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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Go: Dôshiyô

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Power Armor Bay

Amanozako grabbed the offered medica kit from the drone, tearing it open and using its contents to bandage up her wounded leg as best she could. Things were not getting any better and the longer it took her to get fixed up the less chance they had to drive the enemy off of the ship. She gritted her teeth as she tied off the bandage. It was not perfect, it did not completely stop the bleeding, as some hemosynth oozed through the white cloth, but he helped.

Grinding her teeth as she fought back the pain in her leg, she used her counter gravity ability to float herself a few inches off of the deck and bolted for her Reaper. Lucky for her it's front was turned away from the bulk of the enemy, allowing her some protection as she got into the power armor. She did have to quickly remove her gun belt and boots, the latter of which was extremely painful to do, causing her to wince and almost cry out as white hot agony lanced up her leg. With those out of the way though, she was able to slither into the armor, wounded leg first.

Once inside she started up the systems and began the process of sealing up the reaper, something she could hopefully finish before the enemy noticed what she was up too.
Mat, hearing the gunfire, headed to the armory to grab some kit.

He pulled on three flak vests of varying size, and grabbed a LMG in each hand with his upgraded military strength. He then used his heat vision to sneak around to the end of the Power armor bay that seemed to have the most signatures in it, which were surely the enemy, and opened the door, walking the fire from his weapons across the boarders with a primal yell.
Power Armor Bay

With her Kirie's weapons still stowed away in nearby crates, Aiko would have to make do with the THOUGHT armor's built-in armaments and abilities. There was no time to go and grab a glorious M12 Aether Carbine with a cloud of mini missiles suddenly barreling down on her along with the Reaper armors who fired them.

In an instant, a transparent blue energy shield expanded in a convex oval from her Kirie's left forearm to give her some extra protection. Inside the armor, the princess was curled up comfortably in her pilot pod and floated motionless as the suit took the place of her body, acting with the same synaptic impulse that motivated biological action. She wasn't entirely used to being able to see and feel everything around her big armored body yet, but had trained just enough to not stumble or falter each time she tried to move. Aiko extended the armor's free hand toward the missiles and swept it off and toward an empty bulkhead in an attempt to redirect their flight path before impact with the graviton beam projectors in its hands.

"That is most appropriate, Nashira-hei, thank you," Aiko agreed over comms when Meissa handed over command to her. But even so, the princess knew it was imporant to trust in her subordinates' expertise; though she was Yui's daughter and knew much about military matters, she was no soldier yet. "You will retain control over our tactical decisions. The Kaiyo is Yamataian ground! We must drive them from our ship!"
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko was sent tumbling a few more times by the force of the explosion, half-coated in rice now firmly stuck to her by squid guts. All she could hear was a painful whine of some sort, although she could still see well enough, once she had wiped more gunk away from her eyes. She resisted the urge to throw up during a mission once again, trying her best to not make a habit of that sort of behavior. After a moment, she realized her current position was taking fire, looking around in a panic before grabbing the SLAM with her remaining hand. No point in leaving it behind to be used against them, sealing off the Cargo Bay wouldn't do much to slow the remaining NMX Neko if they could just punch through a wall. Or three.

The Logistics Neko's long skirt was full of holes as she scrambled towards the exit, concentrating so hard on blocking out the pain of her major wound that she wouldn't have noticed any shots she had taken anyways. At the door, she flung the heavy launcher into the waiting lift outside, pausing to grab Endo's arm as the other Neko tried to crawl to the exit. She dragged her the last few feet to relative safety, repaying the favor from earlier. Before really noticing the giant hole in the wall right next to the door, looking through the next hole straight into the Fabrication Bay.

"Fall back!" She immediately realized she couldn't even hear herself shouting.

"Fall back!" Mitsuko sent telepathically instead. "To the Fabrication Bay, then Engineering, if necessary."

