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RP: YSS Kaiyō [YSS Kaiyō] Ni

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"Noted... Tai Eden." Ordered not to shoot, all she can really do is tensely track the enemy armors with the best of her ability, itching to open fire before they get on board or hurt anyone on her side, but also knowing that the away team is much better at fighting the current enemy than she is.

With her duel interrupted by Carter's fire, Navian was distracted long enough to let her enemy slip away... in no small part because she felt there was no honour in an opponent in such a way. She still sent a few pulses of fire their way as she returned to where her team were still struggling on the 'front line', but she made up her mind to flank the foe at the end of the line, aether saber on and pulse cannons blazing, aiming to drive them further aside. Though surprisingly tough, the new contacts had not shown very much striking ability.

No orders were forthcoming from the new-minted Nitô Hei, though her CIES was more forthcoming. It had declared the remaining enemies who had gone past the team to attack the shuttle off-limits for them, marked the retreating enemies as low priority, and listed the current objective as routing the enemy armours still on the front line, with an attack on the shuttle only to follow that--although this with an admission that it had not expected them to resist for so well. The AI presently speculated that driving a wedge between them and their shuttle, leaving their backs to open space alone, would encourage them to retreat faster. This was the logic behind Navian's current attack vector and target.

Anastasia, providing support fire from her Saber Rifle, set her NSBs to a defensive position as shifted her position and wept behind and partially above the "front line" of their away team. She set her SMG to lethal Scalar rounds, focusing down fire on the armors retaliating against Meissa and Mitsuko.

Right away, yoshida had once again emptied her reserve of missiles, and had her entire reserve of support bits out of her back providing additional firepower on her primary targets automatically, while also keeping an eye for incoming missiles and the like. She didn't ever check to see if her missiles had any real effet or not- just noted that they were gone, she had no time when she was fighting, evading return fire, and as she had been previously, ensuring Antashia, the technician came out of the fight unharmed. Becuase of this she couldn't simply charge into the melee to assist mat, or navian like she so desired.

So, she designated herself as firesupport, with the help of her NSBs and LASR, much like Anastashia, she went and peppered the pilots shooting at her fellows. As far as Yoshida knew, at this distance even they'd be nothing more than distracting if the enemy focused on dodging fire coming from her instead, but in the end grabbing attention off of those around her was the name of the game. As she fired, the ratatat of the LASR in her hands only audible to her alone, she subtely positioned herself in between Antashia and those that would fire uupon her.
"Enemy has a lock on me."
Meissa, once she was hit, immediately pulled out of her aggressive approach.
She knew that with her Aether Beam, she had a higher effective range than their rifles. Her armor could withstand a few hits. Still, she just took a spot of damage.
She deactivated her right arm's Aether Pulse Cannon, diverting that power to her shield instead.
She's definitely not getting in range to sic her NSBs on the target, as much as she wants. And charging an aggressive teleport, while tempting, was in all honesty a dumb idea. Dumb even for her.
She resorted to staying just outside the effective range of the duo of pirates, laser-and-cannon against their two rifles, enough distance for her to dodge but also enough for her to reliably land hits.

Carter's LASR struck Mitsuko's highlighted targets several times, garnering the interest of two that targeted him with their aether rifles, pulsing out several direct hits on the engineer.

Anastasia and Yoshida's fire support both weakened the enemy. Having first launched out shots with her saber rifle, then sent out NSB's, then struck out with her SMG set to scalar rounds, Anastasia was a veritable destruction machine, having lowered the shields down to near their limits of several enemy power armors. Yoshida's NSB's and LASR took out the ability for one foe to use their forearm cannon and knocked the aether rifle out of a separate one's hands.

While Anastasia and Yoshida focused on those shooting at the away team, some of the others that were behind them turned their attention to technician and infantry Neko. A total of twelve beams from two different power armor's torso mounted laser arrays struck out towards them while the duo of enemy armors began to ready their handheld weapons to aim for them, as well. Anastasia was the first struck by the lasers and it was up to the both of them to make sure the burns that settled into her power armor were the last that would appear there and that her shields would now be downed any more than they had been.

