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RP: YSS Kaiyō [SOFT] Mission Nine: Fuwa Fuwa

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Killy Shroom

Meissa simply commanded her drones to fire upon the unarmored L'Kor. No point in wasting her attention to the enemy when her NSBs and wing drones could dispatch them much quicker.

"Certainly not, Sora." Meissa replied, her coolness a little unnerving. Inside her helmet, Meissa was commanding her array of sensors to cycle through as well, seeing what they couldn't see. "But, we still keep stealth currently. Intel is key, we can't fight in the traditional Elysian style of 'all-in.' We also can't afford to be flanked, so I've been sweeping every room with my drones very quickly before we move on."

Although a firefight wouldn't be too bad. Being able to punch something-or-other with her hands sounded quite nice. Still though, luck was a nice thing to have. It's what kept most of the SOFT team alive up until this point in their lives, she was sure.

Well, the ones who had lives. Nekos didn't count.

At least to her, luck was a friend, a friend that she rarely had the luxury of chancing across. Heh, lucky to have luck. This world was fucked up for having such a cyclical reasoning. Although she had to admit, she was at the present quite lucky. Would dad be proud? She didn't know. Dead men don't speak.
Bottom of Station

"Keep moving!" Eden said and watched as the front of the team ascended the stairway and stepped over the two L'Kor bodies. They moved upwards another floor without incident. When they were near their destination floor, the drones sent out spotted the door to engineering, guarded by two power armor-wearing L'Kor. The blast doors seemed to be closed, as well. Eden checked her six and then asked, "Iemochi, how do want to get through these doors?"
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We Made it to Engineering

“Should we call our targets and pick off the guards before breaching?” Meissa asked. Sora was familiar with the strategy. It was the first thing Meissa exposed her to ever since the not-Patrician got on the Kaiyo.

Meissa doubted it would be so simple as a few focus-fire called shots, though. Her mind raced as it began to account for plausible scenarios. It settled on one. By accident, her mind started telepathically broadcasting her thinking in a very short range, only audible by the SOFT team itself.

“Breaching is the go-to, but if the station’s on alert...even if the L’Kor aren’t very bright, they know to lock down Engineering. We don’t have the intel for a teleport, and I doubt the same trick will work twice the last time we breached into an L’Kor Engineering bay...”
Almost to Engineering

Once she knew the stairs were clear she rushed up to keep her shield in front of the team. She did stop though with the rest of the team to think about how to breech engineering with two power armors out front. Closed transmissions were their friend in this case and she took advantage of them. "We might have to cut open the door, but if we can use a flash maybe we can distract the L'Kor long enough for a quick takedown at close range."
Just Shy of the Core

Anastasia held back as the other members towards the front of the group dispatched the unaware L'Kor. As Eden and Iemochi gave the signal to move, she sprang from cover to move towards the Engineering Bay entrance. She stopped however, at the blast shutter in front of them. It seems the L'Kor were at least a little more aware than what was preferable.

She took a step back, glancing at the others discussing breaching options. "Using an aether blade would be dangerous. No telling how sensitive their reactors are..." The technician thought to herself about the last time they tried this. The engineers were armed with aether blades, so maybe it couldn't be that bad. Then, she remembered they were nigh suicidal the mission before; nevermind.
Near Blast Doors

Two down. Excellent work for a first mission. Silent as cats, they padded ever closer to their destination - it was within their grasp. As they happened across the access to their objective, Iemochi took a second to listen to the other's tactics. "I think we should combine both.." he decided in a flash. The distance from their position to the tangos wasn't far at all - a mere few long strides in their agile PA from what he could see.

As he peeked the corner undetected from what he could tell from the L'Kor's actions, the phoenix spotted a thing or two. Those claws and knee-spikes the L'Kor armor bore looked nasty - perhaps melee wasn't the greatest idea. Their knuckles appeared to have some sort of attachment, or was that just decorative? He couldn't tell.

