Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Mikael watched over the captive, with his arms crossed. He didn't say anything at all, but they had no real angle on her. Without records from the ship, he could not even begin to piece together a psych profile on her. All he could do was observe and she so far she seemed like a typical hard ass of a neko. She also seems to be aware that she is in a superior position despite being captured, considering she is just sitting there with her eyes closed.

Or maybe she is trying to steel her mind due to being captured. At a SAINT installation, he could stress her out with disorienting noises and near freezing her. Out of sight out of mind, but being fleet side bounded him to effectively just asking really nice and hoping the person plays along. So for the time being, he just watched over her like a hawk. A hawk with arms crossed.
YSS Kaiyo II
Med Bay

Wyatt raised a coppery eyebrow at their captive's response or lack thereof, he never had been much of a people person but you can't exactly change that by sitting around and pretending you know what to do. "Were you never taught that holding your tongue when somebody asks you a question is rude? We could have swept in and caused a much greater loss of life but we did not, the MEGAMI we swept up infact has been more than cooperative with handing over information while you sit there with your pride and act as if you have the upper hand" Wyatt said, it was less of a lie and more of an assumption that the faith he had in the crew's ability was well placed.

The marksman took a few steps closer and crossed his arms over his chest, opening his mouth to speak once again. "We could have started cutting you up the moment we got you but we gave you this opportunity to save your own skin instead, in my opinion it is a good out and perhaps the only one we will give you but I digress," Wyatt let out a long sigh as he began moving toward the door.

"I guess craftsmanship of soldiers in your universe is sub-par compared to ours, explains why you lot are so keen to stick to this losing streak you seem to have started - must be in your blood, a genetic disposition for being bad at the single thing you strive towards... Just remember the hand you chose to bite" Was the final thing Wyatt added as he moved out of the cell and re-acquired his weaponry, giving a hard gulp as he saw Mark splayed out over the medical table and wondered what exactly was going on with that.

But no, there was likely nothing that could be done by him to improve either of the situations so the minkan began strapping the gun-gauntlets to each arm as he prepared to leave, dropping the knife into his boot once again.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Well it would appear Walter Hyde had actually found an metaphorical opening in the MEGAMI's head! Well, it was just a funny feeling he got that told him a 'comrade' is functional, and gven how it's not showing much in the way of sentience, the technician is certain it won't be fighting back, especially not what he's doing. He knew Iemochi already had a plan in mind, but... Hostile Imperial instincts are mixing with his actual feelings on Iemochi's plan into a murky and confusing mess, one that Walter can't explain right away. Was I still jealousy...?

Walter, eyes on the mission.

"One moment please," the Minkan muttered to himself as he created a technopathic link between the brain and the laptop, with Walter himself serving as the medium. In essense, he wasn't really hooking up the MEGAMI in a literal sense, as he was performing a wireless download from the head of the corpse.

Same difference. Same difference.

"I am about to download straight from the head of the body, and using the laptop as a means of storing the data. If you are insistent on following your plan, I will remain on stand-by until you need me." As Walter spoke, his Stars went to grab some cables that would be ideal for what Iemochi had in mind. He glanced at the laptop, and prepared the active device for receiving the download.
YSS Kaiyo II
Medicial Bay

Mikael simply said nothing as Wyatt made his verbal assault on the captive. He didn't have anything to contribute to it and besides, he was in strict observer mode right now. He watched her for any micro expressions and slips of the tongue as he pretended to not care.
YSS Kaiyo
Outside the Medbay

“Observation made.” Kyoi noted and stepped aside as Mark was hauled in, barely blinking at the limp soldier. What happened to him? It looked like-

Irrelevant. This may however be a good time to...

“Ah-Chusa?” Kyoi called out as Eden walked away. But she was too far gone to be properly heard.

Move task priority to lower. Move to armor bay. And there was such a good opportunity, too. Dammit.
YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Sacre slid to the gurney as it came in, helping to move Mark to the medical table. She began to move, setting up the breathers and such that would keep Mark's body alive even as they were trying to restart his brain to stop the conflicting neural signals that were being processed. Sacre suspected that Mark could be dying right here and the thought made her angry. Unreasonably so, however, she was also a professional. She was going to save his life, she didn't know what she would do if she lost him. She looked at the screen that read out the vital signs. "Life ssuport online. Ready to take over ass needed." Sacre said, indicating everything was ready. Even though she out ranked Ragnar, at the moment this was still his patiant. She would stop him if it was nessacary, but not until then.

