Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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"Alright, it sounds like we should sign you up as a medical officer," Guerrero told Chuntao. "To be clear, do you have a college degree or not?"

Meanwhile, the guard dropped Tempo off at the doorway to the interview room. She could see Chuntao and Guerrero inside, Guerrero picking options on a data pad. Noticing Tempo, he waved her in. "We're almost done, you can come in and grab a seat," he told her. "You don't mind, do you?" he asked Chuntao, almost as an afterthought.
Chuntao turned her sleek mechanical palm upwards and projected a low grade volumetric display of her undergraduate degree in biology/neuroscience and graduate degree in cybernetics. "I do indeed. Despite the reputation of some Nepleslians and KU being a giant military frat house, I do complete everything I set my mind to." she said with the slightest of smirks.

Chuntao then looked over at Tempo "It seems fate binds us together." she said, appearing to be saying yes to his afterthought.
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"Circumstances would suggest our operations might not be so dissimilar." Tempo didn't really smile, but gave off an overall eager energy with their body language. "If this is what folklore keyword Fate suggests, then I am happy for it to continue. Send."

Then she did exactly as ordered, picking up the seat and holding it at arm's length. It was nice knowing that you'd done things perfectly, because the person telling you what to do had substantial rank pins.
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"Get a load of this joker," Guerrero grumbled, resisting the urge to face-palm at Tempo. He turned to Chuntao, "You seein' the frellishness I got to deal with here? Well, anyway, we're all done with the interview. I'm offering you a job as a Star Army Doctor. If you're ready and willing, sign here and I can give you the oath of enlistment."
"With the proper discipline, focus (tweaking of programming perhaps), and direction she will be fine I think." Chuntao said in response to Guerrero in an attempt of sympathy for both individuals. The tweaking of programming was said under her breath however. She then nodded her head to the job offer as a Star Army Doctor. "Very well, I will do that then." she continued before she signed her personal sigil on the paperwork.

"Well father can get off my case now." Chuntao said in Lianjia Speech.
Once Chuntao had signed the enlistment contract, Guerrero stood up from his chair and went around the table in front of the set of large flags at the end of the room. One of them was the Yamatai Star Empire's flag, a regal blue flag with a white circle with a red outline and purple bellflower. The other was the Star Army's flag with the Star Army Hinomaru, the red disc outlined in white and black and emblazoned with a stylized Mindy suit of power armor.

"Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, (state your name), have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."
Chuntao walked over to the set of flags, waving goodbye to Tempo yet again. She then assumed a very tight position of attention, remembering her time in university. She raised up her black mechanical hand as requested. "I, Qin Chuntao, have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."
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Guerrero gave Chuntao a friendly and firm handshake afterwards. "Congratulations! Welcome to the Star Army! Medical is down the hall and they'll get your citizenship status sorted as well."

"Looks like you're up next," he told Tempo.
"Thank you Guerrero-heisho. Good fortune to you now and to the future." Qin Chuntao said as she placing her right hand over her left hand. Sucking in some air afterwards, she turned and heading in the direction he had directed her towards medical. She was already dreading the long questions and prodding she was likely to go under once she had to disclose all of the augmentations she actually had, including her prized prototypes she got being the daughter and personal guinea pig to herself and father.
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"Greetings sir, I am Tempo Jetter TJ-042, manufacture date 03, 04, Y-E-22." The cyborg said with full clarity and respect. The larger officer clearly made them nervous, but it was fortunate that their normal standing position exactly resembled one at attention. "Is there any other configuration data that you require, sir?"
"Please, put down the chair and sit in the chair," Guerrero told Tempo. "Alright, welcome to the old Uesureyan Fortress. I'm going to ask you some questions to determine your eligibility to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. This interview is recorded. You are required to answer all questions truthfully and deliberately lying or withholding information is unlawful. Do you understand and agree? First, are you a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire?"
"Understood." Tempo answered with relish, placing the chair down by bending at the waist, arcing around, then slotting on top. "This unit comprehends the situation and will give accurate data. This unit is not a citizen but has obtained refugee status from a previous origin of uncharted territories."
Guerrero inhaled deeply. "Okay, well, only Yamataian citizens can serve but we can apply for citizenship with a military obligation. What is your name, birth date, and birth place?" he asked. "Are you a sapient life form?"
From their perspective, Guerrero's aspect was beginning to take on that of a old stately judge, or perhaps a bored Jarl of some ancient nordic clan. Maybe it was his detached demeanor, but they were also literally in a castle, and he seemed somewhat more aged than what she'd come to expect from the Yamatain people. It was also clear to her that he was finding her tiresome for some reason... Wasn't this armed force supposed to be full of artificial beings?... That was half the reason why they figured they'd fit in over Nepleslia or some company like Origin...

"This unit understands the necessity of becoming a Yamatain citizen and has not ruled out the concept of upgrading to a Minkan frame in order to increase compatibility, depending on the requirements." They changed in tone a little, cancelling out their enthusiasm and answering in an even more monotone, robotic voice. "I am Tempo Jetter TJ-042, manufacture date 03, 04, Y-E-22. The local Yamatai planetary time would have been 16:34. Location was navigation grid location 1620, in the trailing debris of rogue planet Deoradh designation KG-492. I have a human neural cortex and am capable of the same thought patterns as a human, though with second-stage augmentation to increase coordination capability, emotional applications and mental endurance."

