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RP: YSS Kaiyō [SOFT] Mission Nine: Fuwa Fuwa

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"Let me check first." Meissa told them, stepping ahead and holding up a hand and a wing to stop them from walking ahead too far. She launched one of the drones on her back with a small ka-chunk as it detached to move ahead and scout out the area.

"Sora should go first, she has the best shielding...unless..." Meissa mumbled, letting her own thoughts slip into comms as the drone showed its live feed to the others in the SOFT team, flicking through its sensors array to feed the team with as much data as possible.

"Loadout check, what do you have today?" Meissa asked the SOFT team. "I have my typical Saber Rifle, bombs, and drones. Switched the energy shield on my leg for a capacitor."
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Outside of the Station

In the most efficient manner possible, Hanna transmitted her loadout specifications to all members of the SOFT team, via AIES.

After that was done, Hanna thought to send one of her own drones inside of the hull, but upon seeing Meissa's drone, she changed her mind and tapped into the drone's live feed. Inside of the station's hull, there was one access panel that was clearly visible. Looking for a better path, Hanna utilized her variable hemosynthetic eyesight to zoom in to the feed, her eyes primed for any additional details that the drone could reveal...

Anastasia used her Kalamari dorsal arm to keep herself connected to the exterior of the station.
"SMG, Saber Rifle, NSB, and scalar grenades. " She replied, swinging her weight to the side of the conduit. Normally this would be a breeze, but the armor surrounding her wings prevented from from folding tightly.

"We need to make sure we can breach through here. It would be a tight fit for a dead end. "
Bottom of the Station

When asked about her loadout, Ume sent a quick message to the entire team with her Kyujo configuration so that anyone who needed it had it, but she also spoke aloud thought the communications so everyone could hear as well.

"I have an M6-W2921 on primary and a shield. I also have countermeasure missiles and NSB, the rest is CQC equipment that I can use without much worry about collateral." Ume spoke confidently, and the smile on her face could almost be heard in her tone. "I also have a fabrication unit so I can patch damage to the MINDYs."
Below the Below Decks

Good idea, sending a drone to scout out ahead - something so small would likely be unseen in the hustle and bustle of such a posting. Thrusting slightly to one side of their group, Mochi kept an eye for any shuttles or maintenance drones that might pop out unexpectedly and give the game away. "Leader pack, rifle, gauss, NSB, medkit, xiphos, scalar and sleep grenades." he rattled off, simply naming his equipment from head to toe.

Seinosuke knew he'd mentioned about being wary of gauss indoors but he figured if they had a hot extraction it might be somewhat useful, perhaps they'd be chased down. He decided not to run through the various IRIS types he'd slotted into the few magazines he had, it would just take up more time that way.
Right outside the now-opened hatch

"A barrier module, combined with an aetheric gatling cannon." The archangel's hushed voice made their way through the small network of people. "Modular capacitors allow for extra stored energy, and my gauss cannon can provide covering fire while my secondary weapon is a Light Service Rifle."

Her faceplate continued to scan the space around them, the Santo Hei crouching in place. Her little chibi avatar, only visible to herself for the time being, crouched in a similar way-MEGAMI had a little bit of fun designing the tiny sprite, it seems. "Nashira-Hei, there may be... Difficulties for me entering the opening in its current state." Not only was Sora the tallest person on the Kaiyo save for the bear-like Kodian, she also had a wingspan so large it was a direct hindrance to her in some of the more space-efficient rooms of the ship.
Outside of the Station

Eden turned to Iemochi, "Juni?" She was deferring to the team lead and for good reason. Eden would be leaving the main group for a side mission once inside and squared away. Mochi would have to learn to get in command while the decisions were easy ones or it would be like jumping into an onsen pool right out of the snow.
Hello From The Outside

Iemochi nodded to Eden, having thought she would be taking command, after a moment to evaluate the situation best he could he spoke. "Alright.. Breaching order. Meissa-hei will go first, providing overwatch with her drone while the rest of us go in. Ume-hei will go next, that rifle should work great for suppression if we get spotted. Then will be Ana-hei, since she has an SMG and also.."

