Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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The ant anthro followed the blonde neko's lead, standing, and saluting. When the receptionist offered her hand, Kwabba-an nearly reached out and shook it, before she realized she was just being directed out the door and to the right towards her physical. Kwabba-an put down the hand she was about to shake with, nodded a small bow to the other woman, and followed the directions without another word.
Steiner regarded his current situation-despite his best attempt at diplomacy, the situation didn't seemed to be de-escalating-not helped by the fact the man in front of him seemed less than inclined to believe anything that came out of the drone. As much as he was reluctant to do so, he figured now would be time to cut his losses.

"Once again, my apologies for causing a disturbance. I had intended to apply for the Star Army, but given the general reception perhaps this would not be the best course of action. I will see myself out." And with that, Steiner opened the door, and the drone slowly saw its way out. He radioed his ground guide. "We're leaving, you'll receive your payment when we reach Ternifac." His formal way of speaking had deteriorated given the general events of the last few days, a lapse in discipline on his part- and with that, Steiner followed the small vehicle out of Kyoto City. While there likely would be consequences later for causing a disturbance at a military facility, they were low on his list of priorities at the moment. He needed to get rid of that outfit.
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There she was, standing in front of the gate leading to the Uesureyan Fortress' Star Army of Yamatai Recruiting Center. Since her father had been ousted by a non-friendly triad, Qin Chuntao had been forced to live in Yamataian space the last few years.

It wasn't an entirely unpleasant experience given her family's connections to the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan feeling guilty for abandoning them. But she was getting bored just sitting around. She needed some excitement and actually making use of her college education.

So with a sigh, she went in to go through all the security checks.
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The recruiting center was quite than it had been in a while. It wasn't empty by any means, in fact it was still a busy hive of activity, but it wasn't the fast-paced shoulder-to-shoulder, maximally crowded state it had been in last year when the Star Army was desperately scrounging up everyone it could find to fight in the Kuvexian War. Before, there were people literally sitting on each other's laps for lack of room and its had sounded like a crowded bar. Now, there were some empty rows of the recycled starship chairs and the lobby sounded much closer to a library. When Qin Chuntao entered, she could a couple dozen other applicants waiting their turn and there were two "Emma" robots shampooing the well-trodden musky carpet and a Star Army caretaker spraying things down with disinfectant. An old Nepleslian soldier with a mechanical arm gave her a ticket on the way in.

The people in the room were spread out in such a way that anywhere she chose, it would be near someone. She had the choice of setting next to a man, a women, or an alien.
Chuntao just smirked at the old Nepleslian as she grabbed the ticket number with the right hand of her black but sleek mechanical arm. She then walked around and looked, ending up sitting near the alien. She then looked down to see her ticket number.
(OOC: Sorry for the slow reply, I puzzled over the alien for a little bit.)

Chuntao's number was B-021. It looked like the wait time wouldn't be too long.

delsauiran face 1.webp

The alien was an orange-red Delsaurian. Very tall, probably over two meters, and built like a pile of rocks. A closer inspection revealed he wasn't in a chair, he was sitting on a beefy tail using it to make a tripod. "Missssssed the war, too, eh?" he asked, grinning with a fanged mouth containing an eclectic and diverse variety of teeth in it. "I wasss too young until today. What'sss your excussssse?"
Chuntao looked over at the Delsaurian. She just looked at him for a moment with the slightest of grins. She had experience with dealing with the merchants of his species and how energetic their young can be to expand their possibilities. She just ignored the possible intended insult with the use of the word "excuse".

"It's a long story. But the short of it is, I am exploring new opportunities that have presented themselves last year. The life of some here on Yamatai is... understandable, but unenlightening." she replied in a diplomatic tone as she tried hard to prevent additional information from slipping out. The Delsaurian likely meant well, but he didn't need to know about internal Lianjia politics that led to her now being here.

Sure she could enjoy the life of being a leisure class citizen her father's connections and wealth could provide. But she was too much like her grandfather, a man than preferred to enact his version of honor and change directly instead of just nudging the flow of the river. The look on her father's face when he finds out she is here.

"Besides, there is more to life than war, another war is always inevitable. It's how you change the world yourself that matters."
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"I dissssagree," the Delsaurian replied. His voice was deep, grainy, and had a bit of a buzz to it, almost like it was synthesized, though it wasn't. He was a loud talker, which was unusual for Yamataians.

"If you spend your whole life working, there is little time to think and experiment. People need idlenessss in their lives to meet their creative potential. I am becoming a citizen of Yamatai becaussse it has the best benefits in the universe and I will no longer have to toil over basssssic sssssurvival concerns like food money when I have access to LACY. The Ssstar Army is a path to sssscuccesss and a better life," The Delsaurian explained. "Once I am ssset, I am free to be as enlightened as I can and can live forever through Yamataian medicine. I think almossst everyone in thisss room must have sssimilar motivationsss."

