Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Hanami Festival & BBQ Cookout of YE 42 - OPEN RP

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Mikael waves goodbye to the scouts before he makes his way to the line to meet Hanako. Had he known she was going to be here, he would have taken his bomber jacket with him instead of by standard freight that it is currently in. Somewhere in the universe anyway.
Yaichiro was surprised by the maneuver but didn't fight it. The officer smiled at his old friend and comrade warmly, more warmly than he'd been capable of on the Sakura. He grasped her hand and accepted the gesture. "I don't mind at all, Midori. You've no idea how happy I am that you're doing better. This is a lot of progress for you. If you get uncomfortable though, let me know. You don't have to push yourself to impress." He wanted Midori to know that she needn't push too far and to move at her own pace. The blush on her face could have been from moving too fast or the relatively intimate gesture from the woman.

Once the line moved, Yaichiro found himself standing in front of Hanako with Midori at his side. "Hello, Shosho...heh, even now I still feel the urge to call you Taisa. It's good to actually speak to you this time around." He greeted Hanako and smiled, and the officer also looked behind her to the former sprites. "It's nice to see you all as well!" Yaichiro called out, remembering his time with Cherry and Blueberry in particular. The latter even had her own command now. It was fascinating how time flew.
"I am actually a Chujo now!" Hanako laughed, giving Yaichiro a warm smile while also flashing her sleeve cuffs to show the new gold stripe above the thick white admiral's stripe. "You are with the reborn First Expeditionary Fleet helping Katsuko now, yes? I am pleased to hear about all the rebuilding going on in the Outer Colonies systems. How are things going personally for you? Have you got a wife and kids yet?" she grinned.

Cherry gave Yaichiro the most obvious wink ever from behind Hanako's shoulder.
Yaichiro blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his head at both the question and the wink. And the misidentification. "Ah! Sorry, Chujo. That's embarrassing...but congratulations! As for kids, aside from adopting Kasumi and taking care of Midori's...well, it turns out that I fathered Katsuko's daughter Kaoru years ago and no one was told of her true parentage for security reasons. It's safe for it to be known now. We had a second last year, Kazumi, who's also on the Tokyo as a Shoi Kohosei. I'm not married yet, but Katsuko's explicitly declared romantic interest and has brought me into her clan functions. I'm pretty much a Motoyoshi in all but name at this point."

The man was embarrassed. "I always felt that one did not pursue a woman of power and authority unless she made it abundantly clear that she desired it. Now that it's happened, I'm trying to read the flow as best I can. I'm not sure if she wants something conventional like marriage or not. It's been a bit unconventional thus far at least."
"OH!" Hanako stammered, blinking rapidly in surprise for a moment. "Congratulations?!" Hanako blushed as thoughts of Yaichiro laying pipe in Taisho Katsuko entered her brain. She rapid fanned her neck with one hand. "How do you feel about that? How do you feel about Katsuko?"

Meanwhile Cherry was grinning ear to ear, trying not to laugh.

"Would anyone like some shrimp?" Lime asked.

Meanwhile Blueberry waved to Misaki. "It's been a long time! What are you up to these days?"

OOC: @Miyako
"A new Service knife is a tall order. For the blade must be made from the steel of one who was killed by a sapient, and the handle from raw bone. Preferrably that bone is of the same person. But your kind do not give steel in death, do they?" Atteni nodded solemnly at his thoughts, her eyes looking up and off to the left. "A protector... A piece of armor for her uniform would be appropriate. Or a shield. It would be best to know something of her that needs protecting. Something that hurts in the mirror."

It took a few moments before Atteni stood to her full height, looking down to him as she processed his words again. "Partner and ally. Her protector and the warrior at her side. A blade is quite appropriate. Be warned, little Skydas. Maintain your balance. Do not allow your wrath, hate, and anger to slip from your control. I think you should know this. Even in war, wounds must heal, lest you bleed on those who did not cut you."