William watched as Hoshi left the room and Eden entered it. He quietly listened to Pumpkin and Eden as they spoke to each other.

When Eden agreed and promised that if they were betrayed the Kaiyo would come back with a vengeance, the Nepleslian squared his shoulders and attempted to look imposing. If they wanted to get to Eden, they would have to get through him first. He would cut them down to size before they could lay a finger on his aunt.
Power Armor Bay

Coconut chuckled when Reina asked if she was one of the famous Nekovalkyrja sprites named after fruit, whom had served aboard famous vessels in the past. "No, I am not one of them," she admitted, grinning. "When I was created, my coloration reminded the technicians of a Coconut, so they gave me the name. I was born and raised in the Fifth Standard fleet at the end of the Neo Mishhuvurthyar war, so all I've ever been was ground infantry. I have stories, but none so grand as those you speak of." She stretched, despite being in a power armor, and adjusted her position.

"It's just been so long since we had a good fight. Combat became like play to me, and without as big of a war, or any planets to liberate, the Fifth Fleet has been idle, so I came her hoping for combat." She shrugged, not sure what else to say for a moment, before finally finishing her thought. "I got some combat here, but it wasn't nearly what I expected."

Ragnar understood why the crew had been so fragile in moving the man under his care. They knew each other and had been exposed in close proximity for a long time. It had aggravated him since it was a waste of precious seconds. Hell, he's a vegetable currently, Ragnar thought in annoyance, we can only make it better from here.

While they were shifting Mark to the table, it gave him the opportunity to pull out a personal communicator and have it pull up his aptly named "emergency playlist". Connecting to a nearby screen he began playing the music. "Tried and proven method, work with the beat and stay focused." he said to no one in particular while he began setting up the life support and double checking over what the other medics had already set up. As he was certain they would do the same. "I'm voting we start with a body shut down once he's hooked up. give the parasympathetic nervous system some wiggle room. If we don't see progress after five minutes we're gonna oversaturate him with oxygen and hard restart the brain itself. Someone get a cocktail ready and lets get a d-fib set up for one hell of an on/off switch." He barked at no one in particular. Ranks and discipline of the military side tended to fall to the wayside in medical. If he stepped too far out of the box someone else would say so or take over.

Hopefully these guys can remain objective..., Ragnar thought when he took note of the range of emotions dancing over everyone's faces. "...Little bit of Monica on my mind..." he mumbled along with the selection on his communicator getting into the old swing of things.
YSS Kaiyo
Fabrication Bay

Able, seeing nothing else for himself to do, went to work helping the others connect the tubing to the MEGAMI's neck, through all of the major blood vessels he could find. From tampering with the open wound, his gloves were soon crimson red, but it didn't bother him a bit.

Douryos had a type of precision and pin-point accuracy that living organisms did not, and that helped him to find the small openings of veins and arteries much easier than the average man, or woman. Not that he was adapt at medicine, or surgery... There were the few occasions where he'd poke a tendon with one of the tubes, rather than a vein. When everything was coated in a thick sheen of blood, it all sort of began to run together and look the same. In all honesty, perhaps he'd be more suited to helping Walter, as that was more tech-based and up his alley, but the man seemed more than capable on his own.
YSS Kaiyo
Fabrication Bay

Mochi nodded to Walter in response, "I'm glad - we might only have her running for a short time before her brain shuts down from shock. Act fast and as soon as I say." It was a curious feeling, gazing around at old friends and acquaintences alike as they all worked towards the same goal. If you'd told Seino a few years ago he would essentially be leading an operation with multiple people to play god and essentially resurrect a brain, even for a short time, he would have laughed.

Even as he picked up the bonesaw and began to carve a rough circle around the top of the ragged Neko's head, Mochi wondered how exactly he got to this point. Levering away the piece gently, the Juni flipped a set of optics over his face shield with bloodied hands, taking up his incredibly precisely tipped soldering-iron-like device. "Alright, turn on the waterworks. There's going to be a lot of leakage so keep circulating best you can before she bleeds out."

With the others hopefully having done their vital role, Mochi began to work fast, almost like a robotic arm that whizzed from one hotpoint located by his HUD to another. Crimson liquid seeped fast from the Neko as her eyelids began to flicker, her lips wobbling and jiggling as he poked around inside her inner workings, pouring over the edge of the table faster than he'd expected, some even splashing up onto his visor. It looked like an eery mix of butchery and playing Frankenstein. If he was a medic, he would be breaking every rule there was - luckily, having done much worse to test out the first batch of Neo-Caelisolians this didn't perturb him.

