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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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Guerrero thought deeply about Tempo, mulling over the possibility of accepting her into the Star Army. He thought she just didn't have the communication skills to work as part of the group. That she basically had nowhere else to go was really not the Star Army's problem, and if he let her go on, the basic training would probably be her real test of whether or not she would actually make a good soldier or just annoy everyone and get kicked out.

"Let me put it this way," he said, trying to give her a chance, "Why does the Star Army need you and what will you contribute? You want to be a pilot?"
On the other foot, Tempo was frustrated with how Guerrero phrased the question. She didn't really think the Star Army needed anyone, considering they could simply produce nekovalkyrja to fill roles... But she wasn't about to call the utility of the man's job into question, either. Humans had a tendency to just throw things at the wall and see what sticks, rather than accurately log their own distinct limitations.

"...This... This interaction mode desc- skepticism is something that was predicted." A slight clunk and whirr, as they leant forwards, looking him in the eye. "But I believe what you see as this unit's limitations can have benefits... Social compatibility is low, but Tempo Jetter does not lie or exaggerate. I do not compromise. I do not seek answers when time is pressing. I do not loose focus. I will not panic in situations where destruction seems imminent or physical damage is certain... The... social limitations of this unit are troublesome, and were not produced within specification for Nekovalkyrja-style interactions, it is true... But if those functions are mandatory, I can learn to emulate them."

Sitting back again, they closed their eyes, wheezed an exhalation through their integrated grills, and then gazed up at the man again. Was the concept of 'want' even valid? She didn't know. She just knew what she could and couldn't do.

"Like I said, I do not lie. I can fly your older model shuttle-class vehicles and various compatibles to an adept degree, and I can report this because Tempo Jetter has done it. What I want is for the Star Army to correctly salvage and reuse me, in the role I was constructed for."
"Fair enough. If you're ready, you can sign this enlistment contract," Guerrero finally said, sliding the data pad to Tempo.

He got up and went over to the flags at the end of the room again, in position to swear Tempo into the greatest military in the universe.
Tempo repressed their surprise and shock over actually being listened to. Benefits of having an on-board conversational management system.

Picked up the stylus like it was a pin, and rapidly marked a signature. Well, wrote her name in cursive so perfect that it barely counted as a signature.

Wasting no more time, upright and springing to attention, they copied the exact recorded location and body position that Qin Chuntao had performed in preparation for being sworn in.
"Repeat after me." Guerrero directed her. "I, (state your name), have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."
Jetter looked him in the eye and paused for a minute. Not reconsidering, but rather trying to force themselves to not automatically relay the message back to him. It was supposed to mean something because you were actually putting effort in, right? So just playing his own voice back to him would be wrong?...

"I... Tempo Jetter, TJ-042... have truthfully, honourably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment." They held their hand up rigidly, and spoke so carefully it looked like it was physically paining them. "I v-v-vow to p-protect the peoples of Yamatai... to follow the orders of the E-E-Empress and th-the officers appointed over me... to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and r-regulations... and to... and to d-d-destroy the e-enemies of Yamatai..."

These new command settings will be in place upon OS reboot. Would you like to restart the system? Y/N
With that, Tempo was in the Star Army, and was sent on to be inspected and eventually assigned to her basic training unit.

Guerrero hoped that this would give her purpose like she wanted, provided she could adapt to the Star Army's ways.

OOC: Scene ends here but more characters are welcome to join this thread on a new day.
Frank Entered the recruitment building after wondering around the galaxy for a bit trying to find his purpose everything felt so framilure but at the same time so different. Wearing a dark grey form fitting t-shirt and dark grey cargos with boots. He himself was a rather tall android his eyes giving off a mildly red glow as well as the body and build are kind of deadringers to him being a android. while looking like a man with greying hair.

As he watched the two others show up he would ask, "Excuse me is this the recruitment office or am in the wrong building?"
"This is," an older Nepleslian veteran at the security checkpoint told Frank. "You looking to join up?" he asked. "It's the best members club in the galaxy," he added with a grin, giving a thumbs up with a cybernetic arm.

Once he got past security scanners he was given a ticker with a number on it and found himself in a large lobby area with a small scattering of people sitting in worn-looking chairs pulled out of old starships. There were screens and volumetrics showing informational videos about various career paths and jobs in the Star Army, some vending machines, and a row of Star Army clerks behind desks.
Frank would look at the cybernetic arm for a few moments before returning his gaze to the older Nepleslain before heading through the scanners. Checking the ticker and looking around he thought to himself. *This the DMV or a recruitment office?* Cracking a smile as he moved along Every now and then looking up to see the various vids playing before making his way to a seat.

