Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

lolololololololololol said:
(Following a discussion about an upcoming plot)
(3:39:23 PM) KokuExams: Corcyra, eh?
(3:39:33 PM) KokuExams: Is he trying to be ambitious?
(3:39:47 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Corcyra? He's always ambitious.
(3:39:51 PM) KokuExams: True.
(3:40:01 PM) KokuExams: It's like him to take on such a big and important project.
(3:40:09 PM) KokuExams: He'll look pretty good if it goes in his favor.
(3:40:13 PM) SUBLIMEinal: He's not going to be the direct overseer (he has cronies for that), but I'm sure you guys will run into him at least once.
(3:40:15 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Indeed.
(3:40:25 PM) Krian: is sub is this conversation too? cause i'm only seeing a one sided convo here.
(3:40:27 PM) Krian: o.o;
(3:40:50 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Lawl, tell her you're talking to yourself.
(3:41:02 PM) KokuExams: What do you mean?
(3:41:06 PM) KokuExams: Subs not in here.
(3:41:15 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Kekekeke
(3:41:19 PM) Krian: then who are you talking to?
(3:41:20 PM) KokuExams: I'm practicing being interested in his plot.
(3:41:36 PM) Krian: in who's plot?
(3:41:41 PM) KokuExams: That way he'll give me a high position, and then I can rake in the credit when it's done and done.
(3:41:47 PM) KokuExams: Sub's plot.
(3:42:01 PM) Krian: cause you look like you're talking to~ so you are talking to sub.
(3:42:14 PM) KokuExams: No, Sub's not here.
(3:42:27 PM) KokuExams: I'm practicing what I'm going to say so I don't screw up.
(3:42:27 PM) Krian: so then you're talking to yourself.
(3:42:53 PM) KokuExams: Yeah
(3:42:54 PM) Krian: so you're just being weird then?
(3:43:36 PM) KokuExams: You don't me very well.
(3:43:47 PM) Krian: i don't you very well?
(3:44:07 PM) SUBLIMEinal: You're in rare form, Koku :D
(3:44:45 PM) KokuExams: Yeah.
(3:44:48 PM) KokuExams: I do this all the time.
(3:44:55 PM) KokuExams: That's why no ones said anything.
(3:45:07 PM) KokuExams: I'm like that kid who passed out a lot in Lord of the Flies.
(3:45:18 PM) Krian: who the hell are you then? cause i've never seen you on.
(3:45:18 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Haha, Simon?
(3:45:40 PM) KokuExams: I'm a new player.
(3:45:42 PM) KokuExams: Just joined.
(3:46:13 PM) Krian: LOL... then you talking to yourself doesn't happen all the time and no one really is talking cause no one cares?
(3:46:33 PM) KokuExams: Oh no no no.
(3:46:45 PM) KokuExams: I do it all the time, just not in here.
(3:46:53 PM) KokuExams: Some people here don't care.
(3:46:59 PM) KokuExams: Some just know me from other places.
(3:47:09 PM) Stovaa: Like the courts
(3:47:13 PM) Krian: ... you're just....
(3:47:16 PM) Krian: ugh...
(3:47:17 PM) KokuExams: Yeah, like the courts.
(3:47:57 PM) KokuExams: I lost my place.
(3:49:22 PM) Krian: creepy.
(3:49:43 PM) KokuExams: What?
(3:49:51 PM) Krian: i said you're creepy.
(3:50:15 PM) Krian: if you wanna pratice what to say to sub... write it down in office.
(3:50:20 PM) Krian: not here.
