Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

<Exhack> This is like... my best idea, ever.
<SUBLIMEinal> Except it was my idea.
<SUBLIMEinal> Everyone's ideas are my ideas.
<Exhack> I just had another idea. I want to make love to all the men in Maine.
We always had an inkling. said:
23:33 raz No. I'm a man
23:33 Kampfer[RAAGE] Oh, wanna have sex?
23:33 Kampfer[RAAGE] I mean.
23:33 MoonMan ME
23:33 Kampfer[RAAGE] Go to a ballgame?
23:33 MoonMan MEGASNERKS*
23:33 Kampfer[RAAGE] I mean.
23:33 raz EMPHATIC YES
23:33 raz Wait, what?
23:33 raz NO
23:33 Kampfer[RAAGE] Fuck. Go to the range and put long bullets into my well oiled cylinder?
23:34 raz I'm an expert marksman. Bang-bang!
* raz sets mode: +o Kampfer[RAAAGE]
* Kampfer[RAAAGE] sets mode: -o Doshii
* raz sets mode: +o Kampfer[RAAAGE]
* Kampfer[RAAAGE] sets mode: -o raz
<raz> WHAT
<Kyoki> oh god...
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> I
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> HAVE
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> THE
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> POWER
<Kyoki> Kampf, if i stay, can i have @?
<Kyoki> :D....
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> ...
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> Yes.
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> Will you stay?
<Kyoki> sure o.o
<MoonMan> Will you be his...
<MoonMan> ...Earth Angel?
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> Will you be my Earth Angel?
<Kyoki> possibly >_>
* Soresu taps raz on the shoulder.
* Kyoki was kicked by Kampfer[RAAAGE] (NOT GOOD ENOUGH, GO TO DINNER)
* Kyoki ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
<Kyoki> >_>;;;
<Kyoki> T_T
<@raz> space
<Kyoki> i feel hated
* Kampfer[RAAAGE] sets mode: +o Kyoki
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> :D!
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> WAit.
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> SHIT.
<@Kampfer[RAAAGE]> NO.
<@Doshii> Whoa. There's a lot of operators.
* Kampfer[RAAAGE] was kicked by Kyoki (No, I won't be your earth angel)
[21] <Jessibelle> Midori can pet you. She likes petting things.
[21] <Kampfer[RAAAGE]> Not from you, starvin' artist.
[21] <Itkatsu|Work> 7, because the latest is NT6
[21] <Midori> I can petz zee kampfer? o.o;
[21] * Midori stares all puppy eyed at Kampfer.
[21] <Kampfer[RAAAGE]> ...She likes petting things the wrong way.
[21] * Doshii laughs.
Rico has a rival? said:
<MoonMan> Stop playing my own game with me, jeez, nobody does that.
<CaffeineNova> You're right. I should go back to playing games with Keziah. :)
<MoonMan> So bad.
<MoonMan> You kiss your mother with that mouth?
<MoonMan> ...I MEAN.
<MoonMan> NO!
<Soresu> LOL
<CaffeineNova> LOL
<MoonMan> NO NO NO NO NO!
* CaffeineNova rolls on the floor laughing.
[INFO] Channel view for “#blueberrysexytime” opened.
-->| YOU (RuneAndrew) have joined #blueberrysexytime
<Soresu> (Oh snap, an Anrew.)
<Soresu> (Andrew*)
<RuneAndrew> (oh darn)
<RuneAndrew> (I caught you with your hand in the cookie jar)
<RuneAndrew> (^.^)
<Soresu> (haw haw)
<RuneAndrew> (Or rather, the fruit bowl)
a_bear: rar
a_bear shits in the woods.
a_bear: Hahaha. I entertain myself way too much sometimes.
1:15 AM
Soresu has quit the server saying: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]
Zephyrite trains his sights on bear
a_bear: On just any bear?
a_bear: Or on a bear?
a_bear is the average bear and is thus, neither smarter nor less intelligent than himself.
1:20 AM
Zephyrite: me trains his sights on the bear referenced in this IRC chat
Zephyrite: aww forgot the slash
a_bear: a_bear x Zephyrite slash?
Zephyrite shoots the friggin bear DEAD
a_bear: There's a bear gettin' some around here?
a_bear: Cuz it's not me. :V
a_bear rimshots.
Zephyrite: see? I killed you. And in no way was that slash!
Zephyrite kills more bears
a_bear: No! My brothers!
Rynol: !
a_bear: You murderer!
Rynol channels another RP's character. Develops charismatic leadership to begin the Glorious Bear Army!
Zephyrite kills all bears, ever, upsetting the ecosystem and thus plunging the earth into mass extinctions
a_bear joins said Glorious Bear Army.
Zephyrite reminds that bear that he is dead.
Rynol whines, attacks with Armored Space Bears and conquers the ecodamaged Earth. Then founds the Californian Republic.
Ah, you missed the best part:
<a_bear> The Bear Pope will protect me.
<Zephyrite> lies
* Rynol whines, attacks with Armored Space Bears and conquers the ecodamaged Earth. Then founds the Californian Republic.
<a_bear> He both shits in the woods and is Catholic. :V
<Rynol> ...
<Rynol> That reminds me!
* a_bear dies in real life.
<a_bear> I kill me! :V
<Rynol> Some DnD geeks I knew had a weird idea.
<Rynol> Bear clergy.
<Rynol> Like, the players would roam around the world, and slowly... churches would start changing.
<a_bear> Yesssssssss.
<Rynol> Bears would just begin becoming religious figures.
<Rynol> Until the commoners just accepted it.
<Rynol> And you'd have a sermon. From a bear.
<Rynol> In vestments.
<Rynol> Not an anthropomorphic one.
<Rynol> Just... a bear.
<a_bear> Investments.
* a_bear invests in vestments.
Just another Saturday Night said:
<Kyoki> ...i don't wear skirts
<CaffeineNova> Well, you do now, Kyoki.
<Kyoki> no i don't
* CaffeineNova drugs kyoki then puts one on her... even though she's still wearing pants underneath it.
* DocTomoe takes advantage of the drugged Kyoki.
* CaffeineNova fends off Tomoe.
* Tedworth_Meadows films said happenings
* Tyler blinks then shoots tomoe with a sedative
* CaffeineNova takes advantage of the sedated Tomoe.
<Frown-chan> Anyway
* Tedworth_Meadows films that
<Tyler> lulz
<Tyler> Nova, take that skirt off Doc..
<Tyler> that's just disturbing.
<CaffeineNova> Huh? Oh, I thought that was Kyoki... woops. Then that other thing I did was...
<CaffeineNova> ew.
* Tyler laughs
0:17 raz I wonder what the terminal velocity of piss is.
0:17 SUBLIMEinal ...
0:17 Frown-chan A lot of things.
0:18 SUBLIMEinal That's the greatest question I've heard all week.
0:18 Dong_Dong_Dong Ask a Japanese Schoolgirl, raz.