Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer

"well I am from a region of the Commonwealth called Cohronl. It's mostly space stations and small colonies. It's what other races might call a frontier, as it's still majorly unexplored. One place was never home for long, as my parents and I hopped station to station, ship to ship. To be honest it was a lot like what we are doing now, just traveling on a ship. Soil was a foreign concept to me for the longest.", Lucas said with a slight chuckle.

It was true, this was no different of then. But that was good, it reminded him of the limited time he had with his parents. It was only later that things were not so great.

"Yamatai seemed like a beautiful place, is that your home?", He asked genuinely curious. It had been like no other place he had ever visited, a rather Stark opposing extreme compared to Vice.
YSS Hana

She drew up behind Kamikaze as she admitted to there being at least some kind of danger. The science talk went over her head, she simply stared out the front of the ship. A hand rested on her elbow all of a sudden and the tall elf glanced down at her Captain.

Zoe's otherwise sympathetic and gentle gaze cooled down. Growing mirthless and cold. Her posture settled, her spine straightened. "I won't let harm come to this ship, Kaze-taii," she inclined her head. "Not while I breathe." She straightened herself again. "At your command, I will suit up."
YSS Hana

Tomomi just simply nods at the order and commences with the Aether Wave Detection and Ranging System. She also uses just about every other sensor available if something is detected. They can't announce themselves more to the world than using an AWDAR .
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YSS Hana

The commanding officer turned away from Zoeichi after the black and silver-haired Nekovalkyrja's neck and exposed wrists became pin-pricked with goose flesh. She was beautifully haunted by the reverence with which the woman spoke. She shared an understanding gaze with the platinum-haired Elf while clenching her jaw, then her eyes fell to the sensors suite now active on the sensor operator's console. It showed high aether emissions from a lone gunship of unknown hull design and two cloaked aether missiles flying off their initial course in order to finish their mission to hit the Hana's hulls. They were less than a minute out from them, thanks to all of the swift piloting done by the Iromakuanhe at the helm.

Kamikaze then looked to Zoeichi with glittering sea-foam eyes. "Protect what you value with your whole heart." Kamikaze called out, "Bellflower?"

"Aye, Captain?" the MEGAMI responded.

"Condition one! Sound the call! Low-band encrypted transmission of our position and status to the fleet," Kamikaze-taii ordered. "Have you seen the squad leader yet?"

"I will alert her along with the crew," the MEGAMI told Kamikaze. Over comms, Bellflower said, "Condition one. We are at maximum combat effectiveness. All weapons online. Blast shutters active. Shields near maximum. Away team, ready to deploy."

The captain comm'd in to the ship, "We have heavy payload missiles coming for us. We're not going to let them get to us, though! Plan is, we distract the gunship that just sent their missiles with a light show then a shake down. Prepare for combat."


Sakaki, meanwhile, was rummaging through data on Polup and the Adir system and organizing it quite efficiently. She brought the relevant information from two exchange officers on the NSS Inquiry, as well, about the Elefirn's warfare and tactics. There were also insubstantial reports about ship to ship combat, which was dismally lacking in detail, from the YSS Kaiyō I. She heard the alarms and found an AMES suit with black panels before continuing her search, all the while sending the information to Sara.

Recreation Room

Nitô Juni Shinrin Yoku did not falter as she put down the bar of weights above her head on its rack. She huffed out a small breath as her hemosynth-filled red cheeks puffed up and then billowed inwards. Her red brows were set in a look of concentration as she gripped the bar of weights now that it was secure and used it as a launching point off of the black padded bench and to the recreation room's door.

She sent a quick note to her away team:

Second Lieutenant Varick Stein
Santô Hei Koizumi Aratani
Santô Hei Sassa Hall
Santô Hei Lucas Arturius
Santô Hei Oliver Masuda
Santô Hei Zoeichi "Bastion" Saksen-coburg
Santô Hei Aradia Sivins
Santô Hei Juno “Arsenal” Aurion
Nitô Juni Shinrin Yoku

Armory in less than thirty seconds. Not a drill.
-Nitô Juni Shinrin Yoku


Junko slowly stopped rubbing at Juno's eight pack and looked to her fellow crew members before standing and reaching out a hand to help Juno up as well.