(3:50:28 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Oh damn Koku, you gonna take that shit?
(3:50:47 PM) KokuExams: Why should I do it anywhere else.
(3:50:58 PM) KokuExams: Here, I have the atmosphere that will be at play when I speak to him.
(3:51:07 PM) KokuExams: So, it's like rehearsing on a stage.
(3:51:16 PM) Krian: pm him. don't have this in main chat.
(3:51:33 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Call me Venerable and you'll win twenty OmegaPoints.
(3:52:05 PM) Krian: nobody wants to see you rehearsing with yourself.
(3:52:18 PM) KokuExams: Pssh, you don't talk to the Venerable SUB through a shoddy PM system.
(3:52:19 PM) Krian: its odd and kinda creepy.
(3:52:32 PM) Krian: wow.... you need help.
(3:52:35 PM) ***SUBLIMEinal gives Kokuten 20 OmegaPoints.
(3:52:36 PM) KokuExams: THat's just disrespectful,like saying, "Hey, I only care enough to give you message and leave."
(3:54:51 PM) Krian: i'm saying pm him when hes on so the rest of us don't have to hear your creepy self talk.
(3:55:09 PM) KokuExams: Creepy self talk? Now you're just insulting me.
(3:55:30 PM) Krian: if you "respect" sub at all... take it to pm chat.
(3:55:48 PM) Krian: well it IS creepy.
(3:55:53 PM) KokuExams: I thought we just went over this.
(3:55:58 PM) KokuExams: PMing is disrespectful.
(3:56:07 PM) Krian: LOL
(3:56:07 PM) Kampfer[PrettyGir [[email protected]] entered the room.
(3:56:45 PM) SUBLIMEinal: Hey Kampfer.
(3:56:49 PM) Krian: so sad... pming is not disrespectful at all. only in the mind of thespian weirdos it is.
(3:56:51 PM) Krian: maybe.
(3:57:06 PM) Krian: but not for people like me... or sub.
(3:57:09 PM) Krian: wes even.
(3:57:17 PM) KokuExams: What about Wes?
(3:57:22 PM) Krian: pming is for PRIVACY!
(3:57:40 PM) Krian: wes pms people.
(3:57:40 PM) SUBLIMEinal: We're fucking around with Emma.
(3:57:44 PM) Krian: he's smart.
(3:57:50 PM) SUBLIMEinal: In case you couldn't pick that up.
(3:58:22 PM) Krian: and wes isn't creepy.
(3:58:23 PM) KokuExams: Wes is the Administrator the SARP, he understands the impersonalities of PMing.
(3:58:41 PM) Krian: omg you need serious freaking help.
(3:59:26 PM) Krian: so lets say he's about to ban someone, and he's going to go in main chat, tell EVERYONE and be RUDE? like i said. pming is for PRIVACY.
(3:59:29 PM) Krian: get a life.
(3:59:36 PM) OsakanOne: He's smart?
(3:59:38 PM) ***OsakanOne lols
(3:59:49 PM) Krian: lol...
(3:59:58 PM) Krian: you know what i mean, osa.
(3:59:59 PM) KokuExams: Well, for one.
(4:00:02 PM) KokuExams: If you ban someone.
(4:00:03 PM) Kampfer[PrettyGir: My rabbit ate some of my hair. :P
(4:00:07 PM) KokuExams: It's gonna be obvious.
(4:00:11 PM) Krian: lol! cute!
(4:00:14 PM) OsakanOne: Kampfer: Put it down. It's a cannibal.
(4:00:25 PM) Kampfer[PrettyGir: I'm not a rabbit.
(4:00:36 PM) Krian: noone cares or wants to hear this "koku".
(4:01:02 PM) Kampfer[PrettyGir: What are you talking about? Koku's one of the oldest bros on this site.
(4:01:07 PM) KokuExams: :D
(4:01:10 PM) Kampfer[PrettyGir: What are you people even arguing about?
Aw, c'mon! You can't have Kampfer say that and not give Krian's response!