"Boss, is there anything under construction we can use?"
YSS Kaiyo
Cargo Bay

Sutahira barely heard Mitsuko. He had no telepathy, so he could not hear her telepathically, but he got the gist of her initial scream. "Arb. We have to move." He said, picking up the Elysian, leaving his rifle by the crates where he had first retrieved her, and his empty NSP by the current crate they had taken cover behind. The hole next to the door revealed the Fabrication Bay, where Mitsuko and Endo now took shelter. He ran with Arb in his arms, sprinting as fast as he could and dodging as many NMX shots as he could.

He collapsed to the ground inside the breach, setting Arb down into relative safety, as much as could be offered by the giant hole. He moved to the wall, unarmed and practically useless. He assessed the situation, which was not good. This was a fine mess they had gotten themselves into.
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PA Bay:

William kept Amanozako protected till she she could reach her armor, then he noticed that the NMX weren't firing at him... This was a grave mistake on their part. He looked back and noticed that the Princess and his mother had arrived. He watched as they made it to their armor and began engaging.

Once Amanozako was safe, he turned to join Aiko only to find she was engaged by 3 Reapers. "I'm on my way your Highness!" He called, firing his thrusters and flying across the deck towards the NMX Nekos. They weren't going to notice him? Big mistake...

He moved so that he was charging behind two of the neko and held out his swords to his sides. As he closed the gape and got in between the two, he spun with his sword, aiming for a double decapitation.
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YSS Kaiyo
Power Armor Bay

Taking advantage of the temporary confusion created by the smoke grenade, Hanna cut down three of the unarmored NMX Neko. She then went after a NMX Reaper. However, before she could force a deep cut, the Reaper was swallowed by the smoke, a stark noise succeeding the Reaper’s exit. On impulse, Hanna pursued the Reaper, however, the armor had escaped Hanna’s sight before she could see where it had disappeared.

Having utilized her advantage of surprise, Hanna sought a way out of the smoke cloud. As it dissipated around her, Hanna quickly positioned herself by Amanozako, so as to cover the ex-NMX Neko as she sealed up her Reaper.
Power Armor Bay

Meissa's wrist-mounted canons went into the shoulder of the Reaper and her drone effectively made the Reaper behind her let go of her neck and kicked her forward. She would fall if she didn't engage thrusters and be prone for the Reaper that was now firing its own forearm plasma weapons at Meissa.

Nobody attacked Amano, funnily enough. It was on her to pick and choose her targets.

Mat rained fire on the NMX Neko and Parasites' parade by making the slimy wormy creatures fall from the air and onto the ground with help from his LMG.

Hanna was targeted rather than Amanozako and the Mindy-clad Neko was shot and struck twice by the shoulder-mounted gauss cannon of a Reaper. She would be able to see her HUD diagnostic's show her chest armor go down to light green with the first shot, then yellow.

Aiko was able to undermine the missile's approach and made her enemies have to work extra hard to have an impact on her. They didn't have much time to do so as two of them were struck by her young retainer. They were thrown forward by the attack and one turned to William and began firing on him as one fell to the ground. The NMX Reaper's hands pressed against the floor before they jettisoned away from it and were firing, again, at the princess with gauss cannons.

As Abart was aiming directly at the breach, he would be the first to notice slipper tentacles moving through the hole of the breach. As his shots hit the tentacles, they withdrew themselves. A moment later the first Advanced Type to enter the power armor bay flung itself forward and gripped Abart by the shoulders and lifted him off the ground, flinging the infantry Separa'Shan against a wall with several shelves that all toppled as the lengthy Separa'Shan hit them, spilling their contents onto him.

The Advanced Type then stalked after the sniper, Orion, and flung a tentacle forward, snapping it against his head with enough force to knock him down. It then turned its girthy body to look at the Kirie.

Cargo Bay

Oddly, the NMX Neko stopped filtering in and the ones that were in the cargo bay held their positions but did not pursue. Logistically, this did not make sense. Thank goodness there was a logistics Neko present to make it make sense.


