Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP Sood Zadra

"That sounds fair to me. I can't expect you to make any long-term commitments with a stranger your Susan here plucked up from the spaceport." Phoenix agreed. He was hesitant to enter into any formal contracts himself. He didn't want to be tied down. He had weaselled some freedom for himself out of the universe, and he wasn't willing to relinquish it. He shook Remy's hand, his grip delicate but firm. "Refit Huh? Was it a custom job or a package deal?" He asked his eagerness to explort the ship showing clearly in his tone of voice.

Suddenly his world was tipping sideways again, and Susan had grabbed hold of him, hauling them both inside away from the Nepleslians they were so worried would recognize Susan. His eyes narrowed, wondering what had her so antsy about it, but he let himself get swept up into the excitement of the moment. and well... He was keen to get his hands on a disguise. He lowered his voice conspiratorially, his grip on Susan tightening because he didn't want to be dropped. "Clever, I haven't worn a disguise in a while, not since I was "Mr. Stapleton's" Plucky assistant"

He swung his legs down as they reached a back room. He went red when he realized what the staff had on offer for performer outfits. "You know... as Ole Enzo used to say better to ask forgiveness if you're caught than ask permission." The tiny man said with a little wink. He then lifted one of the costumes up, a little amused. "Where are the pants?" He fumbled around the racks of clothes finding a feather boa, a sheer shawl, and what looked like sheer thigh-high tights but nothing for modesty. Still, though... he wanted to impress Susan, and well, this was for fun, right? He obscured himself behind the rack of costumes and fought with the tight bodysuit. He was pulling it up 'round his non-existent chest when the whole world rocked underneath him, causing him to stumble out barefoot and half-dressed. His mismatched eyes widened as his mute confusion was greeted by emergency Sirens. He reached instinctively for his bag, His hands shook as he rooted around looking for his weapons. "What in blazes was that?"
Aboard the YSS Koun

Alastair was enjoying a nice cup of tea sitting on the bridge of the Koun. He enjoyed most the tea Sayako would prepare for him to help relax his mind. He took another sip, looking over the rim of the cup. The figure of Sayako was in full view, a most lovely sight indeed. A moment later the sounds of impacts sounded and alarms around the ship started to blare. "Captain, the settlement is currently under attack!!" The first officer shouted out. Alastair did not move an inch, since he knew they would not be so bold to attack a ship of the line from Yamatai. Though the crew around him was instantly on edge. The explosions neared closer and closer, yet Alastair was too focused on his tea to be bothered in the slightest.

KAPOW! An explosion landed right near the ship. The ground rocked violently as the impact settled. Alastair stared with a blank look on his face, the tea slowly running down his white uniform. He leapt to his feet in a knee jerk reaction, the tea cup falling to the floor, breaking. He stood silent for a moment, his eyes wondered downwards. His nice clean uniform, soiled with tea and the perfectly clean floor, a slippery when wet hazard. He lifted his head and tugged at his soiled jacket. Other than the sounds of explosions, the room stood silent.

Alastair walked to the front of the bridge and turned around to look at the crew. He once more tugged at his jacket. "I believe we have an issue here. Someone is going to need to pay for this collateral damage. I had no intention of being drawn into the war of another but this can not stand." He said out loud for all to hear. "Though make no mistake, we are not here to give aid to Soon. For we do not have an official alliance with her to do so. However, humanitarian aid during a crisis can be deployed during times of war. As such I order all hands on this ship to prepare for full humanitarian deployment." His hand swooped out in front of him, his pointer finger extended pointing in the direction of the exit. "Go, defend the weak from the invaders. Weapons free if fired on." The biggest of grins formed across the face of Alastair. The crew gave no delay on heading to the armory to gear up. He looked over to the lone person who stayed behind. "So Sayako, what say you on how I handled this situation?" A smirk forming across his face.
The Laughing Nonapus

Before Jack could speak the place began to shake. Instantly Caffran had his rifle up and looking for the source of the disturbance. Ensign Doyle, young though he was also had his side arm out and was busy trying to establish contact with the Surprise. A moment later he turned to his Captain. "Captain, Surprise reports Kuvexian forces are attacking the planet. One orbital space station has already gone down." There was another moments pause while he listened to his coms. "Captain... The Commander of the attacking fleet has ordered the Surprise not to interfere in an 'internal matter'."