If any success was had, the Juni's HUD would flash a bright hue of green, same as his eyes. "Now, Walter! Everyone, keep her alive while the transfer happens! No matter what it seems, this information could prove vital."
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Kikios watched the laptop, when the Neko's crimson blood started pouring all over the floor. The parrot wasn't one to react extremely and faint on the sight of blood, but with the amount that was gushing out and with her white wings- Oh... She did NOT want that to stain her wings, that'd be awful and she'd imagine very hard to get out of her feathers. She took a step away from the operating table at first, and then decided to go monitor her- Well, she'd say vitals but... That's a medical term... Maybe she should put it some other way like- levels? Ratios? Percentages? Something like that? Something to make it sound like something more familiar to her, in more technical terms. After all, she was probably pretty sure that she shouldn't be trusted to operate on a live patient that was- was it even live? But still, this sounded like a delicate situation more suited to someone who knew how to work on an organic neko body. Yes, "levels" seemed much more familiar to her, all she had to do was adjust a few things to keep them as optimal as possible or alert the team at the body if something was going wrong that she couldn't fixed. Anyway, all the meanwhile she ignored the red fluid and prayed that it wouldn't be turning her into a cardinal by the end of this.

"Affirmative," Chlorate said, going to the safety and systems seat. Well, this was a bit different. She almost sat down, but then Hoshi entered the bridge so she kept standing and saluted Hoshi. Chlorate had done a lot of standing today... Good thing the android had robotic legs that weren't affected by it- and yet, she still felt like she wanted to sit down, for some reason.
Fabrication Bay

Everyone in the room seemed to know what they were doing and had something to contribute, while Odo had no idea what was going on. This was way beyong his expertise, but he did enjoy learning, so he figured he would stick it out and see if he could pick up and assimilate whatever they were doing. As the operation commenced, a lot of blood came pouring over the table. He noticed another member step back and go over to a laptop and check it. He stepped back too, moved closer to the wall. Mainly just to observe and stay out of everyones way while they all did the critical stuff.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication bay

Walter Hyde jumped at the opportunity and engaged the wireless download! His eyes closed shut as he, with more strain than he expected, pulled every bit of data he can scrounge up from a brain that was... Wait.

Walter panicked, there was definitely a connection, he knows it, he can feel it, but there's... Nothing. There's just nothing to get.

He just watched at the crew essentially fried the Neko to a cooked cat lady, and sighed. "Yeah... About that. It was a flop, Iemochi-juni."

Honestly, he felt he was being a bit too hopeful about this endeavor... This was the Imperials they were dealing with, why would they get anything?
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YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Reina Madoka nodded, "I see... What were you expecting?"


Hoshi said to Chlorate, "At ease. Please, sit."

Asuka chirped, "Picking up something faint on long-range scans. Looks like a scouting squadron."

The Chusa turned to the Shoi, who was now standing, "Find your way to the power armor bay to help lead a team when necessary. Helm," she said, turning her head while she sat down, "make sure we are scarce."

Fabrication Bay

Boss said over comms, "No signal received from the body. Alerting the captain of the lack of progress now." She paused and said, "Peio Muyomi is to guard the body and fabrication bay while the rest of you clean off and report to the power armor bay."


"Do you have the ability to become something you're not to win this war?" Pumpkin asked.

"I... am." Eden replied.

"Good, we'll need to get you into a new body. I will give your ship the schematics to my NH-40 if you would not mind."

"What?!" Eden said, aghast. "I will need more information than that."

"We'll need you in this newer model. I'd like your whole crew in them, but I doubt we have the time to convince all of them."

"What can it do?" Eden asked tentatively.

"I'll tell you," Pumpkin said and telepathically stroked Eden's consciousness with the knowledge of what the NH-40 could do.

"I'll transfer into one after my ship has gone over the schematics."

"Is your medical lab being used at this time?" Pumpkin asked with a cocked head, making her orange hair splay out on some of her dress-like tendrils.

Eden checked in mentally with Boss and said, "We won't have much privacy."

Pumpkin shrugged, "In that case, I'll find my own way out." Eden looked pointedly at Wiliam and jutted her jaw towards the Nekovalkyrja Mishhuvurthyar woman.

Pumpkin moved her hand to one of her guards, "She'll be your set of schematics. I've worked very hard on this project. I expect you to respect that."

Eden's brows furrowed as she watched Pumpkin leave.


