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OOC [OOC] Yugumo Discussion

Same time.

The Seijin no Umi left during the breifing to goto Pisces and then returned during the party.
For everyones information. Once the three new people I assigned to the ship get their arrivals posted and squared away I will end the prelude thread and we will get to the morning of the next day, the beginning of mission 1.
Well, hello everyone. Here's where I do the obligatory "I'm Nat, pleased to meet you all", and I'll be joining the Yugumo. YIM's in my profile, my character's in the Yugumo's wiki thread, my first post is up. Looking forward to RPing with ya'll.
Welcome aboard!
Hello everyone i am glad to be apart of the crew. My YIM is in my profile and im still trying to figure out wiki so it gonna take some time for me to get my character bio in.
Akira/Eric is having computer issues again. Kindly post around him.
Was at a LANparty / expo for the last 2 days, and despite assurances beforehand that we would have 4x 24 MB internet connections we only got 1 late in the piece and it was crappy enough that YIM wouldn't stay connected, let alone allow for stable internet browsing.

To create a page, you just link to it from a currently existing page, then follow that link.

In this case, you might want to edit your character's name/your name into the list in the YSS Yugumo article. Then, when you've saved those changes, the links to the two names will be red. If you follow those links, it will give you the option to create the article.

To make the links in the first place, just type their name with [[ ]] around it.
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