Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

Space, Near Remains of Planet H
Dolphin Team

"Acknowledged, Kiseki-Hei." After a moment to properly bundle the data, she sent the information towards where Kyoi was reappearing after having left the Kuma behind in its snowy prison. It didn't contain the SAINT data stream, just some of its contents, along with Murakami's own findings. Most of the transmission simply clarified where the Kaiyo and various crew members were in relation to the disparate chunks of the planet, as well as its current speed and heading. And the suspicious craft that she'd tasked her team with blocking from interfering with the wayward former planet, of course.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi's hands were slippery and goopy, but the slime had almost completely fallen onto the AI's shoulder while her other shoulder was gripped by Hoshi's free hand.

"Unless wounded or helping the wounded presently, you are to rendezvous with Murakami-juni's proposed coordinates immediately. You are to breech the ship that is designated The Palm in several sections. This is a Kuvexian vessel, proceed with integrity, caution, and without issue! Team Hydra will be folded into Team Kraken. Shosa Teien will lead a forward breech while Mitsuko's, at the stern of the ship. They have yet to use ship-based weaponry and hostile power armors have been found within the vessel."

She went on and said, "Work together to get us in close. Chlorate, take out the terra while Gravity-hei maneuvers us. That planet is moving fast. Boss?"

Boss, the MEGAMI, replied over comms, "2 Lightyears per hour."

"That's almost our ship's cruising speed!" Hoshi exclaimed. "I want a lock on that planet once the crew is deemed off of it."

Deck Three

Boss chirped, "Certainly."

A moment later, the door was opened by the samurai, Rei.

"Hai?" she said in Yamataigo, meaning, "Yes?"

Monitoring Room

A voice filled the room, it was Boss and she said, "There was a large disturbance on the planet, resulting in a sudden explosive expelling of a quarter of the planet from itself. It is now propelling itself towards core Yamatai. Please remain on standby."

A moment later, Hoshi spoke in the comms, "Iemochi-juni's condition is stable. His armor's integrity has been significantly lowered."

Team Kraken

Eden's charismatic voice came into the ears of her team members, "We are to decimate the Kuvexians while they try and inevitably fail to destroy us and our home! Planet-H is going to be stopped from entering Yamataian space by our ship and its bridge crew, so let us rip into this Kuvexian asset any way we can to further stop their war effort! Pry victory from their cold, dead hands by any means necessary!" She landed with a thunk onto the hull of The Palm and watched while Halsie Nighni began cutting into the ship. Care and Riku Tanaka were soon nearing the ship via their unorthodox but safe route.

"Ah, William, good to have you. No dying on us, now, or we'd have strained relations with your father to look forward to." She told Mark, Care, Shasse, Riku Tanaka and Wyatt —her old team lacking the dead and Sacre, who was attending Iemochi—, "We should have Dokusei-hei joining us, as well. Look out for her." She noticed Wyatt next to her and put a hand on his shoulder and shook it slightly as the segment of the hull slowly lifted from its mooring thanks to Halsie. "Stay in one piece, alright? You don't want to be rez'd, tust me." She let go of Wyatt Adler and thrusted forward, grabbed the hunk of metal, picked it up, and flung it away from The Palm and approaching team members. "All in," she added before hopping in to the ship's forward section, an uninhabited and mostly structural segment of the ship. "Clear! Care-heisho will take point with Tanaka-hei.”

The Palm

The blue skinned and white haired woman had soon dropped her meat shield and was out the door while the NSB’s took out the rest of the unarmored Kuvexians. The golden armor he had headlocked was able to launch drones of its own that didn't pierce the Zesuaium armor of the Mindy, but might have been an annoyance to Alastair, right before the power armor jabbed his shield into Alastair's groin.

