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RP [Yamatai] Hanami Festival & BBQ Cookout of YE 42 - OPEN RP

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Mikael just raised an eyebrow when he heard Hanako. He did his best to stifle the laughter once he figured it was a challenge of sorts. But he partially failed when it emerged as a snort.
Yaichiro blushed a bit at the admission. Hanako wanted to have a fling? That was something which was definitely tempting and in more ways than one. "I'll admit that said unresolved feelings are still unresolved...but I've also come to acknowledge that you had a ship to command, an Empire to serve, and duties to perform. I'd decided you were married to your ship, in a sense. Err, in a good way. You needn't apologize for placing duty first or for having different feelings. It takes two to make it work." The man clarified, hoping it wouldn't be taken the wrong way.

"...Well, two or more in Katsuko's case. If you really wanted to, and weren't asking out of misplaced guilt, I believe we could do that because of the dynamic she's set up." Yaichiro's cheeks reddened further as he continued. "There's precedent for her wanting private video of such encounters or to participate directly, but you could certainly decline. I also don't want to cause a faux pas since she's the one who set up previous such encounters. I'm not as used to these things and should ask her first." Yaichiro blushed further, turning things around a bit on Hanako. Katsuko was...evidently rather kinky.
After Yaichiro's reply Hanako's face briefly looked like she'd just just a whiff of one of the many porta-Johns in the festival area. "Yaichiro," she laughed, putting a hand on his, "that was a yes or no question between you and me. Instead of answering you basically said she already runs your life. It really seems like this marriage is the right choice for you. I do give you my respect and credit for your loyalty to her. Just remember that it is not customary for the bride to organize and attend the bachelor party," she laughed with a hint of a frown in her face. "Remember that you could have if you wanted it," she added, taking back her hand and turning away to wave at a familiar face.

"Midori," Hanako waved her old Samurai over. "How long has it been?"
Tachiko's convalescence and recovery aboard the Eucharis was still fresh in her mind as the Junior Motoyoshi Trio drew closer to the front of the line. Behind the giggles and smiles she flashed Kazumi and Tio, the adopted member of the Clan's current generation felt the haze surrounding those early days of waking begin to resolve into more crisply-edged memories, and the feeling it wrought began to sink down from head to depths. She'd been anxious to thank Hanako personally, and her new status as Motoyoshi and the siblings surrounding her made meeting with Ketsurui-Taishō practically a family reunion now. The thought was somehow simultaneously comforting and terrifying.
Yaichiro noted the diplomacy that Hanako had employed in her response. Her initial face betrayed her thoughts though. He'd bungled it in a manner analogous to any potential relationship they might have had beyond comrades and friends. If they were family, it was going to be platonic. It was fitting in a sense, and some things were never meant to work out, even briefly. It wasn't the closure he needed, but it was more than he had before.

"Remember that you could have if you wanted it" He recalled her words in his mind, but found himself not believing them. That ship had long since sailed.
Midori had remained silent throughout the conversation, but it wasn't tough to see the wheels turning in her eyes as she watched Yaichiro, then Hanako. Though as she heard her name called, white furred ears twitched a little and the Neko dropped into a somewhat formal bow for a moment.

"Hanako-Sama, it has been... Well it has been to long for me. I know we met briefly that day on the beach but I was not in my right mind then. I apologize if I offended you." As she stood, again the tight lipped smile from years ago aboard the Sakura surfaced once more. It took her a moment, but she held her hands out to the side, arms spread.

"May I have a hug Hanako-Sama? It is the one thing I have missed the most."
Hanako was more than happy to embrace Midori with a long, warm, tight hug, resting her head on Midori's shoulder, rocking her side to side. "I missed you too," she muffled into Midori's shoulder. "Even with a neko brain I cannot remember when I had my last real hug. I am very fond of you and the Sakura crew. We really went through hell together during the First Mishhuvurthyar War. Having each other was the only thing that made it bearable."
Midori nodded a little as Hanako hugged her, returning the warmth and melting into the woman she had loved. "I miss you and the Sakura every day. It was difficult, but I do miss those days. I apologize for failing so often there with you. Congratulations on your promotion too." She almost seemed reluctant to let go of her old charge as her hands lingered on Hanako's hips a little.

"I am sure you have heard, I returned to service a little while ago and have been assigned to a ship as part of a reconnaissance group. I am working as a spotter and sniper for them." She offered up in conversation.
Sune finally arrived at the event. It was a very lively one and so far was without any problems. He pinged Emiko and Himari to get their location. He set off on the shortest route to join them. He paused at one point when we came across the Clan's ambassador and family. He walked over to Tesgi. "Apote, Poku-Rya'ta. I see your youngsters are growing fast. I just got back from inspecting YSS Kyōryoku. You will be pleased to know that the Starbase is fully operational and there is a data link between the Starbase and the Planet's network.. It should help to maintain good relations between our people."