As the door opened the Ghost Mishhu that was floating, pressing controls fervently, turned to face Akiko with a quick movement and swung its tentacles out and towards the open door. They whipped forward until they touched Akiko's power armor and then latched on behind her shoulder, around her thighs, and held her waist. Its body followed, flinging itself forward and towards her before pushing her backwards and making her hit the wall of the passageway with a loud thump. The Ghost moved backwards and pulled her back with it towards itself before it pushed her power armor towards the wall, again.


Riku would get a message back, "Kaiyo, do you read? This is Catherine Ross, we do not have the ability to send reinforcements and we are too far from any Yamataian vessels to get help within the time we need! Make do!"

Then, as an after thought, Ross added, "I am sorry for your loss, Chui. I know the Taii and yourself were close. Fight on for the Empress!"
Meissa engaged her thrusters immediately and twisted around, stabbing her opponent using her Saber-Rifle's blade of glowing destruction. She dared look at her camera input feeds from the other Mindys as she recieved the command that she was, well, keeping command.

The Princess was right. Damn, fucking, right. She wasn't right because this was 'FOR YAMATAI' and all of that madness. She was right because like hell she was going home via an ST pod.

She supposed Eden was rubbing off of her. Damn it, Eden, with those 'inspirational' speeches. She looked over at Mat, being the idiot he was. But also, her kind of idiocity.

Like hell some space squids were gonna cause the tried-and-true Infantry team to crumble as they floundered about like idiots due to the sudden shock of their attack. Like hell she'd just sit there and let that happen. This time, she could do something about it, and this time, she made sure to do what she had to do.

"My shields are going down! All units, Advanced Type confirmed! Rei, William! Protect the Princess! Someone make sure Mat gets in his armor! Aiko, big guns! Hit it where it hurts! Now! Put your NSBs to work on those Parasites! Anyone not on Neko killing, all guns on the A-Type, A-Type, A-Type! I want that thing to be blown to stardust, and that stardust should be visible from Yamatai itself! Bring it on, you ugly glorified calamari!" she shouted over the comms.

"I hope you're fine with me treating you like a soldier, then. For Yamatai it is!" she privately said to Aiko, right after her message to everyone.

Blip blip. Her suit alerted her that the teleport was charged. She decided to save it until she needed it.

She calculated her plan of attack. The Advanced-Type would come in, already reaching for the Princess. And then...
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YSS Kaiyo
Power Armor Bay

Having lost her GP-12B to the parasites, Hanna utilized her shoulder-mounted 50mm Gauss Cannon. She sighted her rail gun, stabilizing it with her right hand, and fired at the dispersed parasites within the Power Armor Bay. Hanna turned around to check on Amanozako, but was taken aback when she noticed Amanozako’s blood-stained boots at the base of her power armor framework. Realizing that her comrade was wounded, Hanna moved to position herself in front of Amanozako, but her movements were interrupted by a sudden and jarring shot to the chest. Her HUD flashed light green, but quickly shifted to yellow as another round struck her in the chest. Hanna caught a brief glance of her adversary before she grabbed onto the nearby framework to maintain her balance, and vaulted over it so as to put a barrier between herself and the source of the rounds.

Gasping for breath, Hanna peeked over the framework, sighted and stabilized her rail gun with her right arm, and fired at the Reaper, hoping to kill it before it thought to target the wounded Amanozako.

“Amanozako! Get into cover!”, shrieked Hanna between breaths as she fired at the Reaper. After unleashing a barrage of fire, Hanna dove back into cover and turned off her pain receptors. Seeing the struggling ex-NMX Neko, Hanna extended a hand to Amanozako, hoping to help her get behind the framework.
Power Armor Bay

Amanozako worked quick to seal up her Reaper and get it's systems online. The pressure on her wounded leg from the tight fitting armor was uncomfortable and painful, but better than getting shot again, she mused as the suit came fully online as Hanna was taking the fire for her. The ex-NMX neko detached herself from the support frame that held the Reaper in place for storage and picked up her discarded gunbelt and impaler rifle.

The belt she hooked onto an attachment hardpoint, then shouldered the impaler and went to work.