With her pulse cannons firing, the enemy that Navian targeted was pushed back before it lashed out, flying towards her as quickly as it could manage before it struck out at her with its aether saber. It took a round of shots from Meissa but was undeterred and continued its assault on Navian.

Meissa was targeted again and again by those in the battle as well as those guarding the ones leaving. No shots managed to hit her as she evaded, though.

Finally, the power armored enemy carrying its fallen brethren made it to the shuttle and laid them to rest inside before turning and re-entering the fray by guarding the shuttle as the one that had downed shields was close behind, nearly able to get in.
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Mitsuko let out a yelp as a shot finally grazed her shoulder, adding another scorch mark to the Mindy. She paused her attack to raise her barriers, thankful for the support from Carter. Not that her relief would stop her from correcting him. "It's Murakami-Heisho, Dynamis-Hei. Switching off." Now that the retreating aliens had shifted their attention to Carter, Mitsuko could drop her shields and fire at full strength. Both forearm weapons charging for a brief moment, before emitting those twin beams of destruction.

Needing another moment to recharge, she let her shoulder mounted weapons take over, firing on the injured soldiers in retreat as she continued to close the distance to the enemy shuttle. Murakami attempted to catch up to Meissa and maneuver into range with her, to give any surviving enemies another target to worry about. The handful they were focused on were near the shuttle, with the Mindys nearly upon it.
YSS Kaiyō

Sakamoto did as she was ordered by the Taii and helped Asuka with the comms...by not doing anything at all. In the end of the day, more was not always better, and this was one of those times. If that shuttle didn't want to respond to whatever hails the younger, redheaded Neko made, it didn't want to, and there was no changing that. Once again seating herself upon Eden's console, the woman leisurely looked at her nails while taking in the raw sensor data from the ship itself, watching both at once. Still, in the back of her mind, Sakamoto had a feeling she'd need to talk to Eden about just what she was good for.

"Eden-Taii? If you plan on following the shuttle, perhaps a tracking beacon would prove more useful?
Anastasia let out a rough gasp as she was struck by the first laser. Caught off guard, she was knocked off course by the sudden attack. Taking a moment to react, she stops firing, diving a little as she whipped around to face the armors attacking from behind. She opens fire with her SMG, swearing under her breath as she lamented lowering her guard. Her armor took a fair amount of damage from the laser strikes.
"I've been h-hit, they're coming from behind."

Though Asuka wasn't exactly a comms officer, she did her best. "Do we even know what language they speak? I think I'm getting some of their comms in, but I can't sort out alien gibberish and screeches from garbled gibberish and screeches." She provided a few seconds of samples.

In the confusion, she'd had a rare sensible moment, and looked up from her console at the other crew. "If we're following the shuttle, ... we're not letting them go anywhere with the beam, so it's not hard to do, but should we really be following them and boarding them at the same time?"


Navian raised her shield to deflect the incoming aether saber, and quickly regretted it. Though her shield was capable of resisting temperatures of several thousand degrees, there were always more thousands where aether sabers were concerned. The blade left a gouge, caught, and glanced off her upper arm, causing some harm to her barrier, and leaving her foe in a position to strike back at her side.

To head off that possibility, she interposed her own saber for an off-side parry and charged forward, not quite able to bring her shoulder cannon down to her foe's shoulder, and not quite able to ram the forte of her aether saber into their armour's midsection. She found it too late to break off the entanglement, and instead hooked her shield hand behind the back of her foe's helmet, twisting it away from where their two blades met in hopes of gaining the advantage of vision, and therefore surprise.
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YSS Kaiyo - Bridge
Mochi nodded once to Eden as she gave his plan the go ahead. In a flurry of motion his dextrous digits flew across his console, gaining access of the Graviton Projector with ease. A moment of planning passed, followed by the Juni reversing the flow of the projector's subatomic particles by polarising their charge in the opposite direction to the regular operation. This way, rather than having the shuttle be towed closer - as was the regular use of the beam - it would force the shuttle to maintain or extend its current distance.