That's something that could only happen in IRC...I could never keep a straight face doing something like that IRL.

Because. said:
[2008:12:13:21:50] <MissingNo> Um...
[2008:12:13:21:50] <MissingNo> [2008:12:13:21:45] <Blanket> Now that I've given you the input on my incestor's batshittiness, you can help me.
[2008:12:13:21:50] <MissingNo> "Incestors"?
[2008:12:13:21:50] * MissingNo blinks
[2008:12:13:21:50] <Kampf[PrettyGirl]> Freudian sliiiiip~
[2008:12:13:21:50] <Blanket> :3
[2008:12:13:21:51] <MissingNo> QQ?
[2008:12:13:21:52] <Blanket> pewpew
[2008:12:13:21:52] * Blanket ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
Exhack> You know, I just had an idea for Teen Romance novel.
<Exhack> The protagonist is a bored snarky Twilight vampire who works at a gas station during the night shift, because he thinks that mansions and being a jobless aristocrat in the 20th century is pretentious.
<Exhack> He tries to date this perfectly ordinary girl, but she's a police officer's daughter and repeatedly does things to him that would kill an ordinary human being.
<Exhack> Things like defenestrating him with a shotgun blast to the chest.
<Exhack> And roundhouse kicking him into the pool, and sending a toaster oven after him.
<Exhack> Obviously, she thinks he's cute and stuff at first, but he's also a supernatural stalker that won't die.
<SUBLIMEinal> ... Why is he still dating her? Instead of, gee, I don't know, tearing her head off and eating her?
<Exhack> The protagonist is a masochist.
<Exhack> Since he obviously has to be a voicebox for my personality.
<Exhack> Anf fulfillment of all my fantasies.
<Exhack> So in the end, after he saves her life, she steals all of the cash he keeps under his mattress and hires vampire hunters to kill him.
<Exhack> He hurls the chick into lake after ripping off all of her clothes, and ends up shagging one of the vampire hunters, a girl.
<Exhack> And that would be chapter 1.
-->| Soresu ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
<SUBLIMEinal> Srsly.
<Sethuro> Soresu man you missed it
<Soresu> Missed what?
<Sethuro> Ex's vampire fanfiction
<Exhack> Basically... I'm trying to realistically portray bored supernaturally beautiful creatures of the night who have been alive for centuries and are entirely immortal.
<Soresu> ...
<Soresu> Kay...

Edited out everything except this beautiful piece of art.
[21] <Uso> Wazu got his nose broken by a Megami computer which he accidentally raped.
[21] <Christopher> ...
[21] * Kokuten is now known as Wazu
[21] <Christopher> That tends to happen.
[21] * Wazu slips.
[21] * Christopher is now known as Megami
[21] <Wazu> "Oops, sorry about raping you."
[21] * Megami punches Wazu in the face.
[21] <SUBLIMEinal> Chuck Norris is from Texas. Only steers and queers come from Texas. Chuck Norris has no horns.
[21] * Uso sees where this is going
[21] <Wazu> "ffffffffffff"

Totally happened.

[21] <MorrowHack> What about...
[21] <MorrowHack> MENERGY?
[21] <KokuArt> MENERGY
[21] <KokuArt> IT'S ENERGY FOR MEN.
[21] <SUBLIMEinal> MANANA.
[21] <KokuArt> FIZBITCH
[21] <SUBLIMEinal> GUN
[21] <@Doshii> AND GUN!
[21] <MorrowHack> AND GUN!
[21] <KokuArt> GUN!
[21] <Moonie[Busay]> GUN!
[21] <Kai> Only trojans block MENERGY
<Kyoki> Itkatsu dreams of being Kaserine'd and then having smex with the misshu, not slaughtering
<KimG> lol
<DocTomoe> Kyoki, I'm so QQing that.
<KimG> some people are just more into tentacle sex than others
<Krian[Drawing]> YAY! new arts of Krian! XD ... kriwj6.jpg
<JimmyBuffet> Thats a cute chick.
<Krian[Drawing]> its a dude... but ok. XD
<JimmyBuffet> ...
<Krian[Drawing]> ... rian_pearl
<Krian[Drawing]> that guy. ^ ^
<JimmyBuffet> ......................................
<@Doshii> Kampfer fails it.
<Krian[Drawing]> XD
<JimmyBuffet> The existence of traps is a threat to my sexuality.
<@Doshii> Embrace it. It's better.