Aratani called out, gabbing Oliver's hand and nearly skipping as she did, "To the armory!"
YSS Hana

The rapid pattering of small feet tore down the corridor, echoing into the wardroom just slightly as the scientist made her way to the ship's aft-section, beeping scanner in tow. The message from Yoku flashed repeatedly on its little display thanks to Bellflower's help. With a "Hup!" the elysian pressed her wings against her back, jumping into the zero-gravity passageway and plummeting to the lower deck. Her feet hit the floor hard, the woman looking like a streak of light as she ran forward again, panting as she skidded into the armory. A sharp inhalation was followed by the words, clear and loud, "Santo Hei Sivins, reporting!"
YSS Hana

As Stein reassembled his cannon for the second time and he pulled out his data jockey to start composing a message, when he received the alert for condition 1. "Damn it! I was in the middle of somethin." The Nepleslian said, standing. He linked his tablet to his Raider and began the startup sequence. He hefted the massive cannon over one shoulder and sneered. "Second Lieutenant Varick Stein, reporting from the armory. Point me at a target." He said as the first of the crew arrived. He nodded to Sivins as she was the first through the door.
YSS Hana
Bridge / PA Bay

"Not only my heart, but to my last breath, Kaze-taii," Zoeichi stated, before turning on her feet and running off. Even before the command was sent out, she was already halfway to the armoury. She jumped down the zero G passage and flipped around, smacking her feet against the roof to propel herself down. Flipping around just when exiting to land on her feet and sprint towards her reserved Mindy. Tearing the loose tracksuit off and tossing it to the side. Only the skin-tight body suit remained as she pushed herself in the Mindy. Which hummed to live the instant her helmet clicked on.

"Santo-Hei Saksen-Coburg, present," she stated loudly, her voice still cold and mirthless. Echoing in the bay as she was the first to be present.

Zoeichi pushed herself from the rack, pulling out both saw swords and attaching them to the hip of the Mindy, before intiating a proper, second systems check. Just a few seconds passed. "Test finished, green across the board. Bastion, ready." She stated, rolling the shoulder that carried her capacitator unit subconsciously. Knowing full well the intercomm system had picked up her voice.
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YSS Hana
Wardroom - Deck One

Oliver jumped to his feet as Condition One was set, practically getting yanked out of his seat as Aratani grabbed him and rushed out of the Wardroom to the armory. He followed her, leaving his tablet behind on the table. He could worry about it later. His shoes stomped on the floor as he raced to the armory, rushing down the corridor that connected deck one and deck two.

Hallways - Deck Two

the Minkan ran to the Armory, coming to a halt inside as the others arrived. He wasn't too out of breath, it wasn't that bad of a run, but he wasn't expecting it, and his adrenaline caused him to breathe a bit heavier than usual. He could have just manipulated gravity and floated, but why cheat when he could have more fun running? Maybe they would be repelling boarders. The worst situation to be in, he might add, if the training simulations were anything like the real thing. You may have the home field advantage, but you are cramped into a large can in the cold vacuum of space. One explosion in the right place and all the air is gone. Oh well, he would deal with oxygen deprivation if it came to it. Hopefully they would bring the fight to whoever dared attack a Star Army of Yamatai vessel. He stood at attention in the Armory. “Santo Hei Oliver Masuda reporting for duty!” He said.
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Wardroom to Armor Storage Rack

Sassa had just finished emptying her bowl of ice cream when Bellflower announced announced condition one over the comms system. At the same time, she received the transmission from her commanding officer, ordering her to be at the armory in less than thirty seconds.

The yellow-eyed Neko loathed leaving dirty dishes and utensils out, even when severely pressed for time. In the hope that she could properly dispose of her dishes and arrive at the armory on time, Sassa floated out of her chair, with her own and Zoe’s dishes and utensils in hand. Flying at near top speed through the air, Sassa placed her empty dishes at the entrance to the scullery and placed Zoe’s uneaten ice cream inside of the fridge, for later. Unfortunately, the elf had not been able to come back to eat her own ice cream. Regardless, she hoped that Zoe’s ice cream would not go to waste, but if the condition shift was any indication, that was a likely possibility.

As soon as she had put away her dishes, Sassa floated out of the wardroom at the safest top flying speed allowed inside of the hallways of the Midori-class, so as to avoid floating into something (or someone). As she flew through the hallways, Sassa began unzipping her bodysuit and transmitting mental commands to her armor so that it was open for her when she arrived. The Neko did not intend to waste any more time than she already had.

