YSS Hana
Kamikaze's teeth clenched as she felt Latch taking them away and far from the missiles, which shot off deep and far into space. "Thank you, Gaillard-hei, I have informed Ninth Fleet Command of the situation."
Sara's Cabin
Sakaki was trembling slightly by this point, shaken by the Minkan's demeanor as she stared and spoke intensely to her, "Hai! Of- of course! Understood! What more do we need to do?"
Elefirn Ship
Aratani had excitedly teleported with the big man and his armor and the two were soon able to enter through the breach.
With a quick thrust of her propulsion coupled with a few fast moon jumps, Shinrin was behind Lucas and between the rear guard, such as Zoeichi. The hallway they went down was empty, save for a med station. "Check that out Sivins-hei." She was more than aware that the Elefirn physiology was capable of extreme
things. She wanted to counteract those things. Sassa Hall's own search showed the typical weaponry of a military ship and not much more. The triggers and dials themselves, though, were huge and clunky, not necessarily meant for humanoid hands. There was a door at the end of the hallway that was pressure sealed and had an access panel. Shinrin pinpointed the access panel on Juno's HUD to take down.
"Arsenal can take out the panel.
Dispersed stack, the rest of you!" Shinrin Yoku ordered, closing in on the side of the green-hued door the access panel was on while crouching, allowing Junko room to work.