Undeniable proof of Kampfer's sexual preferences.

Although, truthfully, nothing is being said that we don't already know.

[13] <SUBLIMEinal> Man. I love Oreskaband. Their voices sound so cute ^_^
[13] <SUBLIMEinal> ... Good lord I just typed that.
[13] <Cy83r> rapably cute
[13] <Kyoki> Sub... USED THE WORD CUTE
[13] <Kyoki> :O
[13] <Luca> Hold the phone
[13] <SUBLIMEinal> Yes. I did.
[13] <Cy83r> who's calling?
[13] <Luca> You do realise - this means QQ!

Aaaand a few seconds later:
[13] <SUBLIMEinal> In my defense, the last time I used "cute" in the IRC, I was talking about sharks.
Just... LOL

[18] <Orion> Doshington!
[18] <Tyler> zomg it's a dosh
[18] =-= Doshii is now known as Doshington
[18] <Kai> fudge. moccasins fail at keeping feet warm.
[18] <Tyler> haha
[18] * Doshington bows to the hunter Orion, as well as the respected Mister Revolver.
[18] <Thomas_Revolver> Blankets, Kai. At least three of them.
[18] <Doshington> Evening, chaps.
[18] * Tyler throws a nazi flag at Doshinton
[18] <Kai> lol
[18] <Howlam> evening Sir
[18] <Tyler> doshington
[18] <Thomas_Revolver> That's /Reverend/ Revolver, Doshington my dear friend.
[18] <Kai> i just put on my house slippers.
[18] <Doshington> Good sir! But your title, I do not see it! And we have a Reverend already, the dear Tiffany.
[18] <Thomas_Revolver> Sweet little Tiffany has taken the mantle of Reverend in my absense? How absured, a woman in the priesthood. Surely you mean to say she's become a nun?
[18] <Tyler> man her.. a nun...
[18] <Tyler> maybe a corrupted one..
[18] <Orion> Nay, good Revolver. She is most assuredly a Reverend. The children can attest to that.
[18] <Doshington> As the good hunter states, dear Revolver! She has become a woman of the cloth.
[18] <Thomas_Revolver> It boggles my mind. In this day and age. No wonder the saintly John Paul passed on. Women ministers? We never should have given them the right to vote.
[18] <Wes>
[18] <Thomas_Revolver> Ah, Wesworth the Third. It's been a dog's age since we last spoke.
[18] <Doshington> Dear Revolver, I dare say this is not a travesty, but a cause for jubilation! No longer will men of the cloth be forced to sully themselves with boys.
[21] * WARkuten pulls out a Doomstriker and bats Luca back at Missing.
[21] <Kai> Quick Koku! Use Asher and his goatee of doom!
[21] <WARkuten> No Kai! It's too early to use that Trap Card.
[21] <Kai> right, right. I suppose his spiky hair then?
[21] <WARkuten> Fro of Doom is too dangerous to use in this duel!
[21] * MissingInaction thinks, then tosses Luca back to Koku dressed like Bridget.
[21] <MissingInaction> Trap Card!

Exhack activates his trap card, Bishonen Storm, which allows him to summon 3 bishonen-type monsters to the field from his deck.
* Exhack plays Sparkle Sumaru, Rookie Sumaru and Ace Sumaru on the field.
* Exhack then activates Polymerization, fusing them to create: Samurai Sumaru!
* Exhack uses Samurai Sumaru's special effect, which allows him to instantly play the Aether Saber Rifle and Mindy 2: Zesuaium equip spell cards!
* Exhack can't attack with Sumaru, just yet, though.

Because of this said:
<`5tar[Gone]> YESSSS!
<`5tar[Gone]> Someone QQ all that, ano!
<`5tar[Gone]> ...nao