The fire-winged Elysian reached around himself to his right-side butt-pack pocket, flipping open the top and revealing a blowtorch. Letting his MAW dangle in one hand, he offered it to the well-experienced engineer. "She will also widen the hatch if need be. This might be a little more precise than aether blades if doesn't look to fit - don't want to cut Sora in two, heh."

Moving quickly on, the doctor gestured to the remaining team members he hadn't mentioned. "Once that's done, Hanna and I will enter with our longer-ranged weapons. Be sure to hug the walls once you're inside. From there, we'll try and maintain 360, breaching as few rooms as possible for stealth reasons with some close-ranged weapons both front and back. Eden-shosa, I'd recommend moving last with us because of your status but that's your choice."

He didn't want to suggest a formation once they were inside, at least, not yet. He trusted in the others to know the best places to position themselves depending on best effective range, shields and the like. "Don't be afraid to broaden the hatch at any point with your sabers or.. robotic flailing limbs." Finally, Mochi gave Meissa a little "go ahead" wave indicating the hatch, no doubt about to be eviscerated with extreme prejudice.
Outside of Station

Eden watched as Iemochi gestured to Meissa and tilted her head so that she could look behind her back and around them. "I'll watch your tails from behind, then, as per Iemochi-juni's decision. Of which I suggest we adhere to."
Station Hatch

"Alright, sounds good." Meissa replied, the rest of her drones undocking and taking strategic positions in the next room. "Just...let me fit through fist..."

Strategy wasn't her strong suit. She only asked for loadouts only for her own tactical purposes, of which she was sure she'd need to whip out and use some time this mission. The two officers would be much better, and she trusted that quite a bit. Tactics, however, was, and she knew how vital her drones would be to the success of this entire mission in general. She thanked Ketsurui Shipyards for the massive flexibility of said drones in just about any scenario imaginable.

Except taking down a starship. Then again, they could probably wedge themselves in the reactor and shoot it...but whatever, the point was proven.

She wiggled her way through the tight space, coming out the other side off to the side of the place, her Aether Saber ready but unlit, its activation switch at a moment's notice in case someone came around the corner. Her hand instinctively touched her precious explosives, but she pulled away. An explosion would jeopardize their advantage of stealth. If she made an explosion, she had to make it big.

"Clear. Next up, breach. I'm covering." Meissa told the others. "I've got drones stationed up. Trying not to get too bomb-happy here."
Station Hatch

Once inside Meissa would be able to see dingy golden and fern green consoles and interfaces near a window on the interior side of the conduit hatch. On the opposite side of the room to her left were grid-like patterns of disk-like circuit boards, again on the interior hull. In front of her was a wall that was long and pregnable due to it being unshielded unlike the immediate exterior hull she had just been outside of.
Station Hatch

Anastasia accepted the blowtorch from the scientist, reaching down and clipping it onto her suit's belt. "Understood." She replied, waiting for the first two to pass through the conduit.

On her turn, Anastasia dipped into the conduit, spinning around in the tight space. She took the blowtorch from her belt, and started cutting away at the entrance. Trimming around the edges of the entrance, the technician finished the job by pushing out on the hot frame. The carved square hoop floated away from the hull gently. The entrance of the conduit was widened, giving some of the more endowed members more room to work with.
Station Hatch

Ume listened carefully to the plan and gave a thumbs up in confirmation of it all. When Meissa gave the clear, the purple girl was quick to follow, squeezing her way through the opening that had been made.

On the other side of the breach, she lifted her shield and eyed around it did not look like anyone would come to attack them just yet, but she did not let her guard down, that could be fatal. "Do we have any plans for this kind of station? So we know where to go?"
Outside of Station

"None," Eden replied after a detached smile had crept on her face. Ume's question had certainly hit where it hurt. "It is imperative we find out how to get where we're going. We all know we're going after the energy core, but we need to figure out where that is in this bottom portion of the station." Her face had straightened while she said this and she continued to look out for impending threats.
Inside Station

Meissa crouched low, her Aether Saber still drawn, looking for threats. She didn't dare venturing ahead of the group. Solo adventures were an easy way to die. She wasn't planning on dying today, instead looking at the wall and what material it was made out of.

"Wall here. Maybe we breach but that seems stupid given that breaching's louder than a Sharie in a firefight." Meissa told the team.

She took a quick glance behind her, lowering her wing so she could see, and watched the others squirm their way through as she heard Eden talk about their strategic scenario.