Jack's eyes narrowed. He didn't like the situation and really didn't like the Kuvexian commanders attitude towards his ship and by extension, the Nepleslian Navy. While Doyle was communicating with the Surprise, Jack had already sync his neural implants with his ship. He was receiving the tactical readouts and positioning of the Kuvexian ships. The Captain of the Surprise was in a very difficult position. His orders had been to investigate the Baroness's claims to Sood Zadra and then report back to the Admiralty. He did not have the authorization to agree to any alliance. However, he didn't like what he was witnessing. This Commander was attacking with an overwhelming force with little consideration to civilians.

Damn politics. Damn the Admiralty who sent him on a diplomatic mission. He hated politics so much. He was a soldier. Board an enemy ship in the smoke. that was his style. Board an enemy ship? Jack looked again at the readouts he was receiving in particular the crest on the attacking Kuvexian ships. It looked familiar. Yes, he did recognize it. This put things in a different light.

Turning to the Baroness Jack said, "Well Baroness, I was quite looking forward to meeting you but it would appear that you have more pressing matters on your hands at the moment." Jack sighed audibly. This was a very fine game he was playing at. "From what little I've seen and heard I would have preferred to do business with you. I recognize the crest of those ships out there." He actually smiled. "During the Kuvexian war the Surprise raided Kuvexian supply lines. Those ships attacking you now are the same ships that were suppose to be protecting those supplies. I can tell you, the Surprise made a pretty penny or two on those prizes. And quite humiliated that inept Commander who was leading them." Jack paused, looking at the Baroness. He bowed and said, "Well, I must not take any more of your time. I do hope we have an opportunity to speak after things settle down."
The ground defenses managed to take down one more of the landing craft, not outright destroying it, sending it spiraling half-out of control, and at the very least, far away from its intended landing space, should anyone have survived the imminent, partially-controlled crash landing. Defending the orbital platforms had most of the colony's fighters occupied and unable to disengage and pursue the landing force, so surface-to-air defenses are the colony's best shot once they're far enough into the atmosphere to be mostly-safe from orbital defenses. The Quallox Vaibal troops had begun to muster, readying themselves to fight the invaders- for that is certainly their aim.

The Inappropriately Laughing Nonapus

"Wait," Soon croaked as Jack began to take his leave. She did not look particularly happy, more defiantly angry- but well controlled anger, and not anger directed at the Nepleslians. "If we can't do business when bombs are dropping we can't do business. Besides," she tried to effect her best business-smile, "It's safe enough down here. They're a hard fought nine-stories down."

She leaned in towards Jack, smiling, "We have a rule, here in Sood Zadra, that, from what I know about Nepleslians, you'd approve of." Soon paused for a moment, "And that is if someone starts something, everyone finishes it." Her smile was cut off as the ground shook from another piece of debris hitting not far away. It made her lose her footing a bit, and she recovered her balance by catching herself on Jack's shoulder, slowing her as she began to fall against him. Quickly, Soon realized what was happening and she straightened up, taking a step away and turning her head and clearing her throat.
Taharial had watched the rest leave, she knew it was something big and thought it was best to stay back at least for this part. Being what seemed to be the only person with proper medical experience, the others may know some things but she had the full training, she thought it was best to stay back and let the others know that if anyone what injured to bring them back to the bar, where she would treat them. As she slid into a backroom to make it work out as a quick makeshift medical facility, getting some alcohol to clean equipment and was thankful she had her bag with some medical supplies as she stretched and looked over her small domain as a comforting area to wait until she was needed as she still holds a drink from the bar.
"I got all of them." Zeck said and grabbed the heated metal and pulled as best she could on it. The red skinned alien didnt seem phased by the heat of the metal. she sent her tool box in first before squeezing her way into the ship. She looked around and saw a crowbar wedged in the hull and grabbed it. "Free-man." she read the name engraved on it. "Sounds like a hoo-man." cutting in was going to be a pain so now the used the new tool and started to pull metal off so she could get in fully.

