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RP: YSS Kaiyō [SOFT] Mission Nine: Fuwa Fuwa

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Phallic Mushroom of Doom

Sora, being still quite quiet, carefully interchanged her Gatling gun with her LASR. "Teleportation could have interesting sude effects, as well. The shockwaves of our arrival may cause some damage to the area we enter."

The patrician frowned, still standing as a guard until the group started to move. It seemed unusually quiet for a battle...

“So, firefight it is.” Meissa threw back. “Let’s get on it then.”

She made sure her hands weren’t tempted to chuck blocks of explosion at the enemy, instead checking down all of her weaponry and drones.

It was quite low-security for a L’Kor station, if she had to admit. Where were all the enemies?

“I think we should ask Command if they have intel on the enemy.” Meissa commented. “None of their security is responding to our intrusion and while I’m okay with assuming they’re stupid we’ve done a fair deal of espionage...”
Bottom of Station

Inside the station still at the bulbous base, Eden nodded to Meissa and comm'd in to the Kaiyō, "Teien-taii." She sent a feeling of love and affection to her wife as she used their shared family name. "Status on known enemy positions on the station?"
Bottom of Station

Ume ta moment to memorize the map so that she could keep track of where they went in her head, the last thing they wanted was to be lost in this station. She made her way forward with everyone, keeping in front of the pack with her shield. "We cant get teleport in unless we have a view inside anyway. The chance that we teleport into something is pretty high, and sometimes that might not be a problem, but if we cut an aether powerline..."

Anastasia frowned slightly upon hearing they would take the full frontal assault approach. She was hoping for a quick operation, but it wasn't all that bad of an option. She took the time to ready her SMG, putting away her Aether Saber. It was a little tight in the Hallways to use the ranged mode on it.

Anastasia made sure she was ready, after all, she didn't want a repeat of the last time. "Hai." The technician replied flatly, looking at the other members that had caught up. "Once we reach the reactor, I know how to disable them. These people, they seem to prefer suicide to loss, so..."

Anastasia took a breath, readying herself. "Once we make contact, time is of the essence." The technician was starting to sound a bit like a leader, the three stripes on her uniform meaning something.

Mochi quietly absorbed the conversation as he stared at the map, using the knowledge he'd displayed in the past to guess at where various rooms of the ship would likely be located. It seemed like Meissa's plan was within the realm of possibility. Even if some of them fell as long as they were sure they were in the right place they'd be able to complete their objective.

"Let's go for Meissa's plan before we burn any more daylight. As Ana says, we'll need to hit hard and fast before they can rally enough troops from across the station to fight us off. The quicker we act the lower the chance of fatality or failure." he nodded to their demo expert owlbirb.

"It's imperative we can extract from the reactor, so we need somewhere to jump out to ideally. It would be best if Ana shutdown the reactor if possible, since it will likely be faster and less explode-and-kill-us-all-immediately but if not obviously we have to do whatever to complete the mission."

"Prep for assault while we get whatever intel we have about enemy positions back from the Kaiyo. Ume, do what you have to do, let's try and assure this it a hit and run and doesn't become a battle of attrition."
YSS Kaiyō II

Misaki looked through the sensors as per Eden's command, temporarily losing herself for a moment with the sudden rush of information. Unable to fully comprehend, Misaki called out, "Asuka, give me a sensors report."

Asuka called out, "I am seeing an influx of movement towards the top of the station where the away team is attacking!"

The Second Officer turned her voice to the SOFT team, "Be advised, large collection of hostiles towards the top sections of the station." She pulled herself out of the ship's sensors and back into the bridge itself, moving to work the console with her hands to give her mind a rest.

Asuka was looking to Saki and nodded, giving a thumbs up.
Confused Station Noises

"The top...?" Meissa asked. That was the opposite direction of where they were. Why were the hostiles at the top? She knew the L'Kor weren't bright, but why would they be at the top? It just didn't make sense. "Why would the L'Kor gather at the topside?" Meissa asked.

It just...didn't make any sense strategically. Unless if the L'Kor were...what the hell, command.

"There's some force attacking the topside of the station," Meissa sighed. "We need to move fast. Take advantage of the disruption."

"I think the Infantry decided to say 'screw the original plan.'" Meissa appended.
Some Station Shenanigan

"Hm. Why would they attack when... I guess they're trusting Iemochi-Heisho with the defensive jobs then." Sora smirked a little in her helmet, thinking of the tiny albatross furiously typing away at her console. Okay that thought WAS adorable.

Was isn't as adorable though, is this station. Luckily, they have a mostly-clear path, it seems, so it's apparently a good think the L'kor never have heard of a multi-directional attack. "I suggest the same. If we're lucky, we'll get all the way to the reactors without firing a shot."
Bottom of Station

"Let's go, then," Eden said while she moved forward and watched as the gathered and positioned group began to move in front of her.

