Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

<Tom_Freeman> I think people relate well to a simple,
<Tom_Freeman> easy to understand missions
<Tom_Freeman> in a world where there aren't things like interdiction tow orry aobut
<Tom_Freeman> Or FTL jumps
<Tom_Freeman> or Aether shock cannons
<Tom_Freeman> or defense networks
<Tom_Freeman> Just you, your friends, your gun and your life
<Tom_Freeman> ROMANTIC
<ZombieoftheZomz> Lol romantint
These things get out of hand sometimes.. or is that normal?

<MoonMan> We don't have that law because usually if someone trespasses, you don't see him ever again.
<Fay> Oh, Koku? What does that mean?
<Warpriest> <MoonMan> *Cracks his whip* "So, Mr. Robber Person, you wanted to steal my pronz? Well, Let's make some, BWA HA HA HA HA!"

<Warpriest> Put a sign on your door that says, "Beware RAPE"
<The_Deacon> I swear to the heavens, War, I have seen a sign on a fence not far from my house that says, "Beware of Dog, (He's always horny".
[01] <Mulu> Oh Yoo just tied foos coose dam I's end cech soom Z's
[01] <Fian> close but no cookie.
[01] <Kampfer> ...
[01] <Kampfer> Nice ebonics, there.
[01] <Warpriest> Bix nood.
[01] <Mulu> Ai ban Pwatis es owsem yai?
[01] <Warpriest> Not understanding.
[01] <Mulu> Yep I expected as muchjust a syin my fine fury friends good night and al that that stuff or whatever.
[01] <Kampfer> ...Good night.
[01] <Mulu> Now Sleep time for me tired alergetic brain-
[01] <Mulu> Byes
[01] <Doshii> OK, night yo.
[01] * Mulu has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox])
[01] <Lin[Aoiko]> Good night!
[01] <Warpriest> ...
[01] <Soresu> ...
[01] <Warpriest> So.
[01] <Warpriest> Uh.
[01] <Kampfer> Who the shit was that.
<Fian> Which one of you, just like me...
<Fian> ... Had an orgasm watching Iron Man?
<Soresu> >.>
<Itkatsu> Not me, cause I ain't seen it :)
<Soresu> I plan on to.
<Fian> I'm going to Worship Stark now as god of PAs
<Fian> brb
<Itkatsu> By brb he means "furiously masturbating over the lingering thoughts of IRON MAN"
<Fian> He can be my IRON MAN anytime, if you know what I mean.
<Itkatsu> Oh. Ho. Ho.
<Warpriest> Fian, there are five flavors.
<Warpriest> The other two are: Fruit...
<Warpriest> ...and Potato...
<Tom_Sleeping> Calorie mate. ugh
<Fian> So Vegetarian exist?
<Warpriest> Vegetable.
<Fian> ugh.
<Warpriest> I'm sorry Fian.
<Warpriest> YOu can't eat Caloriemates flavored after Vegetarians
<Warpriest> No cannibalism.
<Kyoki> <_<
<Fian> Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
<Warpriest> And never hope there will be a 'Flatchest' flavor either, for that will never happen.
Main thing here is me and Jaqueline (Doshii)... With... some puppy stuff that I won't question. :twisted:

<Doshii> Hey all.
<Doshii> Gammer.
<Yagen> Whaaa-?
<Master9147> and Doshii
<Lin[Aoiko]> Hi Doshii!
<Doshii> Gamer, that is.
* Yoroko squees with glee, people are coming online!!
<Yagen> What's going on!
<Yagen> Oh, and hey everyone XD
<Yoroko> Yagen =/= puppy
<Yagen> Okay, good XD
* Tyler gives Yoro a puppy too
<Doshii> What's going on is that I must kill Gamer.
* Yoroko has a puppy :D
<Yoroko> yay?
<Master9147> Everyone here. One big happy family.
* Tyler givs everyone puppies or kittens
* Tyler just got a whole bunch
<Doshii> Someone called from an office in Washington state and asked for Jaqueline.
<Doshii> I don't know how.
<Lin[Aoiko]> 'Halifax's official flower is the broad rose, and its official city emotion is mild surprise. "Oh, hey, a puppy!" Halifax's sister city is Dartmouth. Dartmouth's official flower is the orchid, and its official city emotion is excessive surprise. "Holy **** a ****ING PUPPY!"'
<Doshii> But I know Gamer did it.
<Doshii> And he'll die for it.
<Lin[Aoiko]> Woah. Awesome.
<Yoroko> lol
* Tyler watches as puppies wiggle and wag adorably
<Yagen> I'll be back in five minutes, switching computers
<Yoroko> Doshii <3 Gamer?
* Yagen ([email protected]) Quit (Client Quit)
<Yoroko> jk though
<Lin[Aoiko]> Man, Picnicface owns.
<Doshii> Nevah.
<Soresu> "Yes, is Jaqueline there? No no, Jaqueline is a I am not joking."
<Master9147> Yagen still can't multitask
<Gamerofthegame> ... Seriously?
<Doshii> Yes.
<Gamerofthegame> ****ing. Win.
<Doshii> Die.
<Gamerofthegame> Referring to you?
<Doshii> Yes.
<Christopher> <Lin[Aoiko]> 'Halifax's official flower is the broad rose, and its official city emotion is mild surprise. "Oh, hey, a puppy!" Halifax's sister city is Dartmouth. Dartmouth's official flower is the orchid, and its official city emotion is excessive surprise. "Holy **** a ****ING PUPPY!"'
<Soresu> LOL
<Gamerofthegame> ****ing. Win.
* Gamerofthegame kicks Drewley in the face.
<@RuneAndrew> What?
* Gamerofthegame shrugs.
<@RuneAndrew> Thats from a real conversation
<@RuneAndrew> I was merely quoting it
<Gamerofthegame> Well you must be physically abused to make it a full circle
<Gamerofthegame> Also damnit I finished Clannad for realz now. ;_;
<@RuneAndrew> good
* Gamerofthegame kicks Drewley in the SECONDARY HEAD HO HO HO.
* Gamerofthegame was kicked by RuneAndrew (Gamerofthegame)
<@RuneAndrew> Heh
<@RuneAndrew> Fap that soulja boy
<@RuneAndrew> :P
* Gamerofthegame ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
<Christopher> One good kick deserves another.
<Gamerofthegame> Saw that coming
<Gamerofthegame> BUT I KICKED HIM TWICE
* Gamerofthegame was kicked by RuneAndrew (Gamerofthegame)
* Gamerofthegame ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
<Gamerofthegame> And now...
<@RuneAndrew> With extra cheese
* Gamerofthegame kicks.
* Gamerofthegame was kicked by RuneAndrew (Gamerofthegame)
* Gamerofthegame ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
* Gamerofthegame is still victorious in this affair.

