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Quotes Quarantine

Aw, c'mon! You can't have Kampfer say that and not give Krian's response!

That's something that could only happen in IRC...I could never keep a straight face doing something like that IRL.


Edited out everything except this beautiful piece of art.

Totally happened.

<Kyoki> Itkatsu dreams of being Kaserine'd and then having smex with the misshu, not slaughtering
<KimG> lol
<DocTomoe> Kyoki, I'm so QQing that.
<KimG> some people are just more into tentacle sex than others

Undeniable proof of Kampfer's sexual preferences.

Although, truthfully, nothing is being said that we don't already know.


Aaaand a few seconds later:
[13] <SUBLIMEinal> In my defense, the last time I used "cute" in the IRC, I was talking about sharks.
Just... LOL



Because of this said:
<`5tar[Gone]> YESSSS!
<`5tar[Gone]> Someone QQ all that, ano!
<`5tar[Gone]> ...nao
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