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RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer

YSS Hana

“Less than a minute is more than enough for our aces!” Kamikaze said in an assured manner.

In reply to Sara's intel, she said, "Bellflower-sama, have Hasegawa come to the bridge." The MEGAMI relayed the message to Sara's cabin.


Yuu Sakaki made her way to the airlock steadily after suiting. As she saw the cook, spoke into comms to Sakura.

"Are you," Sakaki said to the other Mindy-clad Nekovalkyrja. "Are you coming with?"

Elefirn Ship

The door seemed to be broken down, now. There was a huge gaping hole in the bottom right corner big enough for a Mindy to crawl through.

Shinrin was not pleased with how her team was acting, but would save chewing them out for after reports had been filed and time had told them what worked and what didn't.

"I'll take point," she said and got onto her knees and peaked through the hole. She raised her head quickly as a barrage of firepower pelted where her face had been a second earlier. "Okay, team..." she said in a brave voice, "We find a new route! Sivins-hei, did you get any ship schematics from that box?"
"Well if you're who I was ordered to escort then yes I suppose I am." Wow, that didn't sound rude at all did it, good job. Sakura winced at her own thoughts and decided she'd just have to live with the outcome of her words, not much she could say now anyway. "So why are you heading out late?" Sakura inquired, the serious tone remaining in the neko cook's voice as she made her way over to prep for a spacewalk with her new companion. She knew that she was only being allowed to leave the ship because they needed an extra person to help ensure nothing happened on the way across but she didn't know the story behind this one.
Elefrin Ship

Juno had begun pulling at the disfigured door when she suddenly started being forcefully moved backwards, it took her a second to figure out exactly what was going on and by that point she was already being slammed into the metal wall by the elven lady. The minkan was about to open her mouth to ask what the hell had gotten into her but Zoeichi had already begun speaking, as she listened it became more apparent to the combat engineer that she had gotten a little too overzealous in her actions... she was glad that her mindy suit covered her cheeks that were burning with embarrassment at the sheer lack of professionalism or even common sense that she had just shown.

A loud gulp could be heard before she began speaking "uhhh, sorry guys... I got a bit carried away, But hey - at least there is still a door there to block some of the gunfire... heh..." Juno spoke, trying to save her sorry ass at least a tiny bit.

"I can stick to the back if that is what asked of me.... yeah I fucked up and I understand that" She added apologetically, trying to wriggle free from the buff Elf's steely grip.
Elefirn Ship

"Form up, ready to shoot!"

Shinrin paced away from the door while facing it and noted that no more shots were being fired. The sounds of boots hitting the ground on the other side of the door could be heard. The door groaned lightly from the other side as Shinrin Yoku readied weaponry, then she recognized that they had broken the door to an unusable extent, even to the Elefirn, after a moment.

"We were walking into a death trap past that door." She told them, "I don't expect you to believe me, but these Elefirn once killed my entire squad save for me and...," she caught her voice, then continued as she jogged to put a hand on the scientist's Mindy-clad wing and escorted them the way they had come, towards Sassa's position. "I don't believe we would have survived intact after that door opened."

Finally she was at a fork in the hallway. One path led to where they had come, one to the port-side, and one, starboard-side. She looked to the scientist once more and spoke.

"Schematics, Sivins?"
Elefirn ship

The engineer apologised and came to her senses, which was good. It minimised yet another risk factor they just didn't need in this lion's den. Glancing back at Shinrin as she went to take point fruitlessly. Moments later, declaring they'd need to find a new route. Her gaze moved back to Juno. It was meant to be reassuring. But that was hard to convey through a steel, expressionless mask. Instead, her hand moved up to thump softly against the cheek of Juno's helmet. Softly clunking as metal collided against metal in what was a soft tapping. She then let go and stepped back, moving to the other side of the hallway again.

With a soft breath being pushed from her, audible in her intercomms, she shook her head and glanced at Shinrin. Who called to prepare to fire. The shoulder mounted weaponry sprung to life. Aiming at the door, and several thumping rounds later, they had cut off their own primary entry route. Plans changed during an op and when Shinrin passed Zoeichi with the scientist in tow, she only nodded. Intent still on holding the backline. And it shifted. If these Elefirn were as impressive as Shinrin-juni claimed, she seemed best suited to hold them off for the time being. That and she had a penchant to taste just what they were made off. With a tease like that from their field commander, how could she not?