"Come fight with someone your own size!" she hissed over the external speakers and took aim at the enemy power armored soldier than was shooting at Hanna and opened fire, her impaler set to full automatic, letting out a long stream of blasts from the rifle, peppering the enemy armored unit with bluee-white pulses of scalar energy.
Power Armor Bay

There was a simple blur of motion, white and blue, and a horrendous scraping sound just before a brutal impact absolutely resounded throughout the bay, a mighty gong. Yoshida had decided to use the power armor she aquired as a spiked mace on an unfortunate NMX. After th einitial impact she wasn't done, two more solid impacts sounded out. She wasn't entirely focused on the armor though, she kept an eye on the display to let her know what was around her, and an ear out to get an idea of the situation. With a sudden jerking motion, she did an olympian style toss of her spiked power armor toy straight at the mishhu.
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Orion yelped as the bullet flew close to his head, almost hitting, he started to panic as the NMX approached him. Being a sniper, he wasn't suited for close combat, he only had his rifle and some grenades.

He tried to take a shot off the NMX, but missed, hitting the ceiling. As it kept approaching he shot again, hitting right aside the Neko. He started sweating as he saw that his shots were missing, product of the nekos erratical movement and the close range, both of which combined messed up his targeting. Never less he kept on shooting, trying to concentrate on hitting the NMX rather than thinking about all the ways he could screw up and die.
None of the enemy seemed to be paying much attention to Mat, so he simply redirected the barrels of his guns towards the type A mishuu and opened up on it.


Death spewed from the muzzle of his weapon.

Nodding passively, the communications operator looked over towards the console and sighed, giving the XO a cursory glance before returning his attention towards it.

"Understood. The message has been relayed. Empress watch over you, Captain."
YSS Kaiyo, Power Armor bay

As Abart'huse fired away into the breach, slaying parasite after parasite, laying down fire on the constantly approaching enemy, he did indeed notice the faint traces of the tentacles being struck inside.

"Wha.........is that......?"

Not a second later the Advanced Mishhu came charging towards him out of the blue, and he witnessed it's grotesque visage up close as the tentacled beast lifted him up with ease, flinging him over to the side with it's overwhemling power.

"....A-ADVANCE-...!! Haughh...GAH!!"

A mighty crash echoed throught the bay, as his huge body slammed itself into the wall, impacting the many shelves like a massive whip, tossing their contents about, mostly ontop of his body as it slumped to the floor, breifly motionless.

His body was tough, very much so, and even protected further by the mindy's impressive protection. Hovever this did not stop the impact from hitting his entire body like a truck, sending a mighty shockwave through his flesh and bone. Unlike his feline-esque companions, he didn't have the luxury of shutting off his pain, so he could do nothing but bear with it as it seeped throughout him like it had never done before.


Weakly hissing absentmindedly, his head felt heavy, his sight, hearing and other senses one big blur. From hs position on the floor, he could eventually make out the silouette of the A-type making it's way towards his squadmembers. However, as he could barely see it, there was no way he'd be able to land a good hit with hiss gausses on it, at least not without VERY potentially hitting his allies.

"Uuughh.....by Nagashun....."

While moslty unharmed, the aching in his body as well as all the junk on top of him hindered him as he struggled to get upright, slowly but surely regaining his posture, which wasn't too difficult considering most of his body was flat to the floor all the time anyways. He had somehow held on to his beam saber carbine, so that was a plus, one he definately needed right now. Despite all the figting his shields were still in relatively good shape, as most of the taken punishment was from parasites and the tentacle-happy mishhu.

".....these bugs are getting on my nerves!" Is all he muttered whilst glancing over the battleground, clutching his rifle to his side, trying to focus on what to do next.
YSS Kaiyō - Hallway Outside of the Bridge
23日 3月 YE 39

As the door opened the Ghost Mishhu that was floating, pressing controls fervently, turned to face Akiko with a quick movement and swung its tentacles out and towards the open door. They whipped forward until they touched Akiko's power armor and then latched on behind her shoulder, around her thighs, and held her waist. Its body followed, flinging itself forward and towards her before pushing her backwards and making her hit the wall of the passageway with a loud thump. The Ghost moved backwards and pulled her back with it towards itself before it pushed her power armor towards the wall, again.