Tesgi smiled at Sune. "Well it has been some time since you got to see them. Perhaps you will come by the Kavoráy Rouka for dinner. We would love to have you."

"That sounds wonderful, I'll be sure to bring some gifts for the baqli'i. Right now I need to meet up with some friends." Sune replied.

Tesgi nodded, "You need to take some time off Jalen-Sar. Every time we meet you are rushing to one task or another.. Go spend time with your friends."

Sune waved and picked up his pace. As he approached Emiko, and Himari he heard a familiar voice. He paused for a second, then came up to his friends. He gave each of them a hug. "Hello Himari, I see you have gotten an assignment. I am glad to see you before you get underway."

He looked for the source of the voice. It did not take him long to spot Hanako. Her distinctive hair made it easy to spot her. "Did you two get a chance to meet her?"

Emiko replied, "We both got to speak with her briefly. She is a very popular person, so we felt it was best to move on so others could meet her."

Sune nodded, "She is a complicated person, with a complicated past. But she has given so much to the Empire. Hanako would often lavish her crew with gifts when the opportunity presented."

"That is wonderful, I have no doubt about that. I hope you look as pleased as you deserve when it is time for me to start bowing to you." The other Chusa replied, learning suddenly it was much easier to express she was happy for Blueberry either because of the time they spent serving together, or the festive atmosphere, or both. There were not a lot of chances to go out for large parties or (the real culprit) Misaki had always made some excuse not to go in the past. They did have a way of loosening things up, even from her, but so had her time on board the Eucharis and the Aeon. "Well you alone would have made the day worth it a few times over, are you expecting those orders soon?" She wondered lightly. "I'd be happy to trade messages if you want?" That always meant when the service felt it was okay to send and receive them, of course, but it was common enough that it wasn't something she felt she had to bring up in conversation.

"This grilling makes me almost think we should start booking out restaurants for squadron reunions every once in a while, but then I recall how we drink and I realize it would have to be a hotel restaurant." The little smile she had squirmed out into a more fond one.

OOC: @Wes


"Oh, sisters! I'm already in trouble!" Miyako smiled at the pair, "I hope there's not another one hiding, unless she's bringing me that sakura mochi I can't find." The woman's pink eyes flipped back and forth between the two, and oh there were gears turning in her head, some of them more blue than the others, but she kept that to a smirk that Datenshi would recognize that was quickly melted away by Reiko's admission which drew her full smile out again.

"Really? Oh this is the best day! I might have to steal you away from her at this rate." Joked the Chusa, "I was so happy when 'Yai let me have a cabin to record in. If you're still in town this week I'll get you both into the live if you want. The venue is mid to small sized but really nice, and I'll do a bunch of new stuff I worked on." Without realizing it, she had ended up just a bit closer to the pair after the passing crowds closed in a bit around them. "I'll be in town until a new ship picks me up, shows, recording, training. There's still time here and there for fun though." It was extra, extra, eeeextra hard not to show how jazzed that Datenshi had turned up (easy for Tenshi to tell if she paid enough attention to her former XO), but with her cute sister and everything! An old friend with a new friend that actually liked her work! The best part was given the size of the ships she was on it didn't always mean there was anyone she could tempt with passes or VIP time without putting them out.

Retro on! Don't crater this, Miya. "Want to snap a quick shot under a tree that's really letting the blossoms fly?"

OOC: @SageShooter

The redhead grinned as she eyed Miyako, seeing all the signs easily enough of the excitable former XO, and nodded a little. "You let me play guitar on some of your tracks, and I'll come to your shows with my sis, deal?" Of course she didn't mind the new closeness, pressing back into the woman a little until they were hip to hip, eyeing her up and down. She had always been interested back on the Sakura, but they had just never lined up a good time to finally seal the deal. But with the festival, and Reiko there with her... Well this could certainly turn out to be a fun day.

Then the proposal came for a picture, and the quick witted redhead's mind began to scramble how she could use this to her advantage. That terrible, terrible Cheshire cat grin spread across 'Tenshi's face as her eyes flit over to her sister and for a moment, Miyako might hear the static of a telepathic transmission to Reiko, as she spoke to her sister and laid out a small plan.

"When we take the pic, kiss her." Her eyes bore into her sister and flicked up to Miyako for a second before she looked back to her old XO.

"A pic sounds fantastic. Let's go find a spot!" She said, breaking their connection for a moment to grab Miyako by the hand and drag her off to a tree, the grin plastered across her face all the while.

OOC: @Miyako @Wolf626
The festival continued until a little after sunset, with great food and fun for everyone. Old friends reconnected, lovers kissed, and kids played in the parks under the pink and white blossoms. But like the blossoms, the festival came and went. Until next year!


OOC: I want to give everyone a huge thanks for participating in this year's Hanami Festival! This one was amazing and I really enjoyed how we got such huge participation!
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