The chest and shoulder pieces of her Mindy were opening as she flew into the room with her bodysuit halfway unzipped. With no small amount of haste, Sassa tossed the garment onto the framework of her armor storage rack before floating into the suit, putting her helmet on, and linking up with SPINE.

Almost instantaneously, her awareness became completely integrated with AIES, which generated an immeasurable amount of information and data pertaining to her surroundings, before irrelevancies were filtered out and communicated to the diminutive pilot.

“Santô Hei Sassa Hall, currently suiting up and preparing to report to the armory.” She stated, via a silent and mental transmission to her CO and the armor team.

The restraints on the limbs of the armor unlocked from the framework, leaving Sassa free to maneuver. After ensuring that her CFS was off, Sassa floated across the hallway into the armory, where she began to lock weapons and utility devices onto the hardpoints of her armor...
YSS Hana

Totomi was about to scream when the sensors detected the unknown ship and the two fast moving objects coming right at them. But the captain noticed her screen before she could do that and report the findings. So she suppresses it and begins to tap into her secondary occupation, IT.

While she continued having the sensors feed their results to MEGAMI and the ship's pilot, she activates the ships EW suite to see try to confuse and jam the targeting systems of the missiles. Possibly hack into to them if their makers did not make them ping once and awhile. She does not mess with the suite's default of excluding the standard freqs of their communication systems.

She then mentally asks MEGAMI to devote a small portion of it to shifting though the hour or so sensor records of background noise for anything frequencies resembling communications.
YSS Hana

Juno's cheeks began returning to their usual colour as she got the order to once again head to the armoury, she accepted the helping hand to get up but barely put any weight on it. "Well, I'll catch you on the other side" She said before giving her fellow engineer a light, friendly punch on the shoulder and turning to run off toward the armoury.

With steady breaths being taken, Juno weaved between her other crew members that were filling the halls before she was in the armoury, she could spy her Mindy from a mile off and no doubt it stood out a little. Everything was still attached to the suit; the forearm shield, the grenade launcher mounted to the left shoulder with the 50mm gauss cannon on the other one, the scatter gun and aether beam saber rifle strapped to her back along with the Wakizashi on one hip and the special duty revolver on the other.

It left little guesswork as to why she had earned the nickname 'Arsenal'.

Juno moved over to her suit and was about to hop in, when she remembered the mess over the front of her bodysuit and she hoped she hadn't bumped into anybody and soiled their uniform on the way over here. The combat engineer stripped out of her suit to reveal her intense physique before half-assedly tossing the dirtied suit over the framework that held her suit in place and almost diving into her Mindy, feeling the warm and squishy interior of the suit directly on her skin was almost comforting, it was still a bit of an odd experience she hadn't quite gotten used to yet to only be wearing underwear in the suit but at least it wasn't an unpleasant one.

The suit closed up behind her and activated, she quickly ran diagnostics and they came back as green across the board, "Santô Hei Juno Aurellion, suited up and and reporting for duty" she spoke, ready to receive orders as she took a few steps away from the rack that had held her armour and cracked her knuckles.
Lucas stopped scrubbing as his datarod beeped. Slipping off the gloves he unhooked it from his belt and flicked it on.

"And there's the part of the job I loathe, more violence. Excuse me Miss Sakura, I am requested in the armory. May the Lord continue his blessings upon you.", Lucas said after a sigh, a forlorn look on his face, before slipping off the apron. He put it and the gloves back and gave the Neko a bow before leaving.

Lucas entered just behind everyone, looking at everyone suiting up. He had a expression of melancholy as he equipped his Mindy. On either shoulder and the legs he attached missile pods, a shield generator on the back, and a butt pack below that with additional ammo and such. He stripped, revealing his myriad of tattoos, flourescent against pale white skin. Neon green ones of a strange origin covered his body, and neon red ones of a clearly religious origin had been layered over them somewhat. A large cross like shape on his back with one more on either shoulder. Two neon red streaks ran up the back of his neck and across his cheeks horizontally.