No matter how hard he tried, the SNCO couldn't guess whether flashbangs would work - their eyes were red and it would be a gamble whether they were filtered. Whatever way they did this, it would have to be fast and before they could lock the place down.

"Alright. Pick your targets. We'll pop a flash, get close enough to blast them with our close-ranged weapons. They should be too off-guard to lock down if we're lucky. Don't let them get their hands on you so I'd say keep a few paces between you and them." Seinosuke nodded thanks to his two comrades that had voiced their ideas, then looked to Eden for go-ahead.
Breaking in

"Got it." Meissa replied, marking the target she wanted to take down with a bright red crosshair, visible on everyone's HUDs. She trained her Aether Saber on the L'Kor while slaving firing controls to Mochi's command, allowing for better coordination on the attack.
Almost to Engineering

At Mochi's words, Ume leveled her W2921 at one of the L'Kor, and used her shield as a brace. She targeted the one that Meissa had not picked up and marked it with a simple crosshair and a 1 in the top corner of it, to indicate that it was just one person at the moment.
Corridor of Doooom~

Arinori changed Ume's marking to a 2, as she leveled her rifle for a moment with one arm. Quietly, she spoke, "I can throw the flash to disorient them. Target marked." The archangel kept her movements slow as she reached down with her free hand, slowly detaching the nonlethal explosive from her belt and holding it firmly.
Corridor to Engineering

The XO of Kaiyō II, Teien Eden, looked at her HUD of the mission operations and everyone's signatures and the station map layout side by side. The pinging orange of the supposed aether core of the station they were to beat down with malice and might was just beyond those shutter doors and a few of her team were waiting on her directive. She smiled underneath her helmet, knowing that Iemochi, the team lead, wouldn't be waiting on her command when she was out of the situation completely.

"Alright, this is where I leave you," Eden said to the SOFT operatives and in an instantaneous telepathic communication the entire monologue Eden spoke was given to them. "I trust you'll do fine here on out but I'll be watching on video comms and you better know that I will shoot down to this very location the second I sense trouble," she looked around the group, "for any of you. Remember, don't teleport inside of the engineering bay where the aether reactors are especially if you're forcefully shutting them down or blowing them up like we need to do. Be smart in there. I shouldn't have to remind you, but you need to find a way to either get the core offline for good and for certain or blow the whole thing. Iemochi is your team leader. Trust in his judgement as much as I trust in you. We do this for the Empire, remember what purpose we serve."

Eden set up little markers in everyone's HUD of where she was to move as she said her piece and then her little chibi began smiling and nodding in the corner of their HUD for a quick second before the word, "GO!" Then Teien Eden jumped down the stairway behind them and to Iemochi only she sent a chibi of herself giving him the peace sign in the lower right of the phoenix's HUD.
Station of Dooom

Sora took a moment to watch as the XO just... left. She then shrugged, figuring it must have been some sort of special order she had gotten... or something.

She sighed and hefted her Gatling gun up, speaking, "Well, your orders, Iemochi-Juni. Should we breach now or find another way in?"

Eden's message was swift and concise, with no small part of theatrics. The chibi was a nice touch, it was very like Eden to keep the morale up even in situations like this. "Good luck, I'll see you on the way out." the Juni replied as she finished her monologue, she'd do fine but it was good for her to know they were there of she needed them. The raven couldn't help but smirk as she disappeared in probably the most stylish way he could think of, before snapping back to the task at hand.

Holding his MAW so that its barrel was pointing upwards, he sidled up to the corner. "We have enough people, the plan stays as is. Ready? Three. Two. One.." Sein broadcast in the same manner Eden had, knowing however they were probably far enough away to speak as Sora had. On zero, he took his free hand to his belt, unhooking the flash and activating the canister. With that, he tossed it a half meter from the sentry's feet as it exploded in a dazzling light filtered by their HUDs.

