Morioka stuff aside, I went over the submission and I have a request I'd like to see added:
In the history section, I think it's important for a station this huge (bigger than Yamatai's stations even) to say how exactly the Vekimen are paying for the labor and materials involved in this huge project, and what the timeline is for it to be built.
In the real world, building a dozen aircraft carriers can bankrupt nations, and this station is a much, much larger project than that. We need some sort of believable way that the Vekimen can fund this. Whether it's Origin or Morioka (do they have shipyards?), if the Vekimen are using a contractor the contractor will be asking for a hefty sum for something that will require such manpower. Let's not forget that just a year ago, they arrived on Komodo with basically nothing but what they could carry onto the Yamataian ships that evacuated them. And don't just say rifle sales, the Vekimen guns are cheap and I don't think they'd sell great in Nepleslia and Yamatai, where everyone already has like 3 to 6 guns per person and doesn't need anymore.
The only number, I have personally seen, for figuring out an economy, is for every one unit of a product a PC purchases from a company, 99,999 units are sold to NPC's. I have seen nothing else. The pretence is you can only sell to PC's so if PC's are buying these weapons than NPC's are obviously buying these weapons.
The Vekimen have had 2 weapons for a little while, and have been selling them. The VDP-1 and the VDR-1. They are 75DA and 150 DA respectively.
I have sold over 100,000 of these to PC's alone. Split down the middle, actually, which makes my life really easy. So here is the math.
50,000 VDP-1 costs 3,750,000 DA
50,000 VDP-1 costs 7,500,000 DA
Total: 11,250,000
11,250,000 x 99,999 = 1,125,000,000,000 DA
That is 1.125 trillion DA, or 562 billion KS
The Vekimen are offering 450 Million DA on the labour for the station alone.
The OOSS, which is the only comparable station, costs 50 million KS. This is 2.25x less than what the Vekimen are paying on labour alone. The Vekimen are massively overpaying for this as it stands.
As for the timeline, it's at the bottom in the OOC. After two months, it will be usable as a shipyard and a command centre. By September 22nd OOC, it will be completed. This is much more time than the military build up states.
Yamatai, I don't believe, is in the business of making massive stations. From what I understand, they use them as outposts. Origins is, given they sell the OOSS and the OOSY, even though I don't know the difference between the two.
Is this acceptable? This is far better than what other people on the site have told me which is "Once you start selling product you can ignore finances as you essentially have the right to print money"
Other than rifle sales? I am following the only rules I have ever seen on how to get an idea of how well your "Sales" are doing, and the VD are doing a good job of it. It's an economy. They aren't even leisure weapons. They are like AK's, they are for people to supply armies and shit for cheap, including mercs and pirates.
Furthermore, having this station would remove the need for the Vekimen to spend hundreds of millions of DA on ships and equipment for themselves. One station that would make the Vekimen essentially self-sufficient, or buying ships and the like al the time which costs even more money, especialy seeing as none of them are built for the Vekimen, which means that they have to go through an either pay to have them modified, or modify them themselves and risk damaging or over all breaking the equipment. This way, the only thing that isnt Vekimen built is the FDD drive, which is better than every piece of tech in whatever they buy. Sivaro's are smart, Laderen can learn, but a majority of the population has a general roblem trying to learn new things that aren't built for them.