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RP: YSS Kaiyō [SOFT] Mission Nine: Fuwa Fuwa

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Station Interior

Ume nodded to Mochi as he gave instructions, they were clear and easy to understand, but somewhat hard to execute with limited information, but she would have to do the best she could. Considering the load outs, Ume moved to the front of the group to lead the advance, not because she knew where she was going, but because she had her shield out front to catch any shots that caught them by surprise.

"If we find it, it might be worth it to take out their armory, it would provide a distraction and keep them from retaliating against us."
Inside of Station

With her Aether SMG in her hands, Hanna crept further into the depths of the station, her eyes primed for any larger hatches or access points. She kept silent as she moved within the depths of the station, preferring to devote her senses on her hostile surroundings and the mission itself.
Inside of the Station

Eden was the last to make it into the station and swept the surroundings with her sensors and visuals and then spoke out to everyone.

"Noted, Hatoyama. Move, move." As Ume and Meissa led the charge down the small hallway connected to the room they were in she spoke again. "Be on the lookout for consoles. Barlow has a keen understanding of symbology and basic operating principles of the language. I'll be with you until we all know where we're going."
Inside of the Station

"Got it, Eden," Meissa replied as she shimmied her way down the hallway with Ume, letting the purple Neko lead. Not because Meissa was a coward, no, but because if they had contact, she wanted Ume to have a clean line of sight to charge forward and engage the enemy.

Even so, it didn't provide her an excuse not to point her Aether Saber down the hallway, since while Ume would engage the enemy head-on first, Meissa would be the first to find an optimal flank against the enemy. She checked again to make sure no lights were glowing off of her, in case they found an enemy. Her four drones were a few meters forward of the frontal two members of the SOFT team, gathering intelligence, looking down hallways, relaying to Eden, and with the help of the additional processing power, building a map of the station for the Kaiyo's reference.
Inside of the Station

In the close quarters of the station hallways, Hanna would have to keep her senses primed to detect any shift in her surroundings. Whether the interruptions were errant footsteps, radar pings, or weapon discharges, she would be ready. She commanded four of her twelve drones to detach themselves from her armor. Once they were detached, she mentally directed them to be the group's rearguard and to search for additional consoles. If the defenders of the station made any flanking attempts on the elite SOFT team, her drones would immediately alert her to the disturbance.
Inside of the Station

Hanna's drones would not find enemies but instead an idle console to be utilized. It was green with gold inlays and the buttons were simple enough to understand how to turn on as there was one main button in the center and bottom of the screen. It was fifty meters down the hall.
Inside of the Station

"My drones have a console.", Hanna called out over the comms before displaying the drone's video geed over the HUD. "Fifty meters down the hall. The one with the gold inlays and buttons.", she added onto her previous statement.

With that said, Hanna commanded four more of her twelve drones to detach from her armor, leaving her with eight active drones in the air and four in reserve. She directed these four to scan their peripheries, while her other four continued to serve as a rearguard.
Inside Station

At the mention of a console, Ume slightly picked up the pace, not enough to be rushing, but she did want to get there quickly, the longer they were in here the more dangerous things got. She would not touch the console though when they arrived, rather she moved up past it and kept her eyes facing down the hall in case of any surprises
Station Interior

Mochi brought up the rear of their column along with Eden, being one of the last out of the inital room. Moving into the harshly lit hallway, Seinosuke cocked his yellow-black striped rifle, mentally confirming which round type was first in the magazine. Keeping the barrel to the metal paneled floor as the forged boots of their Mindy power armor thumped lightly down towards the center, the Juni kept scanning the far end of the hall, past the others, ready to raise and fire at a moment's notice. He hadn't run any simulations on how an IRIS shell would impact a non-armored target and - to be honest - he really didn't want to know.

With Hanna's video lighting up before his wary eyes, the Team Leader raised his eyebrows. "Let's get to it then, 501st. Longer we take to figure out where we're going the longer the rest of the Kaiyo II have to fight those dodos." Mochi spoke down into his helmet, the miscalibration in the speakers he heard earlier once more reverberating around. No way he was going to take it off and check what was wrong. "Meissa, Ume, please move a little past the panel so we have a 360 on Ana once we get to it."
Station Interior

Anastasia nodded, listening to Iemochi and Hanna. "Affirmative. I'll see what I can access from there...." The technician followed in position, keeping an eye out for any security or vulnerabilities. She didn't expect them to be fully prepared for an ambush, but kept a level head. The last thing they needed was for some blast shutters to seal them in the station.

Once they reached said golden panel, Anastasia quietly brought up its interface, investigating the device's use and accessibility to other systems. She had gotten a few lessons in L'Kor symbolism and operating format from the prisoner brought in from the assault on Komorebi, and it was already going to prove useful.
Station Interior

Meissa positioned herself near the console, her Aether Saber at the draw. Her drones moved ahead of the group by a small portion, scouting the area ahead and providing some form of protection to the team.

"Covering you, let's not spend too much time here," Meissa told Anastasia. "Once we make an intrusion into that panel we might get detected by the enemy's IT team."

