Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

The Havok Festival YE 40

The Challenge Area.

Alex looked at the man before him quizzically. "I know someone who looks like you, but you don't seem too familiar to me. I'd remember you I if I'd ever met you I think."

Before Alex could talk anymore, the mustachioed man took back the loudspeaker and exclaimed, "Right that's enough banter, let's get you two ready!"

Mark was shown to a U-1 with a modified control system for rookies. It had a harness to allow the mecha to mimic the movements of its pilot, as well as a thought reading helmet to help control thrusters and other functions. though it still had the original joystick system installed.

Alex climbed in to his, which was completely stock, and linked to the computer inside it. He wouldn't have any kind of fine control he would with his custom model, but it was enough to provide him with rudimentary control over all of the servo and sensor systems of the craft.

The announcer spoke over the loudspeaker and said to both of them, "I want a good clean fight! You may begin... Now!"

Alex was not expecting this, and was surprisingly slow to react, giving Mark the chance to make the first move.
Rose could only smile warmly. She was going to have fun showing this man the magic she weilded.

"Those are but puny toys for rich children who have nothin better to do than risk their lives." Rose waved her hand dismissively at the hover bikes.

"And how much did you sink into the car?"

"Most of my personal savings. Still better than buying flights up to the Anvil to check the other labs."

"True. They still give you weird looks for parking on the flight deck."

"Anyhoosies, the USO has a lot of cool tech that makes quality of lfe better. Granted, Uso has the nasty habit of making hostile takeovers, but she's very good at rebuilding afterwards. That's kinda 90% of my job at the moment. That and teaching astrophysics at Osman." Rose finished by pulling a ration bar from sme hidden panel and opening it.
Kyro nodded as she spoke paying attention and listening to what she was saying. He stopped when she finished and asked her, “ So I would assume that you would know a person by the name of Sindy-xuo Draguun? She was a Captain in the Osman Cavalry the last time I meet her.” He looks at her with a look of curiousity, losing his formal and blank expression, being replaced with one of anxiety and concern.
Mark chuckled at the controls, he wouldn't need them. He climbed into the cockpit with the manner of someone who had piloted a U-1 before. His eyes glowed as he assumed full control. He went into mech mode and dashed forward for a kick.
Nath Tower, Penthouse...


The Challenge Area.


Uso wasted no time when she realized what was happening, her feeds were already prioritizing the best of the festivities in the festival and an alert just popped for robot fight.


Her rocket-assisted leaps took her from Nath tower, down to the combat area, and then right to the announcer. Her sheer inertia launching the poor man out of the way as she grabbed the mic from him, a torrent of sand following in her wake.

Uso then took a short break, texting Akemi,


Get down here,


Uso then took up the mic,

"IN THIS CORNER!" Uso shouted, the speakers broadcasting her voice over the area, "MARK THE SHARK! YAMATAIN WAR HERO! SCOURGE OF THE NMX! OVER 200 CONFIRMED KILLS IN A KIRIE MECHA."

She pointed toward Mark's mecha, one arm outstretched, her eyes entirely focused on the crowd,


Uso then tossed the mic over to her other hand, freeing up the other side of her body to point at Alex,



Uso would wait for the crowd to cheer,

Of course they cheered,

This was good shit,


Akemi jumped into the air, accelerating hard and fast around the crowd as he shouted out, "Yeah, THESE GUYS!" Working up the crowd, he pumped his diamond-encrusted fists up towards the sky and then back to his waist before pumping them up to the sky again, "Yeah yeah yeah, THESE GUYS! They're going to fight and you're going to love it!!! If you don't love it, they'll be at the whims of USO TASUKI, herself!!!!"

He spun up in a ringlet until he was pretty high above the crowd, then sent a message to Uso:

U to the S to the U,

I hope that's what you wanted. If not I have some mindwarp tech in the works that completely zaps memories. I can try it out on the crowd and re-do it. If you want, of course.

Your pal,


Eden sped towards the mountain's gaining on Mark's position.
The Challenge Area.

Mark's swift attack had only one thing going for it. Surprise. As Mark closed the distance, Alex had almost no time to get out of the way for a full dodge. However what he did have time to do was a small movement with his right leg to deflect the kick's momentum, followed by a pivot around and behind Mark.

Then he swept at Mark's legs while behind him. The whole block, pivot, and sweep took a fraction of a second before it was complete, and Mark would still be off balance from his kick being deflected.

Mark may have some experience, but this was Alex's world. It'd take a combination of wit, skill and most importantly luck to bring him down.
Mark(kaiyo II)
Mark was caught off balance, but he had more going for him. It was time to put those advanced reflexes to work. After his legs were sent out from under him, He used his thrust for a little boost as he put one mechanical hand to the ground, as he used the thrust to spin his legs and do a spin kick. "I'm back with upgrades!"

Wait what?! How did he pass her, he was trying to catch up to her. He slowed again to bring himself along the buggy, "I'm trying to talk to you! I'm not trying to win!"

