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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 2] Lost and Found

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Asi boarded the rest, seating himself at the end of the shuttle, resting his equipment in such a way that if they took flak, he wouldn't lose his grasp on it. Hopefully. Won't be long now. Wonder how the others are holding up? He glanced around, before realizing through his distraction that there was no way to tell, with everyone suited up. Not with his capabilities, at least. So much for that...
On board the Vigilant after the attack on the first NMX warship, Sachi following the Taii's orders launched, "Cross your fingers Gustav-san," she said to the SSS member. The Vigilant flew out and Sachi laid in a course that would bring them in close enough for Josea to do his scan.

On the Diligent Kim noted that the away team had arrived. She activated the communications, "Shina-Hei to bridge, Away Team is loaded, awaiting launch order." She said as she secured the shuttle. "Haruhi-Juni, if you have anything you want to say to the team, best do it now."

On the bridge Katae turned briefly to Eun-Kyung, "Button her up Kim-Kohosei, stand ready to coordinate damage control, and monitor Away Team communications." she said. She resumed monitoring the squadron's progress.

Trowa meanwhile was finding hitting the target point that Eternity provided more of a challenge than the last time. Between the NMX vessels attempts to evade, and having to do his best to dodge the enemy's return fire. Despite his best efforts the Aeon's shields and hull rang with impacts.
The Aeon and Integrity doggedly pursued the NMX destroy, while dozens of battlepods swarmed around them like angry hornets. The shields on the ships were slowly dropping, but the destroyers were down. One last volley from the two ships and it was tumbling dead in space.

"Yamamoo-Hei get a check with the other ships on their status. Then get a targeting solution on the fourth ship." Katae ordered, as she picked up the intercom, "Diligent you are cleared for launch, stay sharp there are plenty of battlepods about." she called down to the pilot.

On the Vigilant Sachi flew the shuttle as close as she dared, Josea conducted his sensor scan and after a minute turned to her, "Nami-Hei, I've concluded my scan, no sign of the devices aboard the ship." "Fish," Sachi swore and altered the shuttles course to the next disabled craft, it was the one that the Succubus and Ouroboros had just finished off. Josea scanned the ship as soon as they came within range, as she darted and dived to avoid the battlepods while using the shuttles weapons. Josea just shook his head when she looked at him expectantly. After receiving word that the Aeon had disabled another craft, she set a course, she waited anxiously while Josea performed his scan. "Nami-Hei, we got a positive, I have gotten a reading that matches the data we were supplied." Josea said his excitement raising his voice in volume. "Diligent this is Vigilant, we have found the devices, relaying coordinates.

Shina Kim aboard the T7 shuttle replied, "Roger that Sachi-Hei, enroute." She then turned to the open hatch to the back, "Haruhi-Juni we have a go, the Vigilant has found the devices on the third destroyer. Three minutes ETA to arrive, 2 minutes to burn through the hull." she said accelerating the shuttle out of the bay, and onto the intercept trajectory.
Shina Kim piloted the Diligent towards the target ship, With that tumble docking is going to be a bit of a challenge. Nothing like the simulation that is for sure. Several of the NMX battlepods took an interest in the shuttle. However a few bursts of mini-missiles from the Vigilant had their attention. "Thanks for getting them off my back." Kim sent to the other shuttle. She then brought the shuttle in doing her best to match the tumble. Even with her best effort the docking was still a bit rough when the Dageki module latched onto the NMX ship.

Kim opened the hatch to the back of the shuttle, "Sorry for the bumpy docking, we're burning into the hull. Haruhi-Juni, I will try to hold position for a long as possible, but there are a lot battlepods and sitting stuck on the side of this ship makes me a prime target. If I have to disconnect I will let you know. Depending on the circumstances I will leave the docking module attached so I can come back. Or you folks can make your own way out." She called back.

Turning her attention to the display she watched as the Dageki blades completed their cutting. Using the graviton projectors she moved the sections and extended the airlocks. "Away team, we have a good seal on the airlocks, you are clear to board on your command Haruhi-Juni. Good luck."
Haruhi made good of the short time it took them to cross the distance to the target destroyer by detailing the recovery plan to the troops. “Mission is simple, people; we get in, we shoot anything that gets in our way as we make our way to the packs, and then we get the hell out. I have given you aether rifles and I expect you to make damned good use of them; we will be moving fairly rapidly through extremely hostile territory so I want you to shoot first and not ask questions later, and if your target hasn't curled up into a ball and quietly died after your first greeting then you best be making it known to her that it is both their best and their only option.” Haruhi looked at each armour to make sure the occupants inside were listening.