It didn't mean she would ignore orders either. As soon as the last of their dispersed stack had pushed past her, Zoeichi also moved back. Walking backwards while calmly sheathing both her blades and taking her Scalar submachine gun. Holding it trimmed at the door as she trod backwards resolutely. Not once dropping her guard. Not once lingering or flinching.

No fear. No noise, no hesitance. Just her between the enemy and the exposed back of her squad. As she had stated earlier, if they wanted war. She'd be more than willing to sign their declaration of war with blood.
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Elefirn Ship

Power armor started to kneel down on the other side of the door and shoot into the Hana crew's side, so Shinrin motioned for them to move through the ship towards the stern, taking the hallway to the right.

"Take point," she said to two members, ready for them to move forward through the clear hallways. There was not one Elefirn between them and the next doorway, which Shinrin spoke out at.

"Stack up in the same formation as before," she called. When everyone had done so, she sidled next to Stein and Aratani on one side of the door and pressed the access panel's biggest button. When the door opened, they were faced with what was two power armors, waiting for them. One was crouched while the other was above her.

"Fire!" Shinrin said tersely into comms.

YSS Hana

Kamikaze said to Sara, "Explain what you have deciphered more fully. Your message was intriguing."
Elefirn Ship

Stein was disappointed his cannon hadn't taken the door down with as much fireworks as he wanted, but there was no point getting upset about it. He attached the cannon to his back and checked his chain gun attached his forearm.

"Roger." He replied, moving towards the stern of the vessel with the others and stacked up outside the door. Once it opened and the gunfire erupted, Stein gritted his teeth and his chain gun's barrel began to spin. "Aye aye!" He turned and stuck his arm out into the passageway and let loose a long salvo from his weapon. Fire enveloped the end of the barrels and the deadly sound of his weapon could be heard. "Brrrrrt!"
YSS Hana

"Hai." Hasewega said with a nod. "Our current enemy is a lightly armored and extremely agile. Their tactics are more focused on skirmishing, hit & runs, and ambushing. That ship we're fighting," she pointed to the main screen to illustrate her point. "Is a gunship class, lightly crewed, marginally slower than us, and usually carries a compliment of power armor and shuttles which means possible power armored enemy units are aboard. Not all too different from our current status."

The intelligence operative gave a quick glance around the bridge.

"However, we are currently on their territory right now. They know their ship, any chokepoints, firing lines, so on. Not to mention a team of Nepleslian Marines reported having their armor shut down on them during an ambush with the Elefirn, something I read our resident exchange officer has some experience with.

"In short, we can not afford to let the enemy direct the flow of combat or we'll risk losing our away team."
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Elefrin Ship

Juno tensed up slightly when she saw Zoeichi raise a hand, fully expecting to be punched or slapped or something else that she probably deserved, so it came as a surprise to her when all she felt was the soft clanking of the hand instead of a stinging blow but the minkan was thankful for the pleasant surprise. The combat engineer gave a curt nod before re-adjusting her grip on the scatter gun, she moved with the group although not before she emptied two plasma cartridges at the hole in the door that gunfire was coming through.

When they got to the next doorway, Juno took up position to watch the team's six o'clock - the gunfire suddenly kicked off and she had half a mind to turn around and begin emptying her weapon down the hallway but no, Juno instead took a knee and made sure nobody could sneak up on the team while they were preoccupied.
Zoeichi stacked up as commanded, dispersed and holding down the rear to check for any intruders from behind. The door opened and Shinrin called out to fire. Zoeichi, being stacked up last had little to no clear shot and was risking to hit her teammates, so she decided to put her back to the breaching action as well. Holding both blades brandished to catch any Elefirn that turned the corner by surprise.
YSS Hana

Aphrodi listened to what everyone was saying as she worked to keep the systems up, she turned to Kamikaze and smiled a little "Taii, I can take up the weapon systems and try to provide cover for the away team, I can keep the enemy off them and maybe even get some hits on them to push them away from the away team." She pushes her glasses back up her nose as she looks around "It is my main role on here and I am sure that I can tag them a few time Taii."
YSS Hana

Kamikaze looked between the weapons operator and the SAINT agent before her eyes settled on the helm.