She had been digging in her pockets as she spoke, before extracting something and sitting back down. Holding out her hand was a leather wrapped bundle, with a few shard like ingots of steel, each with a bag tied through a hole in one end. "Make your selection. I will tell their story."
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Stepping back at first, looking up to the tall Senti before him. Leventé could not help but stand slightly in awe, as passerbys skittered past or made their way around the two. Some double taking at her sheer height, children pointing bewildered by the massive woman, who seemingly sprouted from the crowd.

"I am aware, and rather impressed. I've only met you yet yet it's like you've seen right through me. I have to admit, feeling vulnerable as if I'm naked is a new experience for me." He said almost jokingly, seeing the bundled sets of steel, he pointed to the larger bundle of shards to the center of the row." This one first, who were they? Then right to left. I'd like to know who they all were. As for healing, that is something she is helping with. There are wounds we both have to heal."
"Setiel iš krovininis Soren neè Naťuscen iš Shurista. Her mother. Born to a scout boat, moved onto Shurista when she was young. Met my son Saliten when she was one hundred and sixty. They married, and Aliset was the only child either of them produced. Sali is infertile. Seti was wounded when she was young, uterine damage. She was the most beautiful irridescent, kind heart, with a temper like the smith's hammer. Green eyes that flashed in the starlight, hair like burned steel, and skin that would sparkle when she worked, or danced. She taught Ali to dance, and to play several instruments. Two hundred and sixty, died by exposure to deep space in an accident. Here."

Atteni laid the bundle out on the ground, propping her tablet against her knee as she navigated to the images associated with the bundles of ingots. The woman displayed was exactly as Atteni describerd her, her smile somewhere between maternal warmth and wicked mischeif, and a ferocity in her eyes as they seemed to change color with their angle to the light source, glittering flakes scattered throughout the vibrance. But for all that, the facial structure, and body language was identical to a woman he knew very well. He could easily see now where Aliset had been injured in the past, her skeleton twisted, her mother having no such injuries and looking so like her daughter. "Know now that these can never be owned. They are carried, as alive as we are, in their own way. In your choice, cherish that soul. Never force them to become something they are not. They may not speak to you, but there is power in them as in life. These people will carry the pair of you, the family you have joined and wish to build with her, into the future. Honor them. Direct them to the happiness of those you love and those she loves. You depend on her. She depends on you. You both depend on your unit, and they, the community around them. Everything you do has an effect. Make it positive that all may prosper. Or negative to put everyone you know and love at risk.

"I would figure peoples that give no steel would know this. But there is much evil to be burned away, and many innocents caught in the eventuality of an evil's consequences. Protecting those innocents and correcting, punishing and uprooting those evils is the reason the Senti have been so eager to join your militaries. All of the flotillas will soon follow Aliset's example. For better or worse, we are part of this community. And we must protect and improve it. Skydas will judge us for the evils our people will have to commit. I pray that Ali leads us in the right direction. The Council certainly thinks she will. They would not have moved the Flotilla so close to Jiyuun if not. These ancestors carry the will of all senti. You and Aliset, Nicol, and the dozens who have already claimed their place in Yamatai's Star Army, are all the harbingers of the future, with the mass and will of billions. Aliset can't do this alone. Promise me, for the Goddess and the Commanders who watch. Swear on something important that If'ni may hear you. Make her, and our people proud. Make her a home."

If and when he acknowledged the importance of the steel, the importance of himself and the family he was about to join, and what his family meant to an entire species, she would spend as long as he would allow her sharing stories of the family members that had passed on, how they had, and the humor and memories associated with them. A trend would emerge, as she rarely called them dead, and there was no sadness in their passing. Simply the knowledge of how they were in life, with the many names associated with them, the importance of those memories over their passing. These were not cremated remains, they were shards of a trusted friend, and family, explaining their polished crystalline shape.
Himari and Emiko walked through the festival. They especially liked seeing the diversity of species that were in attendance. They also took note of some of the various food stuffs being offered. They were walking along and spotted Hanako and her crew. They approached and each took a snow cone. Emiko had a cherry flavored, and Himari had taken a lime one.