Kind of hard to tell at this point if they were insulted by the question, and were just being overly verbose to annoy him in return.
"So you're a legal adult," the recruiter deduced, checking another box on his data pad. "Are you currently employed by any foreign government or military, or have you ever been employed by one in the past? Also, do you have a criminal record anywhere or are under investigation or accusation of any crimes? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang in the last ten years? You mentioned the Deoradh. What's your connection to the Freespacers?"
"I've never been employed, sir." Tempo replied simply, tying the first part up under one blanket statement. "... Well, not technically. The Xingu Xeranthemum constructed me for purposes not considered strictly legal under Yamatai law. I can't be held responsible for the ship's disobedience towards salvage laws, for the same reason. This unit has been extracted, and a replacement likely produced... Data expression does not meet guidelines, review needed- So... No, no, no and no for the first four questions."

"Junkers. The robot crabs the Freespacers made? It is not unusual for them to operate independently. In fact, they are more widespread now than they ever were." They looked at the ceiling as if to guide his eyes up into space, and then pointed a ponderous finger towards their own chin. "Tempo Jetter was constructed in order to operate salvaged devices that other races intended for human use... There is not really an equivalent term in Yamataigo, but I suppose I could be called... A humanoid composite organic substitute control system? You could consider Freespacers my grandparents if neurosis levels plus fifty, but I don't have their DNA. This unit is genetically unmodified true emulated human."

Looking back down, they gave him a steely expression, but forgot to lower their wandering finger. Those kind of allegiances were a bit of a mystery to them. 'Patriotism' was a concept invented by people who even had nations, obviously.
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"Okay, that sounds okay," the recruiter nodded. "Hmm. So, you said you were a refugee, what were you running from?" He looked down at his data pad again, adding, "and have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe that you had a physical, mental, or other disability mental illness, behavioral issue, or substance addiction? Do you have over a million KS in net worth including real estate, non-liquid assets, and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts totaling over ten thousand KS?"
"Running from? The number of pirates and rogue cyborgs has certainly gone up in the last few years... Maybe because the big nations are busy fighting the Kuvexians instead of doing patrols counter-spinward..." Tempo contemplated out loud. "Not that I was in a position to ask the command construct their logical course of action. They simply crossed the border and accidently underwent Star Army of Yamatai scrutiny... I'm not fearful or mad. Tempo Jetter is simply a component that needed to be modified to fit circumstance."

The next question took a bit more thinking. Guerrero, being Yamataian, probably wanted what the Yamataians would consider problems, not simply a long list of auto-corrections applied to their emotional state and vocal projections. Did it count as a 'mental disability' if they couldn't really get angry about things?... Oh man, they didn't really want to know about their gutty works, did they?

"Polite discussion mode... Erm, mister Guerrero sir, I don't have a mouth. Chewing is thus a physical impossibility. SPINE interface requires an adaptor. Some complicated measures would also be required in order to bear a child... My hands and feet are not designed to use standard-scale humanoid gloves and shoes... Does this fit your criteria of physical disabilities?" They would grimace, but they couldn't do that much either. They did express their willingness to go Minkan already, they just weren't exactly sure how that worked. Black box technology and all that. "No special substances are required for operation, and I don't have any assets aside from detached physical components and clothes, though. Data port to vocal There are also no debts to consider. Send."
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"Okay, and what sort of job skills do you have and what Star Army occupations are you interested in? Have you made contact with a Mishhuvurthyar, Kuvexian, or their known allies? How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards?" Guerrero asked. "Don't worry, this is about it as far as the questions go."
"Job skills? Tempo Jetter is equipped with abhuman comprehension of three-dimensional spaces, and a floating point awareness that is highly useful for space craft navigation. Additionally, modified physical structure means I have a high G-force tolerance and 3-bar reaction times... Scrutiny of your records, however, suggest that you would not accept a low-ranking unit as a starship operator. Is there a requirement for shuttle or fighter pilots? If negative, then Tempo Jetter also has some experience with power armour." They tried to be as comprehensive as possible, though their flat buzzing voice was kind of like they were describing a new hovercar model, rather than themselves. The unspoken extra element was their abilities to salvage items and bodge repairs... But they didn't think their 'training' in either of those situations would pass Yamatai safety or ethics standards. "We found a Mishuvurthyar fighter pod brain slave that was still alive once, but this unit supposes you mean official contact with cephalopod-type full body organics? No... Negative for the Kuvexians or their allies either. Construct logic dictates they probably would have tried to salvage us."

"Loyalty towards Yamatai, well... Data inconclusive This unit currently lacks a social designation. It simply occurs to me that my bodily construction type would be most compatible with this organization..." This seemed to be a rather more difficult question. Being introspective seemed to make the flickering behind the darkness of their eyes increase. "Is it against thought construct class 'patriotism' to suggest self preservation?... Independence is without guidance. Nepleslia has focus on short-term material gain and organic manpower, despite high cyberization in their population... Freespacers have dwindled their numbers through excessive martyrdom and short-term thinking... Yamatai is young but shows potential equals society of long lasting individual units. They combat organizations that would reduce independence of demi-organic cyborg units, and have a foundation for the organization and application of said units.... Human dialogue emulation mode In short, Tempo Jetter cannot say that Star Army of Yamatai will accept Tempo Jetter, but the compatibility seems clear."

"The Kikyo Sector is in abundance of robotic units serving organizations that no longer exist. Tempo Jetter wants to serve an organization that exists... Five years, a hundred years, this dimension is beyond consideration... Only that this organization demonstrably efficient and likely to survive."

Well, they couldn't say the cyborg was being deceitful...
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