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RP: United Outer Colonies [UCS Vanguard, Former Asuka peeps] Mission to Mitsuya

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Yuki responded with a quizzical look. The former neko tried to think back to what in particular Mist could be refering to. The only thing remotely close would be the teasing.

'Ano... Mist-san, it's okay. Etto, you haven't done anything bad, so... etto, you don't really need to apologize. Neh... if it makes you feel better... I forgive you,' Yuki sent back telepathically. Her eyes replied with a look of understanding.
Miyako took a few minutes, and drafted up a party to go explore the planet. She forwarded the list to Kogayane's station for review. Specifically, the XO had chosen besides herself:


Kotonoha had left Kichiro out because she wanted to make sure in case of a medical emergency someone qualified would be on board and he was the highest ranking of the ones she knew on her manifest, the others she recognized from the Akigumo, or the Asuka. "I'll send their orders to report to the launch bay, if you approve? We shouldn't be much longer to the system, barring anything else Commodore."
"Hmm...I approve...Prepare to launch as soon as we establish orbit. Minami? You do the same in the Companion."

"Yes, Commodore." Came the reply from the UCS Companion.

The ship slowed from its earlier speed as it entered the system, and continued to decelerate as it neared the planet in question...
"Hmm," Noboru said, feeling in his bones and noticing in his ears the evident slowing of the ship to normal speeds. "I think we've reached the mission area; better get suited up." The half-blind Yamataian started climbing into his armor.
The Ionoche promptly informed the selected members of Miyako's team to report to the same armor bay, which in fact was where several of the soldiers were already gathered. The mission specifications were attached, as well as who would be leading them.

"Orders sent, I'll be going now." Miyako excused herself from Yumiko's presence, and went towards the quickest direct lift to the power armor bay. She hoped the new armors were as impressive as they looked from the downloads.

Mist received the message and nodded to herself. "Thank you.. Yuki-chan," she said aloud, "Miyako needs me for something, so I'll see you both later, okay?" The former sprite gave both Yuki and Kichiro a quick hug before rushing out of the medbay on her way to the power armor bay.
"Ah, ano... Kichiro-san... it looks like I have to go too.... Sumimasen. Etto..." Yuki said, a tad bit of sadness that she'd have to leave her love. "Hopefully I'll be back soon...." She hugged him, before she bowed, and went after Mist.

"Ano, Mist-san, wait for me," Yuki called after the former sprite as she tried to catch up.
Mist paused for a moment before turning to wait for Yuki. "Oh, so you are coming along, Yuki-chan?" she asked as the other former neko came up. A smile was across Mist's lips. She wasn't sure why, but perhaps it was because she was grateful for all of Yuki's help? Or was it something more? It is fairly difficult to tell most of the time.
"Un, I got the request too," Yuki replied. She returned the smile with a shy one as she stopped beside Mist, before she started off again towards the bay with the medic. She did a quick check of the layout of the ship, again, since they did keep switching ships.

"Ano, so... how're you, Mist-san?" Yuki tried to make small talk. At least Mist seemed happy to her, but it wasn't bad to check in everyone in a while. Besides, Yuki thought she hadn't spoken to the friend beside her for quite sometime, considering they're on the same ship.
Mist smiled as the two walked together, "Oh, I'm just peachy." She said with a positive nod. "How are you?" The Jiyuuian walked with her hands clasped together in front of her. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail as usual this time.
Lolion noticed that Noboru was suiting up and a few others had joined the armor bay and were getting into suits as well. The fact that he didn't receive orders to join them was disheartening but Lolion assumed he was to stay back as a reserve capacity and to help guard the ship. "Looks like I'm on ship duty this time guys" Lolion said with a hint of displeasure in his voice. "Call if you need anything, I'll be sitting in my armor ready to go if you need backup." with that final statement to the group he went over to a suit climbed in and waited with the helmet off for any orders that may come his way. The way he saw it, it was better to sit in the suit and not end up being needed than to waste the minute or so suiting time if he is needed.
"You too."