“We can not afford to get bogged down because there are a lot more of them than us and they have the home ground advantage; surprise and speed are are just as good as our rifles in terms of keeping us alive but we must keep together and we must watch our backs because we will not be securing territory as we go. Rear guard is as equally important as the spearhead here, so make sure to keep that in mind. No heroics. No charging ahead. Most importantly, keep your head screwed on and follow orders without querying them.” Haruhi positioned herself closest to what would soon become their entry point into the destroyer.

“Weapons hot!” the Juni ordered as the shuttle made contact with the destroyer's and started chewing its way through. “As soon as the hole's cut we go through; secure the area on the other side and then we'll be on our merry way to crash this party.” Shina soon made it known that it was time, and with a “Thanks for the ride”, Haruhi led the entry. “Let's go!”
Asi was standing before Haruhi gave the order, and thus moved with her when she headed off of the ship. He figured he would be able to deal with it, and as such should try to stay close to the front. He trusted the rest of the group to watch their backs, leaving his life very heavily in their hands. "Ma'am, do you want point?"
One could say Kyoka was nervous. Sure, she was trained to serve aboard a military vessel and was made for 'infantry' (In the sense that PA users are infantry) combat, but you can almost never stave off a case of the butterflies. Still, it wasn't bad enough to make the Neko lose her nerves altogether as she took second to last in line. It would be bad for a newbie like me to bring up the rear in a high-intensity mission like this ~ nyan. She thought to herself as she primed her gun. Not used to real combat and all.
As Medic, and out of a coincidence of unsaid agreement, Hoshi took up the rear, already having deployed his set of drones. He was hot on the heels of Kyoka, gritting his teeth tighter with each step.

Once they secured the first room, he would watch their backs more attentively with his own set of eyes while using the drones to support forward efforts.
Watching the last of the away team step through the airlocks, Kim closed the hatch. She was feeling just a bit vulnerable, hanging onto the exterior of the disabled craft, and only the airlocks of the Dageki to keep the Mishhu out.

She pulled out the Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Submachinegun she brought along. Standing in the cockpit entrance she kept a firm grip on the weapon while watching the shuttle sensors. Alone in the shuttle she realized that all of the away team were people she really did not know.

Hovering above the shuttle Sachi and Josea provided cover for the now vulnerable Diligent. Sachi deftly flying the shuttle and using the Ke-T8-W3100 Aether Beam, while Josea manned the weapon pods. I am sure that this is a violation of the SSS contract, but I do not care. I volunteered for this mission. Better to be out here doing something, than sitting back on the bridge. he thought.
Whilst the Away Team was in life-threatening, heart-pumping danger from the Mishhuvurthyar forces, Santô Hei Monomonoi Ko sat in front of the warm glow of sensory equipment in far safer conditions back aboard the bridge of the YSS Aeon. His eyes -- keen and alert -- watched the screen like a hawk, looking for that prime specimen of debris as well as in-coming enemy units, projectiles, and various other things that aren't very pleasant while floating in the bulk of a violent war-zone.

It was an odd time for Ko, in a situation he hadn't expected to find himself in so soon and so far from home on his first military assignment since his graduation from the Star Army's rigorous training regiment. On the one hand, this was exciting, facing the Mishhuuvurthyar head-on. On the other hand -- and weighing heavily on the red-headed Yamataian Science Advisor's mind -- was the alternative: a bone-chilling fear of being decimated by an ambush, being vaporized in a violent explosion, or being sucked into the empty vacuum of the void if the Aeon's hull became compromised.

Regardless of his personal feelings, he asked for this assignment specifically and therefore it would be up to him to see his own duty done, now bound by contractual agreement and already present on the battlefield.

And so Ko watched as the battle raged on as the first Mishhuvurthyar warship became defenseless, little more than a floating icon of the galaxy's worst and greatest foes strategically stranded between the tumultuous gunfire, cascading colors of high-potency energy weapons, and the rocking of explosions.

That's when he saw it, drifting haphazardly through the empty black void where the 7th Squadron had torn one of the NMX ships asunder with unabashed passion, crippling it beyond retreat. While it was hard to tell what part of the enemy ship it was specifically, it was nevertheless clearly of their alien, non-Yamataian design, and a large -- one might even go so far as to call it a prime -- specimen at that.