Getting caught by the enemy's IT team was bad news. While yes, they could escape, reinforcements would arrive at their location, and a smart enough tracker could trace their route and hunt them down. If that happened the only way out would be fighting. And while Meissa was up for a firefight, she wasn't dumb enough to get in one that had no easy escape.
Station Interior

Sora sniffled in her armor, holding her LASR comfortably in the crook of her arm. Taking a position next to the door, back against the wall, the tol birb breathed deeply, evenly, making sure nothing would ambush them from an unexpected angle-or at least, she hoped. Conditions like these also stopped her from being able to effectively use her weapon of choice-the Gatling rifle wouldn't be immediately effective if somebody came in all of a sudden.
Inside of the Station

The presently unapparent crew of this station had a map that they oftentimes went by that Anastasia was now accessing.
Station Interior

Once Anastasia retrieved the map, Meissa took a look.

Right. L'Kor didn't write in any language that most of them knew. But at least it seemed like something important was at the bottom.

"Anyone know what those words say?" Meissa asked as she mentally planned out how they would attack the possibly engineering area. They could probably shell it out with grenades, which wouldn't be a bad option...but the reactor might explode and kill them. Teleportation may be the better idea.
Inside Station

Ume shook her head at the question of the language. "No I don't know it, but maybe we can backup the files from the console for linguist to try and decipher? It won't help us now, but maybe we can start to learn to read their language for future assaults."
Inside of the Station

Eden comm'd in to her team, "Anastasia and I both have a working knowledge." That may have been over stretching the truth to some degree on her end. "Iemochi-juni has the best idea of what we're seeing, though."
Inside Station

Mochi had been keeping quiet for the time being, keeping his eyes trained firmly on their rear, envisioning an armed L'Kor pouncing at their six at any moment. With the arrival of this new information, Mochi's voice carried to the rest of the team as he spoke, "I analyzed the language several months ago but I don't believe SAINT have released it yet army-wide. I did research before I submitted my report so I can give it a shot but it was mostly spoken."

With the back of the group reaching the console, the doctor leaned in and stole a glance of the readout. Before even considering the words therein, Mochi make a "huh" noise. Tracing a finger over the top left of the picture, he commented "That must be the layout of the whole station." Continuing, he traced the finger down as his IRIS swung beside him, he added "We're definitely at the 'bottom'.."

Using his finger as a marker for where he was up to in the complex symbols, Mochi furrowed his brow. It'd been a good while since he'd flexed these particular muscles but he would give it his best shot, though the scientist was conscious the more eyes looking at the map the less were checking the 360.

Anastasia looked over the map, glancing up as Iemochi maneuvered over as well. The technician moved over, allowing him to see the map. She nodded in agreement, pointing at one of the maps symbols. "This area here, that seems to be the most likely candidate. The symbols are familiar."

There were still many questions in the technicians head, but none that any of her team members could answer. She looked up at Iemochi, moving away form the console. "What do you suggest we do for entry?"
What Are Maps

"Should we deal with this like how we dealt with that L'Kor battleship that one time?" Meissa asked. The strategy they used was decent enough, she felt. It wasn't a bad move, although the casualty count was a little high for her tastes.

Meissa also considered the options. Lining up for a firefight was a possibility. Their weapons were precise, with only Sora having the spray-and-pray weapon. They had drones which were also good for accurate shooting. There wasn't a very high chance overall that they would ping something on the reactor and cause critical damage somewhere and cause the station to go bang with them inside. A swift teleport strike, like the one she did with Sora in the training simulator, could also be an option. It lacked the typical Meissa Nashira signature of 'everything-blows-up-and-goes-to-hell,' but she was okay with not having the signature. Most of the time all of that was just a side effect, anyways.

"Side effect." Yeah, right. Saying that to herself as she used plastic explosives as her multi-tool of a weapon. Grenade, breaching charge, landmine, and kindling to cause chain reactions across an enemy ship. Maybe Arbitrated was right. Her plastic explosives were pretty scary. Scary enough that this mission depended on her plastic explosives to blow the enemy reactor to hell and back and cause some pretty fireworks for the newbies to see.

Stay in the jet stream, Meissa.

"I'd suggest either going in and brawling it out with them," Meissa spoke up, after exiting her odd chain of thought, "or teleporting and wiping them."

"Our weapons should be precise enough to avoid collateral damage, except for Sora, unless if she uses her LASR. Either that or she uses her Aether Gatling as a suppression weapon. And teleporting in would allow us to catch them off guard, which gives us enough time for our personnel to get into position." she continued. "Although if we decide to brawl it out, we can make use of every asset we have -- drones, shields, snipers."
Bottom of Station

"You've laid out some beneficial mission strategies, Nashira." Eden said to her over comms while she began jogging down the hall, following the trail the NSBs had left behind themselves. She wasn't departing yet as she came back towards them and looked over the technician's and scientist's shoulders.

"Looks like there's a bulbous bit surrounding the likely aether reactors. Every piece of tech we have picked up from them has come up with aether as the main power source. I would head exactly where Barlow has pin-pointed if I were you. Let's go a few floors up while we strategize. I'll be leaving once we are on the same level as the aether reactors, at the center of the bulb is where we'll depart. I'll be going here," she pointed to the very center of the phallic mushroom station. Then, she was on the move, jogging in place as she said, "Positions!"
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