He climbed in making sure to cover his more private areas as he did, as not leave himself exposed. Quickly hopping in and sealing up, he disengaged from the armor rack. He stretched a little before grabbing the rest of his gear. He grabbed 8 frags, clipping 4 to either side of his waist. Lucas then grabbed and donned his helmet, the seal securing with a slight hiss and click.

He grabbed his scalar SMG off it's rack, slapped in a battery mag, and charged the handle. Finishing off his suit up precedure by attaching the aether saber bayonettes with a 'clink'. He ran one last diagnostic check as he checked his sighting, safety, and suit status. All lights were green.

"Santo-Hei Lucas Arturius, all lights green, and awaiting orders.", He said to the squad leader before saying to himself out loud, "Lord I pray we won't see any need for violence, but I know we will. May your will guide my hand as I travel across the turbulent tides. Forgive me for my past sins, and those I must soon commit. May your blessing see my comrades and I home. May you give me the strength to protect them and strike down those who stand in our way. In the name of the creator, vast watcher of the void, keeper of souls. Amen."

He did one last thorough check of his handweapon as he said this.
YSS Hana

Sakura listened intently to the preacher and nodded along, "Well that certainly is different to how I came about, being born of a test tube and trained to fight from birth didn't allow much time to sight see. Yamatai was my home yes but id didn't really feel like a home, just another base to stay on between missions."

As Lucas stood to leave Sakura waved a hand and gave him a small smile, "Well just do your best out there, you wouldn't want the ship to get destroyed otherwise that food you complimented me on so much won't be getting cooked again." Sakura grinned and went back to her washing up. "Smooth, real smooth, and why aren't you going out to fight too? Probably cause you were dressed in armour in the kitchen so great work on that."
YSS Hana

Stein walked over to his suit and set the scout cannon down as the armor popped its latches and opened up. He smirked as he stepped into the suit and it closed around him. This is what he was here for. To show the Yamatains how an NSMC marine kicks ass. The armor booted up and he flexed his fingers, testing each joint before grabbing his cannon and slinging it over his shoulder. He then grabbed several clips of the 40mm guided rocket munitions. Perfect for zero G combat.

He then grabbed a 30mm forearm chaingun and attached it to the left arm of his suit and made sure that his DART launchers were fully loaded.

Once he was satisfied that everything was in working order, he rolled his neck which made several audible 'Cracks.'

"Let's blow something up." The Marine said, still smirking under his helmet.
YSS Hana

"Aw come on, torpedoes?! But I didn't even finish my ice cream yet! At this rate, I'm going to be drinking milk!"

The risky pilot kept the YSS Hana moving as fast as possible, watching the data fly by his monitors. Latch didn't care if he's going further and further away from the enemy ship, these missiles could catch up to this ship if he dared turn now! Turn radius is everything, after all.

"Kaze-Taii, as much as I would like to give our perpetrators a little razzle dazzle, I'm doing everything I can just to keep these missiles off of us! I don't even want to think about what happens if we get hit if I turn us around! I don't even know how close they are to the ship, maybe less than thirty seconds from our rear!"

Latch smiled sheepishly, wishing he could just look over to the others right now. "You, um... If you guys have any aces up your sleeves, I could really use them right now."
YSS Hana

"You're right," the captain said and put her eyes on her console while she sat in her command chair. "We don't need to get into their kill zone if we can't help it. And you can help it. Trust me, Santô Hei, in that you wouldn't be in that chair if you weren't fit for this job. You are our ace up the sleeve. Now, shake them while allowing our away team room for departure, helm."


While Belflower updated Shinrin on the situation, she suited up quickly with a Mindy that already held a few armaments on is hardpoints such as shoulder-mounted aetheric pulse cannons, mini-missile launcher pods, and a coherent aether rifle. Her dorsal hardpoint sported a leader support pack and her short hair puffed out slightly before her helmet fell all of the way over her head.

Meanwhile, the power armor-wearing Aratani said to the Nepleslian, "I'm going to have to try to work on your cool armor some time, Stein-sama!"

Shinrin told the team, "Nice work suiting up! Easy part's over, now comes the engagement! Form up in arrow-formation once we're outside. First one out takes point. Target is a cloaked ship giving off strong aether emissions. Our sensors operator should be able to direct us more but for now, we're flying core-ward, going after the vessel." She didn't wait for questions before nodding to the airlock, "Find your way out and remember to protect your family out there, we'll be doing the same for you. That is all."