Miyako had arrived on the deck of the launch bay, and was pointing right at Lolion. Another face she recognized, and he was already set to go. Stepping over to one of the empty Tenshi, the Sub Lieutenant began by unbuckling her belt and setting it into the right compartment where all her things would be held. She wasn't near anyone in particular for a reason, or facing them. When she stripped some of the rumours about her had their context, but by the time her standard issue panties were tossed in the drawer she had climbed into the armor and let it press in around her.

She gasped softly when the environmental system came to life, and soon had the helmet on, going over checks as she arranged the squad organization and set her unit as lead.

The Vanguard's XO floated to the center of the bay and waited for the formation (roughly her between two columns just forward of them) to be filled by soldiers put to the special assignment. Mission details on the exploration were available to anyone who wanted to review them again once they were suited up, but there wasn't much to say about exploring a planet they knew nothing about other than probable conditions.

They were headed into an unknown.

Roken did not say anything as he readied up with the rest of the crew, he recognized all of them from previous assignments or from there long vacation. It took him a while to find a power armor in his size and going through a quick check to make sure everything was in its place.

When he was finished he took a position behind the group as he looked them all over, its been a while since I've been in power armor Roken though as tried his best to maintain the calm neplieslian like composure he was so used to wearing. "Ill try and keep up with the rest of you, seeing how i have not worn power armor in a while." Roken joked as his environmental systems were active, sliding his helmet on carefully as he waited.
Lolion grew excited to know that he was going after all. He put his helmet on, made sure that he had the atmospheric load out for his Tenshi and grabbed a sniper rifle and a few grenades just to have them just in case.

(ooc: A few assumptions in the armaments I chose but if need be I'll change them. I just guessed at what was available)

Lolion moved into formation with the rest of the group and responded to Roken, "Don't worry, We'll be keeping an eye out for each other down there, so if you see anything make sure you let everyone else know." Lolion said trying to calm his nerves.
Noboru suited up in his own Tenshi, but was discontented when he pulled out the handheld weapon. The first thing he noticed was that it had two settings, and the damned thing was currently thumbed to "non-lethal".

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm on primary deployment and my gun is barely a step above a tazer?" The soldier scowled inwardly; but quickly changed his mood when he noticed the Transphasic Energy Pulse Cannon. "Never mind. I'm using the pulse cannon unless ordered otherwise." With that, he stowed all of his weaponry and prepared to go planetside.

"So, what're our orders, Sub-lieutenant Miyako, or whatever your rank is now? You seem to be leading this little party."
"Nnn... I'm doing fine," Yuki replied just as they arrived at the bay. As she peeked in, taking note of the various people that would be appeared to also have been assigned to the same task. Some of the faces seemed familiar, others seemed much more foreign.

Oddly enough, though she was here, she couldn't remember what the mission was for. At least she would learn it soon enough, whether or not she was informed before.
"We're in orbit...deploy when ready, Miyako."

Yumiko stated, as she watched the UCS Compantion's team sortie and descend to their point on the charred and cracked planet.
Well, we meet again, Miyako! Mist called to her friend/lover's mind as she entered the PA bay. She found a power armor just her size and started to strip down. She had never really piloted one before, but her sprite programming was still fresh in her mind.
Yuki followed Mist's lead and walked over to a Tenshi, choosing one closer to a corner. This was even worse than when she had to strip next to Kichiro. Instead, more people, some she barely knew. She was feeling very self concious.

The caretaker hesitated beforer she stripped down as fast as possible, back turned towards the others. Once that was done, she quickly stepped into the armor, and felt it close around her. It really had been quite sometime since the last power armor she'd been in back in basic training.
"Noboru, if you want to keep showing disrespect I'm sure there's some very unpleasant things you can help the kitchen sprites with. It's Sub-Lieutenant Kotonoha, or XO. I am leading this, form up and follow orders we're exploring volcanic planet we've just entered orbit of." The officer replied with barely an edge to her voice. She had been close enough to his position months before, she understood better than it seemed.

I thought you could stretch your legs, so I assigned you... Miyako thought back warmly at Mist.

"You'll do fine, Techard. Remember your training and be ready to improvise." Kotonoha promised.

"All squad members, prepare to deploy." Around the launch bay anyone on way of the squad's formation began to move out of the way as the XO lifted higher off the ground. "Stay in formation, and stay aware of your surroundings." She was just waiting for their stragglers to join the formation to launch.
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