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RP: United Outer Colonies [UCS Vanguard, Former Asuka peeps] Mission to Mitsuya

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Yuriko sighed, and went to see what Noboru wanted...

"...After what you said before, and the disrespect you showed both your XO and myself, you'll have to forgive me if I'm skeptical."

She pulled up a chair.

"...What changed your mind, anyway?"
Noboru smiled slightly, entertained by the prospect of getting his job back.

"A few hours sitting in a dark cell scratching at a wall with a ball-point pen. Go look on the wall; i'm not kidding." After a quick guffaw, he fast-forwarded to the full story.

"While I was in there balled up in my own little slice of heaven, I realized 'hey, maybe i'm not cut out for GI duty'. And I had a little flashback to sprinting past that one wounded soldier in the cave and realized something. An 'epiphany' of sorts, if you will. I realized that if I hadn't heard her, I would have sprinted right past her- placing both myself and the survivors in imminent danger. And I don't do imminent danger. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't really care if I'm taken off Infantry, just as long as I don't get booted from the Peacekeeping Force. If it helps; I had basic medical training in school.

"Then again, if you give me a mop and bucket i'll clean the entire ship top to bottom."

Satisfied with his speech, Noboru leaned back slightly in his chair.

"Oh, and sorry about the "exchange" back in the hangar bay; as you can understand I was still a little peeved, if you'll accept the term, Commodore."
Yumiko sighed...

"I'll add that sentiment to your record, but I have to decide if it's enough to warrant forgetting the court martial...you really messed up bad, you know. And it's not the first time, either...

And even if you were peeved, you should know better than to speak to us like that. If this was still the Star Army...you might have been killed on the spot by some Commanders.

Saying 'Sorry, I was wrong' at this point might not cut it...you risked a woman's life, and that of those with you...but it is a good mark for you that you realize that."
"Then I guess it's about time I counted things off and said my goodbyes?" Noboru said, already predicting dishonorable discharge in his (very) near future.
"You can try fighting it, perhaps. Though I suspect you'll be sent back to basic at the very least...retrained from the very beginning if you DO stay."

Yumiko said, shrugging.

"But discharge is indeed possible still."
"Either way, I'll say my goodbyes when the rest of the crew gets back. Can't say they'll be sad to see me go, though." Noboru said nonchalantly, twirling the now-infamous pen between his middle and index fingers.
The team would get a transmission from inside the wall...

"This...is Lieutenant Minami...We're here...and alive, but really torn up...there was a cave in, and we were on top of the cave system on the ground...we thought it was stable...now we're being crushed!"
"We have to bring this rock out without hurting them inside, and without causing a cave in." Miyako told the team, "Bringing it down with weapons is dicey. Cutting them out would be preferable, or getting the whole chunk gone." She let her armour add it's tactical suggestions and used the relay they had going to try and ping back to the ship. "There's four more. If it breaks we get them and get out, worst injured to least single file before the cavern falls in on itself."
Noboru looked around.

"So is there any way I can help the crew on the ground from up here? Tactical updates, strategy advice, geologic activity conditions, et cetera?"
(OOC: Sorry for not posting for a while, I lost my internet service and I'm using a friend's till I can get situated, ill do my best to keep up with the plot.)

Roken nodded as he moved closer, “Then we should try and cut them out XO, if we can do that without disturbing any of the other rocks here then our chances will be good that we won’t get buried.” He paused for a moment as he looked at the others and to the XO, “uh…but whatever you decided ill follow it, just thought I would make a suggestion.” He studied the area carefully, making a note of how the rocks were formed and where the injured were at.

He waited for the others response’s and the XO’s decision.
"You're imprisoned, Noboru. That means you've been removed from duty. I'm afraid you're just going to have to cool your heels."

Yumiko said.

Status Report please, Miyako-chan.

She sent to the XO.
"We've got a problem, they're inside the rock. We're going to try and cut the chunks out around them and just work through that, but the cavern may come down on us. There aren't old teleport pods laying around anywhere up there, by chance?" Miyako replied, readying her weapons again as they stood at the wall.

"Move up, move up!" She called to the rest of the team. "We'll have to get them quick if this works."
A teleporter would be very nice right now. Roken thought.

Roken moved on Miyako’s command checking arming his weapons, “Ready when you are.” Roken said as he prepared to aim his weapon to cut the rock.
(ooc: FYI im still reading and keeping up with this i just havent seen any place where I could be of use yet considering my screw ups...lol. That and im outside transporting survivors to the shuttle.)
(OOC: Understood. It's just not ICly possible for you to do much here....where's Kichiro? He has people to take care of.)

Suddenly, the rubble shifted a bit inside the wall, and muffled cries were heard...

"This...is Minami...the boulders are settling..on top of us! HELP!"
Roken looked at the XO ready to fire his weapon, “say the word and ill start cutting them out.” He was getting a little impatient they couldn’t wait any longer; they would be crushed if they didn’t get them out fast.
Targeting data for each member of the squad finally flashed over when Miyako was finished. It astounded her a rescue was so hard to think of as a delicate operation in the situation to others, though it could wait until later.

"FIRE!" Flashed when the data was fed, specifically for each spot and area they had to engage at, what power setting, and for how long. She was hoping to cut out the crushing rocks and bring Minami and the rest out of the granite hell. "If your armours can move, be prepared to there's still a chance this area could come down on us. We'll pull you out.
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