A figurative light bulb in Wyatt's head suddenly lit up as an idea formed, the NH-31 Minkan did have one trick up his sleeve and it made him feel slightly daft for not thinking of it earlier. The engine was almost maxed out but there was one surefire way he could increase speed - he began feeling lighter as the in-built inertia controlling ability in his body kicked in, the minkan shot forward and began going past the other two racers as the bike accelerated beyond its safety limits.

Wyatt stopped 'cheating' when he managed to hear Mark's voice over the roar of engines, he fell back slightly and lined up next to the two. "When did you get your arm replaced!?" he yelled out over all the noise as he pulled the scarf down to his neck, confused as to why Mark's arm looked normal now instead of... whatever it had been doing before.
S6 security personnel(VIP area)
Two men in formal wear approached mochi.
"Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to come with us."
"Alive and well. She's a pilot with the Skyguard and one of my star students," there was no hesitation as Rose spoke confidently. It was sure that she was either telling the truth or could lie like a polotician.

"Sindy-xuo Draguunastronavigatorg talent for three dimensional visualizing on a stellar scale. She's going to make a spectacular astronavigator."

Mark's words were garbled but she could at least tell that he needed a word. Eden made a motion with one hand like she was twisting her hair around her index finger, sans the hair. Her buggy slowed while they came close to the mountain pass and was shadowed by the first of the many mountains ridging out of the desert's ground.

"FULL STOP!!" Eden called to Mark and Wyatt as she continued her semi-controlled de-acceleration. Soon, she was stopped and she crawled around the cage of the buggy and towards Mark and Wyatt, on the buggy's right.

"I'd like you to meet another Mark, Wyatt. Mark, Wyatt." She breathed out a long, happy sigh, "What's up, Mark?"

VIP Area

Any liquor that she had in her system before was gone in a split second. Suddenly wearing a plain black t-shirt, dark midnight leather jacket, and onyx pants with eff-off boots, Hoshi was quickly walking over to the two men while Asuka found a place between them and Iemochi. The two Kaiyō Nekovalkyrja on the couch where Akemi had been sitting were now nudging through the VIP Section and were at the formal attired men's sides. All four Nekovalkyrja were now wearing the same thing as Hoshi was, a sort of uniform of their own.

Hoshi spoke to them quietly, "I would like to know the nature of this inquiry of my friend."

"Can you tell us what you'd like to do with him?" Asuka said in a near whisper to the men's faces.

The two other Nekovalkyrja were silent, but all four were communicating in tandem, moving Iemochi away from the formally attired men. Hoshi put her hands around Iemochi's waist, looking ready to launch herself and him into the air at the drop of a hat.

To Arbitrated and Sein Iemochi, she telepathically said, "I know people. Tell me what you need me to do."

To Gravity and Kyōi, she telepathed, "I need immediate extraction! Stage area, now!"

To Uso, she sent a message, "One of my crew is being asked to come with your planet's security staff. I don't want anyone getting hurt here."

Yamataian cats protect their birds, after all.
Mark had stopped his bike next to the buggy with ease, "Oh after the temple, I came back here. I'm now a government official and run Section 6 with my counterpart. We run an army, fleet, and labs. So how's the kaiyo and other me doing these days. Haven't seen my copy yet, if I knew you guys were here, I would have invited the crew here to dinner."

"Ma'am, I am not at liberty to share why, but this man is on a watch list. We are going to have to ask that he comes with us. We are only doing our jobs."

Five more men would appear from the crowd. They showed their badges and stood ready to act.

"Corporal you may want to count the odds here.", Jack said walking over from nath tower, "generally military nekoes tend to leave a mess against guys like you."

Jack approached the stand off locked group, "Miss Hoshi, I am commander Pine of Section 6, a branch of the USO government. I work directly for miss task herself. Mister Iemochi her is wanted in several areas and has a law enforcement bounty on his head. Issued by a yamatain authority at the request of IIS. A yamatai entity. Now my job is to ensure the people are safe and protected, for citizens, and guests alike. This is my home and I have a family here, so I would be remiss to not do my job. Let us take him for questioning. I want to at the least know why his own family has put a price on his head. If he has not broken the law, done no wrong. Then I will simply send him on his way, now please, let us not make a bigger seen." He said in a polite, yet commanding tone.

When the order to stop came, Wyatt pulled back on the bike's brakes and turned the front wheel sideways - he was being courteous at least to make sure this plume of sand was pointed away from the other two as he came to a halt and turned off the bike. He took a moment to look over this 'other Mark', the man looked to be almost a carbon copy of the one he had known from the Kaiyo.

Wyatt pulled the goggles up to his forehead and exposed his amber eyes before hopping off the bike, the minkan made his way over to the new Mark with calculated steps as his eyes continued to observe the man. He didn't think it crazy that someone like the SAoY would clone its own people but he still imagined it would be odd to see yourself without it being a reflection or image.