Even with all her banging around it seemed the creature didn't notice or care that Zeck came in so she picked her toolbox up and brought it down on the creatures head.

Clang clang clang clang clang! Sounded as Zeck pounded on the back of the beasts head. OK beast may be a bit to harsh since it looked like a member of Kotema's race. you know what.

Clang! One more for good measure, she had seen Kotema get shot before but hoped blunt force trauma would work better. "Little. uh. Nikk-con, you can come out now."
Roach Croissant

The crimson woman's sudden repeated attacks certainly caught the dishevelled snake-person off guard with their sheer ferocity, but it wasn't nearly enough to knock out such a strung out and wild eyed creature. What it did do was very effectively distract that ivory-scaled Silanbar whilst Kotema rushed in, grabbing the metallic claws of the 'beasts' left hand.

With a gurgling hiss, the vagabond opened it's mouth widely, exposing two nozzle implants which sprayed a concentrated acid stream- Burning the ceiling lights to the point of detonating one, only missing Kotema by virtue of the heavyset dragon biting into their neck.

They had a huge weight advantage, and two whole arms- Which they used to their advantage by grabbing the assailant's nose ring and then spiralling a roll of duct tape tightly around it. From there, it was a simple case of sitting on their back, leveraging their head and tail upwards to that it became almost impossible to breath.

"...Didn't know you hads it in yous, red lady." A gruff sigh of relief came from the friendlier garbage dragon. "Looks like this is... Ex-pit fighter maybes?... Lots of cyborky bits... but they kinda beat up..."

The pale-skinned worm was still refusing to give up, of course. But it wasn't like they could dance-communicate whilst being sat on.

"Big problem-os outsides." Kotema's next words were directed to Nikicon, and then Zeck in turn. "Think yous can make this thing flies? We needa take whole thing to starports."

Lenna could confirm the chaos on the streets before they even got to the doors of the junkyard. She could hear those sentry turrets they went past before, continuously firing upon some unknown intruders.

The supplies would probably fit upon the stolen Rixxikor-Croissant, though. It was a troop transport.

Laughing Nonapus

"Fresno Nightcrawler!" Was Morgan's immediate response to the rooms apparent total lack of pants, though they were saved from having to explain that obscure-ass remark by sudden series of massive explosions outside, rocking the entire building.

They were experienced with demolitions, and they knew that had come from something massive. That fact did not, however, prevent a massive smile from remaining on their face.

They very evidently chose the exact same clothes as Phoenix, though they were a couple of seconds behind, still finding the breath to squeeze both their boobs and undercarriage into the disagreeably tight suit.

On the floor next to them, a positive arsenal of small arms- Hand grenades, high explosives, a silenced pistol and an SMG, former residents of their overcoat judging by the duct tape.

"Don't worry about it, the big booms are never for a the small fry like us!" They smiled, fluffy white ears jangling up and down whilst they trotted over, helping the adorable engineer-bishe put the rest of his new 'uniform' on. Their bucked teeth and wide mismatched eyes showed a tremendously strong, unhinged enthusiasm just below the surface, as if this was all somehow the best case scenario. "That means we can do whatever we want for a couple of hours! How's that for a premiere performance!?"
"Uhhhhhh" Zeck said as the creature turned to face her thankfully she was saved by Kotema. The red skinned alien stood back and raised her newly acquired crowbar ready to give the monster a good thwack but thankfully Kotema had it handled.

"I didn't know i had it in me." She said giving her trademark nervous toothy grin. She examined her recently liberated tool book which sported a few new dents in it before looking at Kotema. "Easier said than done." She said and gestured around the ship. Regardless she was looking around to see what was missing and what could be used. "I unfamiliar with this ship."

Nikicon was moving about as she gathered what she needed to fix the Sobek. then as Zeck suddenly came in and started to beat the other Silanbar over the head she blinks looking at them. " er um.... ok " standing there with her tool bag, and the last bit of copper wire they needed in her paws.