Pumpkin walked through the hallway to the shuttle bay with Wiliam and her lone NH-40 as a guard. She made it to the shuttle bay and wordlessly got into her escort. The engines powered up and Pumpkin was soon off of the ship.

Medical Bay

"Are you using any of the ST tubes at this time?" Eden asked of nobody in particular while she came with the NH-40 into the medical bay. She quickly glanced over Mark and said in a saddened tone, "Boss, be sure Mark-hei is on bed rest once his condition is stable. I don't want him seeing combat until we can get whatever's in him out. I'll be STing into a new body, the plans for which stay under lock and key. Only you and the Chusa have access to them. I'm trusting you."

The XO said, "Boss, use the schematics for this NH-40 for which I will move into." Eden allowed the NH-40 to enter an ST tube and then waited for Boss. The icicle-like legs and arms of the Nekovalkyrja were all that identified them as atypical, aside from Eden's statement.

A few moments later, Boss chirped over comms, "I have her data. Creating the appropriate body for you, Shosa. If you would step into the chamber."

Eden entered a tube and it began to fill with hemosynth as her volumetrics flickered off and she closed her eyes just before the fluid passed over them.

Mark's condition became stable while this happened and before Eden had fully been submerged, he was conscious once more.

"Alerting the captain of the Mark-hei's condition..." Boss said as the clone's eyes opened.
YSS Kaiyo II

Gravity nodded and found a rather large asteroid some seventy miles away. Large enough to hide the Kaiyo in the dark side facing away from the local star.

Gently setting the Kaiyo in a very close geostationary orbit, she first shut down exterior lights and anything that would mark them visually. Next, she turned the engines down to the lowest idle available that would allow them to get moving should they get spotted, yet also reduced their thermal signature. Not much she could do if they decided to scan for lifeforms, since the crew was scattered everywhere. Couldn't do life support, either.

Hopefully, Pumpkin's people would give her enough time to leg it should things go sideways.
YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Sacre slid away again when Eden came in, leaving Mark in Ragnar's capable hands. "No, tube one is available." She said to Eden, and glaring suspiciously at the NH-40. She approached the controls and started to monitor them as the new Neko design was scanned in. As the liquid rose, Sacre's eyes flicked over the specifications. She might not have caught it if there hadn't been so much that she had been acessing about the details of Nekovalkyrja bodies. It was clearly superior in many ways, however, there was one flaw she couldn't let go without comment.

"Bossss, I'm paussing the transsformation. There'ss a backdoor into her memory, ssending it ssomewhere. I don't know where. It'ss too much of a ssecurity rissk." Sacre said, halting the process as she figured out what to do about it. She scanned the specification again and saw how she could deactivate the functionality. She modified the specification so that as far as she could tell, the backdoor was impossible. She went over the specification a second time, more slowly, but didn't spot any additional backdoors. She wanted to wait for Mochi to look over everything, but there was a strong time-sensitive element to the mission she sensed. She weighed the risks mentally and made a choice. She nodded, "Bossss, check my work and alert to any backdoorss I missssed, if it'ss good, ressume the transsformation." She instructed.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Sacre closed the curtains to give them a slight amount of privacy. Sacre really wished that she was better at looking at the Neko specs and pressed the button to start the transformation. It looked painful, even though Sacre knew it wasn't. Typically, building a new body from scratch took the better part of an hour. However, they were not building a new body, but doing an indepth upgrade of an existing one. The biggest change was the skeleton, changing from carbon nano-tube based to being a metalic glass based. The console alerted her to the need for some exotic materials that were not normally needed in the creation of Neko bodies. Sacre approved it, and then raised an eyebrow at the cost. The eyes were also changed, upgraded into something better. Under her skin, metalic glass plating grew. Spikes grew on her arms, legs, and back where the SPINE access was. There were other changes, but those were much harder to notice.

As the process finished, the fluid drained from the tank and Eden was blown dry. Sacre handed Eden a new uniform for the slight changes to her anatomy that had occured. Sacre paused, "That was your free reconstruction for the mission, I'd rather not have to do this all over again." She said sternly, warning Eden in her own way to be careful.
YSS Kaiyo
Power Armor Bay

Arete shook her head a little bit as she stepped into the bay, her blonde hair fwooshing out a bit as she did so. The sage's green eyes sparkled a bit as they looked towards the other people chatting inside, before she decided to join in on their conversation. She heard something about... Fruit?

"Hey! What're you two talking about?" She asked enthusiastically and cheerfully.