He extended a hand forward and began to speak, "Alder, Wyatt Alder, Marksman. Forgive me for not knowing about the duplicate situation, misplaced legal documentation kept me out of the loop for some time before I was allowed to participate in a mission aboard the Kaiyo". Wyatt's cold voice matched the icey looks he was still giving.

Eden became apprised of the situation and asked this Mark, "Why is your current staff trying to nab my current crew?" She covered her chest with two steely crossed arms while walking back to the buggie. She made eye contact with Wyatt, showing the Minkan the current scene unfolding while she said to Mark, "What can you do in this situation to help those that need it right now?"

VIP Area

As the others got her requests and some more were sent out by the Nekovalkyrja, Hoshi brought both Iemochi closer to herself and the other Nekovalkyrja did not stand down, but were now forming a defensive circle around the two birds, joined by the many other Kaiyō Nekovalkyrja that were also in the VIP section.

"If he has any warrants or bounties issued against him, they would have already come down through Star Army Command to me, his captain. At that point I would have handed him in to the military police myself! There is no such warrant on file. Order your forces to stand down," Hoshi said in a low, unamused voice to Jack Pine.

To Iemochi, Hoshi said, "This is an order: you are not to go with this man or this planet's forces until a PANTHEON-authorized warrant for your detainment has been issued by the Star Army." She reiterated to him, "That's an order from your direct superior."

Looking back to Pine, she continued in a gravely voice, "Unless you want to detain the entire command staff of an active duty Yamataian gunship, stand down."

Muyomi spoke, reciting a Yamataian law. "Citizens and plebians have the defense of the Star Army of Yamatai and various non-military government offices to support their safety." Her face was set sternly and she went on to cite a regulation, "Orders of Star Army officers always take priority over civilian corporations' orders."

"Jax!" Hoshi said telepathically, "Section 6 is trying to nab my crew! We need you!"

As soon as the minkan caught wind of trouble brewing, he lowered the hand and listened intently to his superior as he saw the specifics of what exactly was happening. They were trying to apprehend a member of the crew and Wyatt wouldn't let that happen, he may have been an asshole but family was family - they looked out for each other regardless of whether they are in the right or the wrong, that was one thing Wyatt could stand behind.

"I'll meet you there shosa, no man left behind" Wyatt said with a scowl towards the Mark before he hopped back on the bike and covered his face up again, the bike shot off with a wheelie before it straightened out - the engine screamed as it was once again pushed beyond its limits but Wyatt didn't care, he would take the blame for any damages the hired vehicle ended up with. His blood family had almost faded entirely into obscurity since he had enlisted and he was okay with that, but shared bloodshed and loss held his new family together better than any genetics could.

The bike tore through the desert as it made a beeline directly for the VIP Area.
VIP Area

"Surely you realize that this is neither the time nor place, Mr. Pine," a satin black EM-J6-1 "Rayleigh" android queried, his smooth voice like that of a professor, "that one is with the Yamataian Star Army. Surely you do not wish to cause Candon to have to come back from his vacation to deal with this problem."

Turning from the window he'd been facing he approached the group with slow, heavy steps, adjusting his necktie as he did. The black tie laid back down over the white triangular paint on his chest to push the appearance of a business suit. "We are gentlemen and ladies after all, let us handle this diplomatically! Perhaps a ride in the company limousine is what we need?"
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As he stood there looking at her, he couldn’t help but not believe her. Just the thought of her joining USO seemed far too taboo for him to just accept. He slowly shaked his head and said, “Sure. Well, I’m going to see what’s with all of the security. You have a good day.” He then walked off to the VIP area.

Upon arrival he spots Jack and then walked over to him. His back was straight and he was forcing himself to seem presentable again with his emotionless expression on his face. “Jack, could you please assist me in this order I’ve been given by Uso. I don’t quite understand how to complete it.” Kyro stoped and looked at the others, he didn’t say a word but didn’t quite understood what was going on since he wasn’t there. “What seems to be the issue here.” He stated.
The Challenge Area

Mark(kaiyo II)
Mark was caught off balance, but he had more going for him. It was time to put those advanced reflexes to work. After his legs were sent out from under him, He used his thrust for a little boost as he put one mechanical hand to the ground, as he used the thrust to spin his legs and do a spin kick. "I'm back with upgrades!"

Mark's kick flew fast and true... Right up until the point at which Alex caught it in his right hand and held the opposing mecha in place. "Equipment and enhancements are no replacement for experience." He said calmy, before striking at his held-in-place opponent's torso with the flat of his left palm.

With both legs in the air, Mark had left himself no way out of the situation. The was silent as Mark's mecha slammed into the ground with a deafening crash, sending up a plume of dust.

Sacre wasn't the best co-pilot, but she did what she could to help Gravity by keeping an eye out for the other racers. Sacre kept her eye out for anything that was happening. "Looks like there's something happening at the VIP stands." She said, concerned as they raced towards the mountain pass.