Then as Kotema came in and finished off looking at her asking if they can get the ship flying. " I haz stuff needed so we load up the truck thingy we came over with and drive to the starport. The most important parts are already loaded up before I started getting the wire's cable and pipes that needed to be replaced. We are ready to go!" Then moves to look around some " er um give me a few moments to see if there is any fuel on the ship. Nikicon moves along and vanishes from view as she looks in some ducts and then an angry hissing sound is heard. Then Nikicon moves back out and hits a few pipes and the hissing stops. " um I recommend we clear out of here if this works."

Nikicon moves to hit a few buttons as the lights go dim and then the entire ship goes black for a few moments then a few loud thunks bangs and a whirling whine as the lights come back on full power. " ok we have fire! let's see here." Nikicon moves over toward a console and tilts her head some and then types in a few keys. The display comes on and looks like a bunch of random digits. Nikicon moves a paw up to look over the screen with a finger.

"mhmm ok, ok, ok, ok, working but not ok, that will be interesting. ok, ok, ok, danger, oh that is not good, um shields, weapons, space drive, hyperdrive, are non-operation, don't need them anyways. Um, radar looks like it's shite, radio might work? So if we are not able to contact starport they might shoot us down. Mhmmm not good, not good."

Turning to face the others " what are you still doing here get the things onboard! We don't have much time there is little to no coolant onboard so this WILL melt down if we are not fast enough." She makes shoo shoo motions with her hands as she looks back to the display and looks over a few more things as she steps back some and enters a few commands.


Lenna watches as Zeck and Kotema move into the croissant-like ship and move over to the other once more her pistol was out but she was not holding it up. Looking at the surrounding she moves to make sure all the turrets were secured down to the flatbed. a quick count of 18 turrets she nods sits down into the driver seat, turn on the truck, and drives over to the other ship.
The Laughing Nonapus

Jack was watching the Baroness carefully to see how she reacted to the whole situation. Overall he was pleased. She didn't start screaming at people, she didn't flee, she didn't start begging for his help. No hysterias. That was something Jack could appreciate. He stopped when she asked him to and nodded his agreement about doing business under fire. That increased his already rising opinion of her.

Jack was about to respond when the place shook again and the Baroness fell against him. He supported her and kept her from falling over. Jack was an great fighter and a natural Navel Commander. On the bridge of his ship or in combat he had doubts. But in politics or against a woman's charm Jack had little defense. When Jack was a young Ensign he had almost thrown his career away over a woman. Since that time he had always been very careful not to get to attached to woman. But just for a moment, as he had supported the Baroness in his arms he felt a strong desire to defend her. To say damn to the consequences and order his ship to full on attack. Had she not pulled herself away from him so quickly Jack would have been overcome. But re-steeled himself and remembered his duty.

"Very well. I learned a little bit on my way over here about your position here. Part of the Kuvexian Empire and yet not. First, if you could explain exactly who is running this place. You? or are you just the representative of a larger group? Second, what are you offering Nepleslia in return for our support of your independence?"
The Blushing Nonapus

The Baroness, whose extensive modifications to adapt to the environment included a lot of human genetics, reflected those appropriated genes in her appearance, which, while clearly not human, was not exactly Kuvexian either. If she wasn't clearly dressed as a Kuvexian, in a Kuvexian colony, giving orders to Kuvexians, all the while speaking Kuvexian, likely she could be any number of various aliens of unknown provenance encountered anywhere in the galaxy– Kuvexian wouldn't necessarily be anyone's first thought unless they'd only been described as short, slender, blue-skinned humanoids with large ears and eyes and knew of none other that fit such a description. But, most importantly, Soon had taken those genes from humans she found attractive, and her tastes in human beauty weren't far off what most humans did was well. She'd built her appearance for dealing with them successfully, and for her own satisfaction. She was only briefly a damsel in distress, but it was enough she was at least as embarrassed about the way he made her feel as he was himself.

