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Quotes Quarantine

Shameless advertising for Cirrus?
Somehow she almost seduced Noboru as well.

Alcohol was involved. It wasn't served yet, but still. Nobby likes his whiskey.
<Soresu> Nepleslian: "I dunno man, one squeeze, or two, and they may explode. But damn it if I won't take the chance!"
Sixgun> I bet if there was an Abhwehran assigned to study Kohanians, his last name would be Ball.
<Kai> why Ball, rev?
<AbwehranCMDR> ???
<Sixgun> Herr Ball
<Sixgun> :3c
<Kai> haw
* AbwehranCMDR facepalms
<Kai> HAW
Cipher said:
I still don't get the exploding boobs thing, and I thumbed through the NH-7 manual.
The NH-7 series nekovalkyrie was designed with CRT (Controlled-Reaction Thrusters, I think) in their backs, just over the shoulder blades. The fuel for these rockets was produced and stored in the NH-7's breasts, a rather good use of what would otherwise be useless mass on a weapon that didn't require them for nursing.

The joke plays off the idea that jostling or squeezing the explosives-laden glands might cause an undesirable result, even if this has not been confirmed (or denied) by Wes. ICly, a designer would have to be a complete fool to not have some sort of near-foolproof preventive measures in place before loading ships with volitile weapons who are encouraged to have recreational sex. If there were no safeguards, the Geshrin Star Army is the most lucky military in existance.
I read about the CRTs, but not the rocket fuel part. Yeah, I can imagine a catastrophic failure there, and it would be hilarious
Swiss cake rolls have chocolate sprinkles!

Swiss Meat Rolls have...

I'm never going to try a yo momma joke again said:
[09] <Stovaa> yo 'saka
[09] <OsakanOne> Yo Sto
[09] <OsakanOne> So how bad am I at TF2?
[09] <ReallyIsCipher> Yo momma
[09] <ReallyIsCipher> ...
[09] <ReallyIsCipher> Timed. That. Horribly.
It's all about the effort you put into something:
Truer words were never spoken by one such as I:
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