"That means we need a map..." Meissa replied, her brown eyes focused on Eden. Then, a little figment of an insane idea crept into her mind. "Or, don't hate me for this suggestion, we sever the entire bottom of the station from the rest of the place."

The moment she said it, she knew the idea was insanity. Insanity just like the kind that called her to take command when Mitsuko was downed. Insanity like the kind that made her take command against the Mishhu attack. Insanity like the kind that drove Sora to turn herself into living cover, the kind that drove Eden to don her armor in the alternate universe, the kind that drove all of them in this god-forsaken SOFT team.

"If we sever their reactor from the station, both parts are as good as dead." Meissa continued. "Their shields go down and our tiny little weapons operator with a main weapons array of a huge stick can hammer down on the station. Their life support is disconnected from their power and they're forced to either go out into space and die, or stay in the station and die. We win, we go back, we drink hard liquor and have fun."

Wow, she was absolutely nuts. But hey, it was the kind of nuts that won wars.
Outside of Station

Eden's helmet visually moved as she looked away from Meissa and to Sein, "Iemochi-juni?" It wasn't that she didn't want to make the decision, it was that she didn't want to stop him from making one, too. She wanted to know if he would choose to direct the first idea proposed on their mission or squash it before it could begin. She knew what she would do, but she questioned it just enough to be sure it was a better idea trusting the winged team leader's decision.
Outside of Station/Station Hatch

Hanna entered the interior of the station after waiting on Sora to do so. After floating slowly into the hatch, Hanna scanned the surroundings with her eyes. The hair on her tail stood on end when Meissa spoke over comms.

"Do we even have the ordinance to blow off the entire lower half of this outpost?", she asked incredulously. "Better question: If we do happen to have the ordinance to accomplish the aforementioned objective, will we wake up in tanks with half of our memories gone because we didn't know that there were anti-phasing measures within the outpost?"

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Just outside the Hatch

Mochi had an arm draped over the top of the hatch, standing to one side as for everyone to enter. Up till now he had been surveying the surroundings much like Eden, they had no idea what sort of patrols the station might have. Meissa's plan of action came through comms and echoed a little around his helmet, probably a calibration error. Despite its flamboyancy - which was Meissa's signature - and as much as he wanted to give it a shot, the technicalities of such a plan stacked up in his head.

"As amazing as that would be, to have a chance of splitting the place apart with no remaining connections we'd have to know the architecture - if that was the case we'd already know where the reactor would likely be and could destroy it in less time." he pondered out loud, casting his gaze down for a second as he did. The random thought that there was no "down" in space popped into his head, to be dismissed. "Great idea though, if anyone else has any we need the inspiration." he added cheerily, realising it might put off anyone else from airing their thoughts.

Taking his turn through the portal, Mochi hugged his weapon to his chest and tucked his wings best he could. It'd been a good while since he suddenly had his feathers, had you asked him a few months ago the Neo-Caelisolian would have had no chance fitting. Emerging out the far side, the Juni found his feet and hugged the nearest wall, keeping an eye on the entrances. Now for more strategy, given they were all inside bar Eden, who would be disappearing in no time.

"Shame we don't have anyone who can hack into the ship's plans. If we don't have an idea where we're headed, I'd suggest moving towards the center - it's the most protected part of the ship so it'll be where the vials are. Hopefully including the reactor." Offering a nod to their resident engineer, Sein continued "Pipes, cables, anything, should lead us there. Ana, keep your eyes out for more subtle signs as we go."

Passing his gaze across Hanna, Ume, Sora and finally Meissa, "Whenever you're ready, push onwards. Remember, we're not to open any doors - for the sake of stealth - unless we need to, so be ready for someone to jump out of one and raise the alarm. Down any cameras we might come across as well."
Station interior, if cramped

"Hai." Sora took a few deep breaths and stifled a yawn successfully as she crept behind the other team members, Gatling cannon hindering her movement in these tight quarters.
Anastasia nodded, maneuvering around the conduit. "We can follow the energy spike, it should lead us to a reactor. Once we get there, I can disable it quietly, or set up a sort of... logic bomb for them."

The technician thought to herself. "If their reactor is set up in any way like ours, then there should be locked conduits leading to it. However, its a tight fit as it is..."
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