As Soon's guards closed ranks around them, she pointed towards where Remy and her associates were. "Protect Miss Belmont as well. We've still got our dignity about hospitality, after all. And that medic. There's a medic down here? Why didn't anyone tell me? Someone had better hope they don't survive this invasion!" She turned to the Nepleslian Captain and cleared her throat. "I am the newly-appointed governor of this colony, and a senior executive in Quallox Vaibal, the corporation that operates the colony. And as for the Interstellar Kingdom, well, there is no more Kuvexia to be a part of, is there? So we're just not, now."

She was distracted by a buzzing near her ear. "The long range communications are down? Probably hit by the debris that's raining down. We need to call for reinforcements. They're *hours* away at best! One of the applicants for work we saw was medical, so we have a station down here. The Nepleslians are with me, but I don't know where the Yamataians are!"

One more time she turned back to Jack: "We don't just want you to support our independence. We also want an Akemi's. NOT a Koga's palace. A real Akemi's." She didn't have more time to answer his third question because another buzz distracted her and she began yelling in Kuvexian.


The colony militia- Quallox Vaibal corporate security, had their fire brigade out battling the extra-flammable conflagrations, while their riot police shepherded panicked civilians into shelters in a semi-orderly fashion. Heavy vehicles rolled through the streets carrying frontline troops to their defensive positions. The escort and three landers became visible in the sky, no longer just vague points of light. It wouldn't be long until they reached the colony, assuming they survived the gauntlet of ground defenses.
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The Laughing Nonapus

Jack laughed out loud. This was the last thing he had been expecting. They wanted an Akemi's here! That was almost too much.

While the Baroness was busy trying to give orders to defend her planet, Jack stepped back and contacted his ship. "Surprise, this is Canterbury. Mr. Calamy, I trust my ship is combat ready?" "Aye Aye Captain." Came the reply. Jack smiled, that predatory glean in his eye. "Very good. Mr. Calamy you will move the ship directly above the attacking ships. Have our Sabers provide you an escort. I want all our Marines on standby ready for a combat drop. You will not. I repeat, not engage them. However, you will defend the ship with the utmost prejudice if fired upon. Am I clear?" Aye aye, Captain. Move ship above the enemy. Marines on standby. We will not engage but will defend our ship if fired upon." Jack smiled. "Very good Mr. Calamy. Please patch me through to the Kuvexian Admiral."

There was a moment of silence then the channel opened up. "This is Captain Jacob Canterbury of the NSS Surprise. Admiral Qaktoro it is good to hear from you again. It has been quite a while sense the Kuvexian war. I must say, the Surprise made quite a pretty penny off your supply convoys. You always were a little dramatic and easy fooled." Jack was obviously baiting the Admiral, hoping to anger him into firing on the Surprise and thus allowing Jack to declare them as pirates and free game. "Anyway. I won't distract you any longer. You've already lost two ships and can ill afford to lose any more. I shall be returning to my ship presently. I do hope I won't get in your way. I would hate to restart a war because of a misunderstanding." Jack ended the transmission.

Jack nodded to Caffran and Doyle then turned back to the Baroness. He would wait a moment to see if there was another opportunity to speak to her before he returned to his ship.
Croissant Ascendant

Kotema listened to Nikicon as the engine room began to heat up, creating a gasping wheeze from the second Silanbar as they quickly stood up. Hand tied to tail, they seemed way less aggressive now, simply being dragged along as the bigger lizard attempted to find something resembling a bridge.

They were all still oversized intruders here, of course, so that required a lot of kicking stacks of trash, ducking under tight spaces, and bashing in bulkhead doors.

Despite being caked in filth and years of bad maintenance, the kuvexian-ness of the bridge was still obvious, with four control pits centred around a large and rusty captain's throne. There was no need for keys and command codes- Whatever jury-rigging the Rixx had done to steal the ship in the first place was still in effect, and they found all of the hexagonal control panels already operational... Well, as much as they physically could be.

Bubble windows looked out over the dank junkyard and the firefight in the sky above.