"Taii-Ise." interjected the newest crew member of the YSS Aeon, his tri-corn hat adorned head swiveling from his affixed gaze on the Aeon's sensors to address the commanding officer properly, albeit hastily. "There's a large fractal remnant of the Mishhuvurthyar warship within range of the Graviton Beam Projector. Permission to pull it aboard and into the Aeon's cargo hold for post-battle analysis?"
Katae considered the Science advisors request for a moment, "Permission granted. Be quick about getting it on board and secured. Make sure you do a bioscan of the object, we do not need any infestation. Then report back to the bridge."
"Hai, Ise-Taii." exclaimed the Science Advisor, his purpose defined and his task at hand. Swiveling back like a well-oiled machine, Ko begins his well-practiced keystrokes on the MEGAMI sensor array. Focusing on the chunk of floating debris, the fresh-faced soldier begins the typical scanning procedure for signs of life -- bacterial or otherwise -- or anomalies through various screening processes.

First comes the brief Soliton scan, followed shortly by the equally brief Neutrino and Electromagnetic scans. There wasn't time to thoroughly scan the subject matter, Ko surmised, due to the caustic front between the 7th Squadron and the NMX. It is with this thought in mind that the astute but inexperienced soldier looks on, paying particular attention for any signs of danger lurking in or on-board the hunk of damaged ship before descending into the cargo bay in order to bring it within the innards of the YSS Aeon via the Graviton Beam Projector.
The corridor the Away team found themselves in was smoke filled, and murky, the walls appeared to waver and shift, a closer examination showed they were covered in mucus and numerous tiny worm-like creatures swimming around in the mucus. The lighting pulsed with a regular rhythm.

Forward of their position the corridor was closed by a pulsing, wart-covered anus-like doorway. Slowly spreading, its sticky, slimy residue hangs in strings from one end to the other, oozing as an iris-like opening appears within. A crab type Mishhu quickly emerged through the hatch with another one clearly visible behind it.
Asi looked around in disgust at the walls, scanning for openings or possible hiding spots as he did so. He kept his weapon at the ready as they moved forward, waiting for anything he didn't recognize to move, so when the Mishhu came through 'doorway' (Though he questioned that description even as he thought it.) he automatically opened fire, not bothering to check and see if it was armed or even aware of them, though odds were good it knew they were there. He drew up his gun, and sent two quick shots straight down the hallway before pausing to check his fire.
So much for being able to make some ground before making contact, Haruhi thought to herself dryly as the crab-type advanced from the opening ahead. “Let's greet our friendly hosts,” she order to her squad as Im'inao pre-empted her and opened fire; with a flick of armoured thumb she set her rifle to beam mode and shouldered it as she loosed a shot at the enemy's left 'shoulder', then dragged the sustained blast across its visible underside.

“Party's startin', let's not get holed up here,” Haruhi barked, and moved closer to the left-hand wall of the passage to start a steady march towards the opening the crab had emerged from as she kept up a constant rate of fire.
On the bridge of the Aeon Katae waited for word from the Away Team. She knew that Haruhi would not waits her time on frivolous chatter. She picked up the handset and dialed the squadron channel, "This is Aeon actual, clean up this area of space. Aeon and Integrity will destroy the NMX warships, Succubus and Ouroboros your task is to eliminate the battle pods and make sure none of them escape."

Hanging up the handset she turned to Trowa, "Begin your attack runs Yamamoo-Hei. I do not want any of these ships recovering and firing at us. Besides there is always the chance we could get company."
The Mishhu that came through the door gave the appearance of surprise (at least as much as its form would allow) at the sight of SAoY power armors in the hall. The initial volleys were mostly deflected by its thick armored shell. It shrieked its defiance as it charged towards the attackers. A buzz of telepathic communication could be heard. The crab charged towards the first person to attack it, slamming into Asi and hammering at his armor with its formidable claws.
Hoshi fired his weapons at the crab attacking Asine, and his drones pitched in as well. If someone got killed in the first ten seconds, what did that say for the rest of the boarding?

Hoshi couldn't let it happen.
"Asi, Forearm weapon! Quickly!" Kyoka called over her communicator, realizing that they were being attacked. Things happened too quickly, and by the time she realized where the crab-Mishu was, it was too late for her to move and fire without accidentally shooting Asi as well. So, the least she could do was help him figure out which weapon was best to use at that range. In the meantime, she switched her rifle to Beam mode, considering how tough the creatures were, then moved and fired at the second Mishu that was in the doorway. No way she could take any chances by leaving one alive to alert a hundred more.
Asi had already been thinking of that, even as the creature moved towards him; he simply didn't have the time to respond before it got to him, however, even as it impacted his armor, he had already dropped his trigger hand off of the gun, and moved it over to the Mishhu. He barely gave it a seconds rest before igniting his forearm blade, aiming for the general area of it's 'head' from point blank with a mental Screw you.
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