Immediately, he slapped the barrel of his rifle into the now-empty hand, advancing with several long steps and squeezing the trigger as he went.
Station Interior

Sora's face hardened as the hallway lit up with weapons fire, the combined SOFT team easily eradicating the two stationed guards from sheer numbers supported by their extra training. Not to mention the raw damage output of her Gatling rifle, which had the capacity to shred tanks on its own!
The Part Where Explosions Happen

Right when Mochi gave the command for his finger to pull, Meissa's suit sent its own signal down the arm, through the attached Saber-Rifle. A burst of light shone out, blasting Meissa's target. Meissa's suit was now unslaved from Mochi's command, but she still kept her lock on the target, sending the Aetheric light drilling through her target.

As the light seared her enemy, one of her drones moved forward to begin scanning as much of the area as it could. Best not to get too focused on one target.

Ume took the initiative to step out just as the flash went off, she had her shield up to block her line of sight. SHe couldn't fire until the flash was clear, but because of this she could get in front of her squad and protect from any stray shots fired in panic as she marched with the others, laying down round after round toward the L'Kor she designated.

On command, Anastasia followed behind as the front force dispatched of the two floor guards. The filter in her helmet already ready as the flashbangs went off, the technician advanced towards the sealed doors with her SMG up and at the ready. Confident in the work of Ume and Meissa, she continued forwards.

She spoke out over comms, glancing at Iemochi. "I've figured out how to breach with aethe. If these shutters are standard width, we can cut all but through them. The heat, mixed with the force of impact, should be enough to create a hole without nearly as much potential disturbance to the reactors."

The two L'Kor guards were smouldering heaps, steaming, without even having the time to raise their weapons. Mochi mentally refined his calculations for how many of these things the SOFT team could take at once. With Anastasia's plan unfolding, the Juni nodded swiftly. "Do it - everyone, even numbers either side of the door. We need to be ready for what's on the other side of this thing." he briskly explained, using a knifed hand to gesture to where everyone would take their positions.

"On Ana's go, we move in, checking corners. If the door doesn't fully shear for whatever reason the two at the front need to rip it apart while the rest cover fire. Same deal as last time, Sora and CQB at the front, longer ranged behind. Let's do this." Sein concluded, slipping back to make room for the vanguard to take up position.

Anastasia nodded, moving to the front of the door once the coast was clear. The engineer took out their aether saber, firing up the small blade. Readying her arm, she lined up the start of the cut, before jabbing the blade a few inches into the door. She arms moved in a steady circle as the door turned white hot behind it. After a few moments of delicate cutting work, the technician took a step back from the still molten circle.

She pulled her arms back, turning with her side against the door as she braced herself. In one swift moment, she lunged herself towards the weakened door, curling her arms around to slam the target with her shoulder as well as the butt of the rifle- nothing a Mindy cant handle. With a not very delicate crash, the circle was busted out of the door, falling onto the floor on the inside of the bay with a very loud clang, like a gong signalling destruction. The technician put their back against the door frame, aiming their rifle inside of the bay. The hole created was a nice size, but some of the taller team members would have to duck.
Inside of Engineering Bay

Anastasia would be greeted by immediate interruption. Upon entering the bay from the outside of the blast doors she would see with her sensor suite and visually that there was at least a ten man squad of unarmored L'Kor dispersed throughout the large room armed with assault rifles and pistols. A pair of them grouped up on either side of the doorway from about ten feet from it, where they had been positioned, and began shooting at her immediately while taking quick steps forward.
Engineering bay

Ume stacked up at the door and waited for Anastasia to make her move. The breach was pretty standard and Ume was confident that it would work, but the purple neko was ready to jump out at a moment's notice because how noticeable the aether blade cutting through would be.

Once the hole was made Ume did step forward and bring up her shield, expanding it slightly with her volumetrics to cover anyone to step up along with her. AS the bullets flew and pattered against the shielding, she returned fire with burst after burst, not yet looking for confirmed kills, just trying to lower the number of weapons firing with injuries as least.
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