* Christopher stealth shaves Doshii's man whiskers, thus robbing Koku of his powers.
* Wargod is now known as Warpriest
<Warpriest> Damn!
* Christopher blasphemes in Koku's presence, thus robbing him of his priesthood.
* Warpriest is now known as Battlecleric
<Christopher> ...
<Battlecleric> Dammit, Chris!
* Christopher does something heratical, thus removes Koku's clerical position.
<Battlecleric> Dammit!
* Battlecleric is now known as Peasant
* Christopher steals Koku's close, reverting him to a serf.
<Christopher> *clothes
* Peasant is now known as Serf
<Serf> ...
* Kampfer is now known as Czar
* Christopher orders Serf to his dirt farm.
<OsakanOne> I love StarArmy.
<OsakanOne> I come away.
<OsakanOne> then I come back to see "Prostate stimulation"
<OsakanOne> Then I leave again.
<OsakanOne> And come back to positrons.
<OsakanOne> StarArmy:
<OsakanOne> Relevant to my interests.
<SUBLIMEinal> Actually, that might be slightly unnecessary, as I am consuming a large plate of meet.
<SUBLIMEinal> meat.
<SUBLIMEinal> ...
<SUBLIMEinal> Bastard.
<DocTomoe> Kek
<OsakanOne> Lo
<MoonMan> lol meet
<Kai> hi! nice to meat you! would you like some meet?
<OsakanOne> By my standards, I mean?
<MoonMan> Oh, wait, let me guess.
<MoonMan> MEET.
<MoonMan> LOL
<SUBLIMEinal> ... I suddenly have the feeling I will never live this down.
<MoonMan> Not after I put it in QQ you won't.
The Story of Jesus and the Ass-fish said:
(6:08:50 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Jesus is incapable of choking.
(6:08:59 PM) Tyler: maybe
(6:09:03 PM) Tyler: but you aint jesus.
(6:09:51 PM) Krieg: ... hm.
(6:10:23 PM) SUBLIMEinal: That, my work-disinclined friend, is where you are wrong.
(6:10:35 PM) Tyler: prove it
(6:10:49 PM) ***Tyler stabs Sub in the heart and rips it out. "resurrect yourself"
(6:10:53 PM) ***SUBLIMEinal makes a fish out of thin air and has it viciously sodomize Tyler.
(6:11:06 PM) Tyler: dinner!
(6:11:10 PM) ***Tyler eats fish
(6:11:23 PM) MoonMan: . . .
(6:11:23 PM) SUBLIMEinal: ...
(6:11:30 PM) SUBLIMEinal: That shit is sooooo getting QQ'd.
(6:11:45 PM) ***Tyler cackles
(6:11:52 PM) Tyler: what? we got nothin to eat here
(6:12:21 PM) SUBLIMEinal: You also just helped yourself to a generous serving of ass-fish.
<Kichiro> C'mon Tyler. Who do you think I am?
<Christopher> Captain Jack Sparrow?
* Christopher is now known as Jack_Sparrow
<Tyler> heh
<Jack_Sparrow> No, wait, that's who I am!
<Soresu> Wheres the rum?!
* Jack_Sparrow groans!
* Jack_Sparrow stumbled off the side of the ship.
* Jack_Sparrow breaks water and shakes his head. "Oh, that's why."