That is, if everything was set up correctly. The Doctor scratched underneath his chin for a second as he checked over the readouts, being careful to avoid his scar as he did so.

"Nitô Shan, I'll be transferring control of the Projector to you. It should act just like a beam weapon and keep the shuttle at bay now I've tweaked it." the scientist chimed up, turning in his chair for a moment before continuing to observe the readouts. 'Shame the graviton beam can't be used on multiple targets or I could suspend those hostiles as well.' he pondered while continuing surveillance on the situation.
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"Doesn't have the same ring to it-gah!" Carter's reply to the logistics Neko was cut short by the targeted Armors shifting their fire onto him. In response to the first few shots flying into him, the technician activated his Photonics Array, projecting a barrier in front of himself to cut off the firing angle between himself and the two.

"Focus." Carter internally chided himself, before hearing Anastasia's warning, and looking back, simultaneously processing the targeting data from his NSBs. Making a snap decision, he raised his free hand and fired both an aether beam from his wrist projector and a Gauss cannon shot at one of the Armors who had turned back from pursuing the Kaiyo to flank the away team, a decision they were about to regret.
YSS Kaiyō

"Sakamoto Hina, we're not planning on following the shuttle. What we're doing is trying to capture the shuttle and gain information from what we find on board. Mochi, superb work with the beam projector. Nito Shan will do a fine job taking over. Mochi, what can you tell me about the dialects we are hearing from Asuka's comm interceptions? Asuka, as I told Sakamoto, we are only trying to board at this time."
Yoshida nearly snapped her own neck as she looked behind her, the source of her newfound anxiety. That ever dreadful sound of 'I'm hit' by a beloved comrade- especially one that isn't a combat specialist. "No no nooo stop shooting at the engineer you pricks!" More than a little pissed, and concerned for her friend's very immediate well being, she once more went to her side, jerking in various directions accordingly to avoid anyfire actually aimed at her. Conversely, she actually went and took afew rounds purposefully, that would have otherwise hit Antashia.

"I've got you! Don't you worry about a thing!" She gritted her teeth as she took in the situation, and noted it would be nigh impossible to play defensively, doubly so when taking hits for a less experienced combatant- even if Yoshida's own true experience was at best, being shot at when it came to space. Not when the enemy could come from any direction in three dimensions, from multiple angles at once. No longer did she beleive she could simply sheild Antashia, no. She had to make herself a clear, volatile threat.

With great haste, she reloaded, ejecting the old magazine in the process and letting it drift into space, slapped a new clip in, and rushed the enemy at full speed, her LASR blazing, and NSBs lit up the targets right along with her LASR, flashes of light from both the muzzle of the gun and the laser light show from the bits. All of those many, brilliant lights, focused on peppering and attracting attention from the pair, despite having caught a pair of the beams herself already, once form the initial strike, and another from diving infront of her ally.
Space - Not far from the battle . . . .

"Looks like they are having some difficulty with these newcomers" a mechanical sounding voice said in her helmet speakers. The observer shook her head, more to try and knock an optical sensor back into place than anything else. The suit was still far from 100%, really she should not even be flying it yet. But she had to know what worked and what did not.

"Maybe" she replied, focusing her visual sensors in on the battle taking place not too far off from where she had chosen as her proving ground.

"Should I come in and assist?" the mechanical voice asked.

"No, I'll take care of it" she said. "Keep out of sight. I'll meet up with you later" she said, then clicked off the comm channel without waiting for a response.

The Yamataian's did indeed seem to be having trouble with these new aliens who had shown up in the last few months. In fact that was why she was out here. To gather information about them and hopefully find out what sort of threat they might be to her clientele. Already some contracts had been lost because of these... whoever they were. At lest this time, despite the trouble, the Yamataian's seemed to be gaining the upper hand and the alien shuttle was running.