The bulky reptilian waddled over to one of the drink machines on the wall and used his KS card to order a hot coffee, but he didn't let the distance keep him from talking across the room. "I plan to get a job in logissstics, what do you ssssseee yourssself doing?"
"There is a difference between idling and just taking a break to write calligraphy to organize your thoughts for example." Chuntao said, getting up from her seat and walking up to him so she doesn't speak loudly. It was the one thing that her family constantly pounded into her that she embraced. She looked over the options of drinks within the machines. Seeing some orange juice, she did the same to acquire it.

She opened it and drank before continuing to speak. "As for living forever, that is a philosophical debate I do not wish to engage in at the moment. Logistics is a good choice. As for myself, likely something in the medical field. Though I do not see the Yamataians having my need for a cybernetics specialist despite the number of Nepleslians that still migrate over to enlist. I will see what the recruiter has to say." she said in a more relaxed but a matter of fact way.

"What is your name? I am Qin Chuntao, my father used to own a biotech company."
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"My name is Bralunto Gonney," the hulking reptilian replied. "Glasswork City, Delsauria. I come from a family of glass bottlemakers. We turn the sandssss and glassss rain into containers. If you've had a jar of picklesss in Nepleslia recently, you probably held our work in your hand," Bralunto explained.
The automap directions that had lead to this location were simple enough, merely requiring the small, robust, lilac-haired cyborg to walk though a long series of green transparent gates to reach their destination within the large and foreboding castle. What apps and auto-guidance couldn't help with was the constant background din of bored groans and background chatter, or the simple density of organic bodies in this location.

Too many stray personalities to predict. Too many statistical unknowns regarding their demeanor or armaments. The targeting grid in their mind could give them pin-point firing solutions, but knowing how to read other people, or the general demeanor of the situation... That was a 'human' skill that bioroid-thing had long since realized they were simply unequipped to deal with.

They took a number and followed the waypoint to the waiting center, a nice efficient system... But what did these organics have to offer them from here? How could they really be certain that the Star Army wouldn't simply use their lack of moral understanding to take advantage of them?...

It was difficult situation to be in, wanting loyalty and stability, but not having an institution to adhere to...

"...This u-unit designation... Tempo Jetter!" Their squeaky, digitally reverberating voice tried out the name they had just made up. There was a lizardman and a slightly less metal woman talking, and Jetter basically just butted in thinking that they were supposed to introduce themselves to random people. "Construct of independent craft Xingu Xeranthemum... This unit was not ever deploy on Nepleslian... This unit has not never held a jar of pickles."

As soon as they had said anything, they shirked away, facing in the opposite direction, but freezing on the spot...

Would it be bad if they just stood in the corner and faced the wall?
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After some security scans, Tempo reached an old Nepleslian man with a cyborg arm who raised his eyebrow and handed her a ticket that said B-022. "You look like you could open a pickle jar. The waiting room is over there," he said, "You know," he added, "I almost never see Freespacers here. Very few of your kind join the Star Army because of what happened. I hope this is a good sign of some healing starting to happen. Then again, you can't read into things too much. Good luck in there!"

The lobby was sparsely populated. Tempo could see only a few other applicants right now including a large red Delsaurian (Bralunto), a human of Asian descent (Qin), and two other people, plus a few workers and soldiers doing cleaning. It was unusually quiet today, as demand for soldiers had dropped due to the recent end of the war.
The comments of the Nepleslian irked them just a little. Though they had been raised by nomad automata, they technically weren't a Spacer. They didn't have mindware, or the radiation resistance. What little of the culture they seen was way too garish and inefficient for their sensibilities... Thus, the data was just incorrect. But maybe it was best to play along for now, and earn social points? Even if they considered themselves more of a straight-up Junker?... Pattern recognition in organic species was weird. It didn't follow specifications, but lineage and physical attributes. Inefficient. Problematic.

...What even was this 'thing' that happened?...

Under the rug. This was superfluous data to the mission of 'obtain new command structure'.

Condition red focus mode. They straightened their back and went completely rigid, closing their eyes and allowing their internal lumbar support struts to kick in with a loud click. Crossed their arms in an anti G-force pose, altogether looking pretty much like how a vampire sleeps.

If waiting for their number to be called was the mission, they were going to wait with 100% efficiency.
Chuntao raised an eyebrow at Bralunto Gonney's statement. She had opened said jar of pickles she had brought from Nepleslia to go with a hamburger she was making at the time. She just snorted a bit and laughed. "Small universe indeed." she said, responding finally after drinking for a moment.

