Star Army

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RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer

Enemy Ship Interior

Sivins pouted, rather intensely as well. How come she gets to look at that stuff! She's just another infantry, but I'm the scientist out here! That makes no sense... She raised her bow to the empty void of space- then lowered it again. Of all the conditions to start using this damn thing, the inside of a starship, which has cramped corridors and lots of bends, is probably the WORST position to use a bow in. At least, for conventional use. Maybe she can use stab people with the arrows or something.

Note to self. Get a secondary weapon that works better in closer quarters...

Oliver Masuda, the Hana’s medic, had been in position with the team when their teleportation strike began. He had tried to activate it along with them, but something was wrong. A warning sprang up into his HUD: ATTENTION: Improper connection to teleportation device. Realignment necesssary. Just great. He disconnected it from the power source, messed with it a little, then renabled the power. The bootup sequence began, and a green status light appeared. Good. By now the team was already at the ship and breaching, so he allowed the AIES to calibrate and input the new coordinates, soon blinking out of existence.

Space - Enemy Ship

The Minkan Medic appeared by the team, gripping his own hold towards the back. Debris from the compartment floated into the void, probably never to be seen again. As long as it wasn’t anyone from his side of the fight, he really didn’t care what drifted away from the ship. He followed the team into the engineering bay, his weapon at the ready. The armor-clad Minkan was towards the back, his NSBs ready to deploy when they were needed.
YSS Hana

Kamikaze's teeth clenched as she felt Latch taking them away and far from the missiles, which shot off deep and far into space. "Thank you, Gaillard-hei, I have informed Ninth Fleet Command of the situation."

Sara's Cabin

Sakaki was trembling slightly by this point, shaken by the Minkan's demeanor as she stared and spoke intensely to her, "Hai! Of- of course! Understood! What more do we need to do?"

Elefirn Ship

Aratani had excitedly teleported with the big man and his armor and the two were soon able to enter through the breach.
With a quick thrust of her propulsion coupled with a few fast moon jumps, Shinrin was behind Lucas and between the rear guard, such as Zoeichi. The hallway they went down was empty, save for a med station. "Check that out Sivins-hei." She was more than aware that the Elefirn physiology was capable of extreme things. She wanted to counteract those things. Sassa Hall's own search showed the typical weaponry of a military ship and not much more. The triggers and dials themselves, though, were huge and clunky, not necessarily meant for humanoid hands. There was a door at the end of the hallway that was pressure sealed and had an access panel. Shinrin pinpointed the access panel on Juno's HUD to take down.

"Arsenal can take out the panel. Dispersed stack, the rest of you!" Shinrin Yoku ordered, closing in on the side of the green-hued door the access panel was on while crouching, allowing Junko room to work.
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Elefirn Ship

The elysian nodded, her self-hushed voice slipping into the neko's ears. "Hai. Let's see what they did here..." Holstering her unwieldy weapon, the woman's eyes darted about the interface - at least, what probably was an interface. It had things on it, which looked touchable.

Touch. Grab... And twist, slowly. Her hands moved deliberately, slowly, but methodically - both of them gripping the same dial, twisting them left and right a bit, then even giving a light tug and push. One by one. Thankfully, her Mindy was recording this, so it wouldn't be lost in a possibly fallible memory. The console started responding in an untranslated language, most likely the natural language of the operators of the ship - or maybe Kuvexia's variation of Trade. At least a language can't stop the neophile of a scientist from making her way through menus.
Lucas stacked up next to the door, his scalar SMG ready. He hadn't used it yet, so he had a full mag. He was prepared as he was going to be. He predicted violence, and even though he detested it, some part of him still craved it. "Should I prep a couple of grenades ma'am?", Lucas asked with his helmet audio off, and speaking over the team channel.
YSS Hana
Sara's Cabin

Hasewega gave a nod to the neko. "I want you suited up and supporting the assault team with the enemy ship. Gather up as much intel as you can while you are there. If possible, try to prevent the ship form being damaged much further. However if the Taii orders the ship to be torched, you follow those orders."

She glanced over to the almost complete report she needed to send to the Taii before returning her gaze back to Sakaki. "Report back to me with your findings in full detail when you return shipside. Dismissed." She tired to avoid speaking with the malicious tone from earlier, but she to had be firm in giving her orders.
Elefrin Ship

"Aye ma'am, I'll hop to it" the minkan female said in response to the order she was given.