Emiko approached Hanako, As she approached she sent a brief message via their communicators to Himari. //This is the Hanako. The one that our mentor has spoken about.//

Emiko waited for an opportunity to speak. "Good day Chujo Ketsurui Hanako, It is good to see you again. This is my friend Himari she is recently assigned to the YSS Aeon II."

HiImari approached and gave a proper bow to Hanako. "It is an honor to meet you Chujo Ketsurui."
Hanako bowed in return. "I am pleased to meet you as well. Please, tell me about yourself. Could you also tell me how you like the new YSS Aeon?"
Hoshi had stopped her excited footfalls to float around near a push cart selling a small variety of baked street foods that wafted around her as their thick scents were pushed by the spring breeze. Her foot bounced in the air after a few minutes of waiting around, looking at the sights in the small nook of the city she had settled in. Her red sneakers tapped out a random beat against the air as she grew impatient, which was evident too by her big blue eyes that peered above the squared rim of her sunglasses to scan over the crowd.

Himari paused for a moment, "As for myself, I served in the Scientific Studies Service for four years. I was assigned to the YSS Genshō. I had the honor of serving as a Scientist under Captain Jalen. He sponsored me when I chose to join the Star Army. Which is why I carry his Surname." She paused.

"As for the Aeon II, she is quite a vessel. Captain Jalen had shared some of his adventures aboard your ship the Eucharis. The Aeon II is a definitely different craft. I am certain that you are familiar with the Plumeria 2E. Taisa Ise has made a few modifications. I am looking forward to our Shakedown and then to help fight back the Kuvexian."

For the longest time, it had been lost on Misaki that she and blueberry shared a few hobbies, but it did make her easier to speak to sometimes as well back when she served with the rest of the Eucharis and things were not about the job, in other words, duty, which is where things were most difficult for the soldier who had spent more of her time in space than anywhere, like many in the fleet. It made her just as happy to see the former sprites as Hanako, and she quickly swallowed what she was nibbling on to answer.

"Ah! I served aboard the Aeon for some time. Since then I have been cross-training here, and instructing seminars and courses, mostly about squadron tactics since is our priority, but sometimes there is a spot for an hour here or there about diplomacy and exploration. If I have time before I am assigned to another ship, I might apply for additional cross-training for black panel things, if not perhaps just repairs in case of emergencies or a few other things I have in mind." It had been some time since her return to the capital, her longest since being deployed to the fleet itself. The initial anxiety had been palpable.

"What about you?" The former XO asked, her curiosity as apparent as ever.

OOC: @Wes


"Ahhhh-kaaa-maaa-rruuuu Daaateeenshiiiiiii staand at attennntion!" A familiar voice keened out from the crowd of people only a moment before a finger went up her spine from behind.

"Hey." Miyako announced herself by raising a hand up simply and flashing a, "V" , to her former subordinate and Reiko, it took a bit to spot the woman she recognized in the crowd, but it meant meeting at least one person she recognized at the festival, so she thought why not go tease her just a little bit?

"Who is your date? She's cute." The idol asked, smiling fully.

OOC: @SageShooter
Blueberry grinned. "I am a ship captain now, of the YSS Firebird! XO Jalen Sune acquired a damaged Nozomi-class Scout and had it repaired. Hanako placed me in command of her in YE 35 and I have been there ever since with a dedicated crew. Since then I have been promoted a couple times over the last 7 years and recently got my Chusa stripes. The word on street is that they might give me a larger ship soon and I am ready."

Midori smiled at Hanako, her old tight lipped smile from years ago when they had been aboard the Sakura, but for the time being she remained the silent companion to Yaichiro's side. She would wait her turn to speak with Hanako, letting the two of them speak and catch up. A blush stole across her face as she heard of what Yaichiro had been up to and the thought that he was in a relationship now with such a powerful woman. Her eyes searched his face for a moment, her own ideas coming to light and being pushed aside, a bit saddened as her ears wilted somewhat. But she waited, to speak with Hanako first and afterwards, with Yaichiro. In the mean time, she took in the familiar faces of the old crew that surrounded Hanako, giving Cherry and Blueberry both small waves and a nod, along with Lime.