She really did not want to get involved with Yamatai, it really would not be the best thing for her, but she did need to find out more about these new invaders and that shuttle was as close as she was going to get. And it was coming her way. She grumbled something about having just gotten this suit into some semblance of working order as she kicked on the engines and started on an intercept course. Something behind her rattled annoyingly and she frowned and chewed her lower lip as she propelled towards the shuttle, using just enough power from the drive to get up to speed, then throttling down to idle and coasting in. At least, she thought to herself, she had repaired the ECM systems and painted the thing all matte black so she would not stick out like a sore thumb as she did this.

As the gap between herself and the shuttle shrank, she made some fine tune adjustments to her flight path and brought her impaler rifle up, seating the butt plate firmly against her armored shoulder. At least the optics used for the aiming system worked properly, she mused as she lined up her shot with the shape of the pilot in the shuttle's tinted canopy and squeezed the trigger.

All anyone from the pursuing away team would see as she fired, was a pair of blue-white shots burn across the blackness of space in front of the shuttle. One to blast through the canopy, one to burn through the pilot. . .
If it wasn't for Meissa's current attentiveness for the battlefield (yeah, you better learn from last time, kid!) she would have walked right into those shots. As it stands...
"HOLY MOTHER FU-" is all people hear over comms as Meissa did an emergency dive when the shots flew out from an unanticipated angle.
Two close brushes with death on the job, Meissa mentally notes. She might just as well start keeping score. Although that might also just end up getting Death to hurry up with his job.
Oh right. Report combat situation. Yes, that's a good idea, Meissa thought.
"Unknown third party has joined the conflict. Direction came from somewhere over that way." Meissa pointed the unknown ally(?)'s (allies, even?) direction on the HUD of all away team members and for the bridge as well. "Seems to have been aiming for the shuttle. Returning to ship via tactical teleport."
She fired up her Mindy's thrusters and teleportation drive to land her at just the right flanking angle.
"Got the beam controls now," she responded. Keeping the shuttle at bay, as it turned out, was rather easy when it's the only thing you can work with. It also is quite easy when the pilot is dead... "I saw those shots, someone's sneaking around. Didn't get enough information to track their vector, but they just incapacitated the shuttle by making a new hole in the bridge!" Part of her wondered what the heck kind of weapon could melt through a starship's canopy but have enough viability to also be used to target a specific individual. Whatever it is, the wielder is making Shan nervous by not revealing themselves...
Open Space

Dead. The pilot was dead by the Reaper-clad NMX Neko's shot.

Teien Eden did not know that, not yet. All she knew was what she saw and heard from her away team, which was doing a fantastic job of felling the enemy, at this point. The enemy was having nearly equal luck as the away team had been struck a few times, themselves.

All of the away team now sported burns and downed shields as they either continued the fight or, as Meissa was doing, fled, though few were following her example.

After the enemy pilot was killed, the winged power armors changed tactics. They one closest to the shuttle got in, as did those around them. When the first to get in had gotten to the controls and realized the shuttle couldn't move, they opened a rarely used panel up and flipped a switch. Though some were grappling with the away team, such as the one Navian faced, those not engaged by the away team were fleeing to the shuttle.


"Catherine Ross," Eden called out as she stood on the bridge just after the pilot had been killed. The squadron leader's face filled the screen in the front of the bridge and Eden asked, "Should we establish a connection with the NMX Reaper?"

"Yes!" Catherine Ross said quickly to the captain. "Treat them as hostile!"

Eden sat down at her command console and punched in to open comms with the Reaper,"Come in! This is NG-X1 440 of the sixth squadron, a Star Army of Yamatai vessel! State your intent!"
"Hostile, hostile... If only I could have gotten a vector we'd know where they are. Instead, we have a point. They could be anywhere by now!" Complaining out loud, Nito Hei Shan doesn't seem to conceal frustration or tension very well, her normally rather relaxing voice hissing between her teeth quietly. If there's one thing she hates more than an enemy she can't keep at a safe distance, it's an enemy she can't see but has made their presence known.
Anastasia, covered from fire by Yoshida, noticed the change in mentality of the enemy. She swooped out of the way, activating her Energy Cloak shields and retiring her NSBs from firing. "They're retreating. Pursue?"
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