Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Mysterious Lurker Slagged Azorea - An unidentified foreign warship acted in a threatening manner by following a Yamataian military vessel, YSS Eucharis; The ship's crew, to protect their personal safety and the safety of the Azoreans, took swift, decisive action to neutralize the threat, destroying the stealth vessel after it got too close for comfort.
In a short statement earlier today Fleet Planner Shosho Kawazoe Sekai - speaking on behalf of Taisho Aurore Branard who was unavailable for comment - announced the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet's return to active status after rebuilding from the great losses it sustained during the failed retaking of Valaad. While outlining the changes to the Fleet's line-up - including the creation of a new Task Force dedicated to protecting the trade lanes in the Empire's north-east - Shosho Kawazoe expressed her gratitude towards the 5th Expeditionary Fleet's selfless offer of assistance, stating that the ships they sent helped the 3rd XF to rebuild as to a level where it could be of use, rather than as just being a skeleton fleet. Before leaving the...
“Riots are currently being held on all major planets, demanding action from the Democratic Imperium,” the blond newswoman spoke quickly and with a grim tone, a small image of multiple scenes of social unrest hovering next to her attractive, make-up-laden face. “It has recently been revealed by the new Empress of Yamatai, Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko, that the Elysian Plague was in fact not caused by Elysian at all.” The image next to the anchorwoman suddenly changed to display Katsuko as she was during her State of the Empire address, particularly the passage where the Motoyoshi Empress revealed the PNUgen, and former Emperor Uesu’s involvement. “This startling upset has led to equally startling reactions from the public. Riots march...
Kyoto, Yamatai Imperial Palace, Senate Chamber Broadcast: All SANDRA, Public and International Channels State of the Empire Address (YE 30) The cameras drifted through the air, giving views of the Senate chamber as they whirled around covering the arrival of the Senators and then the Imperial Family. Motoyoshi Kiyoko was the first to emerge, wearing a white gown with gold ivy like patterns climbing the length of the slit. Her hair returned to its normal green color and carefully held into a bun by decorative chop sticks. She took the smallest throne on the left. Close behind followed an unknown, only recently revealed to the public eye; the eldest of the Motoyoshi children, Motoyoshi Tio. He wore a jet black military style suit...
State of the Empire Address Scheduled Aides of the Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko have announced that the Empress has scheduled to appear in an open session of the Senate to give a public speech addressing the state of the Empire in a few days. (OOC: January 10th 2008) In the days leading up to this speech, the Empress has scheduled to attend to the matters of state, and conference with high ranking military and civilian officials to discuss the future of the Empire. We will keep you updated with events as they unfold.