"We need to find a way up. Find a stairway. Clear hallways two at a time on either side of the doorways," Eden added. "Just like we trained... Defuse the bomb."

They moved forward and Eden watched as the front two members moved to either side of each doorway and cleared each hallway in front of them for a short period of time until they were upon a stairway in the station that apparently led up four flights of stairs until ending.
Bottom of the Station

"Remember, no time to check the rooms we pass. Once we finish sabotaging, we can jump or advance to below their forces, we can catch the enemy in a pincer and rendezvous with the away team." Mochi added quickly, perhaps thinking the command could have been misheard. Dropping backwards a little as per their original formation so his IRIS would be more effective, the Juni followed Eden, keeping an eye on the hallway behind them in case any brave L'Kor decided to jump out and see what the noise was.
Station Hallways

Anastasia nodded, replying with a short "Hai" before moving out with the rest of the squadron. The technician fell back about one position in the formation while forming, letting one of the more battle hungry soldiers take the spot in front of her. She was also wanting to see the performance of the gun she helped put together.

For now, the armored technician kept her eyes peeled, looking for any signs that their intrusion had been detected. Walking into an ambush would be a sore spot for a newly formed team.
Station Interior

Sora, being in the front row of the patrolling files, briefly aimed her LASR up the center of the stairwell. After a moment, she sent a telepathic message through the entire group: "Multiple story stairwell, goes up by about four floors. I can't be certain from this angle but I imagine there are multiple other access points to it." Four floors was a start-but fighting on a staircase would be difficult to several degrees-especially for the larger SOFT team members.
Station Interio

The purple neko continued forward with her shield, her eyes focused ahead. She let her sensor suite scan for any approaching hostiles as well, but they didn't have the time to go too slow, so she kept her pace moderate as she advanced. The sight of the stairs did cause her to hesitate a moment, but in her mind, it narrowed the possible angles a threat could come from. "We need to go to the top right?" Ume spoke as she began to walk up the stairs.
Station Inside

"Upwards, yes." Meissa replied. She crept forwards, her teleport anxiously charging with a dull hum-hum-hum in the air. "If we need to fight on the stairs we need Sora to be quick with the barrier and for the two of us to be quick with our scouting and warps."

Speaking of scouting. Meissa moved her drones forwards to assist in covering ground, their higher speeds peeking into every doorway, making sure no enemies were inside, the four acting like a cohesive SOFT team all on their own.
Bottom of Station

Eden kept up moving and the group was soon up the stairway by one floor. Sora and Ume checked on the floor and then they were up another floor. They watched as a pair of unarmored but weapon-toting L'Kor began to step onto the somewhat see-through metal stairway ahead. Eden looked to Iemochi.
Second Floor (though I suppose Third Floor to you guys)

Mochi nodded quickly to Eden, raising his IRIS-loaded rifle, propping it against the railing that skirted the staircase as he did. Lifting one balled fist above his head, the Elysian readied the others to take them out. Holding two fingers aloft from his otherwise-closed hand to indicate the amount of enemies, the Team Leader gave the order.

As the two L'Kor came through onto the stairway ahead of the group, the Juni dropped his arm, squeezing the trigger of his weapon - hopefully with the support of the others to end this before it starts.
Bottom of Station

With the L'Kor above them, Ume readied her weapon, but she waited for orders, she did not want to mess with the teamwork. Once she received the order however she began to fire without hesitation on the enemy. It was best to make it short and decisive and give no opportunity for a drawn-out fight since their objective was further on and they needed to stay out of sight.
YSS Kaiyo II

Asuka called out to Misaki, "Hatoyama-hei did away with the to members above her."

Misaki looked over to Asuka, barking out, "I need a location of any way to go up the station's decks as soon as possible."

Asuka looked over, saying out shortly, "They are going up the only stairwell in the area right now but there is a maintenance shaft. Barlow-hei will be able to find it easily."

"And I need another round of high-intensity scans when you are able." Misaki mentally switched the communcations line to speak to the SOFT team, "Five-Oh-One, Continue climbing decks. Clear decks if able at Eden's discretion."

Asuka swept the station with more active sensors that were easily detected, but it didn't matter now as they were well known targets the sensor suites of the station and its inhabitants. The grey panel sensor operator turned her red head and looked to Misaki, realizing that the Second Officer had already seen the information that came in from the sensor sweep and shot the information highlights to Saki just in case.

As the sensors results became visible on her screens, she simply sent them over to the SOFT team.
Station or something
Iemochi-Juni's rifle was fairly quiet compared to the power retort of Arinori's LASR. Being in a position of ambush, the SOFT team would be hard-pressed to not hit their targets. "Two down. I don't think we'll be able to stay this lucky, though."
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