Juno slid another cartridge into her scatter-gun to replace the one that had just been cycled into the chamber as she approached the highlighted object. There were two ways she could have dealt with the panel, fortunately she had a harmless little plugin made for situations just like this - a small coin appeared in the corner of her HUD, one side had 'Combat' stamped into it while the other had 'Engineer'. This virtual coin began spinning horizontally until it came to a sudden stop, it was made so that the outcome would truly be randomized and the answer was in.


Juno shifted the gun so to her off hand so that it was held by the top of the receiver as she waited for the others to get into position. Once everybody was in place, she extended a hand so that her fingers were pointed toward the panel as she hoped this would work. It had before so no reason to think any different now, right?

Her hand balled up into a fist as the muscles in her arm tensed up in anticipation. A powerful punch shot forward three inches to the highlighted object in an attempt to bust it, and hopefully the door in the process, open.
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Elefirn Ship

Oliver joined the dispersed stack, his shoulder-mounted scalar submachine gun at the ready. His Armor service pistol was pointed at the deck as he took cover behind one of his teammates, ready to come up and defend himself Gould enemies dare stand against him and his crew mates. The enemy should just surrender in all honesty.
Elefirn ship

Zoeichi glanced at the rest as the command was given to stack up in a dispersed formation. She thumped against the wall, not too far from their entry point. Though she was silent, still eying up the back of the squad. It was something she was content enough with. It was easy to push herself in any line of direct fire and make sure that there wasn't any harm to the rest of the squad. That's what the shield was for, after all.
YSS Hana

Totomi silently continues her work on sensors. Something within her told her that she should be in tears with the way these missiles keep nearly getting to them, but she can cry in the corner with her AIs later. For the time being she is more focused on keeping the sensors up and finding a way to crack their communications.
Elefirn Ship

The scientist would hear the quiet language of the Elefirn before the box clicked open, showcasing a variety of easy-to-open bottles, swathes of bandages, goggles that could fit a humanoid head but only with three black transparent lenses instead of the more normal two lenses, and some other miscellaneous medical items. There were also bagged syringes and needles for suturing or other methods of wound care.

The door did not open when the panel was punched!!

Shinrin Yoku grumbled, "That didn't work. Stein, take the door out!"

Sara's Cabin

Yuu Sakaki nodded and said, "Understood, Nitô Heisho...!" She saluted and was out of the room soon thereafter.

YSS Hana

Kamikaze breathed out, then became tense once more as MEGAMI spoke, "Yuu-hei is suiting up."

The captain said, "Is the cook able to escort her? I don't want her stuck out there alone, or worse."

"Checking now..." MEGAMI asked Sakura to gear up just after that. "She will be combat ready shortly."

"Thank you, Bellflower-sama," Kamikaze said, then turned to sensors, "Tell me when the rest of the Ninth Fleet pings on radar." To Latch, she said, "Keep us at cruising speeds to avoid stressing the engines while staying close to that Elefirn ship, helm. Let's keep ourselves safe out here, if we can help it."
YSS Hana

"Affirmative, I'll take it easy until ordered otherwise, Captain Kaze."

Latch slowed the ship down to it's cruise speed, set up a orbital pattern around the Elefirn ship that was at a comfortable one hundred fifty kilometer radius, and kept the defense weapons up and posed at the enemy vessel.

For the most part, he felt this was safe enough. "This ship's fast, so I can give as wide of a berth as you feel comfortable with, and we can pick up the infantry team in less than a minute," the pilot commented reassuringly.
Elefirn Ship

Juno sat there frozen with her armoured fist against the panel, she hated the feeling of failure in any capacity - especially when it was something she was so sure would work. It could be seen in people's HUD that the combat-engineer muted her helmet's input as a muffle of frustration that lasted a few seconds could be heard through the solid walls of her helmet, her mic was un-muted as she began to walk backwards, away from the door.

"NO... no, I've got this" she spoke, starting off perhaps a little harsh before she corrected herself - anybody monitoring her vitals would see a spike in her heart rate as she backed up a few more steps and lined up with the door. Juno hovered a few inches off the ground and fired up her thrusters, shooting toward the door with her shield-bearing arm facing forward with the intent to bash into the door and dent it to create hand holds, before wrenching it open with her hands.

She never was one to take failure very well, overconfidence in her actions however came naturally to her.
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Elefirn Ship

"Aye aye." The Nepleslian had replied, checking the armor piercing rounds in his scout rifle before he moved from his spot to blow down the door, however before he got the chance to comply with his orders Juno had jumped out into the passage way and flew at the door.

Stein cut his comms and began shouting a number of expletives as he shot back and out of the way of the charging minkan. It was best that the pissed off marine left his mic muted for now.
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It was Zoeichi who broke formation as she heard Juno's words. The loud clunking of Mindy against blast door resounding. Plasma jets flared whilst Zoeichi sheathed one of her blades. Grabbing the armoured collar of Juno's Mindy and pulling her back. With another flare of her boosters, she attempted to drag the engineer to the back of the room, smacking her against the wall near where they had originally breached the ship. "You do NOT ignore commands! You did not 'have it'!" She raised her voice, her own facemask merely hovering inches away from Juno's. And whilst she wasn't exactly shouting, her voice was as cold as the vacuum of space. But burning with rage. There was a silence from Zoeichi for several seconds before her comm. "Shinrin-juni," she still held the engineer propped against the wall. Blocking Juno from going anywhere near the team again with her own body. "I think it'd be wise to let me and Aurion-hei hold the backline on lockdown."

Regardless of Shinrin's answer, she thumped Juno against the wall once, before withdrawing and pulling her sword out again. Maybe a rude or even borderline agressive gesture to smack the fellow soldier in the wall once, but it'd serve as a proper wake up call. What she was doing, could risk the entire squad. She couldn't allow that.

I talked to Skully about the potential auto-hitting, he's ok with it.
PA Bay
Sakura had received the transmission from the MEGAMI only moments before and had promptly stopped and spun on her heel to head back towards the rack where she had just dumped her mindy, as much as she was glad to be heading out the inconceivable timing of the deployment left her breath caught in her throat with a "tch" as she began walking once more. "Great so now I can cook and I'm doing escort work, wonder what great jokes will come out of this when someone finds out." As much as Sakura wanted to inwardly curse about babysitting duty the thoughts quickly vanished, replaced by another. How well are they going to take being escorted by someone who's last appearance was a mindy clad cooking gig, the voice in her head was relentless as always, telling her things she couldn't know for sure.

After stripping down again and squishing her way into the mindy, again, Sakura checked over her equipment and weapons while waiting for the other crew member to arrive. She'd been told they were already suiting up but couldn't see anyone else around, perhaps they were prepping in the armoury or elsewhere? "Wonder where they are..." The cook mused, her head swiveling to check all around.
Elefirn Medical Station

Aradia's petite form crouched down as the alien voices reached her ears - she wasn't expecting it to have an audio response. "That's... New..." She stated quietly to herself. Her eyes carefully probed the contents of the station, taking a bottle of some sort of fluid - something possibly similar to blood or even Hemosynth - and stashing it within her butt pack. Which unfortunately was about the only place something like that could be stored outside of being literally carried around. In her hands. Which is generally seen as inconvenient.

She went in brief review of what she could remember being said about the Elefirn - they had three eyes, pale skin, and stuff like that. The goggles seemed to fit into at least part of that. She left them be. Instead, she picked a bottle of pills - small tablets which looked digestible. That, too, went into her pack. She considered taking more, but decided to hold off-if they won this battle today, she would have plenty of time to take everything here.
Elefirn Ship

After the rogue Minkan had been dealt with by Zoeichi, he moved back into the center of the hall. He grumbled as he took a knee and sighted his cannon on the target. He scanned the door and looked for the weakest point might be, and settled for the sliding mechanism that held the door in place. With that out the way the door would fall straight to the ground.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and depressed the trigger. The gun barked and kicked into his shoulder. He then moved his gun down and fired again into the door, and finally shot at it again for a third time.
YSS Hana
Sara's Cabin

With Yuu out of her room, Hasewega retook her place in her seat. She felt remorseful yet drained from the little recitative with the santô hei. She needed to be stern with her but was she too stern? And what was that old feeling the surfaced within herself?

The minkan pushed those thoughts aside. She'd apologize to Yuu and dwell on those thoughts later. Lives were at stake now. She shifted through the reports and sent a copy of the what information she could find on the gunship and the enemy's armor to the bridge.

"Taii Kamikaze, I just sent you all the intel we have on the enemy. Our enemies are skirmishers so I recommend we expedite the operation. I've sent Sakaki-Hei to assist with the operation and gather intelligence. If we have to prolong combat, we should do it on our own terms. "