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Quotes Quarantine


I'm not a guy at all..... I was implying that guys are always horny. And since I'm not a guy, I wouldn't need that form of satisfaction.

Evil peoples. Why must you betray me Ex??
Not all guys are like that. I know a guy that actually isn't at all. He has no sexual desire whatsoever. And I don't mean he's depressed in any way. He just... doesn't. It's the strangest thing but it's neat.

And we know truthfully that kyoki seems to have a phobia of intimacy anyway.
Kyoki said:

I'm not a guy at all..... I was implying that guys are always horny. And since I'm not a guy, I wouldn't need that form of satisfaction.

Evil peoples. Why must you betray me Ex??

Because you have a Strike Witches avatar, and for that you must be sacrificed to the anime gods to be purged of your sins.

>.> What? I don't like Strike Witches, it's one big pantyfest.
...I don't watch Strike Witches because of the fanservice. I watch it because it's funny (though it's usually at the fanservice-y parts) and I like the actiony parts. It's not for a pedophilic urge to watch lolis. Sheesh. Everyone is targetting me. Seriously, I just find it funny. Not something to do naughty things to myself over. Geez.
I still stand by the fact that if you open up a picture of panties in your browser, then tab over to another picture and switch between the two very quickly you will have the Strike Witches action scenes.

That's just my (biased) opinion. Go to http://electrosphere.info for more, just look for "AC Aircraft Girls" and then look up "Vanguard One".

<Fivemarks> Kampfer is so tsundere
<Kampfer> WHAT.

<Kampfer> Le sigh. Buttercup never likes licking my fingers after I'm done showering.
At least you're not my brother. He man-handled our male bunny. The poor thing was so distressed it died 3 weeks later.

**** Spelling edit****
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