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RP: United Outer Colonies [UCS Vanguard, Former Asuka peeps] Mission to Mitsuya

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One armor managed to climb out with a second, the armor stressed and slightly warped, but unharmed...the second was cracked and seeping blood...the occupant of THAT armor was already dead...

A third was still in there, as was Minami...
Roken released the trigger watching as the survivors crawled out, he frowned when he saw one was already dead, hope he was the only one. Roken thought as he looked through the holes, “are we closer to the others.” Roken said as he prepared fire.

Were almost there, a little closer and then we can all get out of here.
(Guess I was waiting for nothing hehe)

"Recalculating.." New targets went to the other armours. "Lieutenant Minami is priority, grab them as quickly as possible. Leave the dead unit if things become unstable." Miyako hurriedly instructed. Then a tone sounded in her armour, and she passed through the instructions again to the rest of the remaining team members.


If it didn't work, she was also working on more gravitational strip uses with all the armours she had present. They'd get the last two out any way possible.

(Sorry everyone)

“Yes XO,” Roken moved closer as he reached for the Lieutenant Minami, “I have the lieutenant.” He pulled the Injured Lieutenant out looking back to see if the other pilot was moving, “I will take here to the others so they can treat her and ill be back.” He held onto the Lieutenant as he made his way back out of the cave.
The one remaining person was moving, though sluggishly. They were missing an arm...meanwhile, Minami gave a small cough, before speaking.

Roken smiled, "no problem glad we were here to help you all."

When he was out of the cave he checked his communicator hoping there was not no interference before he sent a signal, "This is Roken Techard I have Minami the lieutenant needs immediate medical attention do you copy?" Roken continued on his present course towards where the others were the others were treating the other survivors.
Lolion was still at the mouth of the cave waiting for the rest of his team and the remaining survivors to exit. He saw Roken exit with another victim and went over to transport the victim to the evac site. "I'll take them from here" Lolion said as he lifted the wounded up and moved to the site allowing Roken to reenter to help where needed.
Roken gave Lolion a nod as he carefully handed the injured Lieutenant, "alright thanks, ill head back then." He gave Lolion a wave as he made his way back into the cave. "XO Lolion has the injured Lieutenant and I am heading back down to you," Roken said as he picked up the pace.
"Understood. That is all of the team, I'm carrying out flank with the dead one. Ensure the passage remains open, soldier." Miyako replied.

Roken ran into the shuttles waiting, and the other team when he made the surface whom quickly loaded Minami into one of the shuttles that had been sent, and glided out of the atmosphere with the other members of the team.

With the unstable cavern that had almost been an entire squad's grave, the XO made her way out with her heart thundering between her ears awkwardly holding the fallen soldier through the tight spaces. The others still with her, including the medics paved the way.

"Copy Sub-Lieutenant, remaining support team preparing for evac." The last shuttle pilot chimed in on the team's frequency. She would drop the other armour and continue up with everyone else.

"Commodore this is Kotonoha, Lieutenant Minami should be arriving presently, I am pulling the recovery team out."
"Understood, Miyako. Please hurry on your return. We have to use anyone with medical skill to assist up here. Cadet Wakahisa is overwhelmed, and Noboru is imprisoned for his actions."

Yumiko transmitted back.
The shuttles arrived first, after she had collected the team again Miyako brought them from the fiery surface of the planet back into orbit, and the waiting Vanguard. Breaking from formation vertically, she had the others come to the floor of the bay before her, then stepped down the last to return. "Medics report to the medbay right now. Everyone else report in, if you're injured say something all right?"

The members of the other team they had recovered were already there, by that time and Miyako pulled the helmet from her Tenshi with a loud gasp, her hair despite those buns was frazzled and she had been sweating thanks to the tension of another situation that hadn't exactly made her day. "Yumi-ah..Commodore, we're all back and accounted for from all teams even recovery." The Sub Lieutenant relayed as soon as she found an intercom. There was one person she would have to see reprimanded, but at least he had been useful to the mission and not a major liability.

That more hadn't gone wrong to at least Miyako felt like a great miracle, and her tension was slowly cracking from the place she had bottled it up.
"Sounds like everything went well enough, Lolion." Noboru thought to his squadmate from his position in the brig.

"You got all of the living ones back with you, correct?"
Yumiko responded.

"Good job, Miyako...and you managed to get a lot of data as well. It's regrettable the one person was dead, but...it couldn't be helped. Of course, I'm unsure of how to handle Noboru...he seems to regret going against you and understand what he did wrong, but it's a bit too late for 'sorry'."
Lolion took off his helmet revealing a stern look on his face. "Lolion reporting in" he responded to Miyako's com. His head was racing right now with the amount of things that went wrong when Noboru chimed in. "went well?" Lolion responded. Lolion knew it was one big cluster fuck as soon as he got the mission info from Miyako. "Like hell it did. I can make a list a mile long with the things that went wrong today. But that's neither here nor there at this point, we manged to save all but one of them but that's what happens in situations like this.

He took off his helmet and took in a breath in of the ships air to calm himself. He knew he had a similar issue like Noboru's by his actions but perhaps some things will change around here because of what happened. He quickly got out of his power armor and got dressed again. Once he was back in his uniform he stood near his power armor awaiting Miyako while keeping the stern look on his face and his eyes trained on her.
Miyako waited for the rest to check in, she would wait to get out of her armour until the rest of the team checked out. Of course, the two medics Kage and Minori were sent right away, leaving her on the short end in the bay. I have to recommend Reglo for reprimand also. If it's not obvious why mission logs will show. I'm dumping them now from my memory. She sent Yumiko, remembering to do that before relaxing. Again she spoke through the intercom, "He severely endangered both teams and I'm surprised there wasn't a casualty due to it. If we were in combat that could have been it. The only good thing is they're safe and he's lucky it could have been worse. May I dismiss the team? The medics should already be at medbay, Commodore. Once I change I can be back on the bridge quickly."
Kichiro wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to deal with the many patients that entered the questionable medical facilities aboard the Ionoche-class. He had certainly remembered entering the medbay earlier, but only now realized that would barely be able to suit his needs. Without sprites or hemosynth, he was just an ordinary, if slightly green medical officer. Still... he was doing the best he could and tried to hold out until additional help could be sent to him.

Still, bruises, broken bones and crushed limbs weren't that hard to deal with, but he simply couldn't handle every injured person. As it stood, any aid he gave was only temporary, but it would have to last.

"Oi!" He glanced over at one of the patients, a Jiyuuian woman who was trying to get back into the field. His usually calm expression slid into a slight frown as he placed both his arms on her shoulders to keep her down. "Ki o tsukete. Your bones haven't even set yet."
"I will consider Reglo's case as well, and permission granted. I'll grant time for us to get back to some semblance of normalcy before exploring the secong planet."

Yumiko said, walking into the bay.

"You've done well, in spite of the insubordinate peacekeepers, ne?"
Miyako was adjusting her uniform when Yumiko walked in, having taken a moment to get out of her Tenshi. "O-oh!" She bowed then walked over to the Commodore, tightening her belt. "Dismissed." SHe called to those who were left, turning a tired smile on the commander of the UCS Vanguard. "Ah..uun..in spite of that the others should be okay, yes."
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