"Take us in," she said to Latch. "Weapons at the ready, Santô Hei. Thank you for your guidance, find a seat on the bridge and strap in," Kamikaze said to Sara.

Elefirn Ship

Shooting directly at the Hana crew, the Elefirn were making some small progress on the Yamataian soldiers, some of whom were not yet shooting, which madeShinrin called over comms.

"Advance!" She kept her own aether weapon fire from her shoulders focused on one subject, who was firing at Stein. "Watch yourself, Nepper!"
Elefirn Ship Interior

Between a firing cycle for her gauntlets, Aradia turned around to check the back of the group - there were still enemies that were behind them technically, and she doubted that the disabled door would stop them for too long. "Activating sensor package. Maybe we can get a layout of this place. We can't wait here, or we'll be surrounded." Her voice resounded through the away team's communications network as the smol's sensor package from her LSP scanned the local area with high intensity and frequency - hopefully mapping out, at the least, a general room layout. At best, it might even be able to track the movements of the Elefirn around the team...
Elefrin Ship Interior

The constant gunfire at her six was making the combat engineer's hair stand on end as she guarded the team's rear, the fact that the gunfire sounded like it was getting closer only made her feel more and more on edge. Then the order to advance came through, it felt like a plumeria's worth of weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

The minkan swapped her scatter-gun out for the grenade launcher she had brought along, "Stand clear, bombarding their position!" Juno called out as she rotated upside-down and used the top of the door-frame to cover her lower body, hoping the angled forearm shield would cover the rest as she opened fire.

The 50mm gauss cannon on her shoulder let off two three round busts at the enemies as she aimed in the grenade launcher, ten incendiary grenades were lobbed out of the barrel to hopefully blanket the enemies in fire - crowd control seemed to be the best course of action for her in the current situation.
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YSS Hana

Shoi Asrid Thorsson squeezed the rounded corner of her armrest where she sat perched at the Mission Ops station of the YSS Hana. The consequences of her promotion to the officer stream were quickly catching up on her as she gazed at the icons whizzing across her monitor.

For whatever reason, Command had decided that her experience would be of more use on the Hana than the Sakishima despite her protests, she was told to transfer without her betrothed. The blonde Minkan kicked her legs gently as she tracked everyone's progress in and around the Elefirn ship.

Up till now she had been quietly been filling the role she'd been placed into, apparently being poised there due to her command training. In her heart, she was and always would be a pilot but it was not her place to question the intelligence of the higher ups.

Still, without being placed onto a carrier of some kind she supposed this could have been predicted after accepting her rank - there's not much use of a pilot of her status unless in a wing of fighters.

Her thoughts cast back to Yoshi, only for a moment as she concentrated on the task at hand. The sapphire-eyed woman predicted with little import that her silent workhorse introversion at the new assignment would soon dissipate one way or the other.
YSS Hana

"Aye aye, bringing her around to the enemy ship now, Kaze-taii! It was fun being on the guns while it lasted, but now I have one less job to worry about!"

In his consistent, upbeat attitude Latch guided the Hana towards the ship, shrinking their orbital pattern around the enemy down considerably. Man, he loved being in tune with vessels like this, it just never loses its special charm that is unlike most tech; Latch felt close to the action at all times, as if he was the ship itself.

Granted that isn't true, but it is so awesome to think about that it is keeping him constantly alert.
Elefirn Ship

Stein continued to rake his chaingun back and forth in wide swaths. At the order to charge, the lieutenant smirked. He didn't need anymore encouragement. He rolled from his cover and let loose several more salvos from the weapon. At Shinrin words he turned to the combatant firing at him and swung his weapon directly at them.

"I got it Yammie!" He replied as he hosed the area down in flechette rounds.
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