler_	zeus would be busy doing it with some human woman
	Lamb	Satan: "Toast this poptart for me, Zeus. I gotta run off to work."
	Lamb	What do you think he just got back from
	Fenix	Thor: "You work?"
	KittyJane	Zeus: "YOu don'T work, yo jsut ogle ladies all day."
	Lamb	Turning into a cat and screwing a swan
	Lamb	Satan: "Uh, yeah. I'm an Insurance Agent." Westborite: "Oh, that makes sense."
	KittyJane	Zeus: "So are we going to play some poker! Don't worry I won'T ceeht. My toga has no sleeves."
	KittyJane	*cheat
	Fenix	Thor: "That explains everything."
	Lamb	God: "Well, since Satan's off to work, and Hades isn't here today, I guess we can play."
	KittyJane	Zeus: "Satan used to work as Lawyer for a while, but he quit saying that the job was too evil even for him."
	Lamb	God: "Oh, me-damnit."
There have been exceptions, but usually it's bad form to post quotes where you're the main event.

And that joke's been done to death.
[11] <Kampfer> OH HELL YEAH
[11] <Kampfer> KAMPFER
[11] <`Osaka> Oh.
Shammy	Hey SARP
18:04		*** Ariegphone quit (fayntic.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
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18:04		*** `Osaka quit (fayntic.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
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18:04		*** KittyJane quit (fayntic.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
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18:07	Ira	...
18:07	Ira	SHAMMY WHY?!
18:07		Ira sobs
18:08	Ira	They were all here, and then you showed up shammy and now....
18:08	Ira	OH GOD
18:08	Ira	It is just me DocTomoe and Exhacku left...
18:08	Ira	;_; why did you kill them all shammy WHY?!
18:09	Shammy	Whaa?
Ira	;_;
18:10	Shammy	What did I do?
18:10	Ira	You killed them!
18:10	Ira	You just came on, and they all died.
18:10	Ira	;-;
18:11	Shammy	Awww, they couldn't handle the pure epicness of my arrival
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