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star army of yamatai

  1. Approved Submission Star Army Standard Communications Array

    NTSE Reviewers, Technically this article does not introduce any new technology and other articles in the wiki were used to bring the information together. It serves as part of the Standardization Project by Ketsurui Fleet Yards for the Star Army of Yamatai. The idea of this project is to make...
  2. [Star Army of Yamatai]Input Requested - Star Army Industrial Complex

    So I started a project to describe the Star Army Industrial Complex (SAIC), in sort this describes the network of corporations used by the Star Army of Yamatai to supply ships, equipment, food, etc. Here is the Wiki Page...
  3. Scrapyard Ideas + Star Army Bases

    Hi Star Army! I was working on the Star Army's bases today and I had an idea for the Scrapyard (UX-12) system. First, I made a separate page for the Star Army base there, and I saw thinking that we could name it after @Toshiro 's character Kage Yaichiro or his ship the YSS Sakura II in honor...
  4. Approved Submission Fort Tokyo

    A new base for the 1XF on Jiyuu.
  5. Approved Submission Jiyuu-jo Castle

    This is my first submission since I returned to SARP. It is more of a historical location that was used in RP canon years ago briefly that I intend to use again. More rooms and details will be added as RP progresses at this setting location. Wes and I are looking for some free art of Japanese...
  6. SANDRA Big Moves - Old Refugee Camps Headed to Nataria

    Big Moves - Old Refugee Camps Headed to Nataria YE 41 Planet Himiko--A flurry of activity descended upon planet Himiko today, as ships from Star Army Logistics, assisted by some forces by the Star Army's Third and Ninth Fleets, began moving 500 Star Army refugee towns from the Southern...
  7. Personnel Updates for the Star Army of Yamatai

    This thread is for discussing changes to personnel (e.g. who is in what position) in the Star Army of Yamatai. It's historically been the case that I strongly prefer that the Star Army's leadership be filled with PCs or NPCs who are being controlled by active players who will actually make...
  8. Approved Submission [SAoY] Safety and Systems Monitor

    Again, hi!! @Wes said I could do this. I'd like a review with a checklist anytime, before FM approval works for me since we might not get it right away. Please don't approve without that FM seal, though! Thank you for reviewing my article!
  9. Approved Submission [SAoY] Mission Operations

    Hi there!!! @Wes said I could do this! Please checklist me up and begin a review without FM approval, as we may be waiting on that for a little. Don't approve it without that FM seal, though! I haven't done a submission with this new form so I feel like I need to say more!? Um.
  10. F

    Origin Industries/Star Army of Yamatai DRv3 Conversion

    Submission Type: DRv3 Conversion Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:origin:saoy_drv3_conversion Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:origin:saoy_drv3_conversion Original Article URL: N/A Faction: Yamatai Star...
  11. RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer

    Western Wastes YSS Hana 13日 4月 YE 40 1506 Hours Since the YSS Hana had gone NorthWest of the Kikyō Sector nearly a year ago, Yamatai's neighbor had done the same—and dealt with the Elefirn in their own way. Now it was Yamatai's turn, once more, to try their hand at demolishing the Elefirn, the...
  12. YSS Hana Discussion

    YSS Hana is a Midori-Class Scout Ship of the 2nd Fleet of the Star Army designated NS-X2-279. It will be involved in protecting the Kikyō Sector from the Kuvexian threat. Plot page
  13. Hanami Festival of YE 40

    OOC: Crossover time! This thread is open to all Star Army of Yamatai characters and other characters visiting Yamatai. Kyoto, Yamatai Spring YE 40 Around lunchtime A newly-arrived spring season greeted Yamatai's northern continents with warmer weather, marked by the prolific pink petals of...
  14. RP [YSS Kikyō] Shinu no Hanakotoba: Dead Flower Language

    Kikyō Sector YSS Kikyō 1日 3月 YE 35 0800 Hours There was a lack of stillness on the YSS Kikyō as Taiyou Hoshi was in the Captain's suite, kneeling at a diminutive and flowering sakura tree. She had been given it one year ago, some short time after she herself had first lost her life. The...
  15. SACN To SAoY Command: Plumeria 2E Refit and Chiaki 1B Refit

    To: Star Army Command From: Kage Yaichiro, CO, YSS Sakura II (NG-X1-395) After comprehensive analysis and review, including contacting serving and former command and crew in the field, I have completed specifications for both Plumeria (2E) and Chiaki (1B) refits. These two refits notably...
  16. Approved Submission Star Army of Yamatai: Code of Conduct

    Submission Type: Star Army of Yamatai Policy Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:reguations:code_of_conduct UPDATED LINK: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:regulations:code_of_conduct Faction: Yamatai FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction requires art? No...
  17. Yamatai and CQB

    Looking through the power armor weapon load out. I noticed that Yamatai doesn't really have much in the way of CQB gear, at least not anything that really packs a punch. The three things I noticed were the Aether/Scalar SMG, the Sizi, and the older Type 29 Armor Service Pistol. Anything else was...
  18. Mental health and the Star Army

    So one thing I wanted to figure out was how the Star Army handles mental health of its troops, both in practice and in theory. For the sake of fairness, while Yamatai may be the focus, I'd be interested in hearing other factions feedback. As Yamatai is fairly progressive and tries to treat its...
  19. F

    SYNC To: Star Army Logistics

    To: Star Army Logistics From: Senator Barachiel Valeria To whom it may concern, On behalf of the Elysian Celestial Empire, I would like to request that the following starships be transferred from their current location in the Scrapyard System to the orbit of Keren III so that the process of...
  20. Approved Submission [SAoY] Infantry Update

    Submission Type: Infantry update Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:stararmy:occupations:infantry Faction: Yamatai FM Approved Yet? No Faction requires art? No For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No Contains New art? Yes Previously Submitted? I don't know...
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