The bigger dragon could read Kuvexian- They found the door controls and crudely pounded the console until the shuttle bay door opened, allowing Lenna to simply drive the trucks right on inside.

Then Kotema looked at the incredibly concerning reports on the damage control panel, arced their neck over to Zeck's visage, and knowing it was an obvious lie, simply said "... Getting this ships to saftey... counts as security, yee? Kotemas is securities."

They nudged the joystick without even breaking eye contact.

Gravatic impellers screeching into life, every single joint on the ship seemed to strain in protest- And before they knew it, the view out of the bridge windows began lowering downwards, obscured by dust and debris.

The sin against engineering- the bug trap- that which should not be- was airborne.

It would be hard to miss the starport. Not hitting it at mach 3, or not getting shot down, now those were concerns.

Lenna heard the busted-up ship whine the thuds and then blinks shaking her head " oh no really ??" She knew right away what was going to happen then as the doors to the bay opened Lenna drove in the first of the trucks things with the turrets and then ran out and down to get the other one as she heard the compad beep. She pulled it out and sure enough, Lenna guessed right. " Hey boss, we flying to Sobek, less traffic than streets. Load the trucks in the ship if able to and hang on. this is not going to be smooth. And prey noone tries to shoot at us. "

Lenna get in and drives in the second on, looking around for the thing to close the door finding something that looks like it she moves to close the doors and then sends back to Nikicon " ok its loaded "

-In the furnace-
Nikicon watches a few displays they were all reading code and not really making much sense, But thankfully Nikicon knew the most basic of drive codes before they are converted to whatever language is used by the UI to tell the crew what is going on. " mhmmmm ok, Reactor is good, temperature is rising but not too fast so there is still something there... Ok ok They kicked on the grav drives ok power dropping but holding steady at new levels, " Moving around some As she hits a few pipes, using a wooden stick she pokes a few wire bundles as the power dips and then recovers a little stronger than before. The hunk of junk was airborne, but for how long??
The flying death trap did nothing to help the nervous girls well nervousness in fact she clung for dear life as she found a spot that looked like a seat? In the bridge of the ship. she secured her newly acquired tool box and crowbar to her person though it would look funny with a tool box clipped to her. "Yes yes safety. If dont die first." She said not feeling very safe herself.
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The Blushing Nonapus

Taharial had heard the talk as she looked around and then headed to the others. She quickly bowed with a little confusion towards the Baroness, having been there before when something went wrong "I am sorry, Baroness, I did introduce myself when I came down, but you had other more important guests than me in the room with you." She bowed again, letting her wings flap a little, she had seen how the baroness had acted to others before and hoped it was enough "I am sure someone of your calibre and beauty can understand, it was a small mistake on my part, and I want to rectify it as best as I can."

She breathed slightly as she regained her calmness "I am Ittô Hei, with the Star Army of Yamatai, I have training to help and with the sound of it, might be better if I was to be out there helping then held up here, and think of this as a win win, if I fail, one less annoyance to deal with as I will probably perish and if I can get there and help secure it, as part of your group, it will only tighten your hold as governor, since it was your group that saved it." She gave a small smile "since I have been transferred to be here as 'medical assistant', the people don't need to know that, just that it was you that saved them."

She gave another smile as she fluttered her wings and let them take her into the air a little "and I mean, I can fly, so could get there quicker and probably safer than others." She dropped down again and smiled "At least I could get to the Starport and make sure the people there have medical aid if this thing doesn't land safely," Having only really second-hand knowledge of what was happening, she hoped she did enough to convince them to let her go and help.
The croissant but also everywhere

Very appreciative of the fact that people were letting them do the thing they were uniquely unqualified for, Kotema took to piloting the ship with a beaming smile. They hadn't seen any piloting instructional courses, but had seen movies about space ships, so they were relatively sure about the general gist of operating the controls.

The ship hovered slow and steady... But still effectively a giant metal building moving at thirty or forty miles an hour, narrowly missing skyscrappers and knocking antennas off of rooves. Some of the Rixxikor were convinced this was part of the actual invasion, and were taking pot-shots with their small arms.