Muyomi ha discipline and was capable of understanding Abart's fears. She pulsed out with aetheric shock cannons on her shoulders at a power armor far from Alastair, while the shots from the Separa'Shan did equal damage to the armors, which were not crumpling and would not be deterred so easily. The two sides were able to take about equal amounts of damage.
Team Kraken

"I've come this far without needing a re-sleeve, ma'am" Wyatt spoke monotonously before pausing and taking a second to think. "I appreciate the concern though, I'll give it my darndest" he added on, the last few words sounded uncomfortable and somewhat awkward as they left his mouth and filtered through the comms system.

The Palm
Team Kraken

Wyatt propelled himself through the newly opened up hole in the ship as the red temperature warning on his hud faded away, the marksman hit the ground with his good arm before transitioning into a roll that brought him into a kneeling position with his Special Duty Revolver held at arm's length and his Xiphos being held down at his side by his injured arm with the blade pointing backwards. The minkan swept his revolver around the uninhabited area of the ship before he slowly rose to a standing position and moved off to the side slightly to clear the landing zone, he felt like some kind of action-hero mercenary what with the sword and revolver combo he was currently toting around.

The constant pain in his arm however was currently reminding him that he was no fictional figure that never had to reload, he was just a soldier in pain, pain that was dwarfed when compared to others that had soared down to the planet today. It would in no way compensate for the loss of life or emotional trauma that came with it and even though Wyatt himself would remain the same tight-lipped and stubborn bastard he always was, putting rounds into OPFOR always made things feel a little less FUBAR.

Everybody had their own way of dealing with stuff.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Mikael mutters under his breath about the squids being more easy to handle than these opponents after the comment about how fast the planet was moving. So far not finding anything of any worth, he decides to let the VIs do the job of pinpointing point of origin and goes back to sorting and sifting what will go into the black box and what is okay for classified SAoY accountability reports.
Planet WHY THOUGH?! ---> Space
Team Dolphin

There is so much more 'Yare Yare Daze' than Walter could ever shake his sword at. People are dying and getting severe injuries, the core of the world is moving, and they got a random ship to worry about rather than this massive projectile. Walter was lucky to have stayed close enough to the mountain to avoid being injured by rocks going over Mach 1, away from a catastrophe so insane it may as well be fiction.

This soldier concluded he would be out of his mind if he got close to the projectile.

"And I dreamt of staying on Ayenee, Miles. We'll talk about that later, right now we need to follow Eden's instructions to the tee." Purposefully disregarding Mitsuko's earlier command, Walter jets off to the ISS Palm's recorded position. Doing his best to avoid incoming shrapnel, the Minkan took out his Nodachi blade, slicing large stones out of his way. His NSBs deploy to give him a full view of what's all around him, just so he wouldn't he caught off-guard.

If he got one substantial injury, Walter would lose his mind. That alone was good enough motivation to balance his caution and his reckless abandon.
The Palm

Alastair took the shot to the groin like a champ. All his years of reflex saves and conditioning from being a little horn ball was paying off. He did a back flip and did his own uppercut using his Aether Beam Saber-Rifle that had turned into a 7 foot long sword. No one rustles the jimmies of Alastair and get away with it!!

His drones mean while started to dance off against the drones of the enemy. Alastairs drones being from the Ke-M4-P2902 Wing Pack ensured they packed a lot of punch.
YSS Kaiyo II
Chlorate breathed an electronic sigh of relief when she heard Mark report that he was unharmed. She then turned her head and stared at the slime that was resting on her shoulder. She blinked, confusedly saying
"There seems to be a gooey substance on my shoulder." Still staring at the goopy slime, she asked "What targets are the terra?" She worried that she was missing something obvious, maybe she was already supposed to know this term...

