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Quotes Quarantine


<CadetNewb> Does Yamatai have Raccoons?
<Luca> They can fabricate them quickly.


Bellicose i think we should all write uso a love letter
00:01 Blind_Gardener Roses are red
00:01 Blind_Gardener Violets are blue
00:01 Blind_Gardener Uso is cool
Wes said:
I'm pretty sure Kampfer's trolling above was a reference to the Verizon Math fail:

They started getting to him with their failmath near the end, when he was explaining to the female rep. For reference,

1.00 dollars
= 100.00 cents (Decimal moved to the right twice to convert from dollars to cent.)

This is what he said to the rep, quoted:

"Point zero zero two (.002) dollars, if you do the math, is point zero zero, zero zero, two (.00002) cents."

Wrong. It's .2 cents. The decimal needed moved twice to the right to be converted from dollars to cents. Poor guy...

0.002 dollars
= 000.2 cents (Decimal moved over to the right twice to convert from dollars to cents.)

And what he was quoted was .002 cents, which should be .00002 dollars (decimal moved over to the LEFT twice to convert from cents to dollars).

I couldn't finish listening to this. I sympathize, I've been on both ends of such a problem in communication: explaining something to someone who doesn't get it and being the one having the trouble grasping the explanation given.
[13] <Abwehran_CMDR> anyone else interested in Co-FM applications? *thumbs up*
[13] <Fred> I can lead the Abwehrans...
[13] <Fred> ...to destruction!
[13] <Abwehran_CMDR> No


Also, when Ran Rui almost had his panty scheme revealed to Suku...

The Chief gulped silently.

He had just dodged a major f---ing bullet. To cope with the stress, the Chief simply pulled out a single cigarette stashed in his right pocket and ate it.
Blind_Gardener Fine, what if I called the engine the transmission?
13:28 bellicose I once told a girl who knew nothing about cars that she should get her continuum transfunctioner cleaned.
13:28 Kai then you'd be driving a prius.
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