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Quotes Quarantine

Seriously, either that is the best lie ever, or Kampfer has been replaced with some goodie good replacement.
Aw, c'mon! You can't have Kampfer say that and not give Krian's response!

That's something that could only happen in IRC...I could never keep a straight face doing something like that IRL.


Edited out everything except this beautiful piece of art.

Totally happened.

<Kyoki> Itkatsu dreams of being Kaserine'd and then having smex with the misshu, not slaughtering
<KimG> lol
<DocTomoe> Kyoki, I'm so QQing that.
<KimG> some people are just more into tentacle sex than others

Undeniable proof of Kampfer's sexual preferences.

Although, truthfully, nothing is being said that we don't already know.


Aaaand a few seconds later:
[13] <SUBLIMEinal> In my defense, the last time I used "cute" in the IRC, I was talking about sharks.
Just... LOL



Because of this said:
<`5tar[Gone]> YESSSS!
<`5tar[Gone]> Someone QQ all that, ano!
<`5tar[Gone]> ...nao
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