Deck Three

"Hello," Kiki greeted Rei, "I was told by Boss that there was a hydraulic leak in a maintenance conduit, and that I need to pass through here to reach it. Would you mind if I come in to access it?" To some extent, Kiki hoped that Rei wouldn't comment about how she was an unusual person to send into the maintenance conduit, due to her form that would be rather awkward to squeeze into a narrow passageway like those of the access tunnels. She didn't know why- maybe Rei not mentioning it would somehow make it less likely that she would get stuck? Or perhaps it would reassure her that she'd be capable of traversing inside? Either way, she was eager to repair the leak quickly so she wouldn't have to be in such a cramped environment for long. And hopefully not get stuck.
Team Kraken

William's eyes flicked to the Eden chibi that had appeared in the corner of his HUD. "Yes, I would prefer to avoid that. Thank you Ma'am..." He said, still clearing his mind from the fog. He felt a warm trickle from his forehead where he had hit it against the armor. 'Damn... must be bleeding.' He thought to himself as he turned towards Eden's position and initiated his thrusters.

"I am on my way to the Palm now." He informed over comms as he took off towards the enemy ship.
Team Kraken

Care was quick to redirect herself towards the Kuvexian ship, and as she did so many questions rose in her mind. Even as she spent time hearing and listening about the conflict between Yamatai and the aforementioned opponents, at no point had she bothered to really learn much about them. They were a distant enemy in a theater she had barely seen. She had been on the Kaiyo across fights and battles of course, but this was different, and as the ship came into view as she listened to the orders and talks of the crew. Taking point with Tanaka-hei as she entered the Forward Section. From what she could tell of the ship and how it was sectioned she doubted it would have any large population within it, but if they were found within that could quickly change.

Her held her weapon at a ready, and for a moment as she lowered herself within, her MINDY once more felt foreign and restricting. She wasn't a Neko, she lacked the fierce loyalty that so many of Yamatai's created Neko's did, but she was still here. She wasn't here to conquer and take lives, that wasn't any of her business, and she didn't want it to be any of her business, but Care had her values, regardless of what Yamatai or the Kuvexians wanted. This was her crew, and though she had not once taken a life yet, there would not be hesitation today.

Care was not an idealist, nor a purist, or any other special thing. Her job was no longer to uphold her work under promise of greater good. She had tried that, and found it so completely unfulfilling. Her job was to protect her team, and to keep them alive and healthy and happy. She wanted to take their worries away and make sure they never feared pain or death. That's why the synthetic surge of feeling in her body surprised her as she raised her weapon with caution, marking her own moving location on her teams HUD.

She had never taken a life, but whether or not she ended some mother, father, son or daughter with nobler intentions than she mattered so very little to her. Ideals and factions were not what came to mind, only her team.

In order to protect the lives of others, she may have to take some.

That was fine with her.
YSS Kaiyo
Monitoring Room

The pink-winged elysian's thumping heart pounded like the terrible, overwhelming drums of war. The redhead bent forward in her chair; her hands moved up to her head as it bent down further. A hiss of air pushed through her mouth. Her voice cracked a bit: "Is-Is he okay? Can he move? Is he trapped on the planet? I can't..." Unable to finish her sentence, Arbles's thoughts were cut off with a sob she failed to choke back.

Her eyes shut tight, with her frame hunched over the controls, Arbles felt helpless and immobile, a burden to everyone around her, just like... Just like back at home.
Place where there was previously a planet?

...Chaos, Absolute utter... Chaos

That was the first thing the now snow buried Orion had thought when information of what was going on at the outside of his pile of snow started arriving to the Hawks Mindy Suit. Some of his fellow crewmembers were Injured, and some could possibly be deceased.

..Damn... Things went downhill quick-

His thought was interrupted by the familiar voice of Eden ordering everyone who was not engaging in search and rescue to storm the ISS Palm. He went to obey, but then realised that he was a little bit, snowed in. He Would have probably facepalmed, if he could. With small amounts of real effort, Orion reached his Aether rifle, and, to make a not so long story even shorter, blasted himself out of the annoying snows grip, carefully though, he didn't want to risk accidentally hitting someone nearby.

