Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Quotes Quarantine

Stovaa summons Osaka
Exhack summons Saber. ;-;
a_bear summons Colbert.
Zephy summons Gilgamesh
`5tar is now known as `Gilgamesh
`Gilgamesh: S'oup?
Zephy: yo
`Gilgamesh: We rokkin bitches? ;D
Zephy: I needs ya to kill a couple bitches
Exhack hides his Sabers.
`Gilgamesh: Sounds good.
Zephy: that cool yo?
`Gilgamesh: Always.
Zephy: aight
`Gilgamesh eyes Exhack.
`Gilgamesh: That 'em?
Zephy: yup
Exhack uhm... goes back to his visual novel-ing.
`Gilgamesh fucks Exhack up something fierce.
Soresu> Talking to Andrew on the phone.
<Soresu> Andrew sounds pretty happy right now.
<Wes> I talked to him on the phone too.
<`5tar> Oh yeah? How's the new woman situation working out for him?
<Soresu> Yeah, he sounds pretty.
<Wes> He's having a struggle with his ex but at the same time he's madly in love with his lady.
<`5tar> . . . he sounds pretty?
<Wes> what.
Kind of hard for me to finish typing when I got you guys in the IRC, him on the phone and my niece wanting me to help her with homework. :\ The end was supposed to have been, "pretty good right now, and in a better mood." Meh.
No excuses said:
[19] * raz knees Doshii in the balls.
[19] <Kampfer[BREAD]> This displeases me.
[19] <raz> I was going to post. Die, sir.
[19] <Doshii> Owned, f-----!
[19] <raz> I was actually going to post yesterday but then I got Left 4 Dead and got distrated from 4 p.m.-3 a.m.
[19] <Doshii> > That'll teach ya, f-----!
[19] <Kai> You have been owned, Raz.
[19] <Doshii> I feel accomplished, owning raz. As if I have reached a milestone.
[19] * Kai gives doshii a high-five.
[19] * Doshii returns said high-five!
[19] <Kai> Next goal: Own Fred.
[19] <Doshii> Hell yeah.
[19] <Doshii> Shit.
[19] <Doshii> Don't even say that.
[19] <Kyoki> o_o
[19] <Doshii> He could be listening.
[19] <Doshii> Watching.
[19] <Kai> *snerks*
[19] <Doshii> ... /Waiting./
<Kampfer> Guess what happened last night?
<@Doshii> Niiiice.
<@raz> Whut
<Kampfer> I kissed a girl
<Kampfer> And I liked it
<loli_bear> Lies.
<loli_bear> Double lies.
<@raz> Nice.
<Char> you misspelled Guy.
<loli_bear> What kind of nerd are you that you feel the need to not only brag about kissing a girl, but that you do it on IRC?
<Kampfer> Yknow what was best?
<Kampfer> The taste of her cherry chapstick.
<Char> Misspelled his
<Lolihack> Mmm... chapstick. It's like lip gloss, but less obnoxious.
<@Doshii> I hear ya, Raz.
<MoonMan> Dang Kampf.
<MoonMan> I hope your boyfriend didn't mind it.

Can't really blame him. Those soft lips are so kissable.
<Kyoki> ...i'm bi

[17] * DocTomoe peeks in.
[17] -->| Demonblooded ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[17] <Soresu> Well Tomoe, have you SEEN Bukkake, and undies stuck in the vagoo lately from it?
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> ...Was there bukkake and vag-undies?
[17] <DocTomoe> I honestly haven't even been reading anything from Yamatai.
[17] <Soresu> Yes.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> ...
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> Those were female characters with female players, right?
[17] <MoonMan> There was a lot of stuff on the Sakura, Kampfer.
[17] <MoonMan> Jeez, when did you get on this boat.
[17] <MoonMan> This is, like...common SARP knowledge.
[17] <Doshii> No.
[17] <MoonMan> All men.
[17] <Doshii> So you'd better start cutting yourself.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> ...
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> Y'all are gay.
[17] =-= Kampfer[EMO] was booted from #StarArmy by Soresu (NO U)
[17] -->| Kampfer[EMO] ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[17] <Doshii> I wasn't going to do that, but sure.
[17] <Soresu> Lol
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> It's like two guys in costume jerking off on each other's face.
[17] <Soresu> Oh come now Doshii, let me have a little fun.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> It's not them, but it is.
[17] <Doshii> Eh. Clearly we enjoyed it, so, eh.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> ...
[17] <MoonMan> This coming from a guy who's watched smut with midgets, fire hydrants and gas pumps, I feel a little insulted.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> You should.
[17] <Doshii> ... Gas pumps?
[17] <Doshii> Wow. That must be some kinky shit.
[17] <Soresu> Well, at least he doesn't get off from the whole Golden Shower thing
[17] <KimG> ?
[17] * Doshii notes Kim's raising her head to attention at the mention of golden showers and kinky shit.
[17] * MoonMan MEGASNERKS.
[17] * Soresu lawwwwls
[17] <Soresu> Someone should QQ this.
[17] <DocTomoe> Seconded.
[17] <Kampfer[EMO]> Negative oneded.
#StarArmy said:
<Jessibelle> I had a craving for fruit
<raz> :|
<Jessibelle> Bananas are the penises of nature.
<raz> Ha ha, oh wow.
<Itkatsu> I sent $2000 worth of penises to the wrong store once
21:45:09 ‹NotKampfer› Yknow how when you're a passenger in a car, and you press up against the seat when your driver almost crashes? To get away from the front of the car?
21:45:12 ‹NotKampfer› That's what it's like.

Kampfer, commenting on the joys of Tiger Balm on the penis.
0:15 Exhack: Yes, myes... so I hear Edward Ponce McFontlebottomshire has been rousing quite a bad humor in the croquet club tea room, with tales of dancing irishmen. We should put a dead chimneysweeper child in his locomotive clockwork, don't you agree?
0:16 Luca: In so many words, yes Ex.
0:16 *** AiNova left.
0:17 Exhack: When Baby exits, a mother is born.
0:17 SUBLIMEinal: I do so believe that a well-made stew of his wife and children would suffice, should it be served to him following a rousing waterboarding session, m'yes?
0:17 Luca: Is Fian and Nevaraon around? I have a little something for 'em
0:18 Exhack: Oh, I do say you do have the most delightfully fiendish thoughts my calypigean archfiend chevalier!
0:18 Kai: .....
0:18 SUBLIMEinal: Quite.
0:18 Kai: the hell.
0:19 Luca: Croquet, anybody?
[14] -->| SUBLIMEinal ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[14] <Manus> and that's the story about how I set my self on fire
[14] <Kai> wow. I really would have thought that a bath in turpentine would have been safe.
[14] <Kai> guess I was wrong.
[14] <Manus> It seemed like a good Idea at the time
[14] |<-- SUBLIMEinal has left (Client Quit)
[14] <Manus> I think we scared him off