Sitting down he checked waited till he was called, occasionally looking up to one of the vending machines debating on whether or not he should get himself a snack. Realizing his number was a ways away he got up to check the vending machine fetching out a few ks to buy a candy bar. Then scrunching his face at the price before going back to his seat with his confectionary. Frank couldn't help but think back to the note money and gear when he "woke up" a few months ago *Don't waste your second chance at life..* There was so much he didn't understand nor could he figure out why everything was so similar to him yet he can't remember why.
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While Frank was waiting for his number a few other people came into the lobby including a cute young woman with white ribbons in her hair and cadet blue pigtails. "Good morning!" she said, taking a seat across from him. "I'm Arinn! Are you here to join the Star Army too?" she asked, looking at his numbered ticket. "Did you come because of the advertisements about them needing communications personnel and clerks?"
Frank would give a small smile and a wave "G'morning, I'm Frank, and yeah I'm here to join up." Frank looked back at his number thinking about all the different occupations available to take up he looks back to the Arinn. "I actually came because They needed medics. I have medical and military combat skills programmed into me....but I'm trying to just make something of my life, What about you Arinn? what are you going into?" In short, Frank had a small duffle with him carrying extra cloths and provisions but for the most part lacked a place to stay. "Arinn, where does an endearing Woman such as yourself come from?"


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"Ah," Arinn said, considering Frank. Her voice was high-pitched and cute like an anime character. "I am hoping to come an officer and work on a starship bridge or at a space station. The notices that I saw said the Star Army as expanding its signal and communication division because they are planning more deep space exploration. It seems like a good opportunity to get the best job training and technical experience in a non-combat position and also with the war over, it will hopefully be a little safer than before. I just hope I can make it through the tough basic training. I exercise a little but I've never been in an intense environment like that. I am from Tania, the university town and home of the Star Army Academy. I just turned 21 and I was in classes getting my bachelor's in artificial intelligence so I haven't been able to join until now." She smoothed her hands over her white pleated skirt. "What about you? Where do you come from?"
Frank mulled over how to respond to her question, the more he tried to think about it the blurrier it became. "If we are being honest I can't remember the most I know is I was created a week or so ago the only thing I got other than this life is a note, the clothes on my back some weapons, and money to tide me over till I find a job...." he took a bite of the candy bar allowing the sugery confection to give his biodroid body a boost in energy as it transferred into the Feul. Unfolding the note Frank showed it to the girl. *Don't waste your second chance at life Frank ~TS*

"So even though I've been alive for only a week I cant really help but feel that everything so similar but I don't know why."
"Whoa!" Arinn blinked. "I think the Star Army is a good place to get structure and experience but are you going to be able to pass the entrance exams and tests if you can't remember anything?" she asked with concern. "Also I think the interviewer will probably ask about your history and stuff, like your date of birth and where you're from, so are you going to be able to answer?" she pointed out. Arinn seemed to get a little more nervous about him. "I don't mean to offend but have you considered the possibility that you might be some sort of ghost-hacked person whose mind was wiped by somebody shady and you're here because you're now at the recruiting station as some sort of agent programmed to infiltrate the Star Army as a plant or mole? If the Star Army has computers who can look deeply at a scan your mind and might be able to tell you more about what's in there and if that is the case."
Frank let out a sigh "I have thought about it within the week Arinn, And yes I can remember some things but its like staring through a greased up lense like I can remember things just not a lot....I remember Dying on a ship in a battle but I cant remember from who. I remember being a marine and have flashbacks of time as a mercenary but that's were things end that are coherent I remember voices of a women someone I might have known but again that's it. Now I come to find out I wake up in a underground lab that was abandoned for over 20 years and have this note....so forgive me if I'm about as lost as you are."
"A marine?" Arinn asked. "Are you sure you're a Yamataian, not a Nepleslian? You look like a Nepleslian. Not that Nepleslians don't live in Yamatai, too...but Yamatai doesn't have space marines like Nepleslia does. They just call them space infantry. Do you live in Yamatai?" She looked at him and his duffel bag. "Or, um, are you homeless?" she asked in a hushed voice. "The reason I ask is I know you have to be a citizen of Yamatai to join the Star Army. If you're a Nepleslian you can't join. Although...I've heard that the Star Army has an immigration office in this building specifically to work out a deal with people who want to earn their citizenship with military service."
Frank shook his head, "I don't think I was ever a part of a nation Arinn, when I died I remember being entirely metal and wire no biological material.....now I'm a biodroid what I'm saying is I think I was never born but an Android always and if I had to hazard a guess those who created me have long since died out since the underground lab was on a planet within Yamataian space when I awoke."

checking his number he looked up noting a few more numbers before his turn to talk to a recruiter. "As for my place of living I have none, so I wanted to join the star army its why I said that the world and travels I see while I got here was so framilure while also being so different...good luck on that officers position Arinn I do hope you get your dream job."
Just then, Frank head a voice call for his his number. When he got to the counter, a military police Nekovalkyrja escorted him to an interview room and posted herself outside while he was invited to sit a wooden table across from a middle-aged man in a mint uniform. He was a serious-looking, tanned Yamataian clerk with bright green eyes and wavy black hair. "Good afternoon. I'm Jôtô Heisho James Guerrero, a recruiter for the Star Army. Welcome to the Uesureyan Fortress. I'm going to ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. This interview is recorded and your answers will be independently verified. You are required to answer all questions truthfully and deliberately lying or withholding information is unlawful. Do you understand and agree to answer all questions honestly?"
Frank followed the Mp to the office where he would sit down. Looking at the man in his strange mint Colored outfit Frank tried not to look too long at the outfit out of fear that he would crack a smile let alone chuckle. "I'll do my best to answer the questions you have for me sir, and yes I agree." Frank would sit up remaining in his military educate from his programing keeping his responses short and to the point while also only speaking when spoken too.
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