Once out of the now slightly melting snow, The light blue winged Elysian blasted off of the destroyed camp and snow holding mountain, soon catching up with Walter, who was already on his way to assist. Directly towards the ISS Palm, his deep purple coloured eyes fixiated on the vessel.
Space, Near The Projectile Formerly Known As Planet H
Supposedly Dolphin Team

Mitsuko kept pace with the ship, keeping herself between it and the chunk of planetoid cruising through the stars. Waiting for her team to form up and regroup. Waiting patiently, until she could confirm that most of them had zipped right past the designated coordinates and headed directly for the enemy ship. Without confirming the team's status. Without organizing a proper attack plan.

She sighed to herself.

"Hyde-Hei, Jones-Hei, prepare to board the enemy ship. Kiseki-Hei, follow when able. I will assist with entry."

With that, Murakami increased her speed to catch up, then burst past Walter, rushing through the opening he'd made in the debris field. She was familiar with the Starchaser, of course, aiming for the rear section of the cargo hold. Most likely surprising nobody involved. There would be an entrance there, secured or unsecured, guarded or unguarded. The ship had been marked for salvage, so it was more than likely in need of some sort of repair. She would find the entrance, and she would open it, or convince it to open, or force it to open. The aetheric blade that flickered to life from one forearm would assist with that.

She just hoped the others would actually listen this time.
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Space -> Kuvexian Ship
Team Kraken

Riku adjusted course as instructed, following behind Care as they sped towards the ship and followed her in. He took a knee beside her and raised his weapon, safety off and the 8-second beam rifle ready to melt anyone who dare stand in their way to slag.

He activated his NSBs, the drones taking a circle position around him ready to intercept enemy fire and provide some covering fire. Their video feed transmitted to his HUD and he commanded them to keep a defensive stance.

The marksman kept his shoulder-mounted gauss rifle and missile pods in place, concluding they would cause more trouble than help. His Barrier Shield module remained active, giving him further protection from enemy fire and bolstering his CFS.
Space -> Kuvexian Ship
Team Dolphin

"Understood," Walter simply replied, "I volunteer to watch your six, however I can assist in breaking and entry as well."

He kept a decent pace, making sure that Orion wasn't left behind. Once he approached to the ship, he moved behind Mitsuko, and took out his Aether Blade that activated the moment he unsheathed the weapon. It would be just in case if the mousey woman needed assistance cutting the door open, however given that it was only this trip so far, the soldier wouldn't be surprised if she didn't need his help with cutting open some doors. He hasn't put the ammo belts onto his shoulder-riding grenade launcher yet, and... Well, he shouldn't use them onboard, anyway.

Walter would know; he's a technician.
Team Kraken

William held his lance tightly as he flew towards the enemy vessel. His HUD quickly flashed an update and he saw several hearts dot his HUD denoting the presence of his fellow shipmates. He altered his direction, putting himself on an intercept course with the others.

As everyone entered, the massive armored nepleslian touched down on the ship and opened a line to the Kraken squad channel. "Where do you want me?" He asked as he activated the lance's fusion ability causing both blade ends of the weapon began to glow hot. He was ready for anyone who dared get in his way. He'd skewer them all if he had to.
YSS Kaiyo II

Gravity snarled and rolled the ship sideways, knifing the vessel between two skyscraper-sized chunks of rock.

"Those are 'terra'! Try to aim for the smaller pieces that we can't dodge! Now get to shooting!" Gravity nearly snapped at Chlorate. She didn't really mean it, she was just stressed at the moment. She deftly began arming the Kaiyo's main gun.

"Everyone out of the way of the massive death-beam, please!" gritted out the pilot in frustration to the away teams.
Team Hydra

Whump. Seinosuke was suddenly free from the overwhelming pressure that had been crushing down upon him, the letterboxed darkness of the buildings giving way to harsh light of the nearly star that pierced through the cracks of his visor. Somehow, the oxygen shell inside was holding as his Mindy span gently through space.

