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Quotes Quarantine

[15] <KokuTF2> To be honest, the male one is much better done.

Somehow, I'm not really surprised.

Some fun in the IRC.
[00] <KampfHURRR> I...
[00] <KampfHURRR> I, uh...
[00] <KampfHURRR> I have...no alcohol.
[00] <PlaidMage> You're fucked.
[00] <KampfHURRR> ;_;
[00] <KampfHURRR> I'm going to go cry.
[00] <KampfHURRR> And panic.

Crafty commies.
Ah, but that wasn't the end of it.

There's the rest of the other part of that.
That one is such a tease! I wanna see the pictures of the baby and the dinosaur!
[00] <Jimmy> I can't feel my foot...
[00] <Jimmy> Oh God! Now I wish I didn't feel it!! ><
[00] <Jimmy> Okay. Please continue.
So, Wes has made a new character generator.

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