This was the bit where they were supposed to contact the control tower?

A channel was opened up on every frequency the half-broken system could manage, broadcasting the chipper dragon's message for all to see;


...Behind them, however, the other Silanbar noticed that their attention was divided, slipping their bonds and sneaking up to the command throne...

Then they danced. Swerving, gyrating, and bumping into the inadequate pilot, moving so fast and annoyingly that Kotema couldn't have understood if she cared in the first place.


A webbed claw covered the camera, with several moments of audible fumbling- Loud thuds and the 'skritch' of duct tape-

Lenna moves toward the rear where Nikicon was at and pokes her head into the growing heat of the Engineer room and then asks " Are you sure this is safe it's pretty hot in here and what is that odd smell Niki? "

Nikicon jumps some and then looks back to Lenna and then smiles nodding some, " yes yes it's safe till it blows up!" she smiles and moves to look at the random digits moving on the screen as she frowns some. "And that is coming up soon sadly we are leaking fuel and coolant might be the odd smell, I'm so overwhelmed with the stink on me, and this ship that I can't tell. "

Lenna looks around and then asks some, "If you in here who is flying the ship."

Nikicon blinks tilting her head some looking back to Lenna and then says " er not sure, Kotema, the red lady, and the other snake dragon thing went forward. Shit!!!" Nikicon moves into an open passageway as there is some banging a few pops, and sparks flew from within as with Nikicons voice "It's okay I'm good " zzzzzzzaaaaappppppppp " ouch ouch ok that hurt!" Nikicon moves from the passageway a little slowly her fur all poofed from the zap that she took and sighs some moving over t the display and nods " ok ok better." Then looks back to Lenna and says " Go forward see what going on see who flying, need land fast." Nikicon is panting some from the heat, and the hella shook that she just received.

Lenna moves over to Nikicon with concern, " Are you sure your ok, your breathing hard."

Nikicon nods and says " it hot, got shooked to hell and back.... surprised still standing.... go find out..... " drifts off as she looks to the screen a paw-up digit moving over the screen.

Lenna is concerned for her friend but nods and then says " Keep her in one piece Niki and be careful." Then moves forward some as she tries to find her way forward and then hears some scrapes and bangs as the craft hits random things.
"Ughhhhhh," Remy groaned, the greenette's fair features turning into a slight sneer as gloved hands retrieved her pistol and make sure there was a round in the chamber, thumbing back the hammer as the handcannon's owner regained some of her cool. She wanted to complain about how unfair it was that every time she 'just so happened' to run into one of her siblings outside the compound everything had to go to shit, but instead the human puffed out her cheeks and let a huff of frustration carry her complaints away.

There were bigger things going on, regardless of dearest Alastair's involvement, and she still had a client to look confident in front of.

"Much appreciated, Baroness," Remy nodded before turning back to her two little followers, now showing considerably more skin, this wasn't at all what came to mind when disguises were mentioned but Morgan had worn much stranger things before.

"I'm not even going to ask but um, you two stay within earshot yeah? We can discuss business later but I'm keeping Mr Phoenix here under my wing until this all blows over," Remy half-whispered, raising her chrome piece up.

Were she as conniving and opportunistic as people thought then now would be a great time to take a shot at the Baroness, though Remy had no beef with the blue woman. Quite the opposite even. And the pistol was returned to its holster for the time being, no need for her to go waving around guns in such a confined space when tensions were mounting.

"To answer your previous question my ship is a custom job, strapped some Tenba engines and missile racks to a Kuma, proprietary frame and almost everything else... I just hope my little blockade runner still flies once we're allowed topside again," she gave as a belated answer, neutral expression slowly curling down into a frown at the thought of her ship being reduced to salvage.

A lot of work had gone into it! and there were some legally grey items stowed within its walls~
Zeck watched the whole display of the two and she thought simply. "Im going to die in this ship with two dragon lady things." Well things could be worse she supposed, how she wasnt sure yet. She opened her tool box when directed and handed Kotema the duct tape that was inside of it and when the other dragon was subdued she sat down in her own seat.