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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

*wakes up and see GM post* YAY! *goes back to sleep and dreams on what to do in future post that will be coming soon* for the empir........
I'll be honest, I am not expecting to make a GM post again until the new year SO

I wanted to drop this one more time:

It is a survey for what the Year End thread should entail and what presents your character wants! :] Year End thread will start January first and run side by side with the current mission, but in future time ICly.
Yoooooooo we got a new forum description!!!! It's kind of funny it took the ship's namesake FOUR YEARS to get to where they were going lmao

"In YE 38, the YSS Kaiyō set out to disturb the Kuvexians in their space and instigate the unscaffolding of the enemy from the front lines, onwards. Now, in YE 42, the YSS Kaiyō II and her crew are at the home galaxy of the Kuvexian threat and are ready to fully recognize their duty to eradicate the enemies of the Yamatai Star Empire. Whether they can do so remains to be seen as their adversaries grow stronger and the complications they are met with become tougher to outmaneuver."

GM post incoming
a post

Despite feeling a sudden onset of death while reading Whisper's post, I was able to get a GM post out.

Let me know if I didn't mention your character's actions and results- I actually needed to add two PC's stuff in to the research facility part so I dunno if I was thorough. I was legit not feeling good lmao. Buuuuut yeah.

@BRindustries @Blizzard @Noodlewerfer @Phyrexus @RaWolfe I want to remind you guys to post since there wasn't one between GM posts last time. There may be some other people in there that I missed, but all of you guys besides BRI and Blizzard were mentioned in my last GM post as needing to act and in this one I gave you some consequences/more orders (again, besides BRI. Sorry BRI BUT you are still point so you can act as point of living quarters if you wanna)!
Aye 100th post in RP thread is my GM post

Any questions, let me know!
I kind of wanted to do the math at the end of the mission on around 1.5 GM posts per page with a GM post per week to figure out how long one mission takes...

Then realized as I started typing about it that I could just see the date on OP and the date of the last post.... This is your highly intellectual and very wise GM, y'all /ded
fabricators can be used to make yuletide gifts btw just no exotic material stuff ;]
I think @Noodlewerfer said Chlorate got demoted two ranks, but she is going to start training for being a tank operator. All I want to say about the missions after Mission 20 is this: Legion assaults. They will require tanks. Everyone please support Chlorate and having her learn tank stuff. Anyone can JP going to the cargo bay to tour tanks as a group but with Chlorate.

And also if you want to be choosing a mission specialization for your characters and training them in new fields like chlorate is doing, post-mission 19 all the way to mission 21 is the time to do that! Let Chlorate's great example lead you. I honestly can't think of a better secondary occupation than tank operator but Noodlewerfer's obsession may be clouding my judgement and making me a bit of the same way.

Anyway, Legion assaults.

Also about promotions here is what I said on discord:
Everyone got promoted by one rank in kaiyo though, as long as they were at mission 19 on the kuvexian planet and also at the mission 20 briefing. Eden and Hoshi missed out tho with no promotions. You don't have to have been on the Kuvexian planet, just active in the thread.
Operation Ranger Officer is ago. Half joke but the dream is alive. Also Chlorate you know the crew will support you all the way!
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