The finger up her spine made her back go ramrod straight, body locking up in shock and surprise before she whirled on the offender. She had already begun to cock back a hand to swing, but on seeing the woman before her, Datenshi broke her angry scowl into a grin.

"Miyako! What's goin on? Out and about havin fun?" She asked, remembering the woman from the Sakura II she had been posted to just a little while ago. The question posed, Datenshi shot a side eyed glance to Reiko and smirked.

"This is Akamaru Reiko, my sister. Reiko, this is Miyako, one of my commanding officers from the Sakura II. Reiko here had to drag me out on a date today, but it hasn't been so bad yet. Least I get to see some old faces around, so that's nice."
"...I love her." Yaichiro finally confessed, though quietly. "Unresolved feelings for you kept me from saying so for a long time out of guilt, Chujo, I have to admit. And I'm still not comfortable saying the words. It's not something I'm good at. But she's put forth the effort to do so on no uncertain terms in both word and action, and I owe her the same." Yaichiro's face was slightly red, the man clearly not expecting to so bluntly be asked the question. Still, Hanako's effort seemed constructive at the very least. He hadn't noticed Midori's glance or disappointment in his embarrassment.
Leventé stood in awe, a total loss for words. The severity of what was to come was intense. The responsibility was massive." I with both Aliset and Nichol will bring a new era to the Senti as a whole? Atteni, that is quite an undertaking. One I've already resigned myself to. I know this still is more than that, they are members of your family, your friends. Your people,and knowing I will be watched with such scrutiny is rather....exciting to say the least. My sister would be proud, though there are so many to meet. Out of this group of burial steel. Her mother, I'd like Aliset to keep her close and to show her people what must be done. That there is as you say, necessary evils one must do to continue to protect. I believe that is something Aliset's mother would also understand " he stood tall, never fighting for more than his nation or for his survival." I will give this to Aliset, I will forge her a blade. Similar but different from a regular service knife, as a new tradition. If I am to find a way to... How did you say, to not be lost in skydas' wrath. Then as I said before. A blade that would suit those needs. To understand the necessary evils as you said, would help to create a difference, in bringing one peace, who has been made into a service knife and a duty knife, that protects your people, and ensures your job is fulfilled." His stance changed, as well as his demeanor." I give you my word, on my pride as a Nepleslian and as a sailor. I will do right by her and your people."
"Excellent. Setiel would be pleased by this." Two shards were carefully plucked from the bundle as Atteni started to wrap away the rest. She gently placed the ingots in his hands as she looked him over again, with a more careful, calculated gaze. "And I have something for your husband... I believe that is the closest word. Nicol may not be of our civil service. He is not of our police and governance. However, in serving in the Star Army, he is effectively so."

Another leather wrapped bundle slipped from her pockets, almost as long as her palm. "Give this to Aliset. Tell her that Nicol is to undergo the ceremony. She will know what to do. Do not open it. A service blade is to stay in the dark, and be viewed only by the smith until it is presented. Then it may see the light. I do not like this one. It feels... Like something from myth."

Shaking off the thougt, Atteni smiled again, a rumbling, childish giggle belying her size escaping her. "Now, then, what name am I to call my grandson?"
Turning around with her sister, Reiko didn't expect to meet the pop idol, Miyako. While she wasn't a hardcore fan, she did like Miyako's music. Reiko found herself smiling and blushing a bit at Miyako's calling her as cute.

"Hello. It's nice to meet someone else with great taste." the pilot answered with a grin at Tenshi, letting her know she liked her friend and her compliment. "Can I just say I'm a big fan of your music. Are you enjoying the festival?"
"I am sorry I became such a distant commanding officer. I did not want to get too close and lose the respect of my crew by being seen as one of the guys, especially once I become an admiral. Also, I had to back off and let the the crew's leaders lead because if I did everything they would not achieve the personal growth I was looking for. And in some ways I just was not ready," she said in a somber tone. Then she perked up. "You know, if you want a last fling before you marry her, you can have me," Hanako told Yaichiro with a joking giggle that and then a big, really sexy smile that said that this probably wasn't a joke. She was testing to see if he would bite.
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