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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

I know the reference, the problem is the section speaks to the potential capability. SSCCs don't have independent power sources automatically. Some do carry them as an option, my point is just that I'm not seeing any such listed in the inventory.
Power ideas: There's usually portable power generators in damage control stations (standard feature on SAoY ships) and in the rolling tool lockers (if your ship has any). Also some emergency power can be obtained from a shuttle's powerplant.
Well I joined up in the Sakishima so I could have a bear-person in space.

I ended up with a salty old trapper-type coming into town every now and then to trade and sell goods.

So far I like where this plot is going.
Its been a long time since I've seen Blazing Saddles.

Man, now I want to go see if I can't find it on netflix or something.
I'm not sure how whatever this is works, but I think Neko are basically unable to smoke tobacco. They dislike it enough for it to be completely illegal, at least.

Also, I think you guys are having way too much fun with this, it's already going way off track. If there is any sort of track.
I think every one figured it matches with the senerio... I think who ever is controlling the sim or what ever would have adjuster things to match, maybe blocking the smell to a certain point or making them weaker as not to be a bother.
Its a dreamworld, going way off track and having fun is the whole point ;)

Also, could everyone do me a huge favor and PM me a detailed description of their characters attire, weapons and overall appearance please? :)
Tobacco is just illegal cause Wes hates smoking. That is pretty much only reason. Not to mention there were nekeos smoking cigarettes in rp in past I think.
I always thought that smoking did nothing to or for Nekos. And it was just like, 'who likes the smell of burning leaves wtf nepleslians' whenever someone started smoking. Wes is also fond of pointing out that in extremely progressive liberal super-state Sweden that smoking and tobacco is banned just like it is in Yamatai. I choose at this point to believe that it's a cultural thing more than anything else. We live in super-cool space future with nanomachines and body-switching so the health concerns are null and void. But I imagine Yamataians have not been smoking for so long as to make it disgusting.

I remember my first cigarette. It was very disgusting. If I hadn't enjoyed a very pleasant buzz, I would've never lit a second one or a third one. It's only after smoking for a while that one begins to acquire a discerning taste for differences between brand and configuration. I've found that cigars in particular have a taste which reminds me of the smell of a burning pine match after all the sulfur has been burnt out-- just wood, slightly moistened and natrually sweet. Whereas traditional tobacco cigarettes can vary from 'tar and bananas' (Newport Non-menthol King) to 'battery acid' (Kool) to 'peppermint patty' (Marlboro Smooth). I've settled on a brand which tastes to me like strong poppy seeds with a hint, just the tiniest hint, of chocolate (L&M Bold 100s). To a non-smoker, I believe these would all taste the same: Nasty smokey coughy tar oil death (TM?).
Actually, I like how you talk about Saloon Owner Goto's habits. They make me smile, particularly about starting the day off right.
don't be mocking my lucky strikes damnit!! lol but yeah i agree with bio here, its fun to read Goto's mannerisms.
Yeah SJ, I don't think you need to worry about anybody here OOCly holding that against you. OOCly, you've never acted that way, and its appropriate ICly to the perceived time period. Not everybody was the social progressive Hollywood likes to make people think.