The Calm after the Storm
Soon was actually finished berating her subordinates by the time Remy had acknowledged her, and was then standing up behind her desk taking a few calming breaths as her flunkies offered her a drink, which she accepted, and a refill of the molluscs-in-broth that she had specifically requested refilled, yet crossly refused. Another breath, and Soon's expression changed, softening, lightening, the storm-clouds that were once there now as if they'd never existed. She sashayed, some less-charitable might say slithered, across the Nonapus's lowest floor to the bar area where the two women had convened.
Soon took up a position very close to Remy, at an angle to Wa-wan and smiles. She looks genuinely happy, with less than a trace of Stepford. The again, she could just have had a modification that makes her good at smiling genuinely. She stands, her hip pressed against Remy's holster and sips her drink. Looking down the stem of the glass, over the rim, she stares at Wa-wan, smirking once she finishes drinking. "Now, tell me. What are you doing here, and why did you leave so much off your resumé, hmm?"
In the background, cleaning drones impassively reverse the destruction in the radius of Soon's wrath without heed to it, like a weary crime-scene cleanup crew on their last stop of the shift.
Landing Array Six
The twins were unavailable for the red-carpet welcome that Quallox Vaibal had afforded the Yamataian delegation. However, that doesn't mean that only ominous rabbits in the background were all that was there to meet them. An Elefirn greeted them, accompanied by another of her kind as well as a young adult apparently-baseline human male of a uniformly-grey-toned ethnicity not found in Nepleslia, in an equally-alien military uniform, flanked by a pair of Soon's Kuvexian heavies, themselves flanked by a pair of golden Kuvexian security drones. The Elefirn bowed dramatically and gestured with a broad flourish towards an equally luxurious, well-heated vehicle as the one for the Yamataians that sat waiting for them. "Forgive us," her Trade was just as impeccable and just as accented as the Controller's, "But the Baroness's schedule is rather full. Let us see to your accommodations while you wait for an opening."
Somehow Soon Having Alastair's SYNC Profile
"Oh, I thought of another demand. Instant visas for all Kuvexian civilians currently on any worlds repatriated into the YSE! Thanks so much, dear."