Threat Detecte-

Fortunately for the Ghost-Type, Akiko - dazed and sporting a bruise on her back with dimensions equivalent to the brand-new Mindy-shaped dent in the passageway's wall - didn't have enough time to formulate a plan in the scant few seconds she had before encountering the aforementioned wall again and receiving a broken spinal column.

Unfortunately for the Ghost-Type, Akiko - now freed from her earlier mental haze - didn't really have to, thanks to the wonders of training and one hundred and thirty-seven "field trips" to SAINT-sponsored "party houses."

It was those delightful experiences (and the painful lessons learned from them) that caused the Eihei's "instincts" - the split-second responses ingrained into her very essence after being used hundreds upon hundreds of times in those aforementioned "houses" - to sharply increase the output of her Mindy's gravimetric drive and deploy her remaining two Nodal Support Bits. The former had the effect of granting the Mindy (and Akiko with it) a huge amount of upward acceleration, turning her straightforward path of motion into something far more diagonal; the latter, on the other hand, didn't really do much at all - that is, until Akiko instructed her armor's AIES to have the NSBs to open fire on the nearest hostile unit, creating six additional sources of problems for the Ghost-Type to deal with.

Then she reversed her motion - relying heavily upon her Mindy's Inertialess Drive System in order to come to a halt in such a short amount of time - and dove straight down, hoping to wrench herself free of her opponent's clutches, or, barring that, clear her shoulder-mounted cannon's lines of fire...
PA Bay:

William smiled as he knocked one of the Nekos down. He planted his foot and spun towards the one Neko still standing, who began turning to fire on him. He cursed and flew forward, getting up close. If he got close enough she couldn't use that rifle on him.

He sliced both sword downwards aiming for her wrist of the hand holding the trigger.

Things were getting dire. He had to stop them.
Power Armor Bay

Though Aiko didn't take well to being ordered around by anyone that didn't outrank her, much less an Itto Hei—she'd meant for Meissa to keep charge of the soldiers and hadn't expected her own inclusion—the princess didn't complain. Now wasn't the time to correct it, not that Meissa's attitude would ever need to be corrected, so the Kirie-clad Imperial daughter took the Elysian's words more as an advisory request even though Meissa's private message had admitted the intent behind her words. Plus, confronting the Advanced-type was far from the most unreasonable request to give a Neko piloting the largest equipment in the room.

"Ganbatte, Wil-kun!" Aiko called, encouraging his ill-advised attack on three Reaper armors. The act freed her up for more glorious pursuits, and her confidence in the Nepleslian boy's burning fury clouded her view on how outmatched he really was against them. Amanozako's vicious taunt and approach toward the NMX armors would probably keep him from being killed, too.

Having dispensed of the missile attack against her and with the Reapers otherwise occupied, she retracted the shield from her big armor's left arm and looked over toward the Advanced-type. The Kirie's armored head snapped over to regard the monster just in time to see it tossing the Kaiyo's resident snake-man effortlessly against a bulkhead. Aiko's stance was already low and poised from the defensive posture it'd taken moments before, her suit's legs bent at the knee and prepared to lunge. And so, without another moment's hesitation, she did.

From her position a few meters away, Aiko commanded her mech to vault across the bay and into the mess of flesh and tentacles that made up a Mishhuvurthyar. It was as effortless an action from within the Kirie's pilot pod as jumping with her own body would be, her thoughts flowing instantly to the armor's powerful mechanical limbs. She pulled her right hand back and over her head, aiming to slug the ugly creature right in its tiny face as she soared through the air, activating the arm's 10-foot aether blade at the apex of her trajectory. Her left hand lead the assault and extended forward to grab at whatever tentacle came at her first.

"Yamatai banzai!" Aiko shouted with omni-directional telepathy, simultaneously exalting the Empire to endure for ten thousand years and attempting to break the will of her foes.
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