He could feel the shards of bone grating as he tried to move, Sacre attending to him as fast as she may. "N-Owch-" he began, "Sorry, I think I'm out of action for n-ow."

Sein could spot fissures crashing through the earth, reaching many thousands of kilometers around the globe. It looked like his armor would hold but couldn't be removed without medical help on standby. To his surprise, the only fully functional module was his comms.

"Go. Help the others. I'm fine." Sein barked through the pain, probably a little too harsh given the hurt. "If anyone is active, try to find the other teams. They'll need help." The Juni buzzed over comms, the crackling of his partially broken mic coming through the other end. In a pinch he could act but it would be rather painful.
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YSS Kaiyo II

"Oh..." Chlorate said, watching the rocks fly by. The weaponry quickly changed position and started firing in front of the ship to annihilate the incoming debris. The Anti-Fighter Turrets were doing most of the damage to the oncoming terra, with the Turbo Aether Turrets tending to hit whatever the Anti-Fighter Turrets couldn't. The weaponry aimed all around, destroying any debris that dared to come close to the Kaiyo II. The weaponry almost acted as a wall, shooting so accurately that the terra was practically unable to pass beyond a certain point when approaching the ship.
The Palm

The back of the rectangular ship had a cargo hold, of course. There were airlocks that were on both the port and starboard side of it. The porpoise team would be able to see several escape pods jettison out of the ship close to their position. The ports that had opened for the escape pods remained open. Team Dolphin had options at their disposal.


There was a resounding, grating, high-pitched noise as the aether hit the armor and seared into the energy shields of the power armor, but soon the Kuvexian armor had thrusted away from Alastair, dodging the rest of the aetheric energy blade from slicing past his shields, which were halved by the intrusive aether. He climbed onto the wall and up the ceiling before he pushed forward, leaping onto Alastair.

An armor swept towards Abart and Muyomi, shooting its coil gun diligently at the much larger reptilian target, downing Abart's shielding systems significantly.

Muyomi yelled into comms, "Another grenade, Jôtô Hei!"

The grey chairs were splattered with gooey, sticky, viscous, purple-hued liquid that must have been the blood of the unarmored Kuvexians that had lost their lives. The unarmored white haired and blue skinned Kuvexian was completely out of sight and gone, by now.

The Hull's Opening

As Sacre teleported in nearby, Eden's chibi head popped up in Iemochi-juni's HUD with a concerned expression, saying, "Mochi, I'm coming!" As she teleported to his position in space, she popped into Care's HUD with a direct order, "Nitô Heisho! Continue the assault on the enemy ship while I secure the Ittô Juni!!"

Inside Hull Opening

The Freespacer was in a hallway where there were several Kuvexians, three unarmored male crew members and one female one with a trident. One male picked up a nearby call center's handheld phone-like contraption and he spoke quickly and tersely in a language far from any found in the Kikyō Sector. There was a shuffle of movement away from Wyatt and Care and towards the door closest as a shining power armor much like the ones found in the CIC appeared behind the opening door that the unarmored Kuvexians were hurtling themselves towards. The four Kuvexians not in a power armor began to try to flood past the power armor, away from the Mindy-clad Care.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi said to Chlorate, "Spot on! Perfect!" She let go of the bot to turn to Nerai, "Find a way to contact the teams anyway you can," she added, "save for leaving the bridge!" To Mikael she said, "Give me something, do we have a net waiting in Yamataian space to catch this or are there any kinds of brakes?" She looked at scans and said, "At least we flew over and not through Poku space. It now looks like we are on Yamataian soil, so to speak! It's got a clear shot for CORE YAMATAI!!!" She had found her place in her chair, but was now sitting up from it and began half-floating and half-standing as she emphatically spoke.

VIP Suites

Rei said, "Eeto... May I fix the leak myself?"


Eden touched Iemochi's armor with one unsteady hand as she finished teleporting to his position. While she gripped his army gingerly, she asked, "Does this hurt? And are you ready for extraction?"