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Quotes Quarantine

I don't usually QQ anything I'm involved in, but Nash just owned this brief exchange.

I <3 my GM.
IRC said:
Toshiro: Now I am seeing Hitler in Balloon Pants.
9:41 PM
Exhack: Zeremonienmeister Hammer just broke it down (now).
Aendri: Indeed
*Exhack watches Zeremonienmeister Hammer just break it down (now).
[13] * Kyoki sets his room on fire :3c
[13] <Kai> so you ARE a man!
[13] <Kyoki> this*
[13] <Kyoki> ..........
[13] <Kyoki> Stupid T :<

Shut up Kai, you jerkface.
I am evil Sod oh yes I am.

It might be somewhat tasteless to quote yourself, but the subject material pertains to non-people, therefore ... alright it is tasteless - but the non-people in question are still acceptable targets for a LUCA MAD! rant.

Also, my web is currently capped. My fault. Steam is finally useful now that I can buy games online.

And there was a baboon too, what's up with that?
I didn't think it was possible for Australians to take a level in Badass since they all have moustaches and suplex crocodiles while slamming cans of Foster's and generally being too awesome to live.

Guess I was wrong.
There's a place called Flinders Street station, and the front steps are clogged up with the buggers - so tripping over one is a common and hairy sight, because the other guy will be in danger of contracting hipster disease and a sudden like for J.D Salinger.

And yes, Fosters is the bottom end beer that I usually see Tradesmen drinking, but most of the time I see the hipster stereotypes here in Australia drink more expensive stuff, like boxed wine (AKA: Goon) or microbrewed beverages in an attempt to look posh.

(I didn't want to start a new topic, I figured it'd be a poor idea)
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