She then looked over from a corner of her eye when Tempo's figure started to enter view. "Huh? The ancestors must be trying to tell me something. I never would think I would see a freespacer entering a Star Army Recruiting Center." she said to the Bralunto, grasping at her drink a little tighter when the thought maybe it was some kind of new terrorist threat the vaunted Yamataian security failed to detect. Not much she could do, so she just kept sipping her drink until the truth revealed itself.
"It doesssn't look like this one wantssss to talk," Bralunto hiss-grunted. "Where are you from? What'sss your ssstory?" he asked Chuntao, curious about her background and the family she had mentioned.
"I am not Freespacer, I am Tempo Jetter. This specification is its own specification." The cyborg opened their eyes and shuffled back around to face Chuntao, though they still kept the rigid back and vampire pose. "Apparent spinal default position suggests composite replacement right arm and left leg. Are you not also this type of construct? For what purpose does your specification serve?"

Inefficient. Now they were communicating with people for no reason. Security condition kept defuncting down to a lower level due to a lack of outside orders, and now they couldn't not talk to them. This was not ideal.

At least the robust reptilian seemed to be asking the same things.

"Confirm; As exterior request; Please audibly transfer a log of your service history? Send."
"If you say you aren't one, then I guess I am wrong. The level of mechanization you display screams someone of that group, my apologies. Not many Neplesians will go through that much augmentation unless you are some crazy Mutari Lianjia... I knew a few that wanted to push the limits of the Nepleslian body." she said before smirking a bit, thinking about those operations. "As for my cybernetics... the same reasons most Nepleslians receive augmentations. Though I will admit mine are slightly my fashionable in nature as well as being practical." she continued, the sleekness of her arm augmentation clearly seen. She seemed rather proud of it for some reason.

She then bowed her head to Tempo slightly and then looked at Bralunto. "My family's products are not widely known as yours. But if you happen to know a Lianjia or a lower class Nepleslian with limb augmentation, chances are you might have seen my father's work. He ran a biotech company in Roger Wilco until we had to migrate to Yamataian space for... reasons." she said, a flash of anger on her face. But she quickly replaced it with a practiced smile.

"I don't really have a personal story. Had a decent childhood, went to college, helped my less connected Nepleslian brothers and sisters with the money and knowledge that I have when I could." she continued, hinting at the small-time charities she once ran. Nothing anyone would ever hear or care about.
A female voice came over the intercom, calling B-019. Bralunto gave Chuntao a wave and waddled towards a desk on the side of the room, where a security/police Nekovalkyrja bought him down the hall to get interviewed. "Good luck," he grunted to her as he departed the area. It looked like the Chuntao and Tempo would be called shortly.
Tempo just gandered at Chuntao and then back at Bralunto, wondering what they were being ordered to have a 'good look' at. Confusing.

"Review log; ...Nepleslian... Low complexity augmentation... Qin Chuntao..." Snapping back to the conversation at hand, you could almost see the pop-and-clunk of the computer nodules in their brain, reviewing old data. "Results; Pingan Biotechnology Corperation former controller designation Qin Jun... I am talking to a genetic reassembly of this individual?..."

"Their components were adequate." Monotone, still just kind of looking off into space, the dim red lenses in their eyes flickered on and off rapidly. "Servo motor bearings high rate of failure when used beyond 60% load capacity; Compatible synth skin expensive to replace. Long battery endurance. Cable to the wrist socket F has twist-connect failure, so replace with gimbal cable from Ishtar Arms rotary industrial limb."

Of course they were familiar with it. Just because they weren't Nepleslian didn't mean they'd never salvaged a limb like that...

"Do you think we will need additional components for romance applications?" Tempo snapped back to reality, looking Chuntao in the face, but still had the same spaced-out tone... Was this it? Did the cyborg think they were understanding each other? Were they friends now?... "Question source; Yamatai service shares keywords of love and kissing for it's duration?... Stun weapon is provided? situation exit, but cannot guarantee accidental handholding will not occur?... Situation cultural designation; 'Problematic?'. Send?"
Chuntao waved to Bralunto as he walked off. She kind of hoped she would meet him again, but she highly doubted it. Especially considering the size of the Yamataian military. So she just opted to sigh and walk over to a seat, only to find Tempo was still looking at her. Before she could even say anything, she received a fire hose of "data" at her ears.

There was a look of annoyance when Tempo mentioned her father and the old family business. She shouldn't be surprised that a "non" Freespacer would know this information, but the way it flowed out of her like a statement of fact just poked at her natural emotions. But she managed to keep it under control and simply nodded her head yes to the inquiry, the usage of language being so unnatural to not be kind of funny.

Then Chuntao just chocked her head to the side when the unexpected "romance" application question came up. She just let Tempo continue as she wasn't even sure how to answer that. With her head in her work all the time, she was hardly an expert on romance or interaction with the opposite sex(es) save for that one time in her childhood.

"Yyyeeeeees??" Chuntao manages to say, her face scrunching up and vocal tone raising in a question format.
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