Sara's Cabin

Sakaki knocked at the door and stood outside of Sara's cabin.
YSS Hana
Sara's Cabin

Hasewega had already had the maps and dossiers pulled up every sort of electronic could get her hands on: Her SACOS, her MFB, even an aging Type 33 Datapad. Her focus had shifted on what exactly was going after the ship to who exactly was going after the ship. Specifically, who were the Elefirn and how were they in the system? The maps were kept up but her focus was on the the dossiers as she poured through the them, filling out a report on her datapad on who the possible hostiles and their possible intentions to send to the captain.

She also was going to try and seize the initiative on how the Elefirn moved about the system and any possible resupply points, FOBs, caches and so on. That was purpose of the maps.

And that was her purpose as a SAINT agent. To keep command informed on everything possible to allow them the most tactical flexibility.

Once she heard her knock on her cabin door, she spun in her cabin's chair to face it as she took off her SACOS.

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Armory to Space

Sassa had optimized her Mindy for an offensive and anti-armor role, having mounted two 20mm gauss cannons mounted onto her shoulder hardpoints, augmentation pods on her leg hardpoints, two scalar grenades and a secondary aether blade on her waist hardpoints, and finally, a standard-issue service rifle intended as a handheld weapon.

With her weapons locked onto the hardpoints, Sassa floated into the airlock, while processing in the positions and readiness states of her squad mates as she moved. It appeared that she was going to be taking point in the formation. The realization initially made her apprehensive and uneasy, but her training and Nekovalkyrja instincts quickly seized control over her thoughts and emotions. By all means, the fear and anxiety was still there, but those emotions had been overridden by her conditioning. She hoped that it did not fail her.


Sassa accelerated out of the airlock nigh-instantaneously, the blurred lights of the turbo aether plasma “wings” on the back of her armor serving as the only sign of her passage recognizable to the naked eye. With her service rifle tucked close to her body, Sassa set a course for the hostile vessel without hesitation or delay in her actions. All the while, Sassa’s sensors processed her surroundings, and they quickly detected signs of hostile activity, including the course of the two aether missiles, which were set on a path towards the Hana. Sassa did not intend to let those missiles strike their target if there was something that she could do to stop them. However, time was of the essence, and she could not hesitate or act indecisively.

“Yoku-Heisho, requesting permission to intercept the missiles via firepower.”

Sassa primed her gauss cannons for firing, and the AIES began to execute calculations...
PA Bay / space

"Please navigate to the designated airlock, Santo Hei Saksen-co-" When the announcter started talking in her Mindy helmet, she rolled her eyes and cut it off. "Mute." She stated simply, the voice turning off. The GUI planted in the helmet lit up the way to the designated airlock. Which lit up in a deep green. And without even a second thought, she pushed herself through the room and floated towards the airlock, pushing into the first sealed door. "Thought I disabled it before," she murmured under her breath as a hand moved up to grasp at the Gauss cannon on her shoulder. A custom loadout, mostly focussed on being a walking tank and providing long range fire support.

Her GUI became updated, seeing that there was a small squad rotation. Sassa took point, Zoeichi was the bulkhead of the larger section of the squad. Though the advised distance allowed her to play between the squad and Sassa. As expected, she was tasked with providing fire and shielding support to everyone.

"Into the abyss."

The airlock slid open, pulling Zoeichi into space at high velocity. Using the turbo aether engines crested on her shoulders to immediately stabilize and draw up 20 meters behind Sassa. "Let me know if you need assistance, Sassa. I'm in position to rotate." Her voice sinked in through the intercomm. Her Gauss cannon lifting and loading. The safety clicking off, but not firing just yet.
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YSS Hana

Once Tomomi sub-routines would notify her that the away team has left the ship, she would make sure Bellflower is augmenting their power armor sensors with those of the YSS Hana. The power armor were capable, but a starship's sensors have access to way more power.

"Linking the away teams' AIES to the ship's sensors, captain." Tomomi would say, not bothering to turn her head towards her. She was too busy tracking those missiles and trying to gather as much information on the enemy ship to possibly exploit their systems electronically or at the very least to intercept communications or system signatures so she can run other sub-routines for analysis. She is no scientist, but why be one when you can write a bunch of virtual intelligences to do that work for you.