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Quotes Quarantine

Kind of hard for me to finish typing when I got you guys in the IRC, him on the phone and my niece wanting me to help her with homework. :\ The end was supposed to have been, "pretty good right now, and in a better mood." Meh.

Can't really blame him. Those soft lips are so kissable.
#StarArmy said:
<Jessibelle> I had a craving for fruit
<raz> :|
<Jessibelle> Bananas are the penises of nature.
<raz> Ha ha, oh wow.
<Itkatsu> I sent $2000 worth of penises to the wrong store once
21:45:09 ‹NotKampfer› Yknow how when you're a passenger in a car, and you press up against the seat when your driver almost crashes? To get away from the front of the car?
21:45:12 ‹NotKampfer› That's what it's like.

Kampfer, commenting on the joys of Tiger Balm on the penis.

EDIT: If Doshii reacted that way